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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 26, 2007 -> 08:20 AM) So what you are saying is that we should be doing this, but it isn't working right now, and we should stick with it to see if it works in the future, dispite what the naysayers might say? hmmm.... Touche!
  2. QUOTE(Dan @ Apr 25, 2007 -> 04:49 PM) I believe he is now heavily involved in the porn industry. It's more likely that his mustache is heavily involved in porn, while the rest of him is involved WITH porn.
  3. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Apr 25, 2007 -> 02:55 PM) I was gonna agree reading the first half of that up until the whole racial profiling part... Since everyone they were looking for was hispanic, why is it such a big deal that they nly checked hispanics? Should they have needlessly stopped black people too, just to not offend anyone? I like this part: Sure, they're here and break the law, but you can't arrest them! How DARE you look for them during the day, when they are out in public!
  4. I feel almost like a parent at Christmas time telling the kids to go back to bed when it's 4am. This is too early for elections! Or at least it feels like it. Start too early, give yourself too many opportunities to put foot in mouth. Having said that, I don't like any of the candidates so far. If we could make a Frankenstein monster out of them all, cherry-pick things from each, you would have something. Not sure what, but something. Fred Thompson intreges me the most. Any old fart that can bag a hot wife like his is ok in my book.
  5. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Apr 23, 2007 -> 05:40 PM) Please explain to me how owning a gun has helped you in any way. How is a potential burglar to know that you even own one? Please explain to me how my owning a gun has hurt you in any way? So far, in defense of my home, it hasn't. it also hasn't hurt. And I use the shotgun for hunting. Wanna go hunting? I am a better shot than Dick Chaney, trust me. You can have your alarms and 911. I want to add firepower.
  6. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Apr 23, 2007 -> 05:17 PM) So you are admitting that the guns did not stop the crime, and that moving was more of a contribution than owning a weapon? No, I admit nothing of the sort. It's not like when you own a gun a magical shield falls down over your house and defends you from future harm. The last garage breakin happened when I was out of state, so pretty much nothing would have stopped that. If I had been home, it could have been a different story. Nice try on your 'jump to conclusions' mat. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Apr 23, 2007 -> 05:21 PM) As SS2K5 pointed out earlier... its amazing the extremities that this argument brings out. People on both sides of the issue manage to throw logic out the window to try to make their point. You are right, passions run deep on both ends. Note that I did not disparage the use of alarms, etc, in fact applauded the use of them. I was just hoping for the same level of respect for my choice to augment my security with a firearm. instead, I get condesention and poor attempts at snark.
  7. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Apr 23, 2007 -> 05:04 PM) ...and when did you decide to make a change in protecting yourself? After ALL of that happened? Or did you start taking a "Dirty Harry" approach in the middle of that sequence? Between the first and second garage breakin was when the handgun joined my house. I had a shotgun prior. The two car break ins and the first garage break in all happened within 2 weeks of each other. No shooting at people, to date. Also helps that I moved. I still have shotgun, Baretta and Sox giveaway bat all in my room, just in case, along with another Sox bat behind the coat rack downstairs.
  8. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Apr 23, 2007 -> 04:37 PM) Wow. You must have killed a lot of burglars. I suppose it was a mistake on my part to expect some sort of an intelligent answer or response. What a smart-ass type of response that was. What, nothing to say or add about what i said that would bolster your position, so you resort to cheap one-liners? You are an intellectual pussy. You need to read Balta or LCR more often as they generally give much more intelligent responses. Or at the very least, funnier snark.
