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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(YahtzeeSox @ Feb 28, 2008 -> 08:10 PM) Vote Ron Paul! Well, at least it was queit for a while.
  2. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Feb 28, 2008 -> 01:35 PM) Yeah, they can afford good lawyers. I couldn't decide whether or not to make that green. Who's the worse criminal: the 100 people who knock off a 7/11 for $1,000, or the one guy who commits some sort of accounting/ trading fraud and costs a company (and its shareholders) $10M? Depends if the people robbing the 7-11 had such little regard for human life that they shot the clerks and/or customers that may have been there, just 'because'.
  3. QUOTE(juddling @ Feb 27, 2008 -> 09:18 PM) I heard on the way home tonight that Blago is asking the GA for $40 million in emergency funds to raze the building and put up a new "Memorial Hall". I don't know the building (is it old, falling apart or what) but considering the state really doesn't have any 'extra' money is it really necessary to raze the current building and put up a new one???? change the name of the existing building...doesn't cost anything except maybe a few signs. Maybe close the room where the shooting took place and turn it into some sort of memorial for the victims..but a whole new building?????? Unless the building was scheduled to be demolished in the next few years, i think it's a waste of money the state probably doesn't have. I agree Bill, you can't go tearing down buildings every time there is a tragedy inside. Maybe Blago would want to pay the $40 million out of his campaign fund? His blatant pandering for votes and searching for some legacy or way to keep himself in the voters good graces for when the police come calling is just sickening. Hey Blago, STFU and quit spending money we don't have to try and keep yourself elected.
  4. With Southwest, anything is possible. They are abandoning the casual traveler and trying to go for that business market now. So, they have to 'clean up' their image a bit. However, if Southwest banned me from the return flight I had a ticket for, THEY had better be finding me a flight back or a nice lawyer friend would be visiting them real soon.
  5. Just lock them in a room with Sheila and a bat. Come back in an hour or so.
  6. Speed Racer WKRP in Cincinnati Starsky & Hutch (I LOVED that car) All the old James Bond movies they used to show on ABC every Sunday night
  7. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 24, 2008 -> 11:15 PM) Well yes, I think so. Damn. When you get older, hangovers are not of the headache type, they are more the joints all ache and you are in a fog for a length of time determined by how much and how long you drank. I think all the shots with my 21 year old cousin and her buddies did me in for all of sunday.
  8. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 24, 2008 -> 09:30 PM) I think you're misunderstanding the context, Alpha. Was he trying to be sarcastic? I am STILL very hungover and I guess I could have easily missed that.
  9. http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.d.../RSS_COMMENTARY The first paragraph says it all. Just what country does he think they reside in? And who does he think did him in? And why does he think terrorists in a foreign country should be given Miranda rights and due process?
  10. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 23, 2008 -> 03:55 PM) But fine, find your examples and then pretend that is the majority. Let's see. Please reread my post, you will find the words Do I imply anywhere in there that it is a majority? Tex, walk into the school distict office where my mother works and i will show you 75% of the kids who are getting a free lunch who don't qualify, but get it anyway (because the rules of the free lunch program prohibit the schools from verifying the information the parents put down). I'll show you 50 parents who supposedly do not work, who arrive to pick up their kids in cars less than 2 years old. And if we go to your area I am sure you can show me all the examples you listed as well. I don't deny that people can get creamed with medical bills. But you seem to deny that there are actually people who COULD make the choice to get insurance, who CHOOSE NOT TO, and then b**** about the results of their inaction. They are both out there
  11. http://www.ansamed.info/en/news/ME01.YAM14330.html
  12. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 23, 2008 -> 10:31 AM) $28,000 per year. 20% or more of your take home pay for health insurance. Plus the poor are far more likely to have poor diets, poor primary health care, etc. Perhaps we learned a lesson from the Influenza outbreak that when massive amounts of poor people are sick, trhe wealthy people die also. Sorry I got the salaries wrong. It still doesn't address the people who are making $7 or $8 per hour. We know that raising salaries would be a disaster for business, it comes up everytime the DEMs start talking about raising minimum wage. So we'd have those people spending 50% or more of their income on medical insurance. No problem there. TEx, how many minimum wage people you know that smoke? Not a cheap habit. And drink? Eat fast food? All not cheap. I do alot of work for a local food bank. When I am there delivering stuff, I see some of the people who are there picking up food for free. Some have nice cars. And I mean NICE cars. Some have huge rings on their fingers. And I laugh at the ones sporting those huge-ass painted nails that are like 3" long or something. Those are not cheap to get, and how the hell do you do ANYTHING with claws like that? Choices. I also never said there wasn't a problem. My wife works for an insurance comapny and I still think it is expensive. Government run single payer isn't the way to fix it. We have had threads about this before. You need to do many things to fix it. Tort reform to keep malpractice insurancee in line, weed out bad doctors to help the malpractice stuff and find a way to entice drug companies to maybe CURE something in stead of maintain among others. People also need to make better choices. Stop eating crap food, excercise if you can, stop smoking or cut down on bad habits and stop having kids you can't afford (it's not like you can return them). It is not easy, as we can all see from our Biggest Loser thread. But as I try to tell my kids, choices you make now will effect you for the rest of your lives. Be a dumbass in school because you think it is 'cool' can screw with you forever in the form of lower paying jobs and less opportunities in life.
