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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. I generally don't like Sarah, but that was good.
  2. If the boss makes it here, which is me, then we work! And I don't get stuck in snow. Wife doesn't get snow days either. Kinda hard since her office is 30 feet from our bedroom! Enjoy your day.
  3. My yahoo sucks enough as it is. If Microsoft buys them, it will be toast.
  4. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 12:34 PM) A caveat on shelters/ humane societies: If you're adopting any dog that isn't a puppy, there may be some serious behavioral problems that don't show themselves immediately. Many of these animals have probably had a rough life before they get dumped at the shelter. Although I know they have nothing but the best intentions, the people at the shelter are going to try to place animals as quickly as possible and will sometimes blind themselves to certain problems. My girlfriend and I tried to adopt a dog from local humane society last August. He could NOT handle being around other dogs. We tried group training, private training, and finally trying to get him in to a "doggy daycare" to let the professionals socialize him, but it just wouldn't work (we're in a condo and would have to walk him around other dogs all the time). The shelter was very reluctant to listen to our concerns and pressured into keeping the dog longer than we liked. They would also not listen to what we had to say (or what the owner of a local dog training facility had to say) when we did finally bring him back. I know they just want to animals to have a good home, but the shelters don't always see things 100% clearly IMO. Rescue societies have much better reputations and are much more stringent about placing a dog in the right home. The animals are fostered before they're adopted, so their problems (if any) will be more well-known. Of course, if you're going with a puppy, I think a lot of what I said is moot because the dog will be too young to have any problems ingrained in them yet. YEah, some have a 'get them out the door any way we can' mentality. The one my wife works for is almost the opposite. They refuse adoptions sometimes for what i would think are petty reasons. They also make sure to give you whatever history they have on the dog so you can make an informed decision. The one we had that didn't work out was similar to what you described, extremely aggressive with other dogs, and then got VERY jealous when our son was born. The current two are as sweet as can be, although housebreaking the first one was tough since she had been abused so much, at first even a slight raising of the voice sent her cowering in fear.
  5. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 09:23 AM) AD, those are adorable. Faces look much like my little rascal. Thanks. Big one (Lilly) has alot of gray on her face. She's about 9 years old. The little girl (Mabel) is about 2 years old, and act like it! She glides down the stairs while Lilly takes her time, just like me!
  6. My 2 mutts! Both are rescued. The older one was beaten by her former owner and had wine stains on her feet and legs, the younger one was found abandoned in a barn. Adoption is the way to go. I will say that you CAN get bad dogs thru adoption, as we did have one attempt that didn't work out so well many years ago, but we have have had 3 successfull ones.
  7. QUOTE(Felix @ Jan 30, 2008 -> 02:10 PM) I agree completely. Ditto
  8. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 30, 2008 -> 11:46 AM) But here's the one other thing to keep in mind. In 2004, against an admittedly weak Democratic candidate who it seemed no one in the party really was fired up to vote for (he wasn't Bush and that was his best trait) Karl Rove still had to turn out an extra 1 million or so evangelical voters just to eek out a victory against Mr. Kerry. Since then, the Democrats have seemingly become much, much more motivated (Hell, they had a record primary turnout last night in Florida with no one really campaigning there!) and it seems that at least a good chunk of the party is excited by the 2 remaining candidates. If the extra voters who appeared in 04 to help push Bush over the top aren't as motivated this time around, then that could doom McCain from the start. I know that I heard that a large reason for the huge Florida turnout was a number of referendums that were on the ballots.
  9. QUOTE(iamshack @ Jan 29, 2008 -> 04:14 PM) St. Olaf! "That reminds me of my friend Meredith Herbenjeeberberger back at Saint Olaf....See, Meredith had a pet Chihuahua that just followed her everywhere she went. I mean everywhere! And believe me, Meredith could get herself into some really tight spaces, so it was really good that her Chihuahua only weighed 3 pounds because...." "Rose! Are you going to bring this plane onto the airstrip or what?" Ok, what classic tv show? (Sorry, not trying to derail the thread Golden Girls
  10. I think I posted on here drunk once. My typing was never as flawless as it was then! Good luck to all those nominated.
  11. QUOTE(knightni @ Jan 29, 2008 -> 04:03 PM) John McCain is the Manchurian Candidate you know. The chicken noodle one is good!
