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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 10, 2008 -> 02:20 PM) I thought you had one employee you bought coverage for? You know how the competition thing is, non of my competition offered benefits and that's the competition I had to deal with. No way to pay 60 or 70% more, as it was I was paying 20% more than anyone else, but I had my pick of employees. I also treated them like humans. But it really is my ex father in law that I think of. Worked all his life, dumped from a company in his mid/late 50s based primarily on "image" and with his and his wife's health he was screwed until Social Security disability and Medicare kicked in. At first I was thinking that those cases of preexisting conditions and almost automatic loses for the company would destroy the system, but it would also include some healthy people as well. Small business owners and their employees. He is no longer with me, so I didn't mention him. but yeah, I had a catastrophic policy for my salesguy. Big deductible, but 80-20 or something like that for hospital stays and 'approved' emergency room visits. He wasn't pulling his weight, so he is gone. I have a new guy now, still wet behind the ears. We shall see how he works out. Everyone else here has been here for 6 years or longer.
  2. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 10, 2008 -> 01:07 PM) Actually the really poor already have coverage via Medicade, we'd be covering more of the middle class who get squeezed. They are paying taxes. And as to why, I guess it is the same rationale that produces roads, water, police and fire protection, etc. There is also some public health savings. We pretty much stopped polio by legislating vaccinations. Flu epidemics are almost unheard of here, etc. There is also a cost in lost productivity that is shared. So there may be a total cost savings. Or maybe because we can? Maybe it's a family value thing? In part it was one reason I closed my business and put a few people out of work. I could not get private insurance and needed a large group coverage. My employees were making between $10 and $12 per hour. Insurance would have cost $850 per employee. That was a benefit of over $5 per hour. I made it work for a couple guys while I could. But as soon as I had a hospital stay, the increases started and wham, it was all over. Tex, while I simply don't offer insurance to my employees, I can recall back in the day when my father had his own company. They had to switch carriers every 2 or 3 years because they 'introductory' rates tripled, or someone had an expensive claim, etc. I think I recall the last one they had for a while, maybe 5 or 6 years, before he was forced to sell the business for unrelated reasons (family squabble, betrayal, etc.). So in a way, I feel your pain.
  3. The Paul-bots have been pretty quiet the last week or so. I wonder why?
  4. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 10, 2008 -> 12:43 PM) Did you miss the last few months or something? When the team got a new starting shortstop, starting LF, future 2B/CF, experienced set-up guy, and removed a whole list of dead wood (Erstad, Pods, Gonzalez, Cintron, Myers, Phillips, etc.)? And that's in addition to the Swisher deal? And the rookies that got their start in late 2007 who will be given a chance to be core guys on the team in 2008 (Fields, Owens, Richar, Wassermann)? I can understand not liking some of the moves. But you really aren't going to be taken seriously if you think "nothing else has happened". The team is dramatically different, and there will probably be multiple other moves yet to come before April 1st (like for Uribe, Crede, maybe others). Um, what he said! yeah, that's it!
  5. There are always the small clinics available at some Wal-marts and Walgreens that offer services for the things like colds, sinus infections, etc that many people without insurance clog emergency rooms for. Faster, and cheaper, than using an emergency room for a bad cold.
  6. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Jan 9, 2008 -> 06:34 PM) I'm just wondering what evidence/ data you base this on. There is no evidence, I said that I just can't believe it. Kinda like saying "in my opinion..." Look at SouthsideIrish's example with his diabetes. And what is Amenable mortality? It is mortality that can theoretically be averted by good health care. How many people do you know who have insurance, but smoke? Or are fat? Or drink alot? And don't listen to medical advise to stop? The choices people make effect these stats greatly. How many guys do you know over 40 who don't get prostate exams because they don't want a finger up their ass? If something is going on in there, and they put it off until it is too late and die, does that count towards the stat? All the available healthcare in the world wouldn't have saved that person, unless you force them to do it. You want to force a finger in someone's ass? I sure don't. I thnk it is fairly common knowledge that there is an obesity problem here in the states. How many people die from fat-relatyed health issues, that COULD have been prevented had they lost weight? What kind of deaths go into amenable mortality? Here is a list: http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/327/7424/1129/TBL1 Did you know that in many countries a newborn isn't registered as 'born' for up to 24 hours? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infant_mortality It seems like most of the things that figure into the rate are cancers or things that can be caused or aided by obesity & other related 'vices' (hypertension, peptic ulcers, Cholelithiasis ) You may have to change the behavioral patters of the nation as a whole before you can fix any of the numbers cited. Until Big Brother or socialized medice arrive, you can't force someone to go to the doctor or to listen to medical advice.
