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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. http://www.wsbtv.com/news/13675836/detail.html Mom's little angel on display.
  2. Besides, lots of other numbers in that book. Start spouting abotu him, and the next number just may be a Dem. In fact, they did trace one to a Dem's office, but he was out of the state at the time, so it was probably a staffer. Still doesn't look good, but who knows who is next.
  3. QUOTE(southsida86 @ Jul 13, 2007 -> 11:08 AM) If Selig and the owners allow Cuban to buy the Cubs, then that's where ARod will be and Cuban will pay whatever Boras wants. Like I said, there will be at least one dumbass onwer who will pay.
  4. A side issue here is now that borass has thrown that out there, if Arod opts out, and no team offers him a $30 million + deal, he will start screaming about collusion. So, you will get at least one dumbass owner who will be willing to pay that. Not worth it.
  5. If Hafner gets $14, should Hunter get less?
  6. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Jul 12, 2007 -> 09:26 AM) I like her. She stands up to everyone. You can call her whore all you want but shes still here. So is herpes. I am not impressed.
  7. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 12, 2007 -> 02:35 PM) He sure is. Especially on immigration. you got that right! Kinda funny too how Bush's supposed lapdog, talk radio, didn't toe the 'party line' and fall into the President's position on that. Even Rush spoke against it. Wow.
  8. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 12, 2007 -> 02:05 PM) But, you CAN pass EO's to pick off some little pieces here and there. For example, you could order the OMB to devote significant resources to checking all earmarks against all business dealings (in the public record) of the signing congresspeople. And then if anything fishy crops up, the FBI can go get warrants and dig further. That might make them think twice about giving them out. This won't happen of course for lots of political reasons, but, it would probably help Bush's image at this point. THAT would be a good one. And make sure to have it trigger automatically, regardless of what party the person belonged to so they can all sweat.
  9. And this year Iguchi has pput up crap everywhere.
  10. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jul 12, 2007 -> 08:49 AM) It's just another example of how secretive this administration is. This is by far the shadiest administration in my lifetime. If there is nothing to hide I would think they would try to look cooperative for once. And I am sure you would let the police just search your car whenever you are pulled over, because after all, you have nothign to hide. And why don't they just stop by and visit with you at home once a week, just to check things out. After all, you have nothing to hide. This is just one of hundreds of fishing expeditions by a group of Dems in power who suffer from BDS and want to trip up anyone they can related to Bush in any way they can. if it means hauling everyone who even looked at Bush into yet another congressional hearing, and asking them the same questions over and over each time until you get a slightly different answer one of the times for a purgery conviction, then so be it.
  11. It would be nice if this congress actually did something other than hold hearings to try and find ways to nail BushCo on something. Whatever happened to the grand 100 days plan? Even if they were to start impeachment hearing today, it would be 18 months before anything got accomplished, and by then, he would be out of office anyway. The Dems are doing this country a disservice by focusing on Bush instead of legislating like they were elected to do. I would argue that this is a new low for the BDS Dems in power.
  12. QUOTE(dasox24 @ Jul 9, 2007 -> 04:08 PM) I will say the "Member Number" and "Joined" listings are cooler than the post count... I was just going to post this. Nice to know how long someone has been posting here. I know people been here longer than me with fewer posts, and people less time than me that make it look like I am never here. but truth is, whatever is easier for the admin. Thanks for having me here.
  13. Cut the pay down to expenses plus $50,000 per year, then you get rid of all the lifers. Oh, and cancel the special pension plan they get as well, put them in social security like the rest of us poor schmucks. That also needs to be done an a state level here in Illinois, as the pension plan here is one of the most generous in the nation. No wonder the state is in such a mess.
  14. I only saw the last 2 sets but it made me miss playing tennis so much. The last service set from Roger was just awe inspiring. I faced 100MPH serves before, and I could barely see them, relying on alot of guesswork to get my raquet in place. I would just probably stand there and hope that the 125+ pnes didn't hit me! Congrats to both guys, nice sets.
  15. EvilMonkey


    QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 2, 2007 -> 07:47 AM) http://www.cnn.com/2007/HEALTH/06/2...eck/index.html# ("Compare that to Medicare, which only has an overhead rate of 1 percent. Medicare is an extremely efficient health-care delivery system," says Mark Meaney, a health-care ethicist for the National Institute for Patient Rights. I find that damn near impossible that ANY government agency can run that efficiently. Maybe we should hire away the geniuses running Medicare to balance the budget?
  16. He played before the game last night and did the national anthem. songs were great, kinda messed up the high note on the anthem, though.
  17. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Jul 6, 2007 -> 06:02 AM) Except for when he wants to claim executive privilege. Then he is. This administration rivals Nixon's in contempt for the law. And the liberals on this board rival my 8 year old for b****ing and whining about the eeevil Chimpy McBus***ler. He will be gone in less than 2 years, he can't get re-elected, get on with your lives. Both sides f*** up, both sides have nothing but contempt for the voters and both sides suck.
  18. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jul 5, 2007 -> 12:23 AM) OK, I feel better. I'd have really been cheesed off if he wasn't driving a hybrid vehicle. ...and the question was: What was going through Al Gore Sr.'s mind upon hearing about the arrest???
  19. QUOTE(SouthSidePride05 @ Jul 3, 2007 -> 11:59 AM) I don't care what anyone says, it's never cool to call your fans a bunch of idiots. We're paying for the tickets, we're supporting the team, and we have to hear some reliever with a bad attitude calling us fans idiots. I'm sure he's heard it all though, and I'm sure he's referring to the drunks sitting in the outfield behind the bullpen in section 158. The fans have had to witness the most disappointing season ever due to the mental weakness of the bullpen, so it's safe to assume he hasn't heard the nicest things coming from the stands while he's about to warm up. On the other hand, Sox fans are known for being knowledgeable compared to other fanbases, so to call the fans idiots is just.. well, idiotic! I don't think he was calling your every-day fan an idiot, just the ones who feel compelled to yell at players from the stands. Have you really ever heard anything intelligent yelled at a player from the stands? Maybe something funny once in a while, but usually not much baseball knowledge gets displayed when fans yell at players. Maybe whoever buys whatever product your company makes or sells could come to your job and criticize the way you and/or your coworkers work. Afterall, they are buying your product, supporting the company, they should be allowed to vent their frustration at a poor product or service rigft at the person who made/sold it.
  20. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D8...;show_article=1 I wonder if the Prius was on coke to be able to go that fast!
  21. I wonder what the Iman's on London are saying about this? Are they condemning the acts as senseless violence forbidden by the Koran, are they insisting that it wasn't muslims who did this but instead some evil jew plot to make them look bad, or blaming it all as an expected reaction to the british knighting Rushke (however you spell that name)?
  22. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 2, 2007 -> 07:21 PM) I think time is irrelevant here. I don't see how it was any less cruel then than it is now. Its not as if we are taking about centuries of time elapsed. It was cruel and unnecessary. So it doesn't matter that we used to use lead paint, ride bikes without helmets, ride in cars without seatbelts, many kids riding in the back window, etc? Parents do those things now, DCFS has a hissy fit and tries to take your kids away. Attitudes were different then towards safety, life, etc. I didn't say it was a nice thing to do. I couldn't imagine doing that myself. But by the reaction of a few people here, you would have thought he shot the dog with a bb gun or something, or just tied his leash up to the luggage rack and had the dog hold on for dear life.
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