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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 16, 2008 -> 12:40 PM) I wish I could just click and walk away, instead I'll be driving and thinking of what I should have posted Been there, done that.
  2. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Feb 16, 2008 -> 09:00 AM) I didn't get the blatant advertising spin from that article. Unless he's a Fick Suck I don't see how he's using the situation...he admitted that he got threats. meh. sounds more like he just had good SEO on his website and if you're looking for glock ammunition he's got it. I've bought from them before. Usually good prices and quality stuff.
  3. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 15, 2008 -> 10:41 PM) Well, it would be good because it would recommit the US to providing the amount of world poverty reduction assistance (as a percentage of GDP) we agreed we would provide 35 years ago. It would also push us to ratify the CBD, Kyoto, small arms reduction, and a few other treaties we have not yet ratified, so there's another benefit. The US signed onto the UN's lofty goal of reducing by half the amount of world poverty by 2015. That's not going to happen if member nations don't step up and make it happen. Most of those other treaties would be a bad thing for us to sign anyway, but aht part I guess could be a different debate. My problem is that this bill gives the money to the UN to distribute. Besides, if you factor in private giving to worldwide causes, the US more than meets that 'goal'. The Gates Foundation, UNICEF, etc all send lots of American dollars opverseas to help fight poverty. I'll bet that even percentage wise the amoun of charity given by Americans to others vastly outweighs what any European nation does. I just don't like any law that puts us in any way under the control of the UN. BTW, nice KISS panda avitar. When do they go on tour?
  4. Can one of you Obamaites explain to me why this bill he is sponsoring would be a good thing for the US? http://www.nationalledger.com/artman/publi...272618845.shtml This is one part that bugged me.
  5. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/02/13/t...n-_n_86504.html In a radio interview on Sirius, Halperin had this to say: Did he really say that EDWARDS thinks someone else isn't manly enough? Oh, and this was his apology:
  6. QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Feb 15, 2008 -> 04:50 PM) Her best bet would've been to drive it into a lake and call it stolen. Assuming her insurance was paid up!
  7. QUOTE(bmags @ Feb 15, 2008 -> 04:56 PM) yeah not like the huge church-going population in Europe Yeah, what Sox4life said. Soccer riots everywhere? ? Class riots in France? They are just as violent over there, and more prone to violent protest than kids here in the states. Molotov cocktails, anyone?
  8. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 15, 2008 -> 03:56 PM) I voted with all of my email addys, for the cat Damn Democat.
  9. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 15, 2008 -> 04:02 PM) Seriously, I am so aggravated at the sales scum, I have little aggravation left for her. I seem to be the only one here who believes people can be a victim of a con and a smooth talking con man. If people always did what they knew, there would be no cons, no "morning after regrets", etc. I believe people can be led into messes like this. Someone coming off disability may have been especially vulnerable. But the "kaperbole" is waaay more fun Tex, she had to leave for at least a few hours to go get her $30,000 downpayment, so that alone should have been time for her to gather her wits (assuming she had any to begin with) and void the deal before any money changed hands. Unless she had it on her or keeps her life savings in her checking account, and then she is even dumber than most of us think. And I echo Southsideirish's comments above.
  10. I'm ready, let's get this thing started!
  11. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 15, 2008 -> 12:33 PM) maybe they don't emerse their kids in a culture of violence which desentizises people to its reality in daily life. [tries for a third offshoot thread] That's sort of what i said way back on the first page. Bad parenting, violent tv, movies and games, no church, it all contributes. edit. Sorry, it was way back on the other thread before they separated.
  12. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Feb 15, 2008 -> 12:31 PM) I'll vote, and I'll have to keep PHS in mind when I inevitably go looking for a dog. Again, thanks for all votes! As for dog shopping, they have pics online of the dogs in house. http://www.plainfieldhumane.com/ My wife works on Sunday afternoons. Whenever you get around to it, lmk and she will give you the best info on whos there and how they act.
  13. QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 15, 2008 -> 10:42 AM) Since you are a good conservative, your wife and son are volunteering at the humane society and the fact that I think beagles are cool ... you have recieved my vote. Godd luck. I have done some work for them as well, but someone has to stay home with our younger son. We tried bringing him a few times, not good. And Lilly says thanks! The place we are trying to win for is the Plainfield Humane Society on Rt. 59. A good place. We have worked with 2 other ones before this one that were not as good.
