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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. I would be more worried about college kids that need 'safe spaces' because someone dared speak an opinion that didn't fit their own world view.
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 23, 2015 -> 05:50 PM) Cool So you're cool with HIllary supporters being racists. Got it.
  3. Look at this blatant use of the confederate 'flag' for promotional use. Funny. http://www.ebay.com/itm/HILLARY-CLINTON-TR...=item1a01f226d5 http://www.ebay.com/itm/HILLARY-CLINTON-20...=item1a01f1f1dc
  4. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jun 23, 2015 -> 04:17 PM) I agree on doing the right thing, because it's the right thing to do...NOT because it's "all of a sudden" the right thing to do since people are paying attention for a few minutes. Where I disagree is that this made a difference. No, it didn't. All this did was become the scapegoat to sweep a grizzly story under the rug, and for the majority of America, that's exactly what has happened. We pointed at a flag and raised arms to get it taken down (which hasn't even happened yet) and if/when the flag gets taken down, this story will die down or have already been forgotten, and everyone will take their short attention spans and move on to the next big thing. That is, until the another grizzly scene unfolds and we look for a new "flag" to point at as a symbol for what occurred. This starts and ends IN THE f***ING HOME, not on a flag pole. Until parents STOP passively or actively teaching their kids to become racists, this will continue to occur no matter how many flags you remove. Yes.
  5. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jun 23, 2015 -> 01:30 PM) I believe eBay has banned the sale of Confederate merchandise now. With the amount of sudden reaction to a flag that's been flying for decades, you'd think the flag itself walked into that church and shot people. Shark jumped. Knee-jerk "we gotta do something, even if it isn't right, doesn't work or is off base." Because you never let a good crisis go to waste.
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 22, 2015 -> 09:50 PM) Even if it creates more racists? SS2k for the WIN!
  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 22, 2015 -> 04:20 PM) Why make the assumption that Iran must be influencing anti-gay Muslim attitudes, then? Why couldn't it be the same non-governmental source that's influencing non-Muslim anti-gay attitudes? So what non-governmental source over there would you think could be corrupting those young minds? The Imans? Who work hand in hand with the government? That's all there is there, There is no separation. Religion is political. And it isn't just Iran. Isis, Pakistan, all over the damn place. You just let your liberal blinders keep you from seeing it because it is America that is supposed to be bad, not the poor, oppressed brown people who worship a pedophile and kill gay people.
  8. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 22, 2015 -> 04:08 PM) Where do Christians (and other non-Muslims) who do terrible anti-gay things get their ideas from? Certainly not from our beloved central overlords in government. Which is the point.
  9. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 22, 2015 -> 03:56 PM) Distinction without a difference. Yeah, because screaming 'Quit flying that flag on top of the state capitall!' sounds just the same as 'remove that flag from your war memorial'.
  10. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jun 22, 2015 -> 03:29 PM) So Christianity doesn't influence the US government? Big difference between influence and control. People were worried that Kennedy would be controlled once in office by his Catholic faith. Liberals constantly worry that any right winger will let his Christian faith guide him in decision making. Influencing isn't always a bad thing. Controlling is another. Islam IS the government. There is no separation.
  11. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 22, 2015 -> 03:23 PM) What about the institutionalized racial supremacy that flying a confederate flag on a state capitol represents? How about getting the words at least correct as it isn't 'flying on the state capital', but in a memorial park on capital grounds. it was removed from the capital building a few years ago.
  12. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 22, 2015 -> 03:13 PM) I do agree that the institutionalized religion into government is a key difference. The KKK isn't running a government or writing books required in school. However, I do think you need to separate the interpretation here. I am NOT an expert, but from what I have read in a few books on the topic, I don't get the impression the Quran is any more (or less) leaning towards violence than the Bible. Its how the religion is taught and implemented. Anyway that's an aside. I think we agree that the key here is, dude did something evil and that's bad. He was racist and that's bad. Yes, at least on the second part. Not entirely sure on the first.
  13. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 22, 2015 -> 02:30 PM) I think that happens both ways. Was more curious what YOU thought. I could care less what columnists at Salon or Daily Beast think. I think Islam itself is a whole different ballgame as the religion is also a political structure. The government in regions dominated by it is entirely religious-based, so it is hard for people to separate them. So take the 2 guys that tried to kill Pam Gellar recently. You have a mixture of both. They were most likely acting on their own, using their interpretations of religion as the basis of the actions. But where are they getting those interpretations from? Imans, CAIR, whole governments etc. When they throw people off a roof in Iran for being gay, and a Muslim here does something anti-gay, well. Iran didn't tell him to, but he sure got the idea is was A-OK from somewhere, and it wasn't just from some corner anti-gay Muslim.
  14. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 22, 2015 -> 11:27 AM) Just curious, because I see this from a number of places (not just your post)... if this guy is evil, using some variety of racism/white power/KKK as a mask or banner to hide behind... would you say the same about extremist Islamic terrorists? That it isn't about religion, but about evil individuals? I would ask the same question of our more liberal posters. Every time a Muslim commits an evil act we are constantly reminded by media, politicians and so on how this was a 'lone wolf' and in no way represents Islam. However EVERY TIME a white guy does something, and double if he even remotely appears to be conservative, Republicans and conservatives are bombarded to distance themselves from him, apologize and so on. I have zero in common with this Dylan asshole other than he shares the same skin color as me. I feel no kinship or empathy with him because he happens to be white like me.
