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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Response from the media that has got it all wrong to date?
  2. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 24, 2007 -> 12:31 PM) Thanks in no small part to the actions of Sen. Dodd, and the online blitz that was being readied by pretty much every online left leaning group, Obama is now clearly saying he will support a filibuster of any FISA bill giving retroactive immunity to telecom companies for having broken the law. While this is good... Why is that a good thing?
  3. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 24, 2007 -> 08:06 AM) Does anyone know where to find the number of wage earners in the US by year? Couldn't some of the growth be attributed to population growth? Each year more people are entering the workforce than are leaving. So tax revenues go up. Very much like a Ponzi scheme. In this, the new tax payers pay the old ones. True cuts come when we have a surplus in the treasury and can pay for the tax cuts. Then you and out the new XBox and college educations. Not by taking loans from China. Tax cuts are nice, but spending cuts have to go with it. How about a temporary Iraq war tax increase? TEMPORARY increase? Sure, and then when the Dems get into power, it becomes a permanent increase. The government, whoever is in power, hates to give back money that isn't thiers to begin with.
  4. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 23, 2007 -> 07:16 PM) If you misspeak, you accidentally call Osama, Obama. When you continue with another sentence about what the Democrats want to do when you're talking about what Bin Laden said, it's not misspeaking. Romney is running for the nomination, not for President right now. This helps him. Teddy did it, and got laughs.
  5. Fred's Immigration policy is up on his website. I like it. http://www.fred08.com/virtual/Immigration.aspx
  6. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Oct 23, 2007 -> 12:21 PM) agreed...I believe it's called the "pineapple up the poop shoot" room What, no YouTube video?
  7. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Oct 19, 2007 -> 02:04 PM) LOL, i just read his history of insults Pretty funny that he has gotten a total pass by the Dems in the MSM until now. Oh well, it eventually comes back and bites em in the ass (as usual) You know, if he was a Republican, the Dems would be calling for him to resign by now.
  8. Some people just have no inner voice that let's them know somethign is wrong. Maybe a few whacks with a bat upside the head would work, if they are found. Alot of people in that town would probably do nasty stuff to the perps, they had better hope they keep their mouths shut and not brag about it. I hope they brag.
  9. I did find it funny that the writer took umbrage to the fact that Norman likened Dinnerjacket to Hitler. I guess comparing people to hitler is a liberal-only thing. Maybe he holds a copyright on that or something.
  10. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 22, 2007 -> 08:17 AM) If only... Isn't that pretty much lke what they have now? They act like they are on a chat board or something. Iran: We would like to bring up the topic of sanctions against the evil zionist regime known as israel and their ultimate destruction to the floor. Syria: First! Indonesia; No fair, you cheated, you f@g! Syria: face it, you were pwned! Iran: Hey people, can we get back to the topic at hand, the destruction if Israel? U.S.: hey people, lets keep it clean in here, moderators orders! Saudi Arabia: i dunno if we should be so quick to destroy them. Have you seen the calender they put out with the female Israeli soldiers? They are hot! Jordan: Aw go f*ck your goats, Saudi, we have more pressing desires here! Israel: You guys need to get a life! Saudi: hey, that's it, I am reporting you to the mods. again. U.S. : Hey guys, can we just cool it here or i am gonna lock this thread. North Korea: Anyone want some discount nukes? Easy terms, discound for cash, as long as it is not counterfeit.
  11. QUOTE(YASNY @ Oct 21, 2007 -> 12:28 PM) I don't use it as an insult and have never considered it as so. Leftist, to me, describes a person's political outlook, like conservationalist describes a person's view on the environment. It has never crossed my mind that the term could be considered an insult and I don't really understand why it is. Maybe 'leftists' have something to feel guilty about, which is why they consider it an insult?
  12. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 20, 2007 -> 10:59 PM) Which is why I find it so funny you suggest 200 should be radiated. I am sure we could find alot more than 200 that we could do without. And while we were at it, we could grab a bunch of people from the Humane Society of the United States, which actually has nothign to do with any of the local Humane Societies in the country, but is almost a clone of PETA, just with a better name.
  13. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Oct 20, 2007 -> 04:24 PM) I have no doubt that, sometimes, people make things up but for the most part, I tend to believe The Victim (or Accuser) over the Defendant. Of course, I take every situation like this into consideration and I don't just blindly jump to conclusions. But I do believe that People don't take sexual abuse and crimes as serious as they should, and I know that many organizations who should know better often attempt to cover things up, transfer their teachers and hope for the best to avoid embarrassment. I know that's true for certain Churches -- specifically the Catholic Church -- and for schools and for workplaces. I just think it's a shame that so few people take sexual crimes seriously, or would rather be spared the "embarrassment" of revealing something than put someone away. I think it is what you said, AND the opposite. I don't think people tend to handle these things in the correct way, but rather go to one extreme or the other. Ignoring it hoping it will go away or because you don't believe it is the wrong thing and could lead to more abuse, lawsuits, etc. But in the teacher case that was referenced earlier, going too far before you have evidence, or even after evidence has been found proving innocence, is also just wrong. Seems common sense isn't too common anymore.
  14. How funny that that is exactly what I am doing today, painting.
  15. This whole letter fiasco sort of represents a good view of the difference between liberals and conservatives. The conservative (Rush)thinks of a free-market way of raising private funds to aid a worthwhile causes and backs his commitment with his own money. The liberal (Reid)asks other people to donate funds, doesn't donate any of his own money, and tries to take credit for the generosity of others.
