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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Don't rent to friends unless you are willing to not be friends with them again (in the case of you buying and they pay you). It puts unbelievable strain on your relationship when a friend owes you money, especially if they are real slow about paying it back, or even pay it at all. But if you do, get everything in writing, and I mean everything. What they pay, when they pay, what happens if they are late or don't pay, and make them read it.
  2. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 21, 2008 -> 09:43 AM) I eat the smallest french fries first. I line mine up so they are all parallel to each other before I eat them. Besides, size doesn't matter.
  3. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jan 21, 2008 -> 06:59 AM) I guess my favorite commercial now are a few of the Southwest Airlines "Wanna get away?" commercials, the one where the guy puts all of his saved and loose change in the bank box and sends it into the bank where it explodes. YES! That one is still funny.
  4. My wife reminds me that I check the alarm setting at least 5 or 6 times every night before I finally go to bed, even if I am drunk.
  5. QUOTE(mmmmmbeeer @ Jan 19, 2008 -> 11:32 PM) When has Paul ever mentioned eliminating the CIA and FBI? Please provide a link. Here's a hint, watch his appearance on Meet the Press. Here, on a debate, the moderator reiterates his point, "...you say you would eliminate the IRS, the CIA, the Federal reserve, the Dept. of Homeland Security, medicare, and I know that you used to want to end the FBI, I am not sure whether you still support that idea, sir, perhaps you can tell us....." and all the time the moderator is speaknig, he is just nodding his head yes and clapping. I think that sounds like an acknowledgement of those being his positions.
  6. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jan 20, 2008 -> 12:57 PM) Fish suck. Most of the fish my boys get never last longer than 6 months or so. Except one time the older son went fishing with his grandpa, and brought home one of the minnows they had left to put in his tank. That thing lasted over 2 years and outlasted 3 or 4 goldfish, some kind of alge eater and one other kinda fish that I have no idea what it was, a fancy guppy or something along those lines.
  7. . Gee, that part is just too bad. Wouldn't want to disenfranchise any voters by making them prove who they are now, would we.
  8. EvilMonkey

    i am drunk

    i am close to drunk, bowling sucked ( I swear, that damn 10 pin HATES ME! I missed it at least 10 times tonight.), and when i get up here, I have a PM from Rowands Rowdies callnig me an asshole. I know sometimes I come across harsh, but I am not really an asshole. At least not most of the time. Unless I am drunk and pissed off. So tonight, I lived up to Rowand's expectations of me. oh, and I can't stand Captain Morgan's and crannberry juice. One of my bowling teammates drinks that all night long, I tried it, it was terrible!
  9. While I like the idea of bringing home troops stationed in Germany, Japan, Korea, etc, how will that save us much money? They still get paid, they still eat, they still need housing, so it doesn't really matter if it is here or outside of Tokyo.
  10. QUOTE(SnB @ Jan 19, 2008 -> 03:59 PM) I have to be on time for everything. Usually early. Me too, in fact I am O/C about it. It pains me to be late. Although I have learned to not be so obsessive about it when I can't control being late, like on a flight or something. But it still pains me inside. I also can't eat leftovers if it has been in the fridge longer than 2 days, hate shaking hands (although in the sales part of my job I have to do it) and my money all has to be facing the same way.
  11. My boys have a fish named Jay. or I should say 'had', since when I got home from bowling about 20 minutes ago, it was as dead as chivalry seems to be.
  12. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 18, 2008 -> 08:36 AM) McCain seems like such an easy choice on that side, I can't believe he isn't just crushing everyone. The campaign finance stuff really is a sore point. And alot of conservatives do not like his amnesty positions. Otherwise, he would be an easy choice. However for me, if the other choice is Hillary, it is a slam dunk.
  13. He might be referring to the allegations that there will be union officials there to make sure the rank and file vote the way they want them to, thereby ensuring most or all the votes go for Obama, even if they wanted to vote for someone else.
  14. Also Campbell's condensed soup, vegetable w/ barley. Some crackers and an apple. Not too filling, though, my 250 lb bulk is still hungry.
  15. Damn. I could like McCain, if not for his amnesty views and campaign finance reform. Oh well, at least Fred seems to be beating SOMEBODY.
  16. I have put a few AC/DC CD's on my iTunes with no problem. Maybe your CD drive is just a little touchy and some scratches are messing it up?
  17. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 17, 2008 -> 01:11 PM) ..., and come up with a decent guest workers program that offers legal work, tracks the workers, etc. FYI, I was, and still am, for that. However I also want to get rid of those who have broken the law. Even if we come up with a workable plan, how many people who disregard the law now will start following the new one? Get the worker program, then make it next to impossible for someone to get the work unless they follow the program. And bust the companies that DO hire them (knowingly) off program. Bust them hard. Put it all together and you have a package I could live with.
