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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(Brian @ Jan 13, 2008 -> 10:36 PM) Wait until right after your graduation ceremony. I had this "Now what?" moment. I thought that came when you got your first notice of payment due on your student loans?
  2. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 12, 2008 -> 01:24 PM) I'm a little bit FlasoxxJim (and a little bit Rock and Roll), and certainly birds have a satiation ("I'm full") response. I think the bit about the animals "gorging" themselves in the story is a little misleading. In reading the story, I think the birds just got all gunked up in the soupy processing wastes and either sunk into the stuff or succumbed to cold because they couldn't fluff their feathers. That makes a little more sense. I thought fish could eat themselves to death, but had never heard of birds doing it. I think my dog tried to do that one year, when she managed to snag a 5lb ham off the dinner table.
  3. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 13, 2008 -> 10:27 PM) Thank you for that. When he started throwing words like kook and koolaid into the conversation, I politely extracted myself from it and extracted I will remain. I have neither the time nor the desire to discuss an issue with someone that is so .... ummmm .... focused. Actually, I wrote "Mr. Paul may have some ideas that sound good, he has some that just sound nutty.". I never said he was a kook, or that you were a kook. You expressed the importance of the one issue above all others, and that is fine. I suggested you can't ignore all the rest, and you replied 'yes I can'. If you were merely saying that as a return 'jab', then fine, however I took it as that was the one issue that would be THE deciding one for you, and none of his other positions would matter. If not, sorry I misinterpreted what you wrote.
  4. The Brits are really active lately. Now the PM wants to take organs from dead patients without explicit consent. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml.../norgans113.xml
  5. Has there ever been a serious proposal to privatize mass transit? Daley seems to like to sell off city assets, maybe he can work with the state and just sell them mass transit. While there may be examples of good goverment management in action, the CTA sure isn't it.
  6. I get a few thousand, then feel the need to go needle BA again. But easy enough to do daily. Cool link.
  7. While being the small-government champion, Ron Paul sure loves him some pork (earmarks)! http://i.cnn.net/cnn/interactive/allpoliti.../tx.14.paul.pdf $400 million and 65 pages worth.
  8. QUOTE(rowand's rowdies @ Jan 13, 2008 -> 04:07 PM) Also, Alpha Dog is just trying to stir people up and refute everything just to make them mad. I do this, too. But not over the internet like a 9 year old. Just saying. Do you even read what you type before you hit 'reply'? How about typing a sentence that doesn't sound like you cut & paste from a Ron Paul website? How about talking to the Soxtalk member serving in Iraq right now? Maybe you have seen the threads 'Nuke's War Diary'? You like Ron, good for you. Quit acting like everyone else is an idiot because they didn't drink the same Koolaid as you.
  9. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jan 13, 2008 -> 02:23 PM) Since I absolutely hate when people do this... No -- Yasny did not say that. He said this: (Bolded for what I thought was the most emphasized part of that sentence, not Yasny -- just a FWIW.) When I said "But you can't ignore his other positions because you are enamored with one of them" he replied "You know what Alpha, I can do exactly what you suggest I can't." So yes, he did.
  10. QUOTE(BureauEmployee171 @ Jan 12, 2008 -> 07:33 PM) He already explained that they were "his" newsletters, but they were not written by him personally - and that they aren't his own words, etc. He took the blame for the newsletters being distributed without him "proofreading" what was going out. So, he did 'own up' to the fact that they were distributed under his name & at his own mistake of not proof-reading them. His fault for not proofreading? Sure. His words? Definitely not. The thing is, some of his biggest and strongest supporters are african-american. Just curious: the newsletters have been goingon since 1978. He was made aware of the content of the newsletters in 1996, when Charles "Lefty" Morris, a Democrat running against Paul for a House seat, released excerpts stating that "opinion polls consistently show only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions," that "if you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be," and that black representative Barbara Jordan is "the archetypical half-educated victimologist" whose "race and sex protect her from criticism." At the time, Paul's campaign said that Morris had quoted the newsletter out of context. However, the newsletters continues evern afetr that with much trhe same articles. If he knew by then of the tings being written under his name, why did he chose to not stop it? Oh, and in addition to his african-american supporters, he also had white supremacist supporters, so what does that matter?
  11. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Jan 13, 2008 -> 12:53 PM) Yeah we should all just vote for the old boring grumpy Fred Thompson. Hey Fred, go back to Law and Order. hahaha! And Ron Paul is a vision of sunshine and smiles?