  15. QUOTE (raBBit @ Jun 22, 2015 -> 12:59 AM) First time. We're going to say on the trip I guess. Is this Spearmint Rhino a strip club off of the strip? Yes. While I haven't been to many, that one was by far better than Scores or whatever the big one was called. And like Buehrle said, don't blow all your cash on the room. If you do it right, you won't be there much unless sleeping. As long as it is clean and has a good shower, you are good. Stayed at Harrahs, Casino Royale, Ballys, Hooters, Luxor, Sahara, Tuscany Suites, Terribles and several time shares. All good.
  16. QUOTE (raBBit @ Jun 21, 2015 -> 06:01 PM) I am going to Huntington Beach, Cali the weekend of the MLB Trade Deadline (my girlfriend has no regard for my personal life) and Vegas with the boys in August. Any random tips would be appreciated. Especially towards hotels for Vegas and anything about what to do in Vegas. Spearmint Rhino. And check out some of the way off strip bars with live music. If you don't have a car might be a bit pricey to get there and back, but live music is almost always good. There is a good place a few blocks behind Ballys called Tuscany Suites that has HUGE rooms at a great price, but a bit of a hike to get to the strip. We just took a cab to the strip.
  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 20, 2015 -> 11:53 AM) What appears to be Roof's personal website found, website listed as "lastrhodesian.com". Including txt file "manifesto" explaining how he realized that things were unfair for white people after the Trayvon Martin killing and he found the website of the "Council of Conservative Citizens". He then includes rants against a number of races, explains how he's read accounts of slave owning and that black people were better treated under slavery, comments on the fate of white kids who have to attend schools that are 90% black, bemoans the lack of skinheads or KKK doing anything about the problem of too many blacks, and states that he chose Charleston because it once had the highest ratio of blacks to whites in the country. Oh and here's a nice shot from the website. I notice you didn't paste in the pic of him burning the American flag. Would that have made him seem a slight bit less conservative in your mind? I men, what self respecting teabagger would burn an American flag! He is evil, cloaked in racism. I would almost be happy if the police car transporting him to trial broke down in the middle of gang territory and the cops were forced to abandon the car.
  18. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 18, 2015 -> 10:57 PM) http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/18/politics/oba...ting/index.html Here comes the gun control argument again... Well never let a crisis go to waste and all... Bodies aren't even cold and he and others went there.
  19. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jun 18, 2015 -> 10:50 AM) When you were a kid, you never wanted to go to Disneyworld? WHen I was a kid you still had the damn coupons. E tickets anyone? My grandparents had moved down to Tampa so they were not too far. However the one time we went as kids, I got ran over by a bike and broke my lef a month before, so no damn rides for me. It sucked. Took my boys there when they were younger (7 and 12) and they enjoyed it, so it was worth it.
  20. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jun 18, 2015 -> 01:06 PM) Why anyone put this in the buster is beyond me. It was only a matter of time before it got political. I don't care about his beliefs. I don't care about the "bigger picture" because there is none, except in people's twisted minds looking for an agenda or wanting to fit it into one. There is evil in this world. If shooting people as they prayed in their own church isn't evil, then let's just pack it all in. Ignore him and whatever nonsense he will spew. Don't give him the satisfaction. Focus on the victims, focus on those left behind. All I want to hear about this guy is he's be found guilty and then when he's put to death.
  21. QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Jun 18, 2015 -> 12:58 PM) Its pretty ridiculous that some peoples immediate reaction is to try to assign this idiot to a political party to suit their agenda. Yup. Balta went there on page 2, not even 20 posts into it. Surprised it took that long.
  22. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 18, 2015 -> 12:10 PM) Because that is a common stereotype that people in this country actually believe. I don't think people generally in this country believe that southern conservatives are murderers. But hey, perhaps i'm wrong. The SPLC hate group certainly thinks so.
  23. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 18, 2015 -> 11:23 AM) I found this quote insightful in regards to your question. I seem to recall the nutbag that shot Giffords was called a conservative for a few weeks until it was discovered that he was a huge liberal. And a nutbag. In fact, every shooter seems to be labeled a conservative in a knee-jerk fashion, and most of the time, they are wrong.
  24. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 17, 2015 -> 12:55 PM) I would then be told no, this research is unimportant because social science is not a "core science" according to the current Congress. And yet people get money to study why monkey masturbate and how come lesbians have a higher rate of obesity. I guess those are core, eh?
  25. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 17, 2015 -> 01:49 AM) It makes me so sad that dog was in the shelter 10 years. Is there any way he/she had a good life? I'm not saying shelters are bad. Just curious as I love dogs and despise people who do ugly s*** to animals. It really depends on the shelter Greg. Even the best of them, the dog is in a cage for a long time. We have fairly large runs that the animals are housed in, and they have an outdoor area where we let them run around in while cages are cleaned, etc. Human interaction is what is lacking, even in the best ones. The cleaners interact with the animals on a daily basis, but for only short periods while feeding and so on. Then we get the dogs out to various adoption events where they get to see people and of course, the showing to prospective adoptees. I like to think our dogs don't have it too bad, but I know there are some bad shelters out there.
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