  16. Yup, they are surley a class unto themselves, those PETA people. http://www.consumerfreedom.com/pressReleas...cfm/release/109 As usual, Tex, you take my comment and go so way over the top that it isn't funny. Cruelty to animals is one thnig. My wife, myself and my oldest son do alot of work for the local Humane Society, donating both time and money. But when PETA devolves into protesting windmill farms because a few birds might get hurt, settign tame minks free into the winter snowscape to die rather than be used for fur, or to try and take away my steak dinner, they have go too far. And if someone from PETA showed up to protest the testing on COCKROACHES, that would just be sad. I am sure PETA has many menbers who are caring, loving people who desire better treatment for animals. But there are also many in PETA who couldn't give two s***s about you and me, as long as the animals are better off. I guess the ones in the story I linked don't fit into either catagory. However, I don't think they were merely just 2 rouge elements in an otherwise pristine system, but rather that the system is rotten to the core and merely shows us the side it wants us to see in order to keep raising money. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa38...01/ai_n17180337 C'mon, who with a sane mind would make this comparrison as a moral equivilent:
  17. Maybe they can test the myth that PETA people could survive radiation and use them for the next experiment. The first 200 that show up to protest instead volunteer.
  18. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 19, 2007 -> 01:03 PM) Exactly. The value is in what they do with the award. We all learned that the military hands these out like band aids without much fact checking. It is a shame that in the effort to smear and disgrace Kerry they caused every Purple Heart to be questioned. Only the most partisan GOPerheads will believe Kerry was the only one to fraudulently receive those awards. Only the most partisan will believe that all those other medals were earned. So how many were faked? 40%? 80%? 99% I guess we'll never know. I use to believe the military had honor and integrity and would not fake awards. I believe the Swifties should have focused on his actions after serving his time. But instead some veterans felt the need to smear a fellow veteran. Ironic since the other candidate used family influence to avoid serving in Vietnam. It was one of several things I did not like about Clinton, and Bush. I am sure others received one that didn't quite deserve it as well. It happens. How many, I would have no idea, but more than one. But you sort of missed my point. If Kerry himself hadn't made such a showing of throwing away a medal that wasn't his, which he claimed was, then the whole flap of him deserving it or not would probably not come up. It came up because someone noticed it in his office, and remembered him making such a display of throwing it away. So a LIE came back to help bite him in the ass. A lie he didn't have to make. He could have just thrown HIS medal away if he really felt that way then, but he didn't so he lied, and got caught years later. As for focusing on his servioce, if he runs on his service, then it is a fair topic. You can't refer to your military service, and then say it is off limits for questions. Did some go overboard? SUre, elections are getting more and more partisan every year. But again, if they told the truth, why is that a smear?
  19. Maybe we should just send the EPA over to the mid-east. If all those countries had to jump thru the same hoops as we did here in America, there would never be another nuke facility over there again!
  20. QUOTE(Cknolls @ Oct 19, 2007 -> 12:03 PM) And the Winner Is... [Kathryn Jean Lopez] bettyc — Betty Casey. A great charity has over four million dollars coming its way, it would seem.... 10/19 01:07 assuming the bid is real, a very good thing.
  21. QUOTE(Chet Lemon @ Oct 19, 2007 -> 11:51 AM) My favorite part was when delegates at the GOP convention wore purple band-aids b/c Kerry deserved those more than a Purple Heart. His whole issue of whether or not he deserved a Purple heart would have been greatly diminished if he had actually thrown his away in protest, like he pretended to do. if he had not held ontp the real thing for some reporter to see in his office, no story.
  22. IT WAS THE BOOZE (maybe)! Apparently Randi Rhodes was watching football at a bar and went outside to smoke. No word on how much she had to drink before she went outside, though. http://boreamerica.com/archives/2007/10/ra...ing-down-i.html
  23. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 18, 2007 -> 12:57 PM) The net effect is the same. Isreal is not to exist. Thanks for defending Aima-Nut-Job and showing your true spirit here. Just remember, they can defend a gang rape if it fit thier political ideals.
  24. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Oct 18, 2007 -> 01:36 PM) Umm, I don't hate Bush. And I'm pro-War in Iraq. And I'm a Capitalist. It has s*** to do with "The Left" and everything is "HOMOSEXUALS!" and "BORDERS!" and all the other nonsense he writes about. This is the second time that you have gotten me and my ideology and political affiliations wrong but I'll excuse it as I guess you had no way of knowing whether or not I affiliate myself with the Liberal Left as my numerous criticisms of men ranging from Jimmy Carter to Kofi Annan and my criticisms of women from Cindy Sheehan and Nancy Pelosi don't display anything resembling independent thought. It is clear, I suppose, that I'm a Partisan hack. really. "Are you aware that he hates Bush?" Yeah, that's what I base everything on. And just because he identifies with the Right doesn't mean he isn't on the Right. He's definitely on the Right. Read it a little closer. Are you aware HE (Savage) hates Bush? You lumped him with republicans/conservatives, and he does NOT identify himself with them. He just hates them less than Democrats. So you can come down off your high horse now before you get hurt, no assumptions were made here about you, at least not by me.
  25. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Oct 18, 2007 -> 01:07 PM) I don't think there's anyone I find more abhorrent on the Right than Michael Savage. In fact, I lose respect for all those who say they enjoy him or appreciate him. I'm sure there are one or two things people of all stripes could agree with him on but he's a violent (in rhetoric, at least) jag with a foul attitude and crazy ideas. Are you aware that he hates Bush? And most of the Republican congress? I guess because he hates the Dems more, that makes him on the right? Just askin, because I know he doesn't consider himself a republican, nor to be anywhere aligned with the religious right.
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