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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Feb 8, 2008 -> 05:00 PM) Seriously, what the hell were you thinking? Well, I think it is against the law to ask them that before you hire them. Must be some kind of law to protect the stupid people or something. Get this. I call his home, to get his ass here to fire him, no answer. I call his cell, right to voice mail. Been that way all day. I am going to be stuck here for another 2 hours or so, if I don't get an answer somewhere before I go home, I may just leave a very creative voicemail on his cell. This could be fun!
  2. QUOTE(shipps @ Feb 8, 2008 -> 02:31 PM) I guess from my posts in the business question thread there is no need for me to send you my resume? As long as you don't go checkin for new digs on my dime, we would be cool. Oh, and you would have to actually DO the job, which this guy apparently is not. Want to sell printing? All Sox fans working in my store, once I let this guy go. My fault for hiring someone who bleeds Cubbie blue.
  3. Close race here. Who does the exit poll say will be victorious?
  4. I am about to fire my salesguy, whenever he gets his butt back in the store. Not an email issue, but one of the things he is supposed to do is fill out his activities in ACT, so I know what he is doing, what he has planned and what he has done. He has been told 4 times already in the first 2 months that he needs to do this daily, morining, afternoon or both. He hasn't set foot in the store in 4 days, and my only contact has been 2 emails about an estimate. If I don't see what he has been doing on the computer, that tells me he is f***ing off. So I go to his computer (mine, actually), and load the program, and nothing in there all week. I look back and each time I talked to him it was filled out for the next 2 or 3 days. I swear it is like dealing with my teenager! My kids don't even get told the same thing 3 times before punishment/action is taken. He has been told 3 times, I am not telling a 5th. Geeze, I pay him well, nice base plus commission from dollar 1. And I know from a friend of his that he needs the money as he filed for bankruptcy protection, so you would think he would be hungry for work. I guess not. Anyone want to sell printing in the western suburbs? TEX, send me some of your Mexicans!!!!!
  5. QUOTE(shipps @ Feb 8, 2008 -> 12:57 PM) Your ability to read the employees emails is not there for you to spy on them to see if they are looking to move on to another job.Say nothing,and maybe you shouldnt be reading alot of their emails if you are going to be so offended about something like that. So, if while looking for corporate espionage he stumbles upon a plot to kill the mayor, should he stay silent? I mean, the ability to read the emails wasn't put there for him to catch potential murderers. If the business warrants it, he SHOULD be reading the emails, or having a program scan them for key words, etc. The fact that anyone can make it to the age of 18 by now and not realize that ANYTHING you put online, especially on a work computer, can be read by someone else should make you question their smarts. Rex Hudler had a very good suggestion. I hope it works well. You may also want to extend that approach to other employees just to get a feel for the rest of the office. It is nice to get honest feedback.
  6. one pound this week. long hours take their toll.
  7. QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 7, 2008 -> 02:10 PM) I can't disagree with you. I would also agree that it is plausible, but the needless bias inserted into the article immediately removes alot of people from considering the validity of it. Can't people just write without putting their own biases in it? What ever happened to old-school journalism?
  8. I have an uncle with a condo and 2 parking spaces about 6 blocks up 35th, and he only has one car. Sure its a bit of a walk, but maybe it works off a beer on the way back. Plus we can et before and after if needed at his place. But yeah, it sucks that the rates go up, but if that doesn't, then something else will.
  9. He should pick Condi as his veep. Then all the blacks and women who are voting for Obama and Hillary because of identity politics (as opposed to those who are voting for them because they agree with thier stance/ideals/etc.) will have a real choice on their hands, since it is a real possibility that Johnny may not live to finish his term.
  10. EvilMonkey

    Who is dieting?

    QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 6, 2008 -> 10:55 PM) I can't speak for everyone, but, my goal weight is for the end of the year. I'm thinking that losing 48 pounds before Saturday night might be a bit too challenging for me. Amputations would have to be involved. There are some people on this board who could lose that just by eliminating their egos.
  11. I can understand a person changing their voting based on what the constituents want, but don't try to convince me afterwards that that was really your position all along.
  12. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Feb 6, 2008 -> 09:42 AM) my dude never asked for a refund and I was accurate when I said I didn't know if the minidisc player even worked. He spent 5 bucks on something I clearly didn't know about and he was mad when it didn't work. I've eBay'ed over 150 times half and half as seller and buyer. I've only encountered this twice (both as a seller), so it could be a fluke...but I've never had a bad purchasing experience. PA, if you have 2 negs out of 150, that isn't going to stop someone from buying from you if they want what you are selling. I have had maybe 5 or 6 negs over the last 6 years or so, all but one retalitory feedback from sellers. I paid my money, and when I had problems, emailed and tried to straighten it out. Left neutrals on most, and got neg'ed in return. How fair is that? One was from my experience as a seller when the person wan't happy with what she bought. She didn't emailme or anything, just neg'ed me and said 'it wasn't quite as she thought it would be'. Oh well.
  13. I think you still have the option to respond to feedback. That would be a recourse. As a buyer I refuse to leave feedback first. i disagree, my only responsability is to pay on time. The sellers feedback should be based on that. If it wasn't for the vast majority of the sellers holding feedback hostage for a good rating, Ebay may not have changed things.
  14. And backup everything (if you weren't already). Just in case. Since you read the emails, you may already have a clue as to why she is contemplating leaving. Sounds like some combination of C & D may be in order? Depends on how bad you want to keep them.
  15. When I last took it a few years back, they had a few questions like "If you receive a moving violation for failure to stop at a stop sign, what is the punishment?" How should we know that? Anyone who hasn't been pulled over know how much a speeding ticket is? I just thought that was an odd question to have on there. Good luck.
  16. EvilMonkey

    Who is dieting?

    QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 4, 2008 -> 08:31 PM) Alpha Dog, if it makes you feel better, I hit my high weight last year and it was a little more than your 255. I'm 6'3", and I topped out at 263. Yikes. Dropped to 241 by the fall, then had an ankle injury AND started travelling for work all the time. Weight jumped back to 255-ish, which is where I'm at now. I usually can get some good workouts going without a problem, and drop weight pretty fast that way. My problem is diet - I need a bit more self-discipline in that area. I could get down to my goal weight range of 200-210 by the end of 2008, if I could have a halfway decent diet and workout a few days a week. I just need to get motivated and do it. Which is why, much as I love Chicago, I hate living here in winter. I don't know about all the rest of you, but, when the weather is decent (doesn't even have to be great), I get outside a walk, run, bike, play sports, and generally stay in better shape. I think I need to move to Phoenix or something. Yeah, I lose a little more in the summer, alot just because I sweat! But I am also outside with my kids, and there is always yardwork to do. As for the not eating late, for me it is that if I am eating after 9pm, it is because I am sitting in fron t of the TV or computer, and before I know it, whatever Iwas eating is gone, like, the whole bag/box/package of whatever it was. So i just stop tempting myself at night. If I can keep up the self discipline to stay away from fast food and stuff for another month, then I will go on to more substitutions and exercise. I am only 6ft tall, but have always been a bigger guy. I played my sports fine at 200 lbs, and was even pretty good when I was as high as 220. No goal yet, but it will be close to that last number.
  17. EvilMonkey

    Who is dieting?

    QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Feb 4, 2008 -> 04:26 PM) As far as cardio goes have you tried using an airdyne or eliptical machine? Those are fairly low impact on the knees and offer a decent cardio exercise. As far as weight training goes, there are plenty of low impact options that you can choose from. Even using lighter weight and more reps will do a good job. If you want more info let me know and I can post some links for you. Well, I USED to be in pretty good shape, and fortunately I still remember how to get there. Time is my big enemy. Owning your own business sometimes makes for 15+ hour days, not much time to breathe, let alone work out. I am squeezing in little things during the work day, and since full cases of paper are a little heavy, i have been rearranging things around here every few days. For now I am going to try and keep the declined eating steps going, along with the abs and walking, and when spring comes I can add my bike. I tried a fitness club several times, my hours are just too erratic. But as the saying goes, "I'm workin' on it!"
  18. 2 for 1: Quit confusing me with Andy Rooney! Is there spinach stuck in my teeth?
  19. EvilMonkey

    Who is dieting?

    Damn, I'm the biggun of this group, so far. Started the year at 255lbs, and just starting with simple stuff. No fast food, no potato chips, etc, and no thirds. Also nothing past 9 pm. My workout options are crap as my knees are shot, I have a torn rotator cuff and no access to a pool. I have an ab machine I use, and I make an effort to walk more while working. Walking is good, running and stairs are bad. For some reason, bike also good, weather permitting. Down to 244 as of saturday.
  20. I got CHUNKS of guys like you in my STOOL!
  21. QUOTE(bmags @ Feb 2, 2008 -> 06:16 PM) slick willy was at Mizzou today. Long line. Missed it. I wouldn't much care at all for him talking about Hillary but I would enjoy seeing an Ex-President speak. Instead I went to get Barbecue though. Fantastic barbecue. Actually, Clinton is quite the speaker, at least in the 'private' sense. I was in a group of about 20 that got to meet him briefly (19 of us got to shake his hand and say hi, while the two group 'leaders' got to chat for a few moments). But he talked to our group for about 5 minutes and I can see why peope were taken with him. No cameras were rolling, but he was very personable, likeable, or whatever word fits there. Lets just say i hated him less after that meeting. However, I am not sure how well his speaking would have been given the likely topic being Hillary.
  22. A few people I bowl with on Saturdays in Orland live right by there saud that cops came by and ordered people to stay in their homes as the suspect was supposedly spotted running thru the neighborhood. Last I heard they still have not caught anyone, but they let people out of the ir homes after a few hours. Perps like this is what the death penalty was invented for.
  23. Yes, we must all defer to you! Just like in your PM to me. Sorry your guy is irrelevant. So was mine, apparently.
  24. From what i heard, when they get the power as high as they want to, the projectiles literally make whatever they hit 'explode' from the energy release. A few destroyers with these things on them can probably do the same damage as a fully stocked aircraft carrier! (and at less cost, too!)
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