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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. One of the things that gun people say will happen with increasingly restrictive gun laws is that people will turn to other weapons, and then government will try to outlaw those weapons as well. A first hand look of that in action is going on in the UK, where politicians and police now want to outlaw knives and give manditory sentances for just carrying one. http://www.guardian.co.uk/crime/article/0,,2236021,00.html
  2. The 10-pin had it in for me tonight. Out of 30 frames, I had to try and pick that up 14 times. Was successful 12 of those. Whew!
  3. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Jan 5, 2008 -> 08:33 PM) Total voter turnout at the Wyoming GOP Caucus: 1200 voters. Out of approximately 136,000 registered Republicans in Wyoming. That's a 1% turnout. If that 1% was the only percent that was INFORMED about the candidates and issues, then that's all good. If the people can't take enough time to inform themselves about the candidates and at least some of the issues, I would rather they stay home.
  4. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 5, 2008 -> 09:52 AM) A MAJOR gaffe is the only way I see him losing if he wins those 3 states. Maybe photos will surface of him on the Monkey Business with Donna Rice, that could derail his run for the White House.
  5. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 4, 2008 -> 11:18 AM) yes, the same posts always come up. Is the IT guy really going to work at $8 per hour instead of finding a job in his field? You know how expensive turnover is. And how expensive having employees who do not want to be there. But I keep posting because we keep missing the bigger issues in this debate. We have to protect the ag industry. We can live longer without oil than food. In the early 90's, I went from running the 50 person office of a furniture factory to 9 months of unemployment to working for $9 per hour at Rent-A-Center ( I HATED that job). DId that for just over a year until the opportunity I am in now came to be. When you are hungry and have a house to pay for, you do what you have to do.
  6. QUOTE(vandy125 @ Jan 3, 2008 -> 10:25 PM) Hopefully the good turnout s a good sign of things to come with people getting interested in the political process. I would rather people be well informed instead of just interested. Too many 'single issue' voters really doesn't do justice to the system as a whole. But I guess you have to start somewhere.
  7. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Jan 3, 2008 -> 04:59 PM) Hardly any politician would come to Iowa if we weren't first. So instead they don't come to Illinois, because by the time we get around to the primaries, things have already shaken out to only one or two choices. None of the campaign money raised from Illinois goes back into Illinois, it all goes into Iowa. This is a joke.
  8. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 3, 2008 -> 11:30 AM) Politico And Fred says that is a lie to discourage voters and donations. http://blogs.iowapolitics.com/caucus/2008/...a-wont-end.html
  9. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 3, 2008 -> 10:09 AM) Let's just say I heard reports of dissatisfaction with the system since it's implementation, resulting in many crossing the border to get quality health care. In fact, I've Brits are also complaining due to the lack of timely, quality health care over there as well. When I think of government run health care, I think of the fiasco at Walter Reed Hospital and the cockroaches that were accompanying our wounded soldiers. As I said, I'll pass. In the UK, they are pushing a plan whereby if you are a smoker, you go to the end of the already long line for related care. Also for fat people, and alcohol related issues. And the nanny state over there continues.....
  10. Howard and the DNC will be getting deposed regarding thier discrimination against gays. http://pageoneq.com/news/2008/dnclawsuit_010208.html
  11. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Dec 31, 2007 -> 11:20 AM) You don't hear about Fred because he's put more effort into filming Law & Order episodes than he has in running for President. If you want people to follow your campaign and get press coverage, it might be a good idea to show up at more of your own events. Do you have any probelms with his actual positions? Is that all you have, that he doesn't come off like a raving lunatic in trying to become President? Seriously, the only negative I have heard on here are things relating to his 'energy' or not wanting it enough.
  12. Hugh Hewitt takes on the Huckster, with an open letter from a Arkansas Evangelical . http://hughhewitt.townhall.com/blog/g/3339...19-cdca6181d5d4
  13. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 2, 2008 -> 12:59 PM) But the good news is...thanks to the high oil prices...the oil companies have more than enough money to make sure that doesn't happen! Are the oil companies really making the money off the futures, or is it the market speculators who jack the price up because they 'fear' some shortage next month, or because OPEC burped? Serious question, despite my snip at the end. It isn't costing them any more to get the oil out of the ground than it did last year, but the fear of a shortage is what is driving it up. So, who benefits from the 'fear pricing'?
  14. I made a call even though I 'knew' Juddling had a flush. I just had to see it or I would have never let it rest. That's about it, this year.
  15. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Dec 30, 2007 -> 07:22 PM) http://www.siouxcityjournal.com/articles/2...3c100054e2b.txt lol "Fred Thompson acknowledged Saturday he's not especially fond of running for president, but he thinks he'd be a good choice for the White House." Fred's response to the article. http://www.redstate.com/stories/elections/..._story_straight
  16. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Dec 31, 2007 -> 02:05 PM) Hibernating? The guy has run a horrible campaign, and now basically admits he doesn't even want to campaign. It makes him appear lazy and not prepared for the rigors of being president. Can you go one post on the message boards without trying to blend in a lame person attack? Probably not. OK, in this thread, there have been several posts about Fred's positions, etc. POst #450 (around page 30 or so) about his rasing money POst #547 where he reafirms his pro-life stance Post #556 (page 38) where it talks about his immigration policy, which was very detailed, followed by post #560 talking about his social security plan (have you heard any of the others mention anythign about ss, except that is needs to be saved?) Post #728 mentions his endorsement from the Right To LIfe Committee #767 where SS2K mentions an interview of Thompson he saw discussinig points he talked about where he gave actual answers, not sound bites with non-commital blurbs. #771 where it mentions that he wouildn't sign the 'no tax' pledge And those are just in this thread. Since you post here, in this thread, often, you would think that these may have caught your attention. I guess not. For other positions, go to Fred08.com.
