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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Sounds more like a wandering, senile old fool to me. It's suprising he kept his clothes on, since the old folks suffering from dementia seem to lose those pretty fast.
  2. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Oct 3, 2007 -> 03:32 PM) If someone were to buy an Obama t-shirt from his website for $20 it's probably because they support him and will likely vote for him. Why candidates haven't done this sort of thing in the past is beyond me. They could be buying it simply for the novelty of it. Some people also collect political stuff like buttons, bumper stickers, etc. However, a majority would probably also be inclined to vote for him.
  3. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 3, 2007 -> 11:09 AM) http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/10/03/military....ref=mpstoryview Their case Conservatives Point of View: One more thing Shall we file this under support our troops and family values? No, that is Mark Krikorian, the executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies point of view, one conservative. Don't use such a broad brush next time.
  4. Some of you may have received the junk email forwarded about the Red Cross giving supplies to the protestors in Jena. Apparently it was true. http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/jena.asp A statement by the Red Cross says they did it because they were asked to by the state, and they will seek reimbursement from the state for the supplies given. The state asked them because the 15,000 or so marchers would have overwhelmed the small towns services, even if they were open. (The local businesses closed that day since they were going to be boycotted anyway) I think the Red Cross and/or the state should be billing the protestors for the supplies, and whoever organized it as well for not planning ahead. This also makes it look like the Red Cross, a supposedly non-political entity, took a side (which they didn't).
  5. EvilMonkey


    QUOTE(RockRaines @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 03:12 PM) so to continue this thread. Where did you all get your ink? I got mine at rising phoenix and I am going over to tatu tattoo in wicker park for this next one. You went out to Addison for your tattoo? Who did yours there?
  6. I have been on and off with baseball cards (complete sets from 1976 on up, and about 40% of 1966), and then try to get White Sox 'stuff' for birthdays and stuff. Paperweights, pencils, banks, whatever. I was into stamps a long time ago, when my grandfatehr was alive. He used to work at the post office, so my collection of American stamps was pretty extensive. I also have thousands from Russia and Poland that he left me when he died.
  7. I have an environmental idea! How about we just cause a volcano to erupt which would spew ash into the atmosphere reversing the effects of global warming almost instantly with its global cooling effects.
  8. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 1, 2007 -> 07:06 PM) It's also perhaps worth noting that when the "price paid" controversy appeared, Moveon.org voluntarily paid additional money to bring the cost of the ad up to the standard NYT full page rate for a 1-time purchaser. Yeah, like Hillary just gave back all the illegale money from Hu VOLUNTARILY. ONCE THEY GOT BUSTED! You guys could rationalize a gang rape if it fit your politicl views.
  9. My mom-in-law never shuts up. i mean never. silence is like poison for her. she talks to hear her own voice, or because the silence scares her, or whatever. and she repeats herself constantly. Thankfully after 15 years I can tune her out when I need to, but some days, wow. Ask juddling, he can vouch for that one, as I can vouch for Cody's extreme behavior. I knew it was his story before I even read the name or saw the avitar.
  10. EvilMonkey


    QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Oct 1, 2007 -> 02:51 PM) Here is one for Rock, a tramp stamp that reads like a book. This is the type that gets the wedding magazines delivered to her house, even through she isnt seeing anyone seriously. That's either not enough to read, or too much to read, depending on the situation. Where is the cup holder?
  11. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Sep 29, 2007 -> 05:10 PM) OMG Kap, you're totally right. The outrage isn't justifiable. Because what Limbaugh said wasn't AN AD. In a NEWSPAPER! Quelle horror! Unless you are only going by Media Matters, you should know he was referring to the likes of Jessie Macbeth and the other antiwar 'vets' the liberal media hyped as 'heros' that turned out to be fake. That kind of cherry picking is low, even for you.
  12. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Sep 29, 2007 -> 11:39 PM) All I'm saying is the things I've heard from people who worked for the guy in 04. I'm not saying that they still work for him, or would today. I don't even think that they're supporters of Edwards this time around. But they did say, that his dedication to poverty reduction is genuine, whatever you might think. His dedication to poverty reduction on the government dime, you mean. How much has he donated to charity himself? That would be true dedication to poverty reduction. Maybe a sizable donation to help feed and shelter the homeless (that he helped to make with the subprime loans). It's easy to be compassionate with other people's money. A little harder to do so with you own.
  13. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 26, 2007 -> 10:17 PM) This was actually a good move at the time. He failed, now the team moves on. But given the condition of the pen at that point, and his previous experience, there was really zero harm in the move, and some possible good. The only "Helen Keller" thing would be if, after this little try-out, they take his option for 2008. That would be stupid. I agree.
  14. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Sep 27, 2007 -> 08:53 AM) Dam I really need to get some work done. Thanks alot for starting this thread Alpha!!!!!!!!! You're welcome!