  12. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 13, 2008 -> 12:51 PM) Thanks for the super intelligent, well thought out response. No need in continuing what I thought was going to be a decent discussion. Have a good day. Look, you said you were going to ignore everythign else except his stance on the constitution, so what else is there to discuss? Did you not read SouthsideIrish's post about how his views will effect our cyber security? That is a REAL threat. China has teams of hackers doing nothign but f***nig with American webistes, government and otherwise, just looking for things to exploit. How will Mr. Paul work to combat that? By decapitaing the very agencies that combat that. You and I spen alot of time on this here interwebthnigy, it would be nice if it still worked 5 years from now. His views on things like that effect everythgn else around us, which is why I suggested that you couldn't ignore them. But you stated your intent to be a single-issue voter, which is your right.
  13. Whatever. Enjoy the Kool-aid. I hear they have both grape AND orange.
  14. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 13, 2008 -> 12:35 PM) I don't know what you consider a kook, but if you consider someone who happens to believe the constitution is the backbone of our nation and is paramount to the continued well being of this great republic is a kook, then I'm a kook. This kook also doesn't happen to give a rat's ass what anybody else thinks of his opinions. There is not one other candidate emphasizing the constitution as they campaign, and after the past 7 years the constitution should be on the front burner for all candidates. The others are just telling me that it's going to be just more of the same. As I said, I'm not totally enamored with all Dr. Paul's positions. However, the one that matter the most to me, the constitution, is the one that Dr. Paul is right on about. But you can't ignore his other positions because you are enamored with one of them. They all will have an effect on the country were he to actually by some miracel get elected. You may like how he governs in regards to the constitution, but if his financial policies bankrupt the nation faster than it already is going, or his foreign policy ideas cause the worldwide economy to collapse, that is important too. There are other candidates that talk in terms of states rights and the constitution (Fred), that don't sound quite as out there on other issues. And I am sure there are plenty of kooks who happen to believe the constitution is the backbone of our nation and is paramount to the continued well being of this great republic. Having that belief alone does not make you a sane individual.
  15. When do you serve the Kool-aid?
  16. QUOTE(BureauEmployee171 @ Jan 12, 2008 -> 07:33 PM) He already explained that they were "his" newsletters, but they were not written by him personally - and that they aren't his own words, etc. He took the blame for the newsletters being distributed without him "proofreading" what was going out. So, he did 'own up' to the fact that they were distributed under his name & at his own mistake of not proof-reading them. His fault for not proofreading? Sure. His words? Definitely not. The thing is, some of his biggest and strongest supporters are african-american. That speaks very highly of his management and oversite skills. Nice cop-out answer. You know, while Mr. Paul may have some ideas that sound good, he has some that just sound nutty. And while there are many people on here that are passionate about their candidate , you two on here just sound like total kooks. There is zeal, and there is zealotry. You two fit the latter.
  17. Will Cordero Jamie Navaro David Wells
  18. QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Jan 12, 2008 -> 05:52 PM) every Michigan (D) should be voting for Ron Paul. Every Michigan (D) SHOULD be voting for a (D). But I am sure we'll here about how the Michigan ®'s voted for some (D)'s in the past, and that somehow makes it ok.
  19. Explain his newsletters, please, from the early 1990's such as Ron Paul's Freedom Report, Ron Paul Political Report or The Ron Paul Survival Report?
  20. I think we could get equal or better results with any of our last 2 or minors guys that we would want to bring up, for alot less money. No thanks.
  21. Now if this was a fat guy who gorged himself to death eating crab legs and shrimp at a Chinese buffet, I thnk the blame would be going towards the eater. If the birds were too stupid to know when to stop eating, they were not long for this world anyway. However, you are right, the fish plant should have known it would attract bird. Too bad it wasn't seagulls that died. They are just rats with wings anyway.
  22. It seems the mayor of Boston has a problem with affordable health care. This line from him just cracks me up. "Limited service medical clinics run by merchants in for-profit corporations will seriously compromise quality of care and hygiene. Allowing retailers to make money off of sick people is wrong." So what, only for-profit hospitals are allowed to make money off of sick people? http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachus...s_in_retailers/
  23. http://www.ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.a...284257033287107
  24. http://www.kpcnews.com/articles/2008/01/09...a5420740819.prt She owns property in Indiana and Florida, then changed her license and voter registration to her Florida address. She maintained her voter registration in Indiana as well, AND claimed homested exemptions on the properties in both states. She tried to claim that the voter registration came automatically with her license, but when confronted with proof she knowingly changed it, she tried to play dumb. "Why did I do that?", she says.
  25. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 10, 2008 -> 03:49 PM) And...according to Ron Paul's early 90's news letters...black people too. We better, because otherwise "the animals are coming." I had to ask where they were............ Sorry guys.
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