  9. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Apr 23, 2007 -> 01:48 PM) You are immediately at a disadvantage when your home is being burglarized in the middle of the night. The burglar is fully awake and in better shape to shoot a gun if they had one on them. Whereas you would be awakening from your sleep and potentially not fully aware of what is going on at that moment. I'd feel much better knowing that the second my door is opened or window is broken an ear piercing siren will go off and the alarm company is notified rather than shuffling around in the dark trying to open up a combination lock while half asleep. An alarm will scare away an intruder 99.99999% of the time. No gun needed. You've been watching too many Dirty Harry movies. It's obvious you have a desire to become some type of vigilante. I'll let the police do their job. Then you keep living in your mental utopia, safe from all the crazy people with guns. I'll just post a sign sayig my house is protected by a Baretta and a dog, try next door; he's an anti-gun person. My father in law lives about 25 miles north of Branson Missouri, and if it wasn't for guns, there would be no (close and/or fast) protection. The nearest police station is a 15 minute drive on a good DAY with noone else on the road. At night, with the twisting narrow roads, double that. He managed to stop an intruder with his gun, which was in a safe that he managed to open before said assailant/robber made it to the upstairs. He had killed the dog with a bat, which is what woke him up in the first place. An alarm system there wouldn't have done much good, unless the crook decided to stay for tea afterwards. Not saying they are bad, in fact, they are good. I am glad for you that you have one. And being on the third floor also helps you. but many others are not in your situation. As for not being fully awake, you are assuming that they are either breaking into your room, or are rushing up the stairs to get you before you awake. Sure, some people are very slow when it comes to waking up. But when I hear a strange noise, or the dog bark, I am wide awake instantly. Drives me nuts trying to get back to sleep. I respect your decision NOT to have a gun. Now, leave mine alone. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Apr 23, 2007 -> 03:23 PM) Seems like an unnecessary risk when there are other options. And where do you all live where there are all these intruders breaking in all the time? I've lived in some shady areas over the years and have yet to have a problem. Again, an alarm will scare off an intruder if not deter them in the first place. You rang? Oh....I thought you meant BigSqwert. In my 18 years as a homeowner, I have had my garage broken into twice, and my car broken into twice, and an apparent attempt at getting into the house once, evident by the huge scapes from some sort of tool around the deadbolt. And prior to that, 2 years of apartment living had a car break in and a break in across the hall from my apartment.
  10. At least someone at the campus is ready to move on with life, and wants the medial jackals to leave. http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/0407/416648.html
  11. I didn't want to start a whoel new thread about this, because I have no desire to have the hoard coming down on me about the religion of peace, but just to show how wacko the fringe elements of it are, here is this little tidbit from Iraq" http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nati...raqsplit21.html Those that still think like this deserve to be bombed back into the stone ages. Or maybe they just need to get laid.
  12. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Apr 22, 2007 -> 10:32 AM) Marc Maron made the first intelligent comment I've heard on this situation last week. He said that it's not censorship to get fired for a joke that goes too far and that you have the right to free speech, but you also have to face consequences for your actions. You can say whatever you want, but that doesn't mean you get to keep your job. I have the right to call the woman sitting next to me a derogatory term, for example, but it doesn't mean I have the right for her to be nice to me, or even to keep my job. In the context of that show, Imus made fun of people he shouldn't have been made fun of - not because of Al Sharpton or anyone else offended but because the joke wasn't funny, and it just came off mean. But what's worse was that his producer immediately followed and used the word "jigaboo" which in my opinion is way way way more offensive. Imus didn't dump that word, didn't even challenge the producer on its use. It's his show, his name and his reputation. And he didn't seem to mind people using his reputation to use obvious racial slurs on tv and radio. Let's be honest here, Imus got fired because he went over the line, and his employers - at least in this case - decided that they had some standards about what is and isn't acceptable. Whatever their motivation for it. Sounds like some advice that the Dixie Chicks should have taken instead of their whining about 'censorship'.
  13. EvilMonkey

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    I know what porn site you got that avitar from. Not sure if that's good or bad that I know that.
  14. EvilMonkey

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    That knee to the crotch has GOT to hurt.
  15. EvilMonkey

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    I find it funny, regardless of my political affiliation.
  16. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 20, 2007 -> 09:58 AM) You can learn a lot more about tigers by someone who grabbed hold of a tail and got mauled then by someone who never grabbed the tail. I'd love to sit in an Ethics class taught by someone who was taken down by ethics, so give me DeLay or any of these guys. They've learned the lessons the hard way. Beats some professor who has never been in the position to be making ethical or unethical choices. I'd like to know why he picked the dark side, why he thought he could get away with it, etc. Wouldn't you rather learn from someone who had to mkae the choices, and made the RIGHT ones? You can't assume the professors haven't had any tough choices to make simply because they dare not in jail or don't have a record. As for wanting to know why he did what he did, that would make an interesting lecture, in a car-accident kind of way, but to teach a whole class about that? It just seems like he is a person that doesn't deserve this easy of a path with the choices he has made to date.