  15. Some people tend to react based on their 'affiliations' first, and their brains second. That goes for race, politics and religion. A prominent black man is accused of something terrible, and some people who are more heavily invested in their 'blackness' react with a defense first because in their mind, an attack on one is an attack on all. That can lead to the unfathomable comments you are talking about.
  16. All the politicians protesting the low wages at Walmart should start picketing Toyota instead. How come the unions are not in there? You always hear stories of them trying to organize at Walmarts, but never about organizing at Toyota. Why is that? And why is the UAW not trying?
  17. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 26, 2007 -> 08:28 AM) Wage pressure is a reality in every industry, but I do think that there is a big difference between Walmart and Toyota. At $45 an hour plus benefits, its just not in the same realm as $6 an hour and probably no benefits. Also, at least for me anyway, it isn't low wages or lousy benefits that bothers me about Walmart. Its their predatory and borderline blackmail business practices with their suppliers and with other competing businesses - those are the areas where I feel they cross the line. Ok, a HUGE Walmart just opened in Lockport. Starting pay is more like $10 per hour, and there are benefits available, for all. But hey, $6 per hour makes them seem $4 more evil that they really are. As for their 'blackmail' business practices, when you buy 80-90% of a companies entire production, you have leverage. It is up to the seller to find new customers so as not to put themselves into that position. I know 80% of business usually comes from 20% of your customers 9it is very true in my business), but when 80% of your business comes from 1 customer, you are just inviting future heartache.
  18. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 03:53 PM) Fixed for accuracy. They look like they are trying to come up for air. Maybe they heard Jenks was near?
  19. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 03:39 PM) Man, you are making an awful lot of judgements on me. Please note I ASKED if it was new, used, already crap, etc. My only judgement was that your situation isn' the same for all, although I do realize that is was more common in the 80's and 90's than now. Enjoy your current car. Glad you like it. A question: if the dealer you bought your current car from also sold American cars, would you consider one then, or does the mere mention of an American brand turn you off? It seems to me that foreign vs domestic car ownerships can be as deeply divided as politics.
  20. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 03:52 PM) You left out the most important point of the story though: I left out alot of the story, as I said, it was long. And I don't think it was the most important point. The most important point is all the race-baiters down there are spouting off about crap that isn't quite true. But the truth has never stood in their way before. I think most in the earlier discussion about this agreed that the attempted murder charges were a bit over the top.
  21. QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 03:37 PM) i'm so tempted to hit that link but am afraid that it's not safe for work... Sorry, go ahead. Fully clothed boobs.
  22. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 02:08 PM) Oh now that is absolute B.S. I took as good of care as I could possibly do with that car in H.S. Basically the exact same treatment I give to the current one, if not better. My biggest favorite story with that car was when the chronic problem with the starter that it had cropped up, we took it to the dealer while under warranty roughly 6 times to get it fixed. The last time, they kept the thing for well over a month, and when we got it back it had been sitting out on their lot for 2 weeks or more (you could tell from the new water spots and the lack of rain for roughly those 2 weeks). I'm still bitter at GM for the way that dealer treated us. My father literally had to call the owner of that dealership to get them to give us the bloody vehicle back. And those field vehicles are cared for probably even more, because a.) we have a person who's job it is to maintain them and b.) you're putting your life in the hands of those vehicles a lot more than the other ones. We do put those through a lot in terms of off-road requirements...but if a vehicle doesn't perform well under the conditions its built for, then how else should you judge it. 'as good as I possibly do with that car'. Does that mean it was already s*** when you got it, or you had no time/money/knowledge to do upkeep? Was it new or used when you got it. As for your GM experience, I don't dispute it happened. I have heard many of them, unfortunately in the 80's, most from American dealers. But look back to I think 2005, Toyota recalled more cars than it sold in America. All I am trying to say is your experience 20 years ago isn't necessarily indicitive of todays world. I am extremely happy with my Chevy dealer, having only had to go there for preventative maintenance. My wife has a PT Cruiser that is also fortunately running great, and other than our free oil changes, haven't been back to the dealer. My Galant is not so lucky. Water pump, alternator, power window motor, turn signal short, broken passenger seat and headlights that seem to keep moving out of alignment no matter what I do. WOuld I never buy another foreign car again? Well, never another Galant. But your one experience seems more like a dealer problem, which isn't limited to brand.
  23. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 02:12 PM) The worst, to me, is their reserve policy for staff. I don't know if they still do it, but at one time, they were paying a whole bunch of line staff full salary and benefits to basically ride the bench in case they were needed. I think that was called the 'jobs bank', created because the union wouldn't let them eliminate the jobs. So they got paid to show up and sit in a classroom, like a study hall, and do nothing. The companies probably hoped people would quit just out of shear boredom, but from what I remember, not many did.
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