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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 9, 2015 -> 05:38 PM) Per the story, he actually committed a crime, received no punishment for it, and then was able to build a life. Real simple question. Is that fair? Do we afford that same chance to people equally today? Or ever? If we do not, should we take that into account? If his family was able to make their lives better, shouldn't we give that same opportunity to others? We as a society are arresting and imprisoning millions of people for a comparable crime in marijuana possession right now and those people are overwhelmingly african american males. Basically the exact thing his family was able to sneak around the law to survive without substantial jail time. I literally couldn't imagine a better example than this if I tried. Jon Corzine Hillary Clinton I volunteer those two white people to be the first that you go after for committing crimes and not being punished. Go for it. And fyi, we wasn't CAUGHT, so not punished. We don't punish black people not caught either. Equality! Also FYI, I will agree with you that prison for possessing pot is overkill, but I don't think that is necessarily white privilege.
  2. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 9, 2015 -> 04:47 PM) Bolded = what we do to African Americans. This is why white privilege is a hell of a drug. You outline something that has jailed literally a million people today, dominantly one race, and then you insist he earned that freedom. The ungodly prison population in this country...well sorry, they shoulda known better than to commit the crimes that your ancestor got away with while earning his success. Tough luck. And it would jail him if he were to do it today. He did that 100 years ago. Comparing him to crack dealer of today is NOT apples to apples. Can you not read that? Are those words not showing up on your screen? How is that privilege? His only saving grace is that maybe they were more worried about Al capone and the mobsters that to spend the resources to track a very small fish. Whiteness had nothing to do with it, even in your perverse universe. Now, if you want to talk about how come certain wealthy white people can commit perjury, lose billions of investors money, tamper with government emails, help create and explode the housing bubble and so on and not be in jail, maybe that is called Democratic privilege.
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 9, 2015 -> 04:31 PM) And how many African Americans are currently serving long jail terms in this country for drug crimes comparable to that which your family was privileged enough to be able to avoid? What will you do or support to give them the same opportunity granted to your family? Privileged that he outran the law across the border? If he were to do that today, it wouldn't have worked, he would be in jail, with a felony no doubt. Or is it your contention that if he were a black moonshiner that the law would have worked extra hard to get him? This was like 1920 or so? With prohibition, I don't think they worried about color. There was no opportunity 'granted' my family. My father earned his. I earned mine. From your response it seems you equate success with privilege. Is any success earned in your eyes? And you still haven't said you would quit your job and give it to a more deserving and qualified minority. lead the way!
  4. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 9, 2015 -> 04:09 PM) The problem with white privilege is that it does not mean you or your family haven't worked hard to get where you are. Saying that it exists and asking people to acknowledge how it has given them a leg up against people willing to work equally hard is part of the point of highlighting it. SO my hillbilly dad that barely graduated high school, who joined the air force at 18 then got out 4 years later, married the daughter of a German immigrant and worked 60 hours a week in a factory to buy a house, have 3 kids and help put 2 of them thru college has to feel guilty of his white privilege because if he wasn't white he would have had to work 70 hours a week? How far back to you want people to acknowledge things? Do I need to feel guilty because of my dad's hard work? Do I need to feel guilty because i worked in that same factory at 16 to help be able to afford my college? (Which i got in because of my GPA and ACT score, not because I was white) Do I need to feel guilty that my grandfather was a moonshiner in the Kentucky hills that only came to Illinois to evade arrest? The same grandfather that worked in the coal mines and died an early age from black lung? I am not too up on my relatives that go back farther than that, but I am sure there is some whiteness in there somewhere I need to say sorry for.
  5. EvilMonkey


    QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Jul 9, 2015 -> 10:43 AM) Grill While I have a 600sqft deck thats all concrete/brick I think I'm still limited to propane which is unfortunate but expected. Pretty happy with that grill at that price. I have that grill, works well. Only done veggies on it once, I used a grill plate and sliced them in strips (peppers and some onions for the wife). Worked OK, at least she liked them.