  17. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 20, 2007 -> 01:22 PM) Hiw about using the skin/head for decoration? You know, a nice trophy for the wall? I have a 44" Grand Barricuda on my wall that I caught off the coast of Miami. Probably the only animal I killed that I didn't eat. Don't have a deer head or anything liek that, though. Big fish, sharp teeth. Stong enough to have pulled the boat I was in, which was also big.
  18. Any guesses? How about teaching a class on ETHICS! http://www.nj.com/news/ledger/index.ssf?/b....xml&coll=1 Seriously, why would any college hire this man to teach a class on ethics? Maybe if the class was on how to hire a non-citizen for your homeland security czar, then fine. Or how to keep your boy-toy close, then I can see why they hired him. And if I remember right, there were the usual 'pay to play' scandels that plague many politicians.
  19. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Apr 18, 2007 -> 06:51 PM) Perhaps we need to amend the process of background checks preventing firearm purchases to include certain types of mental illness records. I don't know the stats, but I'm gonna the great majority of hunters do in fact eat what they kill. I don't know a single hunter who doesn't make sure that he/she or someone else uses most or all of the animal, including eating what can be eaten. I hunt, and eat what I kill. I am a pretty damn good shot at hitting rabbits in full stride.
  20. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Apr 17, 2007 -> 10:44 PM) ...and like I said before, all it takes is one bad breakup with a girlfriend that possibly turns that fearful, responsible, gun owner into a suicidial and/or revenge hunting maniac. People don't need guns to do that, and guns don't make that decision easier. If a person would turn into a 'suicidal and/or revenge hunting maniac', they would do it with or without guns. Guns are not the problem here.
  21. Who did NOT have a concealed carry permit.
  22. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Apr 17, 2007 -> 06:14 PM) No, I am assuming that at least one asshole is packing heat, not every person. One asshole packing heat is more likely to cause deaths, than an asshole not carrying a weapon. That's why schools don't allow that kind of crap on campus property If you're an asshole, how likely are you to pass the background check for a concealed carry? If your temper is such that someone stepping on your shoes sets you off, you probably already have a record, which would prevent you from getting the permit. Schools don't allow that crap because they are liberal institutions to begin with, and anything pro-gun would be against their nature. That's also why many are trying to eliminate ROTC and hamper recruiting on campuses.
  23. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Apr 17, 2007 -> 04:18 PM) Oh give me a break. Why should students go to class expecting a gunman to come through? That's the only way they would have a"fighting chance." All it takes is for one bad breakup for a depressed, armed, kid who kills his ex and/or the new fling and/or his or herself. If college students are going to go to class armed, high school kids are going to feel the need for the protection (which I imagine HS is a LOT more dangerous than College.) I couldn't even imagine the number of deaths there would have been at my gang infested high school if the 18 year olds were allowed to bring their guns to school. Why stop there? I believe the other even Soxy couldn't remember happened in Scotland where some idiot ran into a Kindergarten gym class and killed a teacher and some kids. How about we just set up gun turrents in the hallway. Again, you assume that everyone in the class or school is packing heat. Even in the most gun crazy of states, that would not be true. While the gun laws vary from state to state, not everyone can get a gun, and not everyone who has a gun can get a concealed carry permit.
  24. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Apr 17, 2007 -> 01:39 PM) We should all be able to bring a concealed gun anywhere we want to to (school, church, work, Sox game, etc) because you never know when a crazed gunman might go postal. In fact we should all carry a fire extinguisher, snake anti-venom, automated defibrillator, and a gas mask on us at all times as well because you never know if you'll be trapped in a fire, bit by a snake, witness a heart attack, or be attacked by mustard gas. Quit going to such crazy extremes for situations you know never exist. It dilutes what little credible argument you have. Noone argued anywhere that everyoone should be able to carry a gun. You and Tex made those assumptions in your fear-based statements. Southside irish raised the best points so far, without resorting to gross exagerations.
  25. Considering that college students are generally liberal, and being on the East coast, very liberal, meaning that they are against the war, why would "God" want to punish those students? After all, they are on 'HIS' side. That man is such a loser. I hope he is counter-protested.
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