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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Apr 4, 2007 -> 09:31 AM) "How can you justify seeing a mother away from her home, her children? Why don't they respect family values in the West?" he asked of the British government Hey, we shouldn't question the messenger, it's all about the message, right? I mean, what kind of country sends a woman off to serve their country in an honorable fashion when she could be at home wrapped up in clothes from head to toe, making bomb belts for her kids to wear?
  2. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 2, 2007 -> 08:31 AM) The first draft of history is found in newspapers, listened to on radio, and watched on TV. The GOP is telling you that any criticism of themselves is a result of liberal media bias. How is that any different? No need to answer, just something to think about. The GOP isn't writing textbooks, isn't sitting in classrooms refusing to tell students about Watergate because it might offend some Republicans and are not going to riot if offended by history. Completely different. When American schools start refusing to teach about to history because it might offend Muslims, we are toast.
  3. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 1, 2007 -> 02:42 PM) It should be noted that many Hispanic educators agree with him. What needs to be split somehow is the real needs of immigrant children and the anti-Hispanic racism that exists. It is difficult to find consensus in that climate. Tex, it may be getting a bit chilly in hell today, I agree with you on this. I worry about the kids next door to me and their ability to compete in this world. I have been in my current house for 2 years now, and the only word in English I have heard the parents say is 'Hi'. As for the kids, they are about 5 or 6, and I have not yet heard them say ANYTHING in english, and neither have my 2 boys, who won't play with them because they can't understand them.
  4. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Apr 1, 2007 -> 10:50 PM) Banning the teachings of the Holocaust is similar to people supporting ID to be taught in schools. It's stupid. I agree with you, disagree with Tex.
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/arti...amp;ito=newsnow If this happens here, you might as well just start bowing to your Muslim overlords. Unless LCR can convince us that it is all part of some new 'methods class' and is a perfectly appropriate way to teach.
  6. From Sec. 137 of the bill Both your concerns are addressed here. First, it applies only to transportation, so that limits the scope a bit. John Doe isn't going to call Homeland Security because he doesn't like Abdula praying in his back yard. Or at least he won't be covered by this. Second, section D still leaves the John Doe's open for prosecution if they DO report false claims, so they don't get a free run. This law is needed as a direct response to the Flying Imam's case, as they are trying to bring people into the case that don't belong. You mentioned earlier that it is easier drop people from a case than to add people. Yes, you are correct. It is also easier to get revenge on people if you can narrow the planeload donw to 10 or so, instead of the 200 that were on board. This whole case was extortion on the part of CAIR, and they just got b****-slapped by congress for it.
  7. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 1, 2007 -> 02:46 PM) How would you protect innocent Americans from being unfairly targeted? What this law allows is for anyone to accuse anyone of being a terrorist for any reason. Getting bumped from a flight? Accuse the dark complected guy of being a terrorist. You are taking away the rights of innocent Americans from being unjustly accused of a crime. Shouldn't innocent Americans be protected from that? How would you feel after being striped searched and questioned for twelve hours because some idiot didn't like you praying? Or you cut him off in the parking lot? Sounds alot like accused rapists. How would you protect innocent Americans from being unfairly targeted?The accuser gets to remain anonymous, while the accused is assumed guilty from the start. Regret that you had sex with your roomate's best friend? Accuse him of rape! You are taking the rights away from innocent rapists Americans from being unjustly accused of a crime. Shouldn't innocent Americans be protected from that? How would you feel being threatened and questioned for twelve hours because some woman regretted sleeping with you? Or you fell asleep before finishing?
