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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 20, 2007 -> 02:55 PM) I'm not sure what the labels you are using exactly mean, but when I have sat down and listen to his specifics on his policies, he is one of very few candidates who is saying things that I can actually agree with. He isn't just parroting party and money positions. He has been willing to take unpopular stances, and take positions that are against his own personal beliefs. I haven't seen that from any other candidate so far. If that is an "empty suit" and "1980", well then I guess I love the 80's. Give me that anyday over the same old recycled crap leading both parties thus far. I have to agree with you. I LIKE what I hear. It just isn't presented like a Baptist preacher at a revival, so it doesn't sound right. He actually answers questions!
  2. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 20, 2007 -> 02:58 PM) And yet, if those same people have children in this country...suddenly those children are citizens and are sampled by the Census. And those children get taught in bilingual classes, further eating up scarce educational resources teaching kids in spanish that should know english before getting into the public school to begin with, because the parents can't and/or won't learn english enough to speak it at home, etc., so English is at best a second language to them, when if they are going to be citizens, it should be a first language, if possible. Oh, and the birthright citizenship also needs to stop.
  3. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 20, 2007 -> 06:49 AM) They do. It goes along the lines of too bad they are doing that, we'll have to spend our hundreds of millions of dollars elsewhere. Have a nice day. You are missing the point, all the focus on the illegals comes at the expense of legal tourists and the innocent Americans who rely on that trade. There are several people here who point to Mexico's laws and how Mexico handles immigration, especially from the south. here is a typical post reflecting that view. Tex, in response to your first part, I do get it. What I don't get is why aren't the legal tourusts more pissed at all the illegals that are causing all this to happen in the first place/ Why aren't they more pissed that thier own government facilitates the illegal invasion of the US which is what caused the stepped up enforcement to begin with. I liken it to airplane security. I am pissed that about half the time I go thru an airport, I get the 'extra checking', despite looking about as far from a typical terrorist as I can. But I am more pissed at the dam Islamofascists douchbags that are the whole reason for all these extra rules to begin with. In response to your second one, I see nothing wrong with pointing out that a country that uses excessive force to keep immigrants out of thier own country would complain that thier neighbor to the north may want to do the same. Everytime someone posted anything like that, your immediate over-the-top response was along the lines of 'Oh well, I guess we should just make all our laws like some third world country's then'. No one said anythign even remotely like that. You don't want a wall? Get the crooks in Washington to 1) ENFORCE the immigration laws we have now, 2) Fix the guest worker program, 3) crack down on companies that knowlingly hire illegals, 4) aggressively prosecute those supplying and using false ss numbers and 5) do something about Mexico trying to invade us by exporting thier poor and importing our money. That country would be broke if it wasn't for all the dollars that get sent back to it.
  4. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 19, 2007 -> 10:40 PM) It doesn't. It is an emotional response based in part on nationalistic pride. I wish y'all could meet some of the families I know. My analogies will fall short. Back in the 60s the Archie Bunker types would say, there are n*****s and there are black people. You know the n*****s are the ones stealing cars, raping women, hanging out on street corners and dealin' drugs, but *you*, you are a black person. And many blacks would be offended. Does that kind of make sense? In the past couple years we have increased the paper work that a Mexican National needs to cross over, both along the border, and into the interior. The so called "laser visa". It also keeps getting more and more expensive. The US spend countless tens of millions of dollars to strengthen security. Over half a million Mexicans, and close to 150,000 within 100 miles of me, bought the $100 laser visa which stores biometrics like a digital fingerprint and facial features. Less than 2% are actually being checked this way. Here is a real answer, all in place, and we are not using it. Those that believe the US and Mexico should have the same laws will support Mexicans coming over without and paperwork as long as they stay in the border zone, the same as Mexico allows US citizens. Basically both the US and Mexico recognizes two zones. The area roughly 40 miles north and south of the border. For example, Americans can drive into Mexico without any extra paperwork, as long as we stay within the border region. If we go past their interior checkpoint, we must have a temporary import certification for our cars. Mexicans have a similar restriction when they get here, but it is more involved. Shouldn't these Nationals that are unhappy with all the border enforcement efforts be focusing their ire at the millions of illegals that are the REASON for all the enforcement? As for "Those that believe the US and Mexico should have the same laws will support Mexicans coming over without and paperwork as long as they stay in the border zone, the same as Mexico allows US citizens", once again you are raising an arguement no one else has. No one said all our laws should be the same.
