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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Oct 18, 2007 -> 11:26 AM) Not that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a great guy, but he never said that. You think that the president of the United States would get his facts right when he keeps on quoting something that was never said. Its been used as this great propaganda tool. The term "wiped of the map" dosen't exsist in the Persian language. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said things similar to that, like he hopes that the current Isreal regime collapses. Things that don't quite get people so pumped for war. It may seem like a stupid thing to breing up, but it's been used such much to get people excited for war. I don't think Iran has any plan's to invade another country. I think George Bush can't wait till he get's to invade Iran, so more people can die. You are parsing like a Clinton.
  2. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 18, 2007 -> 10:58 AM) So it is ok to smear soldiers you don't agree with and destroy the credibility of military honors? I guess it's ok as long as there is political capital to be made for the GOP. Support the GOP faithful Troops!! Since when is exposing the truth 'smear'? Or did Kerry speak truth during the winter soldier hearings?
  3. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 18, 2007 -> 08:04 AM) However, someone who believes supporting the troops is never questioning why we are there, never questioning what is being done, never questioning the leadership, is rather hollow. Tex, it is not the questioning that is the problem. It is the methods of questioning that are sometimes used. Groups of protestors defacing a recruiting station and calling them murderers is not going about it the right way. And before you go off ono one of your extremes, I know not everyone does that. But like radical Islam, a very vocal and demonstrative minority gets all the headlines and causes the problems.
  4. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 18, 2007 -> 02:04 AM) Rush Limbaugh meant more than that one person when he said phony soldiers. He meant any critic of the Iraq war who served. It is nice to know that you can read minds. What he meant can only truely be known by him, and since everyone who heard it took something different from him, your 'opinion' is just that. i took it as him meaning the soldiers who make crap up, of which there have been several. If things are so bad, why do they feel the need to make s*** up? They need mental help, because clearly they have a problem.
  5. Here Tex, since you are now a believer, you may like this link. http://newsbusters.org/node/3918
  6. The Koskids are still in denial, now claiming that the lawyers claims are 'fake' so that they can investigate what really happened. But this one comments just really stood out to me: THIS, from the same webiste that hopes Bush gets shot, dies of AIDS and wished him ill will when Bush fell off his mountain bike. THIS, from the site that wishes all conservatives would die in a plane crash. I had to just laugh at the sheer blindness of that particular poster.
  7. It will take a week for the Kos-kids to come down from their frenzied state of paranoia after that!
  8. QUOTE(YASNY @ Oct 16, 2007 -> 11:11 AM) That's Reid for ya. Then there's Pelosi causing all kinds of s*** with the Turkey-Armenian thing. Hell that was 3 generations ago, but it's by God important that it is brought up now! Of all the stupid things they have done, THAT is the one that i can't fathom. WFT does it matter now, other than it will piss off someone moderately on our side now? Oh wait, did i just answer my question? Seriously, WTF?
  9. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Oct 16, 2007 -> 10:12 AM) Oh, my God -- from one of the sites: Don't EVEN start cherry-picking crazy comments that make conservatives/republicans look bad. One look at any of the top liberal sites can fill a f***ing library with the amount of over-the-top venom thrown at republicans on just about any subject you care to name.
  10. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 16, 2007 -> 08:14 AM) Speaking of which, Randi Rhodes was mugged and beaten while walking her dog this week in Midtown Manhattan. Apparently, the focus of the attack was on her face and mouth. Somehow it will be Bush's fault. or the eeeeevil neocons in general.
  11. You know, mexico has cheap labor, land for agriculture AND oil, which is one more thing than China has. How come China is a world power and Mexico is a cesspool of corruption whose biggest source of income is American dollars sent in from the US? At least the dollars going into China are for goods produces, then exported. Imagine China if they had the oil that Mexico has! We would be bowing to our Chinese overlords instead of our Muslim ones.
  12. It doesn't give alot of details, but I would assume that the cost to make the cars accessabel would make the startup costs even higher, and since they are struggling to make a profit as it is, they may not survive if the changes are made. This sounds kinda like the deaf people getting pissed at the hybrid cars because they are too quiet.
  13. Car sharing services in DC that are supposed to help conserve gas, etc. are being sued because they are not handicapped-friendly. http://www.wtop.com/?nid=25&sid=1265435
  14. Ron Paul dominate almost every internet poll. Many of his supporters are nuts, and not in a good way
  15. QUOTE(The Critic @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 04:36 PM) If I go anywhere requiring a costume (which is unlikely), I think I'd go as Bret Michaels and my wife would probably go as the bat-s*** crazy Lacey from the horrible yet somehow addictively funny "Rock Of Love" series on VH1. I figure to be Bret Michaels, all I need is a terrible wig, some eyeliner, several bandanas, a cowboy hat, boots and a garish long coat. Don't forget to say "awesome!" every third line you speak.
  16. EvilMonkey

    Momma's Advice

    Don't let your babies grow up to be Cowboys. Unless they get a multi-million signing bonus first.
  17. Maybe the gOracle can go pick up his award in one of these: http://www.tanklimo.com/
  18. Well, since you want to go that tangent, how come Gorby got one and not the Gipper? For that matter, how the hell did Kofi and the UN get one? They even gave one specifically to the UN Peacekeeping Forces in the 80's. Worthless.
  19. Well, that would be boring.
  20. That award is worth less than my poop since they awarded one to Arafat in the 90's. (Sorry Kap. I know Tex was callin' ya out, but I couldn't resist answering first)
  21. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 11, 2007 -> 10:42 AM) I'm not accusing NSS of this particularly, but it wouldn't fit the bad story, duh. Well it WAS in the article he linked to. Maybe he was just being lazy like the MSM and threw it out there as 'convicts', because that's how the headline slants the story.
  22. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 11, 2007 -> 08:47 AM) Good news: the Army met its recruiting goal for the last year. Bad news: they did it by admitting much larger numbers of convicts and people without HS Diplomas. Link. Why not add what the 'convictions' were for?
  23. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 10, 2007 -> 02:25 PM) Something less than even 5-years. Perhaps house arrest, or a work release system where he spends a year of nights and weekends in a cell. Fair enough. I could go for that, as long as his criminal past isn't for violent things. Then something different may be called for.
  24. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Oct 10, 2007 -> 08:55 AM) Oh come on now. You think this is appropriate? You don't just let him go but maybe 15 days in county jail and a fine? That sounds a little more reasonable IMO. What is his criminal history? The story says he has one. What if his next 'job' was a bank heist? For taking a doughnut and pushing someone, no i don't think 30 years is appropriate. Keep in mind it said they could seek up to 30 years, not that it was 30 years. but if he pushed the guy and he got hurt, or if this was just a small blip in his life of serious crime, not sure if I have a problem here. But my question remains: do we let him go or lock him up? Pay to keep him off the street or let him go and risk an increase in crime? Tex was bemoaning the costs involved in locking him up, so I asked which he preferred.
  25. . All fine and dandy. Except that they also recruit from non-poor areas, so that argument is only half right. And on a different note, I don't recall people here cheering when Russians were starving. In fact, didn't they get alot of food aid from the US? Some of his comments sounded like he was trying to practice a little revisionist history, like Russia really wasn't that bad, etc. But I bet it was still an experience to listen to him. I would have liked to have been there myself.
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