  8. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 30, 2007 -> 11:20 PM) As soon as Every Republican who benefited finacially from the War in Iraq resigns, we'll talk. Including the President. I don't like the fact that there are more politicians on the take any more than you do...but until people start joining me in the solution nothing will matter. Make the salary for Congressmen, Senators, Cabinet Secs, and the Pres in the millions per year so that they are competitive with some CEO salaries, and institute a public campaign financing system so that no one in Congress has to beg industry or any other interest group for campaign donations, and then let new people move in with time. As long as money determines who is in power, the people in power will always be making money. You might be better off removing the generous government pensions and eliminating any perks of the job, then you would get people who actually want to SERVE thier country, instead of the typical career politician. No reason the job needs to be full time for the senate and house. Half the crazy-ass laws we have are because the doufuses feel that they have to justify their jobs somehow, so since they are there, hey, let's pass some stupid, pain-in-the-ass bills! How about teleconferencing for votes? The public financing thing is interesting, but what how much do we give them? I have read a few different plans for that in the past, and there could be something to that part of it. As for your first part, I think the Dems have called for the resignation of just about everybody on the Republican side for just about anything. You missed my dig, probably intentionally, that the Dems scream for resignations at the slightest hint of anything not to their liking, but then refuse to do the same. So much for draining the swamp.
  9. Gee, not much talk about Diane here, eh? Wonder if she will resign from her other committee assignments, such as the Committee on Rules & Administration? I guess we will not see the resignation from the Senate that the Democrats demand for every Republican they suspect of evildoing. Well, at least the NYTimes is demanding an investigation. Arianna Huffington has launched ads lambasting Feinstein. The left-wing blogosphere is an uproar over Feinstein's war profiteering. Oh wait, its a Democrat, so they're not.
  10. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Mar 30, 2007 -> 11:39 AM) Hooray history education. Then I can really suggest two books (there are two volumes of it) called "Reasoning with Democratic Values". It is a lot of discussion based critical thinking stuff that has proven very successful when it gets used for me. Again, look towards the information I asked about the school. Often times, in a school that is primarily poor, the kids will be the ones asking these kinds of questions and critiquing society. Examples of this are seen throughout scholars like Kozol's work. The reality is that there is a high percentage of what can very feasibly be called apartheid schools right here in America (again, read Kozol's book "Shame of the Nation" if you're interested in details) And let's not kid ourselves about the amount of socialism that has done good things for this country (i.e. the numerous government jobs that got us out of the Depression doing public works projects, etc.) Socialism as practiced by despots (Fidel, Soviets etc.) do a disservice to the theory of it. A balanced, informed form in moderation can be quite effective. There is a middle ground that these teachers are trying to get them to see between hyper-individualism and hyper-statism dictating all the rules. "assumptions that mirrored those of a class-based, capitalist society — a society that we teachers believe to be unjust and oppressive" is NOT a middle ground.
  11. QUOTE(Cknolls @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 01:03 PM) http://www.metroactive.com/metro/03.21.07/...signs-0712.html Seems highly unethical. Should she resign from Senate? Can't wait to watch Hardball and Olbermann to find out the details Why not? That seems to be the standard Democratic response to Republicans who may or may not be doing something wrong, so I guess it goes both ways.
  12. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 02:30 PM) Actually, a bust is worse than nothing. You have to pay the 6th pick overall a large signing bonus, so if he turns out to be a bust you lose out (but thats the chance you have to take). Unless, or course, by "bust" you meant a bronze Mozart sculpture that you put on your grand piano. In that case the bust is definately better than nothing. I was thinking of a different kind of bust. I would post examples, but it keeps saying I am over my limit? I thought you could never have too much bust!
  13. If briggs sits, then comes back for the last 6 games, I would have him playing on every special teams play in every remaining game. If he dogs it, that kills any rep he may have left. Then for kicks, tell him you want him to try punt returning.
  14. Since it was asked before, according to the Brits, While according to Iraq,
  15. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 28, 2007 -> 12:40 PM) So you have a problem in this case with someone being tried on trumped up charges against the Geneva conventions? They are in uniform, not clandistine agents operating behind enemy lines. Go for enemy combatants if you want, but spying would be against the GC. Article 46 of the GC states: So even if they were within sight of the coast, espionage wouldn't be correct. The charges wouldn't be trumped up, they would be complete fantasy.
  16. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 28, 2007 -> 03:19 PM) You used to f*** Legos? Remember, the DID have those little Lego people. And some of them even had ponytails!
