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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/arti...in_page_id=1770
  2. http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/r_m/ When the people who tell me to start worrying, start acting like they are worrying, then i will think about worrying.
  3. I guess everything IS bigger in Texas, including ages. Have a happy one, tex!
  4. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Aug 31, 2007 -> 01:39 PM) From what I understand, that's him. You have got to be kidding. Proof? Any? C'mon, you know if it were reversed, you would be asking for some sort of proof that a poster is who they say they are. I can't believe that you would help to spread something that may well be false without checking it yourself (although I have no idea how you could check it, other than asking him?).
  5. I think e can end the month with this gem about Freddie and his relationship to science from 3E8:
  6. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 31, 2007 -> 07:49 AM) So there is finally evidence that the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is all garbage. We no know that the conservative media machine that gets bantered about by people is a myth. Because if it was as extensive as some think the news wouldn't have looked like this. If there had been a D after Craig's name, and not an R, we would seen something like this... Now how is that for spin? Kinda makes you sick doesn't it. Its really too bad that even hypocracy has become a partisan issue, because this guy deserves what he gets. If you want to live one lifestyle and preach another, eventually karma is going to catch up with you. Larry Craig is having his day, hopefully John Edwards gets his soon. That was good. It is sad that this has got more press than Hillary taking campaign from a crook. But she donated it to charity. After she got caught. So I guess that is ok. So maybe if Craig just admits he is gay everyone would leave him alone and it would be ok?
  7. If I rent a car, I always check out the gas stations on the way out of the airport for the return trip. It is greed, AND free market. Ike the guy said, noone is forcing them to buy it.
  8. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 30, 2007 -> 02:47 PM) There is no way in hell I am clicking on that! Aw, c'mon. Just a simple set of guidelines for bathroom behavior, that's all.
  9. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 30, 2007 -> 02:24 PM) All I know is next time I am pitching a loaf somewhere like Union Station, i am going be deathly quiet. Without my Gay Sex for Dummies manual, who knows what means what in the bathroom. I might grunt too loud and look down to see something else peeking from the next stall :
  10. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Aug 30, 2007 -> 01:10 PM) exactly.... Who does number 2 work for?!?!? Be careful you don't blow out an o-ring!
  11. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Aug 30, 2007 -> 12:58 PM) Because everybody knows what the hand gesture is. It's like coming out onto the streets and flashing gang signs. People know what that is. Sounds like he was arrested for intent to get his rocks off. I wonder if the precogs had anything to do with it? Was Tom Cruise nearby?
  12. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Aug 30, 2007 -> 01:01 PM) The undercover cop knew what the hand signal meant, yes. But if I saw someone doing that before I read this article, I would have no idea...and again, would have either pissed on the guy or punched him right in the nose. Prior to this thread, i would have handed him some tp.
  13. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Aug 30, 2007 -> 12:35 PM) You know, it's kind of crazy, now that i think about it. Let me come into a bathroom with someone's child here, or someone's grandfather, or someone's father, or just you, peek into your stall and proposition you for sex, make you uncomfortable by signaling certain things for you...you don't think I would deserve to be detained? And then to pull that, "What do you think of my Senate ID?" bulls***. He clearly deserved to be detained and definitely deserved to be arrested. If someone pulled that on one of your kids there'd be no doubt, or on your father or on you. And if a Democrat had done this, you'd all be saying, "Well if a Republican had done this, there'd be an outcry but for the Democrat? You're defending him!!11111111111111" This is harassment and sexual harassment. It is indecent. It disturbs the peace. And he has s*** in all of our communities by bringing such filth into our world. And he's arrogant. "I have power. I've got the ID. What do you think of that?" Well, s***. Greg, so if you are at a bar and some guy comes up to you and says "hey, nice ass. Wanna dance?' are you gonna go scream to the cops that yu were sexually harrassed? How about if it was an ugly woman? The stories, AS THEY HAVE BEEN PRINTED, do not say that that he verbally propositioned anyone for sex, nor offered payment for such. Asking someone if they want to f*** is not a crime. Asking them if they will f*** you for $100 is. Did he offer payment? It doesn't say that, but i would venture that if he did, it would be printed since that would be even worse for him. And it doesn't say he 'peeked' into the stall. He could have been standing by the sink and able to see into the stalls. Some of them have quite large gaps. Now before yu get your presidential panties in a bunch, I am NOT defending him. He is a sliimy kind of guy, the business card thing was just plain wrong, and he is an idiot. My original questions, which you misunderstood as a defense, was why was he arrested for foot tapping and a hand gesture? regardless of what they 'mean', there was no offer of payment, and I don't think it is a crime to ask for sex. If you keep asking after being told no, well, that's another story. Did somethign else happen that we don't know about? perhaps. but with what was written, it just doens't seem right that he could be arrested for just that.
  14. I still don't hear people defending him. I hear people questioning why he was arrested for waving his hand under a stall and tapping his foot (since that is all the stories, so far, say happened), but i don't think I have heard anyone saying he was setup, or innocent, etc. In fact, the Repubs stripped him of committee posts and forwarded it off to the ethics committee. A few have also called for his resignation, but they can't actually force him out, just like the Dems couldn't force out the crook in new orleans. But they can make it hard for him to stay, which they are starting to do.
