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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. I liked Thortons left arm worshiping the cult of coop.
  2. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 20, 2008 -> 02:54 PM) What Kenny really wanted to say... [using Kenny Williams to English translator] Some f***ing b****es planted this story out there because they wanted, to get Bartolo more money. We were trying to get him on the down low, aka the cheap, before anyone else was on to us, and a bidding war happened. I am scared to death about running Contreras, Floyd, and Danks out there, and even the chance that Colon could be good is worth it to me, but these stupid b****es gave it away. I hate you all. [/translator] That's a good translator!
  3. QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 20, 2008 -> 08:46 AM) Minor problem: Obama has done a lot in the last 3 years... Why is this something an AMERICAN Senator should be worrying about? Obama's Global Poverty Act of 2007, passed out of committee just a few days ago WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senators Barack Obama (D-IL), Chuck Hagel (R-NE), and Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and Congressman Adam Smith (D-WA) today hailed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's passage of the Global Poverty Act (S.2433), which requires the President to develop and implement a comprehensive policy to cut extreme global poverty in half by 2015 through aid, trade, debt relief, and coordination with the international community, businesses and NGOs. This legislation was introduced in December. Smith and Congressman Spencer Bachus (R-AL) sponsored the House version of the bill (H.R. 1302), which passed the House last September. Now I don't mean why is it wrong for the US to help people, I mean why is an American Senator trying to pass a LAW that makes the US responsible for reducing WORLD poverty by half? And fyi, co-sponsoring a bill don't mean s***. I can't wait to see the compilation of his Illinois record. How good can it be if the only thing that got him elected to the senate in the first place was Jeri Ryan not wanting to go to sex clubs? Speaking of that, did they ever find out who released the 'sealed' records?
  4. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 20, 2008 -> 09:21 AM) But it's good to be King! At least you didn't have to face a boss that tells you to leave earlier so you won't be late I leave an hour early as it is! But I yelled at myself just to make it right.
  5. My drive to work this morning, which usually takes about an hour, took 2.5 hours. I drove faster when we had 7" of snow and when we had fog so thick I could barely see the front of my car than I did today. I-55 sucks. I swear, someone farts on that road there is a 20 minute delay. About 7:55, my OCD started giving me fits, and I was screaming, hitting the steering wheel with my hands, and chanting little phrases to calm myself down. I HATE being 30 minutes late to work, even though it wasn't my fault.
  6. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 19, 2008 -> 01:18 PM) And the Bush Administration and the Republicans allowed the law to lapse because they wouldn't accept and in fact blocked passage of extensions to the old law because they were so determined to get their immunity. If this law were that important, the Dems were more than willing to give additional extensions. But the Republicans would not allow that because they wanted to get guys like you out there saying this is the worst thing in the world because now we can't wiretap anyone and the terrorists are evil and are going to kill us all tomorrow! If you believe the Dems are making this country less safe to protect their trial lawyers, then the Republicans are making this country less safe to protect AT&T. You say 'Dems' like it was a party-wide thing, when in fact it was only Pelosi that kept this thing from coming to a vote at all. if it had come to a vote, it would have probably passed. So you have a small minority beholden to the trial lawyers using the system to personally enrich themselves, and some trial lawyers. Because really, even if they sue the telecoms and win, who benefits here. One group: lawyers. The world isn't safer, just lawyers richer.
  7. I stepped on BB King's foot in Hollywood coming out of a restaurant. I thought his body guards were going to kill me! Instead he invited my wife and I with him to some speaking thing he was doing the next block over, a dedication of some music award to a music store for their charitable efforts. not sure what it was entirely, but I did get to stand next to the stage while he was speaking, albeit sandwiched between 2 big body guards. Afterwards we shook his hand and he just left, and all we got was a t-shirt. That's about it for my celebrity experiences.
  8. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Feb 19, 2008 -> 10:07 AM) FISA didn't expire. Modifications to FISA that allow the Federal government to wiretap without a warrant expired. The FISA court still exists and the government can still call on the secret court to get the warrant up to 72 hours after the fact. What's worse? Democrats letting these "crucial" modifications expire because they think that if crimes were committed previous to this law being passed that they should be prosecutable? Or Republicans letting these "crucial" modifications expire because companies that give their party a lot of money should be immune from lawsuits for things they may have illegally done before the modifications took place? If this legislation supposedly will save thousands of lives, why should the lawsuits of a few companies hinge on the Republican party's obstruction of the bill? The first one. Because it is so unabashedly about the money and looking for the deep pockets instead of trying to 'right a wrong'. And to turn your question around, if this legislation will save thousands of lives, why should the greed of 60 or so lawyers keep the Democrats from doing the right thing?
  9. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Feb 19, 2008 -> 07:35 AM) I hiked across the Arctic Circle for my 26th birthday. I don't usually mind the cold, but I think I would rather stick to the beach! Sounds interesting, though.
  10. I caught a 4ft. long Grand Barracuda off the coast of Miami in 2002. Seemed like it took an eternity to get it into the boat, but in reality it was about 25 minutes. That thing now resides on the wall over my desk.
  11. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 18, 2008 -> 02:08 PM) feeling good, then throwing up!? Where have I heard that before? Where you feeling really good? Like bullet proof? Tequlia!
  12. Played the Wii with myboys Took both my dogs to get nails clipped, ears cleaned, etc. Bowled, and not very well this time. Drank enough that I will have to work extra hard just to not gain this week Moved everything out of my living room except the ultra-heavy entertainment center and ripped up all the carpeting and padding in anticipation of the new flooring going in later today. Glad I didn't have to paint like FlaSoxxJim
  13. QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 17, 2008 -> 11:50 PM) It's not funny any more. Just my opinion. Yeah, I figured that last batch would have to be it. I got ya 34 of them TEX, hope that helps.
  14. Damn, wife wants me to actually finish it tonight. Oh well, gotta go, But let me leave you with this parting statement. The salesman was a scumbag.
  15. As boring as this is trying to help you, tex, I would rather be doing this than moving all this furniture and ripping up carpet. The dust that comes up with each section just kills me! However, the salesman was a scumbag.
  16. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Feb 17, 2008 -> 02:12 PM) i went bowling the other day and totally pwned. 8 strikes in a row. best game i've ever rolled. I got 17 in a row once, but still no 300 game. (A spare, then 11 to get a 290, then started next game with 6) Good job on 8. It feels good. however, the salesman was a scumbag.
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