  6. Maybe Balta should lead the way and give up his job for an equally and probably more qualified minority candidate, since he obviously had to have got his position because he is white. Lead on, balta. Show us the way to enlightenment!
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 9, 2015 -> 01:07 PM) So it's not your fault, you can't be called upon to act to do anything to correct that problem, yet somehow it doesn't continue because of anything you do. And there's the beautiful contradiction that is white privilege. It doesn't exist because of anything you do but you can't be asked to do anything about it, you just get to enjoy the benefits. Fixing it is other people's problem. They just need to be better, after all. What will making a bunch of white kids feel like s*** do to fix the problem? Todays kids are more accepting of everyone then ever before. Sounds like what you want is for it to be reversed and for white kids to have to go thru hell and back because someone else had to do it years ago that didn't look like them.
  8. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 9, 2015 -> 12:55 PM) I, and most sane white people, don't deny there's a certain privilege to being white. However, it's not of my doing nor does it continue because of anything I do. So to blame me for it or make me apologize for it is bulls***. I also refuse to apologize for whatever, if any, advantage I have for being white. I hate white people as much as black people or brown people, if they are deserving of my hate. Assholery knows no color. When hiring, if you can do the job right and make me money, I don't care what color you are, so I am not keeping anyone down, other than stupid people who can't do the job I need them to do. My current designer is a bisexual hispanic woman, the one before that was a fat gay man. I had hired some black guy who just got out of college but he quit before he even started because he got a better offer, so gay fat guy it was.
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 9, 2015 -> 12:38 PM) Stanford University (B.A.) Columbia University (M.P.H.) University of Oxford (University College, Oxford) (M.Phil., D.Phil.) Thankfully we won't have to worry about any other random assumptions like that during the next campaign season, I'm sure. Did you even watch any of her appearance on TV, for which she was paid tons of cash?
  10. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jul 9, 2015 -> 08:19 AM) So W "only" charged a wounded vets charity $100k and a private jet to speak at a fundraiser for the people he sent to war. http://news.yahoo.com/help-us-veterans-cha...-225504539.html Cheap compared to Bill and Hillary prices. Let's see some Yahoo news stories on that instead. Only slightly more than the empty headed Chelsea gets. At least he isn't fibbing about 'donating' the fees, to his own charity like Hillary does.
  11. QUOTE (Jake @ Jul 6, 2015 -> 04:30 PM) Just makes concrete that in Donald's mind, Mexican illegals and just Mexicans are basically indistinguishable Isn't that how the Democratic party treats them? That all Mexicans should be supportive of illegal mexicans? If not, they sure act like it. Dare mention border security and they expect everyone of hispanic heritage to be personally offended and upset.
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 6, 2015 -> 12:13 PM) (Tweet was deleted after about 24 hours but obviously captured by people beforehand) Well, there is truth to that statement. Happy wife, happy life. And if you come out dissin' on her heritage, not likely to have happy wife. So what's the problem?
  13. QUOTE (Brian @ Jul 1, 2015 -> 07:20 AM) Being gay isn't a choice, people are born that way, hence they have rights. Polygamy, is a choice. Although I couldn't care less if 5 people wanted to get married to each other. There are many radfems that think being gay is a choice that you need to make to break thru the stranglehold of the patriarchy who would disagree with you.
  14. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 1, 2015 -> 12:49 PM) What exactly comprises a black church? 90%? 50% or more? 2/3? 60%? I am not the one defining them as black or not. Go ask AP or something.
  15. QUOTE (Brian @ Jul 1, 2015 -> 12:55 PM) So it's ok that only 5 burned? Yet one more wonderful interpretation of yours. Did I say or even imply that? No. You just assumed that since I didn't bow to your wisdom that I was saying that. it is not ok that any of them were burned down, even the electrical one. But until you have proof of the motivation behind them, if it wasn't an accident, why not try and withhold your bomb throwing for just a bit, until there are some fact that can be confirmed thru something other than knee jerk reactions and guesswork.
