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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 10, 2007 -> 10:38 PM) They became eligible to vote by passing a test that most Americans can't pass. They studied and worked, and earned their citizenship. What did you do to be eligible to vote? Born here? Wow, you really earned it. Even if you are bi-lingual you will be more comfortable in one language or another. If you are selling to that person, speaking in their native tongue will set you a step ahead of the other salesperson. Duh. But OMG it is un-American to speak more than one language. God spoke on English and by golly we should too. No, but is should be unamerican to do government business in any language other than english. That includes printing of ballots.
  2. Fluffy Pal-o mine-o Steven Hawking's Drool 1/8th Horse
  3. Why should they be speaking in spanish for a debate at all? Our elections are not held in mexico. If a person is able to LEGALLY vote here in this country, shouldn't they have enough grasp of the English language toat least follow a soundbyte debate? And if they can't understand english, why the hell are they voting and how did they become eligible to do so?
  4. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 10, 2007 -> 05:01 PM) We can find a blog that Bush is an alien, I'm not surprised that anyone can find anything. Just so we are clear, are you discounting ALL blogs, or just the ones from embeded reporters actually over in Iraq?
  5. Just a quick thought about the 'poll'. Who took this poll and how the hell did they get the answers? Surely some pollster wasn't going door to door, were they? And I thought phone service was spotty at best? I simply question the ability of any objective pollster to be able to GET the information in the first place.
  6. I had over $19,000 in student loan debt, and that was almost 20 years ago. These kids must be getting a bargin!
  7. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 9, 2007 -> 05:41 PM) I won't immediately laugh this off as the mad rantings of a lunatic...but has anyone else heard anything about this from any other source other than the mouth of this former Senator? Sooner or later, AQ will ban something that just about everybody is against. Most people won't even take sides, until something happens that effects them. With smoking as prevelant as it is over there, I can imagine that being a huge issue for some.
  8. Once a week is it for Cintron. He can't play everyday. I hate seenig him out there any more than that.
  9. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Sep 6, 2007 -> 02:28 PM) That's why I asked my question "How will it affect you if they were all shipped off?" Will your paycheck be bigger? Will cost of goods decrease? Will our taxes change? I don't understand the overall benefit. Someone enlighten me. My town wouldn't have to hire the 8 spanish to english teachers they have in just the one school to help with all the spanish only or spanish forst students. They wouldn't have to have spanish as a requirement for the police department which would increase their applicant pool and be easier to hire good cops. The taxes we all pay cold go a lttle further towards all the pork our lovely politicians enjoy passing. Will your taxes change? hell, they almost never go down. but they may take a little longer before going up.
  10. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 6, 2007 -> 01:07 PM) Actually illegals are receiving those benefits, you've said so before. You have stated, and I have agreed, that it is costing the US a considerable sum in aid to illegals working low income jobs. (Those with forged documents, etc.) The only illegals not receiving aid are the ones working jobs "off the books". Once we put those "on the books" and no matter who works them, it's going to cost us. Perhaps this is when we cut back these programs for the working poor. They are receiving SOME of those benefits, not all. If there were an amnesty, then they would be receiving all.
  11. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 6, 2007 -> 10:29 AM) You have stated your case nicely, I will stop here. I find the right to reproduce an absolute for humans. You reduce it to a financial decision. So are you in favor of eliminating WIC, financial aid, public supported day care programs, public schools? We support children in dozens of different ways. You are complaining that we feed them, when we also will pay for their college? GMAB. Yes, you have the right to reproduce. But you then have an obligation to take care of that offspring. If you can't do that, why reproduce? As a country, we generally help out the poor where we can (WIC, day care, etc.). Why should we also help out the poor from other countries? You act like the financial aspect of this doesn't matter, but it does. healthcare is in crisis, and every illegal and every poor and/or uninsured person that gets medical treatment just runs it further in the ground. Schools are constantly screaming for more money and overcrowding. lets just add a few million more illegals, and hire some extra spanish speaking teachers to help the new illegal students. Traffic sucks as it is, lets just add a few million more people on the roads that can't even read the english on the street signs, or are without insurance. College costs are thru the roof, even with student loans and other programs, lets just dilute that pool even further by allowing a boatload of illegals to enjoy that small amount aid. Children cost money. You can't feed them with love, and all the nurturing in the world won't change a stinky diaper.
  12. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Sep 6, 2007 -> 08:58 AM) I plan on celebrating this birthday like I celebrate all holidays, quietly sitting on the trunk of my car drinking a case of malt liquor in the parking lot. Thanks! I did that once. Get off the trunk somewhere around #12 or you may not like it when gravity and lack of balance start to play with each other. Enjoy!
  13. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 6, 2007 -> 08:21 AM) The drive to reproduce is deeply embedded in every animal I've studied. Some will find religious implications, some will just call it a biological fact. To stop poor people from reproducing is as ethically distasteful to me as stopping people with brown hair or below average intelligence. Perhaps to make it easier for them we could force sterilization on poor people? I didn't say WE need to make them stop, they need to stop themselves. Tex, how come you don't have 30 kids? because you would go broke feeding them all. (plus, you would have to find a woman who would WANT to be pregnant for her whole adult life!). Somewhere you reached a limit where you had enough, and that limit probably coincided with the amount of people your family could support, whether that be monitarily or committment-wise, or both. I don't care what color you are, if you can't even take care of yourself, you shouldn't have kids. And that religious or biological answer is bulls***. It is just plain self-centered crap that because they WANT a baby, they should HAVE a baby. Well, if you have the child, take care of the child, don't force it on the rest of the world to support your vanity in having a child you couldn't care for, because you WANTED it. Condoms are cheaper than kids. They also talk back less, don't demand an allowance and won't crash the car after getting their drivers license.
