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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 2, 2007 -> 05:55 PM) Meh. I just don't like the guy. He's a turd. no problem with that.
  2. "As Independence Day nears, we are reminded that one of the principles our forefathers fought for was equal justice under the law. This commutation completely tramples on that principle," Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said through a spokesman.
  3. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jul 2, 2007 -> 03:22 PM) Wow. What a piece of crap this man is. That was in no way a smart thing to do, but keep in mind that this was the early 80's, when people still let kids sit in the suicide seats in the back of station wagons, with no seat belts. I am against animal cruelty, our whole family volunteers at the Humane Society (well, not the 8 year old), but you are acting like he killed the dog. bring it down a few levels of indignation.
  4. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jul 2, 2007 -> 12:50 PM) Why single out one candidate? They will all focus on the same states. They will all run a few ads here, I singled out him since he is FROM here. Will he run ads here, campaign here (other than to RAISE money, which is spent in other states), or will he take his Illinois votes for granted? Simple question.
  5. Already mentioned here: http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=59706 Still wierd, even the second time.
  6. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jul 2, 2007 -> 08:52 AM) He has no chance. Maybe he can spend some of that in Illinois. Or will he just take the state for granted and ignore us?
  7. Since it appears that at least two of the people involved were doctors, and not the poverty-stricken victims that were forced into jihad, can we now cross poverty off as the root cause of terrorism? It is time to seriously consider restricting immigration of all Muslims to our country.
  8. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jul 1, 2007 -> 10:49 AM) Of course. But they are here because of demand, as a country, it is in our best interest to make certain that we respond in our best interest, not what is politically popular today. We'd be cutting off our nose to spite our face by just deporting 12,000,000 WORKERS and their families. The businesses will suffer and so will we. Put in a plan that fills the needs of American business and controls the number of immigrants, I'm more in favor of reducing the H1B VISA program and creating more high end jobs for Americans than trying to push low end jobs on Americans. Our education system is better than that. But are they here because there were jobs for them, or are there jobs for them because they are here?
  9. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jun 29, 2007 -> 05:14 PM) What's a virus? It's what the 2 women in your avitar would probably give you after a night of partying like that.
  10. QUOTE(Chet Lemon @ Jun 30, 2007 -> 10:38 AM) I noticed we are both 1-0 at Sox games this year. I saw Buehrle's 100th win. I am hoping to make it 3-0 on the 4th and 5th. my first this year was the only win vs the Yankmees. i sat in left field thru all that rain crap, but at least i got a win. Almost got a HR ball, as the one went right over my head to land about 4 rows behind me. Thanks for the additional inof. I'll look those up later. I remember some of the Michigan stuff, but not enough to comment.
  11. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Jun 28, 2007 -> 12:05 PM) There wasn't much to begin with. http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/06/28/imm...ress/index.html I'm getting really sick of the language used by some of the supporters of this bill in government. They talk as if this is the only possible solution to the problem. This bill is what "immigration reform" is, so either pass this or we'll never be able to do anything. Bulls***. Come up with REAL immigration reform that realistically deals with illegals already here, completely overhauls the immigration process, and, most importantly, protects the borders. If they had any balls they would break it into pieces and pass the bill, or not, one item at a time. the idea that it needs to be one, huge comprehensive bill is just assanine, and just used so they can TRY and hide all the different loopholes they want.
  12. Most excellent! Congrats Frank! I wonder if all my Thomas baseball cards will now go up in value? Hmmmm.
  13. QUOTE(Chet Lemon @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 08:32 PM) I agree with your logic, you should write this to all school boards. Bravo! I clearly stated "arguably the worst justice in recent history." Any statute upheld that violates the constitution is wrong. If they wanted to overturn Tinker, they would have. This is rational, pulitzer-prize worthy criticism. You answered none of the questions, instead tried to respond with what you thought passed for witty retorts. You struck out like Mackowiak. Tinker was one of the precedents brought up during this case, and was used by the dissenters in their opinions. The others voted to allow this case as an exception to Tinker, thereby weakening the Tinker decision. Thomas merely stated in HIS opinion that if Tinker is such a bad decision, they should just overturn it outright instead of kiling it slowly thru exceptions. But in order to do that, they need a case that clearly relies on Tinker for the decision. Apparently they thought this case did not. So what else has he done to make him 'arguebly' one of the worst justices in recent history? I am trying to understand your anger at the man and disrespect for the position he has obtained. Do you think he is only there because he is black? Or because he kissed the right ass? Or maybe he had incriminating pictures of someone. What makes him a bad justice in your eyes?
  14. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 09:09 AM) No, not most of us. Only the extreme fringe Minutemen contingent. Not at all. When patriotism is allowed to grow into belligerence, xenophobia and fear-mongering, that's being jingoistic. 12 million illegals didn't show up here overnight. It's the product of decades of a system that allowed it to happen and a consumerist society that enjoys the benefits of cheap labor but didn't want to worry about the source of the cheap labor. In a gross miscalculation as to the chances of moving forward on workable solutions, this long-standing situation has now become a front-and-center issue and a distraction from more pressing national needs. I will agree with that. mostly, is it really fear-mongering if there really is something to fear? Like Kap said, I wish they would have enforced this a long time ago. i wish they would enforce it now. Hell, even France is getting serious about illegal immigration and stepping up their deportations.