  16. QUOTE (Brian @ Jul 1, 2015 -> 11:49 AM) 7 black churches go down because of electrical issues. What a coincidence. Must've used same contractor. Nice way to not read. I said one. And one of the seven is supposedly not a black church.
  17. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 1, 2015 -> 09:16 AM) LMAO. yea, all vandalism. it did say one was electrical and the resat were being investigated, so perhaps.
  18. QUOTE (Jake @ Jun 29, 2015 -> 02:10 PM) Adopting adult dogs from a shelter is great for a couple of reasons. First of all, you're saving a dog that at best will lead a life of limited human attention and a complete lack of autonomy and at worst is facing imminent euthanasia for no reason other than lack of space. But second is that the vast majority of adult dogs you could adopt from a shelter will not give you the same pains that you get from a puppy. You have to teach a puppy that it has to pee/poop outside, for god's sake, which is far from an overnight endeavor. You will also be able to know the temperament of the dog you adopt from a shelter because it has grown up. Puppies are almost always crazy, but a good portion of them become mellow adults. You won't really know which you're getting when you adopt so young. But an adult dog is pretty much itself...obviously moving into a new home will change some things, but not its basic disposition. I think of this in contrast to cats (who hold a special place in my heart of course) who are more disrupted by changing homes/owners once they are adults. That's not to say adopting adult cats is bad! But kitten socialization is 1. easy and 2. far more permanent, IMO. Dogs have been domesticated a long time and with some exceptions of abuse, are hard to break of their love for human friends. Cats that didn't have the kind of human interactions you would like to have with them when kittens will be pretty unlikely to have them when they are adults. Anyway, thanks for helping out animals in need Alpha! The amount of homeless animals in our communities is so sad that it tends to be easier just to keep a distance rather than get emotionally invested. Props to you for being involved and helping. Thanks. it is more my wife then me, I just get to help with fundraisers and spend some time with awesome dogs at events once or twice a month. She does the funraising coordination, and is one of the adoption coordinators, working most weekends and several hours during the week. And I agree with your summation about adopting adult dogs vs cats. Always exceptions of course, but pretty spot on.
  19. You gotta pass it to know what's in it.
  20. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Jun 26, 2015 -> 09:02 AM) This flag offends me. It should be banned. Don't worry, we'll get there soon enough.
  21. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 25, 2015 -> 05:11 PM) I told you guys all our veteran "name" players will be sought after. Please Sox, dump LaRoche and Melky and Lexi and Robertson and Duke and Shark in a major "do-over" of the past offseason. I'm confident Hahn will get it right this time. WHy do you keep wanting to dump Robertson? UNless you have someone ready and waiting, you don't need that black hole there. One thing to lose with young guys. It feels even worse when you consistently give up leads in the last 2 innings.
  22. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 25, 2015 -> 07:10 PM) Nobody was calling for Apple to do that though. If there's an overreach there that's not the fault of the people correctly calling for governments to stop flying the flag and honoring confederate slavers Nah, businesses are not intimidated by the screaming hoards at all. Not the hoards fault.
  23. QUOTE (knightni @ Jun 25, 2015 -> 03:52 PM) It's more of eliminating the negative symbol of past oppression than it is eliminating Southern history. if it was THE symbol, that would be one ting. but you know it will never end, there will always be symbols. Streets, buildings, forts, lakes. I was wondering how long until some liberal complained about the American Flag and was promptly rewarded with Louis F. who bloviated on about how it should be removed.
  24. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 24, 2015 -> 12:12 PM) So now that whining about taking down the flag of white supremacists is done, what's next? Whining about no longer honoring white supremacist terrorists by naming schools and streets after them? Hey, Democrats have terrorists as professors and best buddies of Presidents (Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn), so why do you begrudge a few street names?
  25. So, now that the war on a flag is done, what's next? Renaming military bases named after confederate generals? Public buildings? Whistling Dixie going to be the new 'dog whistle'?
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