  14. Can the gun grabbers explain what gun law they want passed that would have prevented this from happening? Unless it has just come out, I don't think it is known how he got the gun yet.
  15. I purpously avoided saying anything about the gun comment so as not to derail. Oh well.
  16. I think that the degredation of religion in the eyes of many is a contributing factor in the decay of civilization. Ordinary people don't kill for a variety of reasons. Usually because they learn that it is wrong. They learn this from parents, school, church and society in general. But if the impact of church is dimished, that lessens the amout of (usually) positive influence a perosn gets. With all the violence in movies and on TV, and the seemingly decline in parental skills and responsibility, its a wonder more people don't snap. To them, they may think they are acting rationally, because the inputs in their life tells them so. So do I think the lack of God is THE cause? No, but I believe it is part of the cause.
  17. Hello everyone! I am out stumping for votes for my dog, Lilly! She is an 8 year old Beagle that we rescued for a shelter a while back. This once timid and abused dog has grown into a beloved family pet, and has been entered in the Bissel Most Valuable Pet photo contest. Weekly winners get a carpet cleaner and also get entered into the grand prize drawing of $10,000 to our favorite animal charity. My wife and our oldest son volunteer at a local humane society, and they could use the money. If anyone has a spare moment and an email address handy, please consider voting for Lilly. Beagles are a proud breed, especially after taking Best In Show this year at Westmister! Thanks for looking. Frank http://tinyurl.com/yuso35
  18. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 15, 2008 -> 07:13 AM) Hmm, talks like a Rep, acts like a Dem. I appreciate the fact that my press guy doesn't want to put his mom in a home, so I will help him however I can. He has been with me for 16 years, and despite his extensive use of foul language, he is a good guy trying to do the right thing. Now if he were unionized, then we wouldn't be having this conversation. Is that more Rep-like for you?
  19. Only lost 1 pound this week. The first 10 were easy, these next 10 will be hard.
  20. Anyone find it amusing that the trial lawyers who are trying to prosecute the phone companies for helping the government are some of the biggest contributors to the Democrats? And I don't mean trial lawyers in a generic sense, I mean that 66 lawyers trying to sue has donated over 1.5 million to 44 Dems! http://www.townhall.com/columnists/AmandaC...ial_lawyer_cash I thought they stood for 'change'?
  21. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Feb 14, 2008 -> 01:37 PM) Caption this photo: HE farted, NOT ME!
  22. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 14, 2008 -> 03:56 PM) But by then, she was caught up in the excitement, she was about to be a Mercedes owner. She got owned. They took advantage of her. Didn't she have to come back with her $30,000 down payment? I don't think she had a pimproll with her hiding in the bottom of her purse. Whatever time that took should have been enough for her to reflect on the decision and change her mind. I am not going to say she is equally as guilty, not sure where some people got that idea, but she is wrong here as well.
  23. I would think, from experience, that like Steff said, the flexibility would be worth a huge cash tradeoff. I had a very flexible situation while both of my boys were young, and it was very nice. Being a smaller employer, I can't always compete salary-wise with some of my larger competitors, but I do offer flexibility. My press operator has his very old mom living with him, who is in need of alot of care. He often has to leave for doctor visits, and at least once a month into the emergency room for SOMETHING. He has come in late or on weekends if we need to get something done, and as long as he keeps me in the loop, I work with him to help him out. When I couldn't give out raises last year, he told me that the time off I give him when needed was worth more than any pay raise. Besides, it is hard to find a job you like, you may not find one again if you leave. Good luck either way.
  24. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 14, 2008 -> 10:55 AM) She can't be a victim and a sympathetic figure because she's stupid and an idiot and walked into a Mercedes dealer? She can't be a sympathetic figure because regardless of the falsification of the income amount, she STILL knew what the payment figure was before signing on the line. She couldn't afford that, and should have known she couldn't afford that. Her being stupid does not absolve the salesperson from scorn, possible legal action, etc. So yes, the salesguy, and possibly the dealer, are evil, but she is an unsympathetic idiot.
  25. I want to knop who her accountant and financial advisors are. How this loser can still have money is beyond me. It HAS to be great investments.
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