  12. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 29, 2008 -> 07:16 AM) I couldn't leave behind the opportunity to throw the obvious tasteless joke out there... Its not the first time Teddy has left a woman behind... As I read the first post, I was thinking the same thing. Glad you said it first, I get enough crap on here.
  13. QUOTE(DrunkBomber @ Jan 28, 2008 -> 08:27 PM) Again, this bree might be a little heavier than your looking for but black labs are some of the best dogs there are. I had one when I was in college and had to put her to sleep in April this year and got a 7 week old puppy in November. They are very good with people and other animals and very athletic. They love to swim as well. They have short hair and the black fur is never a problem with shedding. Heres a picture of Bunny If you want a lab puppy, HSP just got in a chocolate lab who had 10 puppies! They won't be ready for adoption for about 8 more weeks, but they will have had all their shots by then.
  14. Oooh! I want invisibility! And super speed! And to fly! My luck I'll end up turning green when I get angry.
  15. QUOTE(Jimbo's Drinker @ Jan 28, 2008 -> 02:04 AM) love my beagle I have 2! They are not too big (well,the one got FAT, but otherwise not too big), they play, they relax, they eat. The little one howls when someone rings the doorbell or if she sees a rabbit in the yard,but otherwise they are quiet. There are several beagles available at the Plainfield Humane Society. My wife and older son volunteers there, if you want to check any of them out, let me know. I know people! http://plainfieldhumane.com/availablepetlist2.html
  16. Ron Paul can say that HE didn't write those things, and that may be true. He also says he won't reveal who did write them, even if he knows. Well, the editor of those publications should know, and that would be Lew Rockwell. From Lew's wiki page: The company behind the newsletters only had Ron's family, Lew and 7 others listed as employees, so it shouldn't be too hard to know who wrote and/or approved what. Everyone else in this election cycle seems to be damned by the company they keep. Why not him as well?
  17. I'll agree with the trade Uribe part, but I wouldn't want anything to to with Patterson.
  18. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Jan 26, 2008 -> 05:58 PM) http://pennsylvaniaprogressive.typepad.com...aul_white_.html What a racist scumbag. Uh oh, look out now. I wonder how long until YOU get the PM from Rowands Rowdies calling you a jackass and telling you to defer to his better judgement?
  19. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 25, 2008 -> 11:20 PM) How many people have clicked on the CST's website to read the column because of this thread? How many from WSI did so? When that happens, those people see the ads on the website. So, yes, it does affect the bottom line of the Sun-Times when "this negative talk" happens. While I don't know specifics, I know that website ad revenue isn't much, at least not to a larger company like the Sun-Times. Youare right, there are probably many people who clicked on the website link, but I would bet that it didn't increase paper sales at all. I cancelled my subscription a few years ago, and while Jay wasn't theonly reason, he sure was a big one, and I let them know it when I cancelled. If all they want is 'buzz', be it good or bad, they have plenty of other crappy baseball writers who can find the topic of the day and write the opposite. They would probably be paid less, too!
  20. QUOTE(Brian @ Jan 25, 2008 -> 05:46 PM) Like him or hate him, Hate him. Can't stand him. That is why i also change the channel.
  21. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jan 25, 2008 -> 04:08 PM) It still boggles my mind why Sox fans continue to react to somebody with A) with no journalistic responsbility and B ) is only tries to get a rise out of the public like Howard Stern. When people stop tuning in to find out his next idiotic rambling, he will soon be unemployed. But is anyone going to rush out and buy the paper or subscribe because everyone here thinks moronoti sucks? I don't see how this negative talk helps his bosses sell papers. Frankly, just about ALL the baseball coverage in the Sun Times sucks. Just about.
  22. Glad I booked my vegas hotel last night. I am sure prices for them all will be going up for a bit.
  23. I like the Mazda 3, but if my current Mitsubishi dies or gets replaced, i am getting an HHR like I have for my work car. Bright orange with flames, good MPG and fun to drive.
  24. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jan 21, 2008 -> 04:19 PM) My wife and I were pre-approved for $250,000 and we bought our house for about $170,000. It was tough going for a bit there, but we are now doing O.K.. My word of warning to you is to stay away from what you are pre-approved for. YEah, our first house we were approved for $160,000, when we only needed $60,000! Even that was tough to handle for the first few years, plus I had a forced job change there in the late 80's that didn't help things. Don't go for the max you are approved for. I second that.
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