  15. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 30, 2007 -> 10:36 AM) Well, I know this will spark the whole debate about carbon offsets again and whether or not the systems currently set up work, but I will at least post these couple bits about Mr. Edwards: That all said...the more effort put forth at every level...by both government initiatives and regulations and by personal investment/treating it as a chairty, the better off we'll all be. This problem can't be solved solely by personal action, and it can't be solved solely by government action, and it can't be solved solely by business/scientific action regadless of whether they 'work' or not, the whole concept just goes against Edwards whole '2 America's' theme. Rich people can afford to purchase 'offsets'. most common folk cannot.
  16. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 30, 2007 -> 08:53 AM) So please tell me who in politics has a right to speak out on the environment? Are you aware of any politicians that don't drive a car (besides Ralph Nader), use solar power exclusively, and recycles their own water? I applaud the work that Arnold Schwarzenegger has done in California and yet his carbon footprint is probably 100 times greater than the average American. You don't have to be Ed Bagley Jr to talk about the environment, but you have to be at least making an effort to live up to what you espouse. That's what keeps nailing some of the 'family values' politicians who talk about marraige, but then screw around and get caught doing it. Edwards can talk about the environment all he wants, but until he actually tries to do SOMETHING himself to help it, it is just empty talk. He could have followed up his comments with something like "In the spirit of my request, I too will be making some sacrafices in my daily life to help minimize my impact on the environment. To that end, I will be getting rid of any SUV's that I own, and will be forgoeing the use of limousines when I can. " But, he didn't. And he isn't. He is just an empty suit.
  17. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 29, 2007 -> 04:53 PM) Didn't David Duke actually run for the Republican nomination a while back? I think he tried for the Senate and tried the presidentail nomination in both parties, and I know the national party tried to distance themselves from him, but were still smeared by association in some eyes. I think it was Louisianna.
  18. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 29, 2007 -> 04:39 PM) If a politician where to ever enact legislation that helped the environment somehow (i.e., outlaw SUVs or something to that affect) then wouldn't that law apply to everyone, including all the politicians? I guess I'm struggling to see your point of view. Sure he will have a much larger carbon footprint than me, but so will most politicians regardless of party. Kinda like social security applies to everyone, including politicians? Oh wait, that's right, they have a DIFFERENT program.
  19. QUOTE(Mplssoxfan @ Aug 29, 2007 -> 04:27 PM) Alpha, I know you're only trying to stir the manure, but do you think that any of us on this board gives a rat's ass what Castro thinks about US political races? If the Grand Exhaulted Wizard of the KKK (or whatever title they have) came out and said that he thought a Rudy/McCain ticket would be unbeatable and he would vote for it, the talk would be non-stop. Oh sure, most sane people realize that it wouldn't mean beans, but still, can you imagine this board not having a 20 page post about it? And I wasn't stirring, I gently laid a nugget of information, from CNN no less, out there for all to see, like a sprig of parsley on your dinner plate. Ignore it, or chew on it if you wish, your choice.
  20. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 29, 2007 -> 04:35 PM) I mean seriously, based on your logic no politician can ever vote for any environmental legislation or speak about the environment because they all drive cars and SUVs and have homes that use electricity. Sounds kinda like the same logic Dems use in talking about the war. Oh, you didn't go to Vietnam? You can't have an opinion on the war then, you are a chickenhawk. If Edwards wants to be credible on the environment, stop using up more resources than the whole town combined. Fly commercial. Don't take a limo everywhere. Maybe a smaller house, or one more environmentally friendly?(NOT saying he should live in a shack, but his house is HUGE! Maybe he is compensating for something? Hmmm.) For gods sakes, how many rooms does he need? He can only store so much hair gel beore it starts to go bad. And you don't want to see bad hair gel.
  21. Go back and look at the old Soxtalk posts about his mansion. he clearcuts acres! And has a house that dwarfs almost anything within 5 states, and has the nuts to tell Joe Sixpack that he shouldn't drive his SUV.
  22. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 29, 2007 -> 04:01 PM) I guess I don't understand why you would need to call him a dumbass. So lets say, for instance, that A congressman was quoted as saying "Hey kids, don't be gay. It's bad for you." Would you tell children to ignore his message? It seems that the above staement, with a few word changes, got alot of ridicule coming from a certain congressman.
  23. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 28, 2007 -> 02:40 PM) I like how you added dailykos in there. And why not? Over the last month they have even called for Bush to be arrested by the military and to have all his possessions siezed as war profits. While Koz himself may be somewhat sane, he sure has his share of crazies around.
  24. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Aug 29, 2007 -> 08:50 AM) At least there was a cool song written about her by Anquette. Oh, don't forget Janet Reno's Dance Party!
  25. I wonder what was so disorderly about waving his hand under a stall that got him arrested? Yes, we all know what it 'means', but even in prostitution stings, there has to be an explicit offer of money for sex made before the john can be busted. Merely waving the hooker over doesn't quallify. While I think this guy is a joke, I don't really understand why he was arrested, unless even more went on that what has been posted.
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