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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Thank you my brother, friends and faux foes alike. We are all one under our Sox fandom. After leaving work early, I got to play some board games with my younger boy, I walked the dogs, then got a nice steak dinner at the Texas Road House. NYStrip with a tall beer to chase it with. Of course, cake afterwards. Oh, and Santo, what the heck does your post say? Is it just my computer, or is that some sort of Arabic? or maybe it is just my bad eyesight.
  2. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 21, 2007 -> 09:39 AM) But I do think that they are also proliferated by opposing forces. In other words, people will use CAIR, or say Jesse Jackson, not just to represent a group objectively, but also as a target for ire. Jesse or someone from CAIR speaks, and some people apply that to all Muslims or all blacks. Ok, I understand this, but when the media and politicians hold these people up as leaders, isn't that pretty much expected? When 'leaders' real or perceived speak out, most people react as if that is the opinions/views of the whole group. It happens in politics all the time, on both sides. But in the case of CAIR, if they weren't looked to as the defacto leader or voice of the Musilm community, their comments wouldn't draw anywhere near as much attention as they do. I understand the media being lazy and agenda driven. But back to the original question, why do the politicians give CAIR any weight at all? If I approached my Senator saying I was head of a group of Wiccans comprised of 1700 members nationwide and wanted him to come and speak at our convention, I don't think I would get an audience. Maybe if our members had a reputation of beheading those we didn't like, I might.
  3. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 21, 2007 -> 01:21 PM) "Mr. Brown, I just don't see that you could win this case against the Topeka School Board". It's hooooooooooot, in Topeka.
  4. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 21, 2007 -> 03:05 PM) By those grounds, no business or government institution should ever do anything to make a system or operation more efficient because it could put people out of work. "Whaddya mean these computers are only 6 months old. We have to replace them now to keep the factories open!" Here's the way I look at it; yes...people at insurance companies would be put out of business. But on the other hand...if you are truly moving to a system which provides lower costs for people, then those dollars that were being turned into the 30% overhead costs in our health care system or were being turned into insurance company profits will be spent by people somewhere else, and that money being spent will generate new business opportunities and new jobs in other sectors. Way to really over-generalize there. I think that is a fair question to ask, and the effects that it will have. You dump several million people into unemployment, that would really hurt the economy, alot faster than whatever savings you are imagining would help. And if you think that the government will be running the industry at less than 30% overhead, you are smoking some strong stuff. The only way they would get there is by hiring half as many people and taking twice as long to get anything done, while paying them like crap until they unionize and strike for better pay and less hours, new ergonomic chairs and Starbucks coffee in the breakrooms. Then they will get hit with lawsuits because they didn't hire enough minorities, and soon you have an organization as f***ed up as the postal service, constantly raising prices while becoming the nations biggest minority employer, saddled with an unresponsive union, skyrocketing wages, bloated inefficiencies and no incentive to do better since there is no competition except for the super rich who can afford private healthcare, even after the huge tax increases needed to pay for the broken government run one.
  5. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 21, 2007 -> 01:48 PM) Commie lover I'm not certain how dropping the embargo ties into a Cuban style health care system in the US. I also believe we can put together a single payer system that allows for patient choice. Actually, I see that as the only way for any changes to move forward. What do you do with all the insurance company people that will be out of work? Do they now become government employees?
  6. so because i talk about them on a message board, the Ohio Governor decides to speak to CAIR at thier 10th annual banquet? http://www.cair-net.org/default.asp?Page=a...&theType=NR Because I question their legitimacy on Soxtalk, Barbara boxer gives awards from them? (although she tried to take it back once the public heard about it). http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/state/2...uslimgroup.html Wht does the newsmedai run to CAIR for quotes whenever they feel they need a Muslim POV? My college graduating class had more members than CAIR does. (OK, we all know the answer to that last one, most are just lazy, some have an agenda, some both). They have become like Jessie and Al, self-appointed spokesmen for a group, and the major news players just accept that.
  7. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 19, 2007 -> 10:46 AM) I was thinking about b****'s comments about the lawyer that made him puke in his mouth by filing a lawsuit. Just wondering, but is our system really better off if the lawyers become the judges too? Shouldn't everyone have access to our legal system? We should have a way for a Judge to quickly and cheaply dismiss a case, but I would be uncomfortable if we created a system where it was up to the attorneys to determine if someone has an easy to win case or not. I think it is the ambulance-chaser type of lawyer that gets people riled up. Yes, people file whacky lawsuits, but alot of those wacky ones are thought up by the lawyers themselves, who then go victim-hunting. Everyone should have access to the legal system, but the judges should be allowed to disniss a case quickly if need be.
  8. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 20, 2007 -> 10:21 AM) No, Alpha, I do see the point that the catastrophic cases are a problem. I do think that we need some sort of 'tier' system - I think that would help a lot. You got a sniffle, stop going to the damn ER and go to an urgent care center that is supposed to handle those sorts of things. That is pretty much what I was trying to say. The companies need to be whacked when they deny legitimate claims due to cost. but the consumer should also exercise some restraint of what they 'spend'. When it isn't directly coming out of your pocket, you don't care what it costs. The catastrophic cases are special, and do present problems. But we can continue the insurance/medical discussions elsewhere. Edwards is an empty suit and knows nothgin about the healthcare he is proposing except his talking points.