  7. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 9, 2008 -> 04:58 PM) All true. There are a ton of variables. Looking solely at industrialized countries certianly helps with it, and they've taken the further step in not just looking at mortality but looking at specific types of mortality that could be prevented with adequate care. However, that's not going to be my comeback. The key point and the question I put to you then is...if the U.S. spends 1.5 to 3 times as much per person on Health care as any other country surveyed there, can you explain to me why the U.S. should still finish last? Because the researchers want the US to look bad? I don't know. I cannot believe that diabetics get better care anywhere else but here. Or cancer patients. I just don't see it. The article didn't say any specific kind of death, so what do they consider 'preventable'? And I question your cost estimates as well. While others may not shell out much out of pocket DIRECTLY for medical care, they sure as hell pay enough in taxes.
  8. QUOTE(dasox24 @ Jan 9, 2008 -> 01:55 PM) I guess it's cool that she's standing by her terms (one being no alcohol), but come on lady, your son is 19 years old. If you don't think he should be allowed to drink alcohol, well, that's just ridiculous. Once a person becomes of college age, it should really be up to him to decide. It's not like she found heroine or cocaine in his car. Now, if the kid was 16 years old and still in high school and under the supervision of his parents, I'd be fine with this. But, he's obviously not. He is considered an "adult" by law and is his own man at this point. Don't sell his car to prove a point that is dumb. I'm guaran-damn-tee you she was drinking alcohol or smoking weed or some s*** when she was 19. And if she wasn't, well, good for her. But she is not her son. It wasn't about the drinking, it was about booze in the car. He had 2 rules, he broke one. If he doesn't like that he can always buy his own car. I had 3 rules if I wanted any help for college from my parents: no tattoos, no earrings, no motorcycles. Seem pretty silly, but I needed every penny, so I dealt with it. Never got the earring or motorcycle, but got the tattoo, AFTER college.
  9. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 9, 2008 -> 12:41 PM) Its a union. I am sure there are plenty of illegals working in those kitchens, but I bet they aren't union. I don't think the unions care about the legality of the people when they take their dues. But stranger thnkgs have happened, I guess.
  10. Good for her. I vote for best mom. Although for some reason the son's excuse about a friend leaving it there reminds me of the time Greg Brady got caught with cigs in his coat pocket.
  11. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 9, 2008 -> 12:33 PM) Those are huge for Nevada. It almost seems now like these early states are becoming a contest to get Edwards' votes. He may prefer to endorse whomever he thinks has the hot hand. Either candidate sweeping SC and NV would be huge for them. I wonder how many of those culinary workers are eligible to vote?
  12. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 9, 2008 -> 12:28 PM) Best healthcare system in the world! Sorry. Had to. Hope things turn soon. I agree. She got to see a doc the very next day, no 6 month waiting, got a script, and after only a few hours, got it filled. Sorry about your hand, Soxy. Been there.
  13. I have several friends from college that reside int he Boston area. They HATE the Yankmees. However the hate level has gone down sine they broke their 'curse', but not much.
  14. I'll echo the thanks for the site. While it sometimes gets tiring listening to how all our prospects suck, at least until we trade them and they instantly become all-star material, this page is a daily reading.