  18. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 17, 2008 -> 11:50 AM) They all have added technology, but imagine a factory that sets up for full production then shuts down in two months. You still need waregousemen, you need people packing and picking. You need people to keep the machinery running. In the 1950s the bracero program brought in upwards of 500,000 workers. You can't just grab an apple or orange tree and shake off the fruit and scoop it up with a front end loader. What technology will mow the golf course throughout the north? Instead of shooting ourselves in the foot, why not develop a working guest worker program? But how many is it now, Tex? You make is sound like this huge number of people. Are there really 500,000 people moving from town to town every month or so? I would think that could cause quite the problem for some towns with this huge influx of temporary residents every month. And as for your factory comment, why not? You have a huge 'factory' of illegals now being 'set up and taken down' every month or so, according to what you said. At least this way they don't have to feed and house the machine the other 10 months of the year (other than in a barn somewhere). Packing can be automated. if they have conveyor lines that can scan out wrong sized potato chips on a belt moving 20 miles an hour, they can devise one that can determine the right size/color/shape fruit to package. Picking may be another story, I don't know what's out there.
  19. I almost spit my drink out when reading this. Haven't tried it yet, though. http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?s=...t&p=1561345 Knightni
  20. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Jan 16, 2008 -> 05:08 PM) Actually it was Romney. corrected, you are right.
  21. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 16, 2008 -> 05:57 PM) You could have sold the house and hit the road following the crops. Three or four weeks in each town. And TEX, how many people do just that? A few thousand? 20 thousand? Maybe it is time that the farmers invest into the technology needed to pick the crops without the cheap labor. They will adjust, just like the plantation owners had to adjust without slaves.
  22. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/fur/540076210.html Sorta safe for work? I dunno. Somehow I don't think this would impress the ladies when you brought them home. Assuming you ever got any to bring home inthe first place. I wonder if he has a matching anus-shaped ottoman?
  23. While he didn't endorse a candidate on the Dem side, Kos was trying to organize the koskids to vote for Huckabee in Michigan.
  24. QUOTE(vandy125 @ Jan 14, 2008 -> 01:51 PM) So, which is it, he puts them in place or not? You are saying both in this one statement right here. He votes against them all of the time. So, he is not the one putting them into place. The problem is the initial putting of the extra wasteful spending of money into place, not the taking of it once it is there. What should someone in that position do? If they are voting against the extra money be spent in the first place, but are getting overridden, should they just watch the money get wasted elsewhere, or should they waste the money where it does the people good that they represent? Either way, it is wasting money (which was voted against in the first place). Maybe I'm missing something here. I'm sure that you will let me know if I am. Actually, B.E. summed it up pretty well. I was pointing out the slight hypocrisy of taking the 'tainted money', even though he votes against it. Some of the earmarks he doesn't put in, like highway spending. You get the total amount of the pie, and each guy fights to get certain projects in their state/district to be ones specifically funded. So in those instances, he didn't specifically ask for money to be appropriated, but he sure as hell wants to have it spent in his district (which is usually a good thing for voters). Other earmarks are not quite the same, such as the money for shrink marketing and such. He (and others)asks for those. "he is abusing a broken system for the betterment of his citizens & acknowledges that - but votes against it because he knows the system is corrupt & he wants to change the system when he has the authority to try to so that that the system can not be abused anymore." So he hates pork, but takes it anyway for his constituents, while biting the government hand that feeds it in the hopes of stopping it. Someday. So it is a do-as-I-say, not do-as-I-do. Which I understand, otherwise he wouldn't be in office very long.
  25. QUOTE(vandy125 @ Jan 14, 2008 -> 11:48 AM) Here is a nice response to that for you to read up on if you want: http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig7/phillips5.html If you also go watch his Meet the Press interview on YouTube, he responds to it there in person. Basically, it comes down to this (from what I understand). The earmarks are already in place, and he is just getting his piece of the pie for who he represents. He votes "No" for any extra spending (hence the nickname of "Dr. No"). But, when the money is there, he gets his share. TIFWIW. If you just dig a little deeper there are answers to these "issues" that are commonly brought up. He votes no because he knows that they will happen anyway. It is a safe vote for him, or anyone else who wanted to try that. At least safe for now. As far as getting their share, that is the standard response for any of them in regards to their earmarks/pork. If it is wrong for Hillary to earmark money for a Woodstock museum, it is wrong for him to earmark money to market shrimp. However, I do realize that in this instance if he stood his principles and didn't take any earmarks, he would probably be voted out of office real fast. Oh, and the earmarks are in place because he, and others, PUT them in place. They don't just magically appear from the earmark fairy.
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