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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Can't find money for the CTA (or any other program that has budget shortfalls), but can fund a f*cking popsicle? Yeah, that works.
  2. They are just claiming that so that when inspectors finally get there and detedt traces of radioactivity, they can say it was from an American bomb instead of their nuke stuff that got blown up. Win-win for them.
  3. I had posted earlier how people on both sides were disguising donation above the limit by having their children donate to a campaign. The example in the story was of one family where a 2 yr old had donated the maximum to Obama, and the mom was quoted as admitting that she did this to get around the limits.
  4. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 31, 2007 -> 08:44 AM) I believe there was that McCain torture bill that went through Congress at the end of 2005, early 2006. It was attached to a Defense Appropriations bill, so I believe it ended up passing. The other reason there is precedent? In 1947, we held a war crimes trial of a Japanese soldier who waterboarded an American. That soldier was sentenced to 15 years hard labor. In 1968, the Pentagon investigated allegations of the same waterboarding methods being used in Vietnam. I know the mccain bill in 2005 was left intentionally vague to protect the CIA, and that didn't list anything specific, including waterboarding. Yes, we tries some japaneese after the war for that, as well as other things, but that still doesn't make it a law specifically about waterboarding. And the vietnam investigations also don't make anything a law. I originally asked an honest question, because i couldn't find anything that specifically outlawed waterboarding, as you claimed to exist. . Now I have to ask, did you just say that without proof?
  5. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 30, 2007 -> 11:56 PM) OK, a law was recently passed that declared waterboarding, specifically, as out of bounds and illegal. Why isn't the Attorney General saying its beyond what passes for legal? Do you have a link for that? Only had a few minutes to search this AM, and I can't find anything. So far.
  6. QUOTE(Chet Lemon @ Oct 30, 2007 -> 09:34 AM) Grahamnesty weighs in: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jVl2y6_...s2QjPwD8SIE8J02 They should be asking him 'If we make waterboarding illegal, will you prosecute people who do it', not 'do you think it is illegal'? It isn't his job to make the laws, but to enforce them. Congress is supposed to be making the laws. grow some stones, write a specific law, and be done with it.
  7. Or Borass is convinced he will get him a bigger deal and told Arod that he had something lined up, whether he did or not. But you are correct, we will probably never really know.
  8. Go ahead, rant if it makes you feel better. Do you think I LIKE contractors running off with untold $$$? Do you think that that would only happen if a Republican was in the WHite House? if yuor answer is yes to either one of those, you are a bigger ass than I sometimes think you are. How about comnig up with a plan to end the war, instead of just 'leaving'? Oh wait, that would make it seem like the eeevil Republicans did something good if we actually won somethng, so we can't have that.
  9. Tex, I agree with you that this election period is too damn long. 3 or 4 months for the primaries, then another few for the general. Why do we need more?
  10. John Edwards, keep your hands out of my f*cking pockets. I work my ass off for what little I have, and I do NOT like being told WHO I HAVE to help with my money. I give freely to charity of both my time and money, and I don't need you, thru the use of confiscatory laws, to tell me I need to do more.
  11. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 27, 2007 -> 03:00 PM) Those deaths should not be covered, it makes the war look bad, and dishonors their sacrifice. I didn't say that. Just wondering how the death counts fit into the MSM master plan of shilling for Bush and the war.
  12. Obama fundraiser switches sides. Does he sense a sinking ship, or more money? Or both? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071027/ap_on_...bama_fundraiser
  13. I wonder which Democrat invited them this time, and which one will bail them out and pay their fines? People like this really need to have the legal screws put to them and not get let off with a slap on the wrist. It also would have been cool if Condi would have just laid the beyoch out when she ran up and got all in her face. She easily cold have claimed that she feared for her life being a public official. The White Houde response: http://thehill.com/leading-the-news/perino...2007-10-24.html
  14. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 26, 2007 -> 09:20 PM) George W. Bush and the Iraq war say hi. Yeah, because we all know those daily death counts just scream 'positive coverage'.
  15. They just had a story earlier this week about drunken elephants, in India. About 40 of them wandered in to some down and a bunch of them raided some rice beer vats that were there, got drunk, and 6 died by electrocuting themselves when uprooting an electric pole. http://www.elephant-news.com/index.php?id=2880
  16. You know, when I first bring up media not covering certain actions or words of Dem politicians, I get "they are local level pols" or "That is a governor, not a Senator". Now you have a national level guy in Biden, and it's "He's not a major enough player". Way to keep moving the goal posts there guys. I dno't care if he is Tancredo level in his poll numbers, he is still running for Pres, that is certainly big enough.
  17. On the high (production) end, I use Lexmark laser printers in my store and they work great.
  18. Left leg in 3 places, 3 bones in my left foot, 3 bones in my right foot, every finger once, 2 of them twice, one thumb and my nose. The left foot bones were all broken at the same time, the right ones were broken at the same time, but the fingers were mostly one at a time for various reason. Sports related injuries, fights, drunken escapades, etc. Thankfully those were a long time ago, the most recent being the right foot in 2000. Now I just tear things, like the rotator cuff and ACL.
  19. Looks like Obama,as well as others on both sides, have been taking money from babies! Literally! http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...av=rss_politics
  20. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 24, 2007 -> 07:07 PM) It's my understanding that legal aliens in our country that do not have permanent residency would also benefit from this act, no? Someone from Dickie's camp let it be known that there would be illegals there. When called upon it with the threat of having them arrested, they are suddenly 'not illegal'. Somewhere, there was a lie for political gain. Either they were not illegal, and that info got out to try and score sympathy political points, or they are illegal, and he lied to save his (and theirs) asses.
  21. QUOTE(The Critic @ Oct 24, 2007 -> 05:09 PM) I could fill a medium-size notebook with the popular TV shows and movies I've never seen. Just a few off the top of my head: Godfather series Anchorman Forrest Gump Terminator Friends Frasier ER Sopranos Also never been to a strip club, and don't have any desire to. I don't want the "attention" of women who pretend to like me until my money's gone (insert marriage joke here), and I don't like to part with my precious George Washingtons anyway. I would have been able to agree with you on the strip club one until Vegas this past march. Lots of Washingtons, and his fellow ex-Presidents, left my pockets over the weekend. What happened in vegas was my money stayed in Vegas.
  22. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Oct 24, 2007 -> 12:56 PM) This story made me chuckle. LINK Then we close the base, remove every last building, cable, nail and scrap of paper, and don't look back. Make an offer to a neighborring country. I am sure one that could use the $$$ would accept. We should also pull our bases out of Germany. I would also say Korea, but I think that would really give the little dictator over there an orgasm or something as he plotted his inevitable reunification of the Koreas. That one can wait a bit.
  23. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 24, 2007 -> 05:01 PM) Not necessarily, the people at the hearing could have been there on a valid working visa, student visa, or could have been parents of undocumented children, etc. If they were the first 2, then they wouldn't have been illegal, and if Dick claimed they were, that would have been a lie. If they were the third, then they either the parents, the kids, or both would have been illegal, then Dick would have lied about thier status being resolved.
  24. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 24, 2007 -> 04:19 PM) Durbin fired back saying that the immigration status of everyone involved had in fact been resolved, and accused Sen. Tancredo of not bothering to take the time to find that out. oooo, very scathing retort there, Dickie. So where did the notion that Dick was gonna have illegals there come from in the first place? Dick himself, or an aid? And if that is the case, and it turns out none WERE illegal, then did Dick lie?
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