  5. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 19, 2007 -> 09:37 PM) The criminals will continue, it's the law abiding individuals that are being punished, Almost sounds like a second amendment argument there, Tex. But a serious question, how does the wall hinder the legal entry into our country. Wall or not, people are still supposed to enter at border checkpoints. They are not eliminating checkpoints, so I fail to see how a wall would stop someone from shopping (legally) at Walmart in Texas.
  6. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 19, 2007 -> 12:39 PM) http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewPolitics.asp?Pa...L20071119a.html Good choice to not sign. And since 3 of them didn't sign it, it shouldn't hurt as bad. Are they all really gonna vote for Huckabee?
  7. "could see a similar downturn" And they also could not. They would shop in Mexico. They would stay there." If the goods they wanted/needed were available there for a price they wanted to pay, they would have stayed there to begin with. "Any kind of fence that would interfere with that access is a real problem," McClung said. " So we have Mexicans coming into America to get water, or Americans going in to Mexico to get water? What is it? Wold the wall prevent Americans from getting access to the river, and which country is the river in anyway? (just a question, a real question, not snark)
  8. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 19, 2007 -> 09:40 AM) No. I'm in favor of a plan that matches US employers with the workers they need, via a guest worker system. I am in favor of a border security program that works without destroying innocent people in the process. While related, these are two different issues. yes, we should have an improved program that lets companies get the workers they need. At the same time, we need to keep out the people that don't want to come here thru the correct channels.
  9. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 19, 2007 -> 08:28 AM) Yesterday's experience at the mall may help to explain the differences between the border area and the interior in our attitudes towards Mexico. The mall was packed, literally every parking space was full. They closed lots and only allowed cars in when someone left. In the row of 46 cars where I parked, over thirty carried license plates from Mexico. Nuevo Leon was #1, that would be the state where Monterrey, a great city, is located, which is about three hours away via the autopista. But there were several other states as well. And the number of packages filling their trunks was staggering. Most of the retail stores in this area will rank in their chains top 10 nationally. The largest volume JC Penny store happens to be in McAllen a city of barely 100,000. The last year I saw a report from our local Chamber of Commerce, almost 3/4 of the new businesses were owned by Mexican-Nationals investing in the US and getting their money out of Mexico. 70% of the condominiums on South Padre Island are owned by Mexican-Nationals. Without the influx of Mexican cash into the border economy, it fails and fails hard. We saw it with the peso devaluation a couple decades ago. We're seeing it now as many Mexicans are feeling the anti-Mexican sentiment that is sweeping the US. At the mall, almost every sales clerk approached me in Spanish first. My friend and I jokingly waited to see how long it would take to hear a conversation in English. So with this wall, and the attitude it represents, we are potentially screwing with the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of Americans who depend on the trade brought in by these tourists. We potentially screw with the farmers and ranchers, all the retail trades, the hotels, restaurants, and other tourist attractions. The towns and cities that depend on the tax revenues. Perhaps if people on the border had an attitude of f*** your town, we don't care about you, you would understand our feelings. Tex, you act like because of the wall there will never be tourism and noone will ever want to visit the US of A again. Please stop being so over the top. The people at your mall had to come here somehow, possible over a road and thru a checkpoint, which would still exist with a wall.