  9. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Aug 20, 2007 -> 09:43 AM) But what economic incentives are there that will beat out the operant one behind the HMOs? The incentive there is basically to maximize profitability while minimizing the amount of real health care that gets dispensed. The low-cost clinics showing up in some drug stores and such are a good place to start. People don't need doctors visits or emergency rooms for some of the more common things that the clinics can take care of. Medical savings accounts are a good way to go as well. If people have a direct interest in knowing how much their medical services cost, they can possibly have an effect in lowering those costs thru doctor shopping, etc.
  10. QUOTE(dasox24 @ Aug 20, 2007 -> 04:03 AM) Man, that just grosses me out b/c I think about what if that happened to me. Getting f***ed in the ass by a camel... Not so funny anymore. You are assuming that you are even attractive to camels to begin with. Maybe to a camel you are just plain fugly.
  11. The issue is about Edwards, not me and Cuba. I know it is late Tex, but you need to focus. And you are right, normally Cuba and their healthcare system would be waaaay down on the list. Except for all the international reports listing it favorably, and how the life expectancy is higher than it is here, and the infant mortality rate is so much lower than it is here. And how they do it on a shoestring budget. And you can't undo the fact that Moore DID make a movie touting the wonderland of Cuba, and the MSM so glowingly heaped praise on the land of milk and honey. So in light of all of those thing, he would be a fool to have not at least given Cuba a cursory look, to see if all that was being said was true, and could somehow be put to use here. Go on, keep trying to make this about me and some Cuba-fetish, you are just avoiding the issue.
  12. You know, USUALLY you argue in such a big picture sort of way that you distort the issue with alot of 'what if's'. Now you are stuck on something so small as to whether or not he saw Sicko. Edwards said he saw Sicko, he even recommended it. Then said he had no idea what kind of health care system Cuba had. Whether or not he 'believes' Moore, if he saw the movie, he would have had to have had some idea what kind of system they had. In fact, for a candidate that has such an extensive list of healthcare ideas and proposals on his webpage, he damn well better have an idea of what kind of system they have, because it is similar to what he proposes. You would think that he would have researched (or at least had staff do it) all the healthcare systems in place today to see what works and what doesn't. Edwards either lied about seeing Sicko, or doesn't know beans about healthcare. or both. I would think in your list of important issues that healthcare would also be important to you, and what the candidates know about it and plan to do about it. You have certainly been active in the few healthcare threads on here such as "Interesting read on the problems with cost of insurance/medicine" and " Texas Ordering all girls to have cancer vaccine". On a different note, I am suprised at the lack of healthcare posts since it is such a huge issue in the upcoming elections. I went back to August of last year, and even if you throw in stem cell posts, we might have 6 in total.
  13. You also left out if the MSM doesn't break its back trying to help Moore portray the Cuban paradise as the mecca of healthcare, noone would give a s***. But that strawman won't work. He DID make the movie, the MSM DID hype the Cuban system, Edwards SAW the movie and said it was 'great', then proved that he DIDN'T know s***.
  14. Oh please. If Mitt Romney said that he had no idea whether Cuba's healthcare system is government run, YOU would be all over him. That is something simple that he should know. Healthcare in general is a huge issue. Edwards is an empty suit.
  15. The fact that he knows as little about Cuba as he does is alarming in itself.
  16. http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.d...D=7328524913433 Seriously, with a nationwide membership of less than 2000 people, how do they still get the political audiences that they do? If mainstream Muslims want to be taken seriously in this country, how about starting a REAL group that actually represents Muslims in America instead of these terrorists.
  17. How clueless can he be? http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/20...ko-twister.html Seriously, how can you watch Sicko, and not know that Cuba's healthcare is government run? This guy is such an empty suit. So in the last week he got into name calling with Ann Coulter, got caught as a hypocrit with his direct involvement with sub-prime lending and now that he has no grasp on foreign affairs. I wonder if he even knows where Cuba is?
  18. EvilMonkey

    i am drunk

    Where did the Oreos go?
  19. So Edwards sells his $16 million in stock and ends up with $16 million in cash. How does that help the people? How does divesting himself of the stock reactivly somehow alieve him from his hypocrisy? A good PR move would be for him to sell his shares, and donate thae proceeds to the very people being foreclosed.
  20. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Aug 17, 2007 -> 12:12 PM) Ah, I see what you are driving at. No payola = Caught suckling at the federal teat. OR, A) Whew! Glad she wasn't donating to Obama, or B) Damn! She wasn't donating to the Repubs!
  21. Never happen, because then HE would end up in court under oath himself. They will show what a control freak he is, and then not believe him when he says he didn't know, or ask, what the 'clear' and the 'creme' was. He can threaten all he wants, but it will never happen.
  22. I dunno why, but when I saw this thread title, I swear it said Leroooooooooy Jenkins! Thought it was another youtube clip.
  23. Here's one for ya. A lawyer wants a judge to recuse himself because he is too religious http://www.dailybusinessreview.com/news.html?news_id=44458 He says because he hired some law clerks from Ave Maria Law School, and donated some money to the school. Also claims he is biased against women and working mothers and such, even though it is noted he has ruled in favor of strippers in employment cases. Oh, and here is the kicker: on page 11, he basically says that the judge has to recuse himself, because once he reads all this crap I am saying about him, he could never give my client a fair trial. Other stuff too in the motion. Long read. http://www.courtzero.org/spolteraffidavit.pdf
  24. Well, noone told you to go on Oprah and claim victimhood. or did they? Should have taken the high road and refused to talk about that, and instead talked about your accomplishments. But no, that doesn't pay. Jenks, I am sure you can find worse cases that have come to court than this. (Although this is a bad one)
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