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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. I did some YMCA stuff back in the late 70's, before insurance liability stopped that. Wasn't too bad, at the time, but not sure how nimble I could be now, being well over 2 bills in weight. Definetly NOT the super-lightweight I used to be. Face shots bring the fame, but an open body shot does alot of damage in the long run. Hard to swing hard if you can't breate due to the multiple blows to your side and stomach. Oh, and guard your nose if you are a bleeder.
  2. I heard a news blurb this morning that said something to the effect that Obama's campaign has told the secret service that they have to drive in hybrid cars. Can any of you tell me if this is true or not? If it is, I would think it a stupid request.
  3. 6ft tall, 40 years old. But I have been 6ft tall since I was 14.
  4. By what standard is that sold at an 'unfair price'? Do they know how much they spent developing that drug? Or how many other drugs the profits from that one drug fund the research for? If that was your drug patent that they just usurpt, would you be happy? Maybe if the governemnt there bought a few less jets they could afford the drug for their people? I agree that it makes no sense for them to sell the drug to country a for $1 ea and to country b for $1.50 ea, to to simply liberate it is just one step further to socialism. Kinda like Hugo. i hear he is targeting banks next, sine he is thru with confiscating the oil fields.
  5. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 4, 2007 -> 01:24 PM) http://hillaryspot.nationalreview.com/post...2Y5ZmNjYzJjZjM= I like this plan! Just get any big city mayor, Dal;ey could do. Just think of the Bean! DOH!
  6. QUOTE(AbeFroman @ May 3, 2007 -> 04:55 PM) I've got a special place in my heart for the Spearmint Rhino in vegas though... its my favorite. Best looking chicks anywhere. Spearmint, Peppermint, whatever mint, alot of the people there needed one. However I did like the ladies there over the ones at Scores (with a few exceptions). Plus, at least at the Rhino, you weren't bombarded every 2 minutes over the sound system by some guy with a fake english accent to 'buy the ladies a bottle of champaign'. Just STFU, and let me enjoy the sights!
  7. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ May 3, 2007 -> 09:03 AM) I am finally loving this show again. I think we all were well aware that Locke's dad was also the REAL Sawyer and I wasn't surprised it was him at that ship. I think that Jack is in on the pregnancy thing. Why did Kate tell Jack? Obviously Jack can't be trusted right now. So they're all in hell is what is being said then I guess? i think jack has been made aware of Ben's plan to come for the women in a few days. He and Juliet were debating on whether to tell Kate about it at that time. It was made clear that Juliet doesn't like doing what she's being forced to do so she and Jack are setting Ben up.
  8. Last year while in Vegas with the guys, we went to 2 different places, Scores and one called the Spearmint Rhino? Something like that. First 2 times I have ever been to one. They were both interesting, kinda like opposite ends of the stripping spectrum in levels of 'class', and cost. I would go again, but don't have any driving need to go again. It cost me all the cash I won in vegas that trip, especially since it was my best bud's birthday (really) and I got lucky and won alot!
  9. Aren't they all b****ing and moaning that we don't have enough money to help our OWN people get an education, etc, and now they want us to educate the WORLD? I can just see it now, we pay for everything, other countries impliment, and in the text books they provide, we are the Great Satan. And when it doesn't work, we will be at fault for not providing enough money. Certainly not in the US, where women outnumber men in most areas of higher learning, math and engineering being a few exceptions. All it takes in Illinois is one form, that the school is NOT allowed to verify the information on, and you can get the book fees waived. I know, my mom works in a grade school office and complains all the time about the number of people who apply for the $50 waiver, but come in with $100 nail jobs, fancy clothes and pull up in nice cars. Yeah, that is working great in France, and the rest of Europe. Respect those radical Muslims that want to institute Shiara (sp?) in France. Limit this bill to the US, and show some specifics, and maybe the bipartisanship might mean something. SO far, this is all smoke, and no money to pay for the mirrors.
  10. No words will do this justice, just click. http://www.turdtwister.com/ Wow, I guess when you are done with above, you could use this to save it for all eternity. http://www.amazon.com/NEW-POOP-FREEZE-Aero...6492&sr=8-1
  11. While the points are always more memorable for the fans, as a player, I love it when I can execute great defense. I sucked at basketball in general, but played pretty good defense. In tennis, I loved it if I was able to return a great smash or a wicked serve. And as much as I liked spiking in volleyball, the look on people's faces when I dug out what they thought was a sure point was priceless.