  13. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 23, 2008 -> 08:21 AM) Easier said then done. Even an inexpensive family policy will set you back $800 per month. That's about $5 per hour for someone working a 40 hour job. Take Alpha's business for example. I am certain he is paying his people as well as he can. IIRC most are making less than $10 per hour. Makes it tough for either Alpha or his employee to afford insurance. I faced the same problem with my business. I managed to put together a volume discount with a clinic so each employee had access to a Doctor for their family. But anything requiring hospitalization would have crushed them. And his business is the backbone of our economy. He's not going to outsource to China or Mexico, he's going to keep employing people in his neighborhood. I am certain he would love to build a team that stays together and grows his business. Without solving this health care issue, he's going to have a revolving door of employees who need those benefits. His better employees will leave after he has invested in their training. When one of his employees finds themselves in the emergency room, their bill we be spread over all of ours. I'm not saying necessarily that it has to be the government providing the solution, but we're heading into a major problem in this country and I see this as an opportunity to support small business and help them grow. 1 @ $18.50/hour 1 @ $14.50/hour 1 @ 12.50/hour The middle one often complains that it is hard for her to buy insurance, but I have no sympathy. She takes at least 2 vacations per year that are not cheap. I mean a week long cruise to the Mediteranian, fly to an all-inclusinve resort in Mexico for a week, went to Hawaaii last year and so on. And her husband competes in triathelons all around the country, so they are always going somewhere for a weekend so he can compete. For about half of your $800, you can get a major medical policy to cover the big stuff. I had on of those for a salesman I had a year or two ago. Take whatever you have left and open a medical savings account. Take advantage of those 'quick care' places in Walgreens and Walmart fir the little stuff. There are ways to make it work. There are always exceptions, but alot of it are choices you can make. Oh, and other than the salesguy i just hired and fired 2 months ago, my 3 peeps have all been with me for at least 6.5 years, the $18.50 guy for almost 15. I try to keep the revolving door shut as much as possible.
  14. QUOTE(bmags @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 01:30 PM) This was less about the sex, more about the favors for her company in question. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23271556/ And in the one instance the paper did decide to print, This was more about drive-by journalism that actual news reporting.
  15. Nothing this week. Zip. Nada. However, that is better than a gain.
  16. That's pretty good. But the heads aren't big enough for his ego.
  17. Too bad Joe Smith had to go, but with the salary matching restrictions, I can see why he may have had to be included. Bye bye Ben. Trade the other Ben next?
  18. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Feb 21, 2008 -> 11:03 AM) Just a suggestion. If you have access to a gym and a pool at the gym I would suggest moving your workouts to the water. If you exercise, run with resistance gloves or just swim you will be able to keep your exercise up without putting undo stress on your knee. Good work guys. Keep it up. Yeah, I used a pool alot when I had knee surgery many many years ago. That helped alot. My gym doesn't have a pool, though. I will just have to switch to other things instead and let my legs shrivel up to sting beans until the knee heals. On a side note, Juddling today had the greasiest Wendy's burger and fries for lunch, and I wanted to kill him the whole time he was eating it. it just smelled sooooo good. I get grilled chicken and lettuce on a tortilla. Good, but not quite like that.
  19. Doesn't compare to Rex's brokeback, or brokebutt, or whatever it is, but apparently in my doctors visit yesterday, I have a severe case of bursitis in my right knee. It has hurt for the last 2 months, and been swollen, although I can't recall doing anything to make it happen like a fall or something. It hurts to go down stairs, and when I bend my knee it makes a crunching sound like crumpling up paper or aluminum foil. Pills and a cortisone shot, and a month of doing as little as possible. I foresee a gain coming in my near future.
  20. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 21, 2008 -> 09:42 AM) That's what I love the most about Republican donors, they give money to candidates who they disagree with These lawyers should donate money to people that disagree with their views. Geez, for lawyers they are pretty dumb. Tex, you have it wrong. The people they gave the money to didn't agree with them UNTIL they got the money. But all joking aside, you along with a bunch of us on here are saddened by the influence of lobbyists over our politicians. This case is so transparent that they are trying to buy a favorable decision it just isn't funny.
  21. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 21, 2008 -> 10:35 AM) OK, next shot, 130 miles up in space, moving satellite, moving ship, nothing but fuel tank. Zinnnnnng Boom! 500 pts But we can't have decent health care for all Americans Always moving the goalposts.......
  22. And just think, people said it couldn't be done. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23265613
  23. Thanks to anyone who voted, but Lilly did not win her round. I must say that the dog that did win must have got alot of votes. I don't know how many people voted from here, but my corporate intranet has a message board where I also posted and got about 50 people saying they voted, several saying they used multiple emails. I emailed my whole addrsss list, and about 40 of my customers as well, most of whom said they voted, and every piece of junkmail that came to me got put in as a vote also. Oh well. Thanks again to any and all who voted.
  24. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Feb 20, 2008 -> 05:03 PM) Just saw a guy from the Obama campaign giving an interview. He was asked to give one Obama accomplishment, the guy just blabbed about change or something stupid... interviewer said "No, give me a specific accomplishment". Guy from Obama campaign was like "we can't really give anything specific". He co-sponsored over 1000 bills! Don't belittle his accomplishments! Change! Change is a-coming!
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