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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(kapkomet @ May 14, 2007 -> 04:10 PM) That will eventually net out when the prices go back down - but gas never goes down as fast as it comes up. If he raises whenever the price goes up, but lowers only when he refills his tanks and the price goes down, he would make a very hefty profit by the end of the year. When the station owners cry poor, not sure I believe them.
  2. QUOTE(kapkomet @ May 14, 2007 -> 03:48 PM) And we're not trying to hurt the store owners, we're trying to hurt "big oil", who by the way, don't really control gas prices to begin with... but don't let that get in the way of "facts". So, when the station fills his tanks up with gas that he would normally sell for $2.50 a gallon, raises it to $2.75 the next day, because the price of his NEXT batch went up, that's not making a little 'extra' profit? When gas goes up overnite by .25 per gallon, every gallon in his tank at that moment nets the owner and extra .25 net. I'm all for profit, being a business owner myself, but that always seemed like a bit of greed to me. However, you are right, big oil would be the guys you would want to hurt, or even better, the speculators that drive the cost per barrel up because Imadinnerjacket, or whatever his name is, looked crosseyed at Condi Rice, or mentioned that he hates Jews.
  3. If you want to 'hurt' them, don't buy the Pepsi, candy bar, coffee and doughnuts every time you go in, that's where the profit is at.
  4. Love or money Granted....in the pic the guy looks great for being 84 but i'm finding it hard to believe that SHE married for love. Maybe it's the cynic in me
  5. The teachers should take steps to protect themselves from irate parents, because I sure would be one. I have anger issues, especially when it comes to people messing with my kids. I think this would set me off as a parent. Some teachers would get some serious bruising.
  6. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ May 13, 2007 -> 09:17 AM) I thought that it was stated that Moore went under a journalist license since what he makes is technically a documentary. It said he APPLIED for it, but that there was no record of it having ever been granted.
  7. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 13, 2007 -> 01:16 AM) Here's a chance for all you Republicans to laugh at me and say "I told you so". I can't find where I read it, but I read that the Dems also now want to change the rules on accepting flights from people. Thye want to make it ok to do it if the person providing the plane is 'a personal friend', which wold suddenly make lobbists very popular people again. I won't say I told you so, because you probably suspected as much from them all along, despite hoping for better.
  8. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 11, 2007 -> 11:21 AM) Well, I can't speak to them having some sort of radical treatment, but they do have a health-care-for-all system which is, honestly, incredibly good compared to the amount of money they spend on it, which is the point Moore is clearly trying to make. From the Wiki Gonzalez entry on Cuba's health care system: Their life expectancy is roughly equal to that of the U.S., infant mortality seems similar, etc. I'm sure there are some categories where the U.S. does win, but the point Moore will make is that the U.S. spends like 12% of it's GDP on health care, Cuba spends about 7% of its GDP on health care, and Cuba gets similar results. And you can also take a second to think about the values of the GDP of each country - for cuba, 7% of it's GDP levels out to spending about $250 per person on health care per year, to get results that at worst are not horrendous compared to the much larger amount spent in the U.S. Just curious, who supplied those figures for the amount they spend Were they reported by the Cuban government? I realize that the source is biased, but have you lokoed at any reports about their healthcare that haven't come from government sanctioned sources? Blogs would be about the only thing, I guess, since it isn't likely castro would let a truely free press make him look bad. Interesting pictures and stories here: http://www.therealcuba.com/Page10.htm Plus, it has been reported that the reason the infant mortality rate is low is due to the high number of abortions performed. Of course, this info comes from an NRLC story, so I guess they would be a bit more biased that Castro. http://www.nrlc.org/news/2001/NRL03/rai.html Somewhere in the middle, perhaps, lies the true Cuba healthcare system.
  9. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ May 10, 2007 -> 04:45 PM) Why haven't Jesse and his PUSHers met with NHL about this issue? Unofficial rule: Whites get hockey, blacks get basketball.
  10. Their first mistake was in even taking a meeting with them. I am sure they told them what they wanted to meet about before hand, and the entire thing could have been taken care of right there on the phone with "I'll put the best 40 men I can get wherever I can get them from on the field, thank you, and have a nice day." and then hanging up.
  11. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ May 10, 2007 -> 10:11 AM) Well I think there are 2 ways to "misspeak". One is an accident like this instance with Obama or when Bush screwed up the bicentennial thing the other day. Another way to misspeak is to pretty much lie. That's where a lot of people hammer the Bush administration. Or to intentionally throw out a huge number to increase the dramatic effect of your oratory to preacher-like levels. Wouldn't that be a lie? You are assuming that he just made a mistake. maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Noone in his audience seemed to cathc of, they were all nodding in agreement when he said it. look at the people behind him when he says it, not one look of "what did he just say?" I read that the level of missing equipment and guard troops was also wrong, although on that one he supposedly got his info from the governor.