  12. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 1, 2007 -> 04:05 PM) Yep, there should be a 100% pass on all college behavior. This is the one time that you can treat humans like garbage plenty of time to act human later. I can't wait to you guys have daughters. You will be so much cooler than adults now "Hey man, sing that one where you stick your dick in my daughters ear, I love that" Tex, when you were 18, I bet you were tryin' to get in some girl's pants. You may have even succeeded! You know, she was someone's daughter also. He just talked about doing stuff, you may have actually DONE it! GASP! Your point is taken, but again, you don't need to go to the extreme. Freshmen in college do stupid crap. learning from it is part of growing up. Where is your compassion here? Should he never work a day in his life because he once rapped about b****es and hoes? Should anyone who has ever said 'n*****' be forced to be unemployed? i mean, if they had that racist attitude when they were 16 or 18, who knows what it may have turned into by the time they reached 21! They can't be allowed to mingle in polite society! Rapping with bad lyrics? make him wear the Vanilla Ice necklace for the rest of his life so he will be shunned by all! And FYI, alot of the girls in college (and high school!) now talk worse that those rap lyrics!
  13. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Apr 27, 2007 -> 09:19 AM) . Plus, if he's elected we would have the hottest first lady ever (I wasn't alive when Jackie O was the 1st lady ). You obviously haven't seen Fred Thompson's arm candy.
  14. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Apr 30, 2007 -> 08:34 AM) Related... how many people READ the news daily? And I don't mean People magazine, I mean a reputable newspaper or a similar online version? Because that to me is a lot more informative than TV news. That is why i also mentione d the newspapers. i don't watch the news very often, but tend to either read the paper, or catch some stuff online. i would guess that online comprises a large chunck of people's news sources.
  15. QUOTE(Wanne @ Apr 30, 2007 -> 02:08 AM) OK....I'll play along... Lance Broadway, Logan and BA for Rocco Baldelli With the premium already established for pitchers, why would it take 2, plus BA, to make that deal? Besides, I don't think they would want BA.
  16. So how does this rate with the Thomas Jones trade? Didn't we get a 4th round pick for him, or something like that?
  17. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Apr 29, 2007 -> 12:31 PM) Why discount Fox? They're one of the "Big 3" in cable news and are about 95% conservative/ Republican? There's several shows on MSNBC and CNN that have conservatives, also. And I did say "TV and radio." Talk radio is absolutely dominated by conservatives/ Republicans. I agree that talk radio is conservative-dominated. It was a medium written off by most people as useless until conservative shows took over. Sports talk also helped revive am and talk radio shows in general. But for network tv, conservative shows are extremely hard to find. And size-wise, Fox doesn't match the big 3. For 'cable news', yeah they are a big player. But does Joe Sixpack watch The Factor, or Nightline? And newspapers, how many conservative leaning papers are there, because there surely are some that lean so far the left you would think they would fall over.
  18. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Apr 28, 2007 -> 04:05 PM) It seems like there are conservatives on the TV and radio 24 hours a day b****ing and moaning about how conservatives never get a voice in the media. And people still buy it. On what TV channel, other than Fox, and maybe one show on CNN?
  19. But I thought it was the message that mattered, not what the messenger actually did?
  20. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Apr 28, 2007 -> 09:53 AM) I'll be more satisfied if whoever gets elected, Pub or Dem, can set higher fuel economy standards and help subsidize more green technologies. The method of transportation to one debate isn't as big of a concern to me unless they all decided to separately take coal powered locomotives. And of course this wouldn't be a Sqwert post unless I replied with something snarky to you so lets see.... I'm sure the GOP hopefuls won't all be skateboarding to their debate next week or whenever it is. Don't quit your day job.
  21. I guess none of the candidates felt like 'going green' to or from the debate. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,268942,00.html
  22. I guess none of the candidates felt like 'going green' to or from the debate. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,268942,00.html
  23. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Apr 27, 2007 -> 10:41 AM) Do you seriously still not get that the problem people have with this is not who and why the arrests were made, but the manner in which it occurred? My main question continues to be why hundreds of innocent bystanders were not only unnecessarily hassled, but also, and more seriously, put at dangerous risk. Are they all really so innocent? If it was as widely known as Pratt lets on, then alot of them probably has some knowledge as to these illegal activities and just let them go on without reporting it to the police. If you are Mexican and here legally, I can never understand why you would want to help someone who is mexican come here illegally. is the color of your skin that big of a common denominator? I didn't defend the Enron crooks because they were white, so why should brown skin be an automatic reason for defense from legal hispanic residents?
  24. The offset programs will work just like so many other programs in our world today. Take the tollway. First, you pay a toll. Then they institute Ipass to make it easier of the users and help save them money. Then they start to make it harder for those who don't have an I-pass to use the tollway by giving them longer lines, and now charging them higher rates. I think they have even gone to the 'flexible tolls' plan for peak hours. Carbon offset programs will end up this route. At first, no big deal. Buy them if can/want. Then people will be 'incented' to buy them by higher prices on things or taxes if they don't. And that rate will continue to rise until the little guy gets squeezed completely.
  25. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 26, 2007 -> 12:24 PM) Seems a bit overzealous. Imagine if they shut down Woodfield and kicked in those BATHROOM doors with guns drawn. Fixed that little ommision for ya, Tex. I know it was just one word, but it does change the context of the quote just a tad. If they had kicked open the mall doors there as well, there would have been an even bigger ourtage. No problem with the bathroom doors, whichever place it would have been at.
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