  10. Bob Hope had the right idea about Democrats a long, long time ago!
  11. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 17, 2007 -> 08:04 AM) I'm not certain why we're discussing self defense, Texas Law allows you to defend your property. That's why our crime rate is so much lower. Break into the home and you could get shot. I'm certain after these guys were killed, no one will be breaking into homes in Texas. The death penalty was served. Is it a deterant only if it deters EVERYBODY? If this shooting stops 50 people from committing similar, or worse, acts, was it a deterant? The death penalty at least deters one, but we don't quite know how many others are swayed by the fact they could die by committing certain acts in Texas.
  12. I had a friend whos MOM went by the name Cookie. I guess she thought that was better than her real name, Wallace.
  13. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 16, 2007 -> 03:14 PM) I think its great that the situation in Iraq has improved on the ground and that some sense of normalcy might actually be returning to Baghdad. That's great, and hopefully will last. At the same time, I don't think its irresponsible to start attaching some strings to continued funding. There are a lot of issues with mission focus that have yet to be addressed and have yet to be addressed. Strings attached on funding helps start that process. I'm glad that Senator Reid is finally showing the sack to insist on it for passage. If he had a sack he woulda done it the first 6 or 7 times he threatened it. Alot easier to do now that things are at least looking better.
  14. QUOTE(YASNY @ Nov 16, 2007 -> 09:44 AM) I find it odd that the leader of another nation should have any say so about our nations immigration policies and discussion of those policies among our candidates. BINGO!
  15. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 16, 2007 -> 07:27 AM) I find it odd that anyone would think that the laws of the US and a third world country should be the same. Each country has different needs, different budgets. In Mexico, maquiladoras (manufacturing plants) are required to provide transportation, a Doctor, and meals. It's what they need, it would not work in the US. One could say the US is hypocritical for providing foreign aid like food and medicine but will not enact laws to provide the same for their own workers. I never said they should all be the same. Are you saying they should all be different?
  16. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 16, 2007 -> 05:12 AM) Hey if it worked for Germany... Except thiers was to keep people in. I am glad you believe in such openness. Why don't you also remove the front door to your house as well. And leave your car unlocked. After all, we wouldn't want to be stopping people from going where they aren't supposed to.
  17. As usual, you are so way over the top it almost isn't humorous. Your point is noted. But don't you find something just a little odd about a country that b****es constantly that we should let their immingrants into our country restriction free, but yet goes to Tex-like extremes at keeping immigrants OUT of their country, including using the military on their southern border? I always spell this wrong, but hypocracy comes to mind.
  18. http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/n...html?&wired
  19. I would certainly like to shoot the OWNERS of some cats, those who let them outside at night to roam my yard. I know there was a story of a guy who would trap cats in his yard and release them about 10 miles away the next morning. There is a reason they are called house cats. As for this guy, he should not have shot the cat. I understand the temptation, but that close to a bridge, too many chances for things to go wrong. The cat is lucky Squirt wasn't around, he might have eaten it in front of the tollway workers just for giggles.
  20. The abortion issue is more important in the primaries than the general election. The 'base' tends to vote more in the primaries.
  21. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 14, 2007 -> 08:58 AM) I honestly would not vote in a Rudy v. Hillary contest. I'm taking character pretty seriously this go around, which is why I'm sitting on McCain right now. Rudy vs Hillary wold be a tough one for me to go to as well.
  22. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Nov 14, 2007 -> 07:03 AM) I would love to slit your cat and dog's throat in front of you and your family and eat them as you watch. Damn good eats! Those are delicacies where I was raised. Classless, as always. Grow a pair, will ya? I eat meat. I want to eat meat, and will eat meat. I plan on having a huge turkey next week. And in between will be other meat. I have a ham in the fridge for this weekend, etc. Do you die a little inside whenever someone eats meat? You are as bad as some of the islamofacists, trying to push your world view (in regards to meat) and taking offense at the opposing views. Wanna cut my head off too? You seem to have it in for my dog and cat. Although since you probably belong to and/or support PETA also, I suppose that one was just an empty threat.
  23. And they 'voluntarily' went on hiatus because............. maybe tired of getting shot at?
  24. PORK CHOPS FOR DINNER! Damn good eats!
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