  15. EvilMonkey

    Pioneer INNO

    I have the regular XM, plus a home kit and a walkman-like portable that I got for $20. The XM plugs into it and it plays that, lpus has AM/FM as well. Much bulkier antenna/headphones, although the sound is very good. But no recording capability on what I have. This one sounds cool. Gotta remember that when the birthday rolls around.
  16. Hey BureauEmployee171, care to enlighten us all on Ron Paul's campaign newsleters from the early 1990's such as Ron Paul's Freedom Report, Ron Paul Political Report or The Ron Paul Survival Report?
  17. I just remember the one guy in a room with a bed and no mattress, the air filled with bubbles, and Don Ho playing in the background, over and over again. But it was good!
  18. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,321108,00.html
  19. It seems that their internet browsing habits tend toward shopping and porn! http://westminsterjournal.com/content/view/65/1/
  20. QUOTE(Mplssoxfan @ Jan 8, 2008 -> 12:57 PM) Anyone ever played Diplomacy? Think Risk, but far more detailed and nuanced. There's a game that can last awhile. Yes. I have had several games of Diplomacy that went of for quite a long time. I have a friend who will never play that game with me ever again.
  21. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 8, 2008 -> 01:53 PM) The official energy crisis was driven by them keeping power plants deliberately off line and forcing the state to buy whatever capacity it could from whoever was selling at whatever price (Enron). But CA, especially in the LA Area, has a real nasty habit of pushing itself right up to the limit of the power grid every summer when the big heat wave hits, and it's become fairly common that there are rolling blackouts on a smaller scale because the system can't handle the load. If all you did was save 1% of the area's electricity by altering everyone's thermostat who has one by 1 degree, it'd make a huge difference. HOw about when they modify the v-chip so that government can control what you watch and when you watch it? If too many people are watching Desperate Housewives, they can just turn some of the sets over to CBS, afterall they need viewers too. Or better yet, they monitor how much time you watch and turn it off after 2 hours in any 24 hour period? It is a slippery slope! FYI, not discounting the severity of California's power problem, I think this step is just one more foot in the door.
  22. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Jan 8, 2008 -> 12:39 PM) So do you think that America's or England's gun laws are being put in place to move to a totalitarian state? Well, the UK has more cameras than Kodak, wants to throw you in jail for hving a knife and has no concept of free speech anymore, so I suppose you could say that it is there in part already. And look at this little bit going on in CA! http://www.energy.ca.gov/2007publications/...7-017-45DAY.PDF On page 194, there is this little blurb "Thermostats – Heating systems shall be equipped with thermostats that meet the Programmable Communicating Thermostat (PCT) requirements of Section 112©" Each PCT will be fitted with a "non-removable " FM receiver that will allow the power authorities to increase your air conditioning temperature setpoint or decrease your heater temperature setpoint to any value they chose. During "price events" those changes are limited to +/- four degrees F and you would be able to manually override the changes. During "emergency events" the new setpoints can be whatever the power authority desires and you would not be able to alter them. In other words, the temperature of your home will no longer be yours to control. Your desires and needs can and will be overridden by the state of California through its public and private utility organizations. All this is for the common good, of course. What's next, big view screens in your walls so that the state can check up on you and make sure you are working out? First they came for the air conditioning. I lived in a cold state, so I did nothing. Then they came for my guns......
  23. But what does that class add to an English major? or any major? And thanks to whomever eliminated the double post. I have a new computer and the mouse is a little touchy.
  24. http://www.umich.edu/news/index.html?BG/317descr
  25. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 7, 2008 -> 10:41 PM) Let me mix this up by saying, this is the exact same way they have been undermining/defending abortion for 35 years now. I agree. That is why the NRA and Pro choice people fight tooth and nail against every and anything that could go against them, because they know that once the camel starts to come into the tent, there is no stopping him. One gun restriction leads to another, and so on, and so on. In reality, at least as far as guns go, most gun owners are in favor of licensing, and even some limits on what types of guns, etc., but are wary of this very thing happening. After England bans knives, what's next? Cricket bats?
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