  17. OMG, I made one post without some sort of personal attack. Oops! Blew that streak at one, I guess.
  18. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 31, 2007 -> 02:58 PM) Here is another random thought, not Edwards-related. If you look at the Dem polls carefully, there is a recent trend in Iowa. Richardson seems to be sharing a pool of voters with Obama. The polls where Richardson picks up a few, inevitably, Obama loses a few. And vice versa. Yet another reason why I'd love to see Richardson drop out after Iowa and join Obama. Unfortunately, I think that's unlikely. They don't seem likely to be sharing the same pool of voters. Do you have a theory as to why that seems to be so? (serious question, btw, not some kinda snark)
  19. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 31, 2007 -> 10:35 AM) Only if you promise that you look like the guy in your avatar. It would take me a while to get my beard that bushy. I only have about 3 days of growth for now. Look more like a scruffy Don Johnson in Kmart clothes than my avitar.
  20. Any fellow Soxtalkers in the Plainfield/Joliet/Shorewood are want to stop by for a beer, drop me a PM. You can stop by and see me in person to find out if I really am the devil or not. Happy New Year to all, and be safe!
  21. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Dec 31, 2007 -> 08:23 AM) You hate the Boy Scouts of America?!?!! Seriously though, the RIAA can go straight to hell. Well, I meant the Business Software Alliance. Although they do make the Nazis look like the boy scouts in comparrison.
  22. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 31, 2007 -> 09:22 AM) I agree about Edwards' old sob story, its not really useful. But I still don't get your thought process that rich people giving back doesn't "impress" you. I fail to see why they shouldn't get some credit for doing so. Its not as much of a sacrifice as the others you mention of course - but that doesn't make it a bad thing. And even though I think Edwards is the king of fake among these candidates, I do think that most politicians probably went into it for the right reasons. And some have even managed to maintain some degree of real desire to help people, and have put their efforts to it. Its not as simple as "they are all evil" as you seem to think, nor is it as simple as Reddy is saying that he is completely in it for the little guy. OK, I will grant you that not all of them go into politics for selfish reasons. At least they don't start out that way. But look at some of the highlighted words you used. 'most' and 'some'. There probably are some who can maintain their desire to serve above all else, but i would bet it isn't many, at least not by the time you get to the national stage.
  23. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Dec 31, 2007 -> 09:04 AM) It's funny that the same people who defend the building of wealth so fervently are so unimpressed when someone who is wealthy tries to give back. It's a trend I've tended to notice with a lot of people. I am unimpressed when they have to publicize that they did it. "Oh, look at me, I donated $10,000 for poverty relief! Ain't I great?" If you are doing it for the right reasons, you don't shout about it to further your own agenda. You want to give back? great! Then do it. Quit telling me you are doing it. However, Reddy made a good point, I am sure the people receiving it couldn't care less.
  24. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 31, 2007 -> 09:16 AM) OK that's just incorrect. There are plenty of other candidates who have taken clear positions on issues. Just not Hillary or Rudy or Mitt. Touche', pussycat! You are correct. You just don't hear about them, or Fred, since they don't seem to be the media favorites.
  25. QUOTE(Reddy @ Dec 30, 2007 -> 11:48 PM) but to suggest they're only in it for the fame/glory/money/power/etc is also just absurd. Look, John didn't start out rich ok? he was f***ing poorer than you or me. by a long shot. Whoa there, sparky. Don't let all the glorification of his 'poor, humble roots' rot your brain. Dad was a manager at a textile place, and mom had her own business, then worked for the post office. Now I know that textile mills are not exactally flowing with money, but the managers are sure nor 'poor'. And I know postal workers are well paid, even back then. My parents lived in my grandparents basement for a year because they had no money. Boo f***ing hoo. Mill housing wasn't like a mansion, but they didn't live there his whole life, they soon graduated to a ranch-style brick home on a tree-lined street. Somehow he afforded college, without scholarships. Not cheap, even when he transfered to NSCU, so I guess they weren't too dirt poor by then. He even had a union job with UPS! $10 per hour in the 70's was pretty damn good! I worked 10 hour days on the weekends and 2, 4 hour shifts during the week at $7 per hour to pay for mine college education. And stories about the family leaving restaurants because the prices were too high? Been there. I am not saying they are ONLY in it for the non-altruistic things, just that they are the main reason. The fact that they may be able to help someone in the process is what helps them sleep at night. You, however, seem to think his s*** don't stink. They all stink to some degree. I have met several politicians in person, Jim Edgar, Jessie White, Gary Hart, Paul Simon and even Bill Clinton. (I only got to shake his hand and say hi, but listened to him talk to a friend's dad for about 10 minutes. Now there was a guy who could talk when he wanted to.) The only guy I have met whom I think was more into it for the good than the bad was Paul Simon. But boy did he look funny in those bow ties. As for "you're saying that any altruistic behavior from a rich person means LESS than if it comes from a middle class citizen?" I am saying it costs them less, as they are in a position to afford it more. It is easy to care when you have millions. Try caring when you only have thousands, or hundreds.
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