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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Aug 29, 2007 -> 07:13 AM) A (fallacious) ad hominem argument has the basic form: Person A makes claim X There is something objectionable about Person A Therefore claim X is false I made to argument above, merely pasted an article that has an endorement of sorts for a candidate or two, which is what this thread is for. Read into it what you will.
  2. The same reason posters like LCR, Balta, etc continue to gleefuly post stories about the political failings of those with an R by their name, even though we all know both sides are clueless idiots.
  3. A big endorsement on the Democratic side of things: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2007/...ket-invincible/
  4. Blago for some reason still has the Oval office in his dreams. Will never happen, he is too much of an idiot. And people think Bush is stubborn!
  5. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Aug 28, 2007 -> 12:42 PM) What he did is known as cruising. This is basically the same thing that George Michael got busted for in LA. Here's my favorite part about this story so far. It doesn't involve the Senator at all, but his upcoming opponent in next year's election and a really poor word choice. (Emphasis mine) That's.......................................bad.
  6. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Aug 28, 2007 -> 01:03 PM) Wouldn't the credit check determine that the Social Security number is fraudulent? If it does, that is a good thing.
  7. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 28, 2007 -> 10:34 AM) Stupid woman wanted to pay taxes?! That is unAmerican Since she was paying in taxes, here's my credit card, please start making contributions and I will let you shop in thirty years I mostly agree with you, but once again notice that the illegal was paying into Social Security. This is why the whole economic argument falls flat with me. It's going to cost us money to get these jobs fully on the rolls. Until she uses that fraudulent social security number to get a credit card or buy a car, defaults on the loan(s) and has collection agencies screwing with whoever the real number belongs to. yes, the upside to the theft of the number is taxes go into the system, but depending on how they live and pay bills, the negatives could be much worse.
  8. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 26, 2007 -> 12:50 AM) And second...this argument makes one presumption; by staying, the U.S. will manage to keep the situation from becoming worse. Yes, it could very well be a calamity if we pull out. But this ignores the reality on the ground right now; it is a calamity there right now, and it's a calamity we're stuck in the middle of...and it's a calamity that no amount of American blood or treasure is going to improve. No, I only presume that by staying there is a CHANCE it will improve. Leaving now is automatic game over. Also, I didn't ignore the reality over there. Read carefully, I said it was bad.
  9. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 27, 2007 -> 08:38 AM) Trib article. Its a Lambo. Even worse!
  10. I heard this on the way to work this morning that there was a brand new ferarri still with temporary tags crashed on one of the area expressways, with the driver missing. Then 20 minutes later I heard that the car was supposedly registered to Lance briggs. I turned to the Score, and heard nothing of it. Anyone else hear anything?
  11. The problem with focusing on 'plate discipline' and worknig the count is waaaaaay too many times you see our batters take a bp fastball right down the middle for strike one, then look like a granny swinging at a splitter in the dirt for strike 2. Konerko and Pods just stand there staring at perfect pitches to hit all the time, and then whiff on the next offering, which is never as good to hit. How about teaching them that if the first pitch is a down the middle strike, and in your zone, hit it.
  12. I want secure borders with a workable plan to allow legal immigrants into this country at OUR DISCRESSION. It is our country, WE get to decide. I want to have sensible gun laws and have them enforced. I am for background checks, denying violent felons the right to bear arms and the banning of full automatics and cop-killer bullets. I can even live with a reasonable waiting period. After that, leave the law-abiding gun owners along. You can add extra years in sentancing if guns are use in a crime, also. I want the abortion crap to end. Make it legal, make it hard to get, outlaw certain kinds like the partial birth s*** and third term abortions. If you haven't decided to end it by the 6th damn month, too f'ing bad. The stop the b****ing. Pro-life people who do crap to clinics and such should get the book thrown at them. Likewise pro-life people who break the few rules in place should also get the book thrown at them. Along with a baseball, and maybe a rotten tomato for good measure. I want to revisit the 'war on drugs'. Fine the crap out of non-violet offenders for stuff like pot. Study making it legal and tax the hell out of it. Treat it like alcohol, you drive while high, you are screwed. Simple posession is fined. Distribution is prosecuted. I want the Coast Guard to be able to fire on drug smuggles on sight, as it is an attack on our nation. I want social security fixed and/or ended. I want the people cheating the system in jail, and some sort of change done with the money so that it grows at a faster rate. I admit to not much knowledge in the details here. I want a balanced budget, and the pork spending to stop. Total transparancy in spending bills is needed. The government doesn't need to fund Swallow Migration patterns in Florida, build a Yarn Museum in Delaware or a bridge to nowhere. Yet things like that show up alot. I want crooks kicked out of office, and pensions lost. IN fact, I want pensions gone. Politicians make enough damn money they can fund their own. They can be on social security like the rest of us, or open an IRA. I can understand the Presidential one, but that is it. I want smaller government. Every year we hear of agencies that we really don't need anymore, or are so overstaffed it isn't funny. Get rid of them. If I think of anymore, I'll let Unity know.