  15. QUOTE(chisox72 @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 08:15 AM) f*** that, and f*** the Yankees. Its typical NY paper belief that they can have anyone. That is all this article is. I agree.
  16. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 11:53 PM) Yeah, I figured using green would have been overkill what with all the hyperbole and mock outrage in there. I was pretending to be an enraged jingoistic close-the-borders-and-kick-em-all-out policy advocate for a minute. It didn't take. So when Americans waive the flag and want to defend our country, that's being jingoistic, and therefor bad. But when Mexicans or Puertoricans (SP?) waive their flags out car windows and send lots of money back to the homeland, that's being patriotic and showing pride in their homeland? QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 07:30 AM) I hope you're not talking about most of us here... most of us aren't advocating that, but we are advocating that they not get amnesty. Big difference. Sometimes people have a hard time telling the difference between anti-immigrant and anti-illegal immigrant, and can only see the most extreme position.
  17. Jose gone and Buehrle staying would be a great thing, both for the future of the rotation and PR-wise.
  18. The Brady Campaign issued the following statement. “We at the Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence were saddened to hear of the tragic death of the Benoit family. We encourage anyone contemplating a future murder/suicide to use a handgun. Every time a horrific event like this one takes place, where no firearm is involved, the public is reminded of the truth of the NRA’s axiom that guns don’t kill people, people do. Only when all Americans pull together, recognize that the use of guns in a violent manner is the only thing which can demonstrate how dangerous guns can be, and pledge to commit all their violent acts with firearms, will we be able to rid America of the scourge of gun violence. If Mr. Benoit had used a gun we would have easily been able to point out how his family would still be alive had he not had access to a firearm. By selfishly killing his family using his hands and other common household implements he is denying us the propaganda tool that we so desperately need to implement our radical socialist agenda. Remember, if you’re going to kill your family, have a heart and do it with a gun.
  19. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...7062501487.html Apparently Fred's ex-ladies think he is their man!
  20. QUOTE(Chet Lemon @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 06:38 PM) So Clarence Thomas just wants to overrule Tinker? No big deal, haha. "The better approach is to dispense with Tinker altogether, and given the opportunity, I would." He wants a time when "Teachers commanded, and students obeyed. Teachers did not rely solely on the power of ideas to persuade; they relied on discipline to maintain order. Schools punished students for behavior the school considered disrespectful or wrong." Under those circumstances, students would become subserviant to virtually anyone employed by the schools. Imagine if students were suspended for challenging a teacher who believed that President Bush is a war criminal because their in-class challenges endangered "order" and were viewed as "disrespectful." It is not one-sided. I don't agree and thankfully neither did a single other justice. Depending on how the whiny little brat did it, it would be disrespectful. Why do you think many inner city schools are such s***holes? There is no respect for the teachers and the kids know that teachers are powerless. Thomas also noted that in parentus locus, or however you spell that, still applied which limited the scope of teachers powers, but not to the degree that Tinker did. So, based on your love of Tinker, you think Thomas is the worst justice in recent history? How about those that decided it was ok for the government to take private property from cictizens and turn it over to developers, just because it could generate a larger tax base? Wouldn't that be a worse decision? Are there any other Thomas 'missteps' that are stuck in your craw? Or are you just a flaming liberal on a conservative witch hunt? Do you equate Bush with Hitler? As for no other justice agreeing with him, by issuing the verdict they did, in a way they agree with him. They simply created another 'exception' to Tinker, of which there are many. If the exceptions continue, it will be moot because the decision would have been rendered useless by all the exceptions.
  21. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 05:57 PM) I'm not doubting there are Americans who would work in that position, but I wouldn't call this person a "dirtbag border-crossing illegal." To me the issue isn't really about illegal citizens as it is about illegal Mexicans. Just my $.02 Well, since illegal Mexicans (or hispanics in general) make up the bulk of the illegal population, they tend to get the most attention. if we were flooded with 12 million border-jumping Swedes, we would be concerned about them instead. Unless they were all members of the Swedish Bikini Team.
  22. QUOTE(Chet Lemon @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 05:28 PM) Anyone read Clarence Thomas's Concurrence? Not even Scalia would sign on to it. I used to think Thomas was unfairly critcized by scholars when they would rip him for not asking questions during oral arguments, etc. I think based on his opinions, he is arguably the worst justice in recent history. And what did you find so objectionable about his opinion? In my skimming his concurrence, he is just saying that he thnks Tinker was an invented right, and should not even have been relevent in the decision. He joins the decision but has reservations because it merely adds to the group of 'exceptions' to Tinker, instead of just getting rid of Tinker altogether.
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