  14. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 5, 2007 -> 11:13 PM) Poor people shouldn't breed? I'm not going there. I'll just add one counter thought. Why punish the children? You may not WANT to go there, but that is a huge part of the problem. Yes, if poor people cannot even feed and care for themselves, they should not be bringing more mouths into the world that need help. That is a form of child abuse. This isn't Africa, where the Dinka tribemen have 20 children because this way 2 or 3 will survive, and hopefully some will be sons to help with the farm. If you are living in Mexico, have no job, live in a shack with bugs and have to scrounge for your daily food, what right do you have to bring another mouth into this world to feed? Oh, thats ok, we'll just pack up and cross the border where we can live in crappy, but better conditions illegally, and let the US take care of our health care needs and whatever else we can get away with. Land of milk and honey, here we come! The world's safety net! Oh boy! hey hunny, let's have 4 more kids once we get there, then we will have our 'anchor' and can stay!
  15. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Sep 5, 2007 -> 04:16 PM) Check out this link for an interesting take on immigration from Sci-fi writer Orson Scott Card. LINK Let's just send Mexico a bunch of condoms then so they can stop making people that they can't care for and just send to us to deal with. Can't feed your family of 6? Well, maybe you shoudl have stopped at 4. or 3. or better yet, no kids. if you can't feed yourself, you are a fool to bring others into this world to join your plight. And your 'right' to have kids should be trumped by your right to CARE and PROVIDE for the kids, maybe have a plan BEFORE you poke the pudding. if the Mexicans could just keep their zippers up and excercise a little restaraint, maybe there wouldn't be 12 million illegals lookign for food, etc. Card's made-up quote, "America does not exist to be a safety valve for the failures of the Mexican economy.", is true, regardless of how cold it sounds. Come up with a reasonable guest worker plan, vigorously prosecute identity thft and companies that knowingly hire illegals ( you know, the ones where 5 minutes on the phone could tell, not the ones with expert forgeries), STOp the unchecked flow of people, NO amnesty, fast track people who are currently on the list to get in instead of thoise who cheated, and start making english required to do any government business. And I love Card's books, too. Just finished Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead again.
  16. World Series of Pop Culture can bite my ass. My wife, brother in law and Juddling tried out for that damn thing, aced the tryouts, but didn't get picked because they were literally the last group on the second day and the interviewers were 'tired'. Every time that comes on, wife says she won't watch, but I hear her in the background answering every question (correctly) before whoever is on the tv can. I guess they just weren't obnoxious enough to get picked.
  17. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Sep 5, 2007 -> 08:54 AM) Isnt that what got him in this situation in the first place? Must be stealing jokes from Tex.
  18. Keep your day job, tex. Age must be messin' with your funny bone.
  19. Show me the Monkey Paul Hogan Must Die
  20. Sorry if someone has posted this before. Some of these were tough! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPFZl59_OZ4
  21. I don't mourn the losses, but part of me still smiles when they win. I just pray they have enough brains to make the right pick, whoever it is, come draft day.
  22. I've had a Jeep CJ5, a Mitsubishi Montero Sport (4WD version), and an AMC Eagle w/ AWD. I have never been stuck in either of these, and used to take the jeep offroad thru mud and stuff. I used the Montero for deliveries because my customers don't give a s*** if there is snow on the road, they want their stuff. yes, a Yukon would not be an ideal choice for off roading, but you are using extreme examples. I'll also agree that there are many people who have bought them for the 'status' part of it, have no idea how to drive them in bad weather and simply because it has 4WD think they are safer. it helps, but you still have to drive defensively and use your head. Some people need SUV's. Some don't, but want one anyway. Oh well, their gas bill. Although i still laugh at the one lady that I see every week by my store, dropping her clothes off at the dry cleaner next door. This 5ft tall woman gets out of a huge Excusrsion, I swear she needs a ladder to get in and out of the thing. I bet the same woman would have been complaining that a station wagon was too big to drive 20 years ago.
  23. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 4, 2007 -> 07:19 AM) So then why do we get stories like the average CEO makes 364 times what an average employee makes? They have earned it too, and they earned it by more than just suing it away from doctors. Why do we hear about every oil companies record profits each quarter, after all they just made smart business decesions to get there. Why do we hear people complaining about Wal-Mart? They just came up with a better business model than anyone else in retail. I don't want to get fed that it is OK to be rich on one hand, but the next instance it is not. Heck John Edwards himself rallies against these groups to score himself political capital for the election, and he is a part of these groups. Isn't that the very definitions of hypocrasy? Touche'! Bravo! :notworthy
  24. Edwards is into the whoel nanny-state thing it seems. He wants to force you to go to the doctor. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070903/ap_on_el_pr/edwards The appropriate paragraph:
  25. reddy, Bush's ranch makes the Goracle look like a power -using fool. Check out the stories on his ranch. If Edwards used any of the things Bush did to help make his house more green, he would have something to talk about. But he didn't.
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