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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 23, 2007 -> 12:26 PM) Last 15 years? Reagan granted amnesty way more than 15 years ago. This has been going on for as long as we've been a nation. Immigrants have done our heavy lifting for over 200 years. From slavery taming the south for farmland to Chinese building the railroads. When Reagan did the amnesty thing, I think the high end was arounf 5 or 6 million that got it. If amnesty were doen today, the new high end number of NEW people getting that would be over 15 million. That is a huge increase.
  2. EvilMonkey


    My youngest is 9 and kicks butt in most of the games, and his 7 year old cousin isn't too bad at some of them either. Depends on what games you get. Go for it!
  3. If we could talk off the record, I would like to have a beer with McCain. I would love to hear his war stories without them being filtered thru a PR flak or worried that anything he said might get out.
  4. Here is one reason Ron Paul does so good on internet polls. They set up a page linking them all together, and run it thru an anonamizer site so the IP addresses don't all get tracked back to the same place. http://ronpaulgw.googlepages.com/polls
  5. Here is a great way to get off some of the fossil fuel. Personal nuke plants! http://www.nextenergynews.com/news1/next-e...ear-12.17b.html There is a town in Alaska that is going to get one for cost as a demo, but of course with all the regulations and stuff, won't happen until 2010. http://www.primidi.com/2005/02/06.html
  6. That is kinda funny. Can't wait for the cries of how we let another budding superstar get away! Hahahaha!
  7. QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 20, 2007 -> 08:01 AM) I can kind of relate to what Schilling is saying here. I want Giambi to give Frank his MVP award.
  8. QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 20, 2007 -> 08:27 AM) If he did, I want no part of McCain. Why? Would he be guilty of something by association? Then why vote for Paul, who has Nazi's endorsing him?
  9. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Dec 19, 2007 -> 01:55 PM) Is anyone surprised by the study? No.
  10. Suprised they didn't pick Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Their whole group was a joke. I can half-way understand The Goracle, but Dinnerjacket? JK Rowling? Jobs? C'mon, there has to be people out there better deserving than those.
  11. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Dec 18, 2007 -> 04:41 PM) My best friend just let me know he got engaged. I suddenly feel a lot older right now. I just noticed my older son is sporting a slight mustache. Now I also feel old.
  12. I wondered why my computer at home has been doing wierd thngs the last few days. Glad you guys are on top of it.
  13. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Dec 18, 2007 -> 01:59 PM) How about some fun with captions? Really, Hillary? He's only that big? And yours is bigger????
  14. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Dec 18, 2007 -> 01:59 PM) How about some fun with captions? "I'm pinching your head! I'm pinching your head!"
  15. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 17, 2007 -> 08:27 AM) Because, as I've said before, the MSM isn't biased so much as sleezy and lazy - and motivated by the almighty dollar like every other business. This sort of thing sells, and its what some people are looking for, whether they admit it or not. I would say that they are both.
  16. QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 17, 2007 -> 02:14 AM) I surprised the national media is going after Huckabee. If he wins the GOP nomination, the Dems will win for sure. If they'd just back off until after the convention, they could assure a Democratic victory in the general election. A lot of conservative blogs are really ripping him, so much so that it is hard for the MSM to ignore it. They have been on it for weeks, MSM is late to the game, as usual.
  17. This is, of course, a parody article. Or is it? That's the sad thing is that some of these yuo can imagine really happening. http://www.thepeoplescube.com/red/viewtopic.php?t=1621
  18. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Dec 15, 2007 -> 05:21 AM) More from the religion of peace.... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/arti...amp;ito=newsnow Oops, didn't mean to start a jihad here getting my religions mixed up and what not. You would still lose out in quantity. Go ahead, bring Mormons, baptists and even Scientoligists into it, the R.O.P. will still vastly outnumber them all in quantity and wackiness.
  19. No, I got what you were trying to do. Point out how they do good things. Sure, and Capone fed the hungry, too. POst all the feel-good things you want, you would be outnumbered by far with the wacky things done in their name.
  20. Didn't he lose the MVP or some other award to a 'roider? He should be granted that award retroactively if so!
  21. I laughed, and didn't feel guilty. Black humor at its finest.
  22. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Dec 12, 2007 -> 10:50 PM) More from your Religion of Peace. http://www.nypost.com/seven/12122007/news/...slim_381263.htm Wait, there is anti-jew hate crimes? I thought that it was only Muslims that had hate crimes committed against them? Your scenereo above is more likely since the anti-Jew hate crimes outnumber anti-Muslim hate crimes over 6-1. http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/hc2004/hctable1.htm
  23. Still more from the ROP! Now they object to 'offensive' soccer uniforms! Some of these people are just perpetually offended http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle3035438.ece
  24. QUOTE(3E8 @ Dec 12, 2007 -> 07:07 PM) Two words: spearmint rhino Been there. Cheap booze if you go in the afternoon. Women were ok, not as good lookign as at Scores, but at least you weren't bombarded every 4 minutes to "buy your favorite girl a bottle of champaign in our newly updated champaign room". Yo DJ dude, I'm there to drink and watch the women (not always in that order), so shut up! But hey, enjoy!
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