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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 11, 2007 -> 03:27 PM) Better fact list in support of not eating meat Alpha Dog eats meat Soxy doesn't Who would you rather have dinner with? I cook an awesome steak, homemade marinade. Even cheap cuts are tender and juicy. As long as it is not mooing, it is done enough. Oh, and Squirt, we have canine teeth for a reason, tearing meat.
  2. I wonder if the staffers for Hillary that planted her softball questions will get any percentage of the scrutiny as the FEMA folks? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,310417,00.html
  3. OK, LCR, you start off posting the story, pick out a few of the comments to highlight, then throw in a snark about the parenst and the bible, even though the story never says anything linking this to religious convictions, etc. You just assumed she was a religious nut. Way to show your bias early. The only religious reference is in the section where the ALA says that lots of books are reported, "including the popular Harry Potter series, which some Christians believe promotes witchcraft.". I guess the writer had to find a way to throw religion in there somehow. A curious aside, why did the article feel the need to post this line:"Neither Frazier nor the Tyrees have listed phone numbers." I think from the various posts, we can all agree that simple outright banning is not good. However there seems to be some differences in deciding what is good. Side A says you need oversight, parental or other, and Side B seems to be saying that the teachers/school know best. How is a parent supposed to react when the author of the stories in questions thinks this of them: "They don't know how the world works — but writers and English teachers do." So just because Conroy's dada was a Grade-A SOB means HE knows better that a parent? That is the type of condescending attitude that helps to make parents go off on educators like this. This is just like politics, getting polarized. Each side thinks they know best, and can't take criticism from the other. If the parents don't like the books, they SHOULD make their opinions known. And the teachers have an obligation to listen to those concerns, instead of dismissing them outright because they 'know better'. am not for one or two parents trying to force thier opinions on the whole school, but likewise I am not for some teacher thinking they know better also being the sole arbiter of what is taught. Teachers need to learn to take questions and criticism with a little more backbone, and parents need to learn to use the proper channels first for questions/problems without going to the nuclear option right off the bat.
  4. Worked in a small meat packing plant downstate for a summer. Not everybody is cruel. But most people couldn't even stomach the right way. More steak for me!
  5. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 09:59 PM) It sure seems like virtually no one knew the vote was going to happen except Reid until it actually happened. They literally didn't have time after it was scheduled to get back to Washington from where they were. But they shouldn't have to schedule time to be back, they should all be there doing the job they were elected to do, and are being paid to do, and that is to legislate, NOT campaign. If you hold a current office and want to run for a different office, you shuold have to resign, or at least return a percentage of your pay for all the work you are not doing. You want publically financed campaigns, well, you are partially (albeit a small percentage) the campaigns of several senators running for President.
  6. Also, Clinton, Obama, Biden and McCain should be fined for missing this vote because of campaigning. They were elected to do a job and vote on things, and to miss a vote such as this is just a dereliction of their duty. They owe us some pay back for not doing their jobs.
  7. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 05:59 PM) If you're saying that the CIA has banned its use, why would the Attorney General then have any qualms about calling it torture? That just makes the situation worse. Mukasey doesn't get to classify waterboarding as torture. The AG and the DoJ don't get to write their own laws. Congress writes the laws, and the AG makes sure that they are enforced. Congress has explicitly forbidden the Pentagon to use waterboarding as an interrogation technique, but has not yet passed that same restriction on other agencies -- and until they do, any instance of waterboarding cannot be said to be explicitly illegal. So you want the AG to enforce laws that congress hasn't passed.
  8. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 05:59 PM) If you're saying that the CIA has banned its use, why would the Attorney General then have any qualms about calling it torture? That just makes the situation worse. No, I am saying the guy who is trying to say he was all badass and stuff by being waterboarded wasn't REALLY waterboarded, as he had something covering his mouth and nose so that he didn't get the full effect.
  9. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 02:59 PM) Using the word "and" was probably a bad choice; I read it more as Rolen, Ankiel, or Duncan are all worth Bonser, as in they'd trade any one of those guys for Bonser. That makes more sense.
  10. QUOTE(Chombi and the Fungi @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 02:18 PM) Rolen, Ankiel and Duncan I can all see worthy of acquiring Bonser. Wow. if I was a GM, I would want to trade with you. All that for Bonser of the 5+ERA? The Twins would have a deal rivalling their AJ trade!
  11. EvilMonkey

    Pet peeves....

    QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 11:29 AM) A woman backed into my car with her car recently, got out of her car, never really spoke to me, looked at the back of HER car, said "Ok, Ok everyhting is Ok yeah, yeah" and kinda gave me that dismissive 'go away' gesture with her hand. The whole time she never missed a beat on her cell phone conversation. All of us at the gas station where it happened stood there in stunned silence as she drove off. Had she been a man, I probably woulda dragged him otta the car and stomped on his lungs. Was there damage to YOUR car? if so, not so sure if being a woman would have stopped drastic measure from happening. Idiots are idiots, regardless of their sex, race, sexual orientation or political affiliation.
  12. And half his games on Astroturf won't help him stay healthy either.
  13. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 1, 2007 -> 12:01 PM) Here's a link to a blogger/journalist who got waterboarded for Current TV. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kaj-larson/a...hy_b_70651.html From the very first reply in that post: I also read somewhere that the guy who had this done used some sort of a safeguard over his mouth so that he didn't get the 'true' experience. I will find the link for that one later for you, don't have it here at work.
  14. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 08:34 AM) It's a shame. Get over it.
  15. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 8, 2007 -> 10:19 AM) Society demands that parents be responsible for their children and raising them. Schools beg for more parental involvement. They wring their hands and wonder what can be done to get the parents interested in what their children are learning. Yet as soon as parents go beyond the fundraisers, and buying tickets to games and plays, teachers feel threatened. Willfully ignorant is a loaded phrase. Different topics are presented better in different venues. Perhaps I would rather be teaching my children about sex, drugs, love, and war, not having you do it. For that, I am mocked and accused of wanting my kids willfully ignorant? The hubris to think you are the best to do that is willfully ignorant. Parents that do not know what is being taught to their own children are the ones embracing willful ignorance not the ones that are standing up. But they are your best customer. They keep their mouths shut and keep sending their kids to school. Tell me this, what literary concepts cannot be taught using less offensive works. It seems the goal here is to expose them to controversial topics? Why? How does exposing them to these controversial topics fit the mission statement of the school? Why is it the school's business? Amazing that you have time. Perhaps there should be a course Controversial Topics 101 and allow parents and students to make that choice? The idea of parents and educators selecting books that teach the concepts is right. Parents just blindly turning their children over to strangers is what is wrong. When the kids act out in ways that society does not approve, is it the teachers standing next to their students in court? No. They are back in their ivory towers, wringing their hands, trying to figure out why parents are not involved selling more M&M for the Senior trip. Tex, I like alot of what you said here. I have a problem with the parents wanting the books 'banned' though. Pull your kids, have them not participate, maybe raise a stink about it so that other parents are aware and can maybe make the same choice as you, but her assuming that her views were better for all didn't fall too far from the school's thinking that they are the end all to be all. As for the 'classics' like Huck Fin and Catcher in the Rye, i thought they sucked anyway. Who decided they were 'classics' anyway? Why are they worthy of teaching instead of something else?
  16. It is still should not take 5 guys to get 1. Especially with pitchers supposedly being the premium.
  17. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 8, 2007 -> 11:28 AM) If the option is between the White Sox's leftovers and having Cabrera walk in a year for 2 draft picks after costing you an additional $12 million you can't afford, don't you take the leftovers as opposed to starving? Honestly, I wouldn't think it's totally out of the question either. Look at the lack of deals the last few years at the trading deadline. This year we had Tex moving and that was it. Teams just aren't willing to trade anything resembling a prospect for an established guy because of the rapidly growing money difference. It's gotten incredibly extreme. It's actually possible that this is where the value in the market lies right now; trading a few prospects for veterans, because that's what no one else is doing. I shudder at saying that i agree with you! (Did it just get colder outside?) I am just wondering why everyone on here seems to think that it will take 5 or 6 players to get him in a trade? Trading Fields, Danks and 2 or 3 others would just be dumb. 4 prospects for Tex, 1 good, 1 mid and 2 low level guys. And that was thought to be high for Tex. Not 2 MLB potential starters and 2 or 3 top picks. Cabrera would be good for the Sox, but not that good.
  18. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Nov 7, 2007 -> 08:45 AM) John McCain was tortured in Vietnam. And since torture works (according to pro-torture people) he must have given up secret intel on the US. That should disqualify him as a presidential candidate. We cannot trust him. you would be assuming he KNEW secret intel to gove up.
  19. EvilMonkey

    Pet peeves....

    When I am in a grocery store, and the checkout people are talking to each other, or rather complaining to each other, about how they 'haven't had a break in hours'. STFU and ring up my food! i don't care about your work problems, and I don't want to hear them. Or, along the grocery store line, when two people stop in the middle of an aisle to chat with each other, effectively blocking the whole thing.
  20. EvilMonkey

    Pet peeves....

    I hate internet stories that are put on multiple pages. C'mon, we know you just do it so we have to see the ads again at the top of the page, or for some kind of click counting scheme. The RSVP thing sucks. happened at my wedding as well, had to track down a few relatives that we knew would be there, but wanted to make sure.
  21. Actually, it is more like he is NOt following the script. Just because he doesn't act like he has an expresso machine IV'ed into his arm, he seems uninterested. Just because he doesn't orate like a southern preacher,he is uninspiring. I don't watch every speech or talk he gives, but the ones I do see, he talks like he is talkign to the person sitting in front of him, like a person, not a soundbite. I agree that his campaign doesn't seem to have the 'energy' that others do, and in the short term (the primaries) that might hurt him. But like SS2K, I like his positions on alot of the major issues, and hope that people can see above the forced exhuberance of the candidates to see the actual issues. I know, I am dreaming, but hey, it's my dream.
  22. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 4, 2007 -> 11:02 AM) Shall we apply the same standard here that we would if it was someone like Hillary Clinton? The difference being Hill's associates are committing the crimes now (HU) as opposed to a decade or two ago. I see Obama's association with Rezko hasn't hurt him too much yet.
  23. Reeses cups, 3 Muskateers and the vanilla Toottsie Rolls. If they ever made a candy bar out of just the stuff inside a 3 Musketeers bar, I would probably gain back everything I have lost in the last 6 months.
  24. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 4, 2007 -> 09:19 AM) Fred Thompson might have been a prosecutor in Law & Order, but really seems to like hanging out with criminals in real life. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...ml?hpid=topnews So Thompson isn't aware that his campaign chairs are convicted drug traffickers, he isn't aware of high level defections within his campaign, and apparently didnt turn his hearing aid up enough to understand the difference between Civil Unions and the Soviet Union. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...7102901455.html I understand wanting someone from outside Washington running, but I don't understand why this guy is running. Is that all you got? He doesn't hear a question fully, and now he is in need of hearing aids and senile? He actually associates with someone who has had a criminal past, and now he is tainted too? Might as well wipe the whole damn field of candidates from both sides then if that is the case.
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Rq2ztTEp5k The Reverend in all his hysterical glory.
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