  13. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 25, 2007 -> 03:38 PM) And thank you for highlighting the reason it works - some people actually believe that going into Iraq was part of the war on terror. It wasn't. Of course, it is now, because of the debacle we created over there. So... BushCo creates a stupid, illegal war on a country with no significant terror ties that effect us... they screw up the war in almost every possible way they can... Terrorists seize the opportunity to go after US interests... and so now the only way to be strong on terror is to keep up the charade? Sorry, I'm not falling for it. You see, that is part of the problem in all these discussions. There are two parts to it that constantly get muddled together. 1) should we have gone there to begin with and 2) let's get out. Well regardless of the answer to number one, the fact is that we ARE there. So arguing about WMD's, or Bush lied, or whatever doesn't mean s***. The only real question should be #2, when do we leave. Are things bad over there? Sure. Will they get worse if we leave tomorrow? Yes. I won't try to defend how the 'war' is going. I think Bush has been totally incompetent on the handling of the whole thing. And even back to question #1, I would have been happy bombing the country back into the stone age (although that wouldn't have been a long trip). But leaving now would be a mistake. Millions MORE would die, all the soldiers who have died so far would have died for nothing (which still may be the case, but leaving now ensures it), the status of the US is further eroded, and you are kidding yourself if you don't think that pulling out would lead to attacks here in the US. So I don't care why we got in there to begin with. One of the zillion senate or house hearing can deal with that, since they don't seem eager to pass anything other than pork bills anyway. We ARE there, deal with that, and the consequenses of whatever decisions we now make. Pulling out because 'we should have never been there to begin with' is short-sighted political bulls***. We NEED to find someone who knows what to do over there, and give them the opportunity to do it without being constantly second-guesses by the media and 'opposing parties'. I don't know what to do, do you? I do know that pulling out now would be wrong. You want to complain about the Iraqis not pulling their weight, I would probably agree with you. I think we need to force them into more independent action, regardless of the danger. And if they fail, find out why and fix it. If they succeed, find out why and teach it. I want the troops home as well. I have 2 buddies and several cousins over there right now. Plus our own Nuke. But let's try to find a way to make our exit on our terms, with a victory, not just a 'I'm thru getting shot at, I'm going home'.
  14. Well DUH! You have every Dem out there saying we should pull out, some now, some in weeks, some months, etc. What do you THINK that looks like, victory? Call it what you want, but constantly calling for withdrawal sounds like you are giving up, regardless of the circumstances. So they are just remniding people that if you put a Dem in office, they will surrender. Isolationism didn't work in WW2, it won't work in regards to terror.
  15. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 24, 2007 -> 08:29 PM) I rate both as roughly equal, and would look to context to make the determination. Don't like either. Problem is, you haven't heard republicans saying "boy, I sure how Al Quada attacks us just before the election, that woulod just seal our victory", but you do have Democrats that have publicaly said that positive things in Iraq would be bad for the party.
  16. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 24, 2007 -> 09:02 AM) Umm.. they let her leave the church. Arrive at the airport. Wait in line. Fly to California. Claim her luggage. Then they approached her. I can see why they didn't go after her at the church while her son was around - and even that's debatable since her son made a few trips to DC to meet the prez over this. But for them to say they couldn't get her before this is complete bulls***. I thought I heard on the radio that she drove out there with some of her 'supporters'.
  17. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Aug 24, 2007 -> 08:00 AM) Unfortunately she is also seen as a savior/martyr type by the immigrant population, so the government loses for following the law. Actually, she hasn't been that martyr type as much as you might think. Many national hispanic columnists and pundits are kinda glad she is gone. They wanted a 'face' for the immigration issue, and she wasn't exactly the best one they could have had. kicked out twice, using stolen ss numbers, not learning english even though she had been here for a while, a single mother with the father no where in sight and using her son like a pawn. Sure, groups like La Raza are up in arms, but they are so racist an organization and crazy that they think Taco Bell is an insult to hispanics. It may be an insult to thier taste buds and our gastrointestinal systems, but that is about it.
  18. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Aug 24, 2007 -> 05:33 AM) Whew, I can now sleep at night knowing this criminal, who was such a detrimint on society, is locked away. I'm so glad the Government focused on her and not the gang bangers in the LA and Chicago areas. Regardless of whatever other crime is going on, when someone thumbs their nose at the law and basically dares you to arrest her, you pretty much have to to just that or else it really sends the wrong message. Yes, there are more serious crimes going on that police could tend to, but if they would have allowed her to remain 'free' after she fled that church, that would have looked really bad.
  19. Well, business was fine, but home has still the bottom 6 or 7 feet flooded, the deck box is now aall the way on the other side of the yard, and I had to tkae the 4th exit out of my subdivision, as the other 3 were flooded. The 4th was also, but not as deep as the other 3, so I drove thru that one. Expressways were fine. getting to them was another story. Hope everyone is OK.
  20. My store isn't too far, on lake street just off of Roselle rd. Power went out a little after 3, and it let up enough for me to start gonig home around 5. Then I guess it picked back up again around 6. Can't wait to see if i have any damage tomorrow morning.
  21. I have a deck box that WAS located behind my shed. It is now floating in the water that goes from my fence about 10ft towards my house. It is probably about 2 feet deep in some spots.
  22. 20 is that wierd birthday, kinda like the one green potato chip in the bag. It is still good, but something just doesn't seem right about it. Enjoy it anyway!
  23. When I walked out to my shed today, I started to sink into my lawn. The bottom 3 feet of my yard has about 3 inches of standing water on it.
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