  12. Sweeney needs to stay, at least until Pods comes back. Even then, I think he should stay. At least for now, him and Erstad seem to be the only ones who have confidence in their abilities.
  13. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ May 9, 2007 -> 01:10 PM) Anybody know anything about him? He's from Illinois. Looks good with numbers. Any idea what he throws? What his ceilings are? I think he is single-handedly keeping my fantasy pitching staff from being dead last in my leauge. I haven't seen him pitch but i heard a couple of his starts on XM(one with the Pirates broadcasters and one with the other teams') and both said he's got a good slider and has good control. Take that for what it's worth.
  14. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 9, 2007 -> 02:37 PM) If the media would stop putting him on TV, then they couldn't spend nearly as much time being angry at the media for putting him on TV. But doesn't that cut into their Bush-bashing time?
  15. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ May 9, 2007 -> 01:28 PM) Game over. Take the question metaphorically and 'fire' him from his unofficial spokesperson for all things black, quit putting him on talk shows and quit shoving microphones in front of his mouth. Turn your literal filters off for a moment and you may actually get a clue.
  16. The over-reaction can be directly attributed to our over-litigous society. Just look at the VaTech reactions. Everyone looking for someone to blame. School didn't do enough. Gun laws too lax. Fire the school president. Sue the school. The schools are damned either way. Do nothing, and the kids goes Rambo, not only do people die but they get sued as well. Do something, school gets vilified for being to jumpy. Common sense isn't too common anymore, and lawyers are like Cubs fans, annoying and everywhere, so this reaction doesn't suprise me. It saddens me, but doesn't suprise me. On a side note, I wonder who ratted him out? I wonder if he/she is a bit afraid right about now.
  17. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ May 8, 2007 -> 05:13 PM) Actually hybrid cars have quite good acceleration and performance on average. In some cases, better than regular cars. Note that Obama actually referred to FlexFuel vehicles - like cars that can run on E85, for example. I thought that the E85 was really a load of crap, with the lower mpg from it and the expenditure of fuel just to make it? I know politically it sounds great, but is it really that good of an alternative? (serious questions)
  18. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 8, 2007 -> 06:14 PM) This is the single most powerful enemy the Islamic world has ever faced. Are you referring to Disney's lawyers?
  19. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 8, 2007 -> 03:14 PM) I think we are responding to different issues and getting mixed up. I believe we should be using existing vehicles as much as possible, and if we are buying armored vehicles, performance outweighs any green consideration. It is also not "green" to replace perfectly working vehicles and sending them to the masher. Postal vehicles, etc. should be as green as we can. Hell is getting colder, because I agree with that.
  20. Where have I ripped him for trying to be green? I said I thought his request that the secret service drive green to be a stupid one for safety reasons. Sure they make hybrid SUV's, but if my safety was an issue, i don't care how many damn dionasaurs they have to burn up to get me outta there, just do it! Tex brought up the question, 'should the government be driving green?'. Well, sure, why not? When the current vehicles are due for replacement, green should be a big consideration. But if the currently do NOT have armored hybrid SUV's to guard Obama with, will he pay for it, or should the taxpayers foot a special expense because he wants to look good? Hell, if the DO have armored hybrid SUV's, are they as good as the non-hybrid ones? Can they go as fast as they may need to with all that extra weight? Are they as safe?
  21. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ May 8, 2007 -> 12:21 AM) They do make hybrid SUVs by the way. But armored SUV's? I would assume that the secret service already has the current SUV's in available for use. So, would Obama be willing to pay for the new vehicle(s) for his detail, or is that an expense he wants to stick the taxpayers with?
  22. Maybe we should sacrafice some KFC and some rum to Jobu and end this curse.
  23. Illinois Indiana Wisconsin Michigan Iowa Ohio Minnesota Missouri Arkansas Kentucky Tennesee Mass. Virginia Deleware Maryland Georgia Florida Texas Oklahoma Utah Colorado nevada California Arizona Drove thru Alabama, pennsylvania, New York
  24. I just thought it was a pretty stupid request purely for his safety reasons. If some nutbag starts shooting at him, does he really want the secret service rushing him off into a Prius instead of an armored SUV? If they armor the prius, you would be lucky if the thing could even move!
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