  17. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 28, 2007 -> 10:54 AM) Iran has aired footage of the prisoners on TV, which as I understand it is a violation of the Geneva Conventions. So would have been trying them for espionage, if they tried to do that.
  18. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 28, 2007 -> 09:57 AM) cat poop - also, unfortunately, a renewable resource. The person that could effectively generate power from cat poop (or dog poop) would be a gazillionaire! A never-ending completely renewable resource!
  19. Let's see if the gas prices drop as fast as they went up yesterday. Tuesday AM, $2.45. When I left for home yesterday, $2.79. I managed to find one station that hadn't raised their price yet, but this morning, they were $2.79 like everyone else.
  20. QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 28, 2007 -> 08:54 AM) Ha, so I didn't think the 'john does' could actually be sued and I was right. Even though they are named as defendants, the complaint doesn't even mention them as violating any statutes. It's all about the pilots/flight attendants/gate workers and airport employees in their capacity as agents of US Airways and the Airport, violating the Imams civil rights. Here's a copy of the complaint. It'll be interested to see what the Judge says about the John Doe's. My guess is he/she will force the Imams to remove them from the entire lawsuit for lack of violating a law. http://www.cair.com/pdf/usairwayscomplaint.pdf I believe that the Imams and/or CAIR just wanted to get the people's names in the paper or court record so that some people would think twice about saying anything, as an intimidation tactic. 'Say something about one of us, and we'll sue you and force you to spend time and money to defend yourself'. Good thing some lawyers have volunteered their services should they be needed.
  21. You have people, who for the moment, are not named who spoke out against Muslims for what they called suspicious activity. Yes, a suit against them would probably not succeed, but it would do two things: make them spend time and money needlessly defending themselves, and make their identities known. With the violence associated lately with Muslims, right or wrong, there is a serious fear among people that violence would befall them if they are named. I have no desire to be beheaded, do you? And I am not saying that these Imams would do that, but surely they have followers, and the track record isn't too good lately. Is the timing political in nature? yes, it is. And so what.
  22. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 27, 2007 -> 09:04 PM) In almost any other area you can be held liable if you accuse someone "knowing it is false". There was a recent article on I believe it was CNN where a neighbor kept reporting their neighbor for anything and everything, trying to get them to move. Every claim was proven false, from child endangerment because the kids were outside "naked" while dad washed the car to minor code violations. If there was no recourse, people could just keep harassing someone for looking a certain way. I'm for protecting someone who makes a report in good faith, but there should be some protections from racists who will report every middle Eastern on the plane every time they fly. Or, "hey look at those idiots in Iowa Hawkeye jerseys, f*** them, let's claim they were making terrorist threats, we can't be charged and they will get kicked off the plane." Like anything, there are always unintended side effects that have to be thought through. Kinda like campaign finance reform? That's still a pretty weak reason.
  23. http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20...65522-5346r.htm Here's the voting breakdown http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2007/roll200.xml interesting how all the no votes were democrats. I'm sure we will all hear why the noes were a good thing very soon.
  24. QUOTE(Balance @ Mar 27, 2007 -> 12:21 PM) Let's put it this way. Ozzie did not cause the injury to happen. Injuries do happen at every position, and the fact that an injury occurred is no more Ozzie's fault than it is any of ours. However, assuming that it's easier for a player to be injured when he's playing a position at which he's not as comfortable as his regular position, I'm going to assign some of the blame to Ozzie for putting Hall in that position. This is magnified when you look at how important Hall was to the Sox' plans this season, and the lack of a backup plan that comes anywhere close. This echos my thoughts on this entirely.
  25. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 27, 2007 -> 09:31 AM) We don't have the available resources, nor the assets in place, to suddenly be at war with Iran right now. That would not go well. I did not say us, i said the brits should have shown the balls to stand up to that obvious act of war and issued an ultimatum: Return of people in 48 hours, or you cease to have a Navy. Then, do it. As for us, I think our Navy is pretty bored right now, a few Tomahawks and some 5" rounds would do wonders.
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