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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. This just kinda wierded me out, so I thought I would share. At least someone in their creative team is creative, I guess.
  2. I found this post on several conservative blogs tonight. I bet we would never see something similar coming from Koz and such condemning Maher.
  3. QUOTE(DrunkBomber @ Mar 5, 2007 -> 01:17 PM) I may be alone here but i cant say i blame him. I think holding out is a little extreme but he was denied his shot at an open market. Sure he wants a ton of money but thats his right, and if theres a team willing to pay him that then oh well. What if he gets injured this year? He doesn't have any guaranteed money or a guaranteed contract. I know if I was a professional athlete I would try my best to stay with the same team but if I was ever franchised it would piss me off too. He's not playing by the rules. How can you NOT blame him? "I don't like the way the rules are affecting me, so I'll just hold out". Way to be a role model, lance. He had an opportunity for guaranteed money and a big contract. He wanted more. His right, his gamble. As for guaranteed contracts, noone in their last year has a guaranteed contract. Should everyone in their last year hold out for extensions? bears are following the rules and franchised him. If he doesn't play, that speaks very loudly towards his character. Suck it up, eat Easymac for a year and get by on your $7 million.
  4. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 5, 2007 -> 11:22 AM) The prepared version was much less offensive. Less offensive is still offensive.
  5. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 5, 2007 -> 01:02 PM) So how do you fight someone using slurs against you in your campaign? You use to to raise some "Coulter Cash"! I love how this is an outrage, but not big enough to stop Edwards from whoring it out to raise a quick $100K. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17458248/ But, b-b-b-ut, but it's DIFFERENT!
  6. respect does not equal money. And maybe they would have taken care of him like they have with most of their players if he wasn't b****ing about it all the time.
  7. Only this time they don't have a network or ad agency to sue! http://www.homelandstupidity.us/2007/03/01...unting-traffic/ The important part of it:
  8. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 4, 2007 -> 07:40 PM) I'm not saying it wasn't a joke, I'm saying it wasn't botched. It wasn't botched when she called Edwards a f*g, it wasn't botched when she called Gore a "total f*g", it wasn't botched last year at this exact same event when she called Arabs "ragheads" and threatened violence against them or saying that she "had a shot at Bill Clinton", and so on and so on and so on. It's not a botched joke here. This is exactly what she does. Over and over and over and over. And her completely-non-apology apology fits exactly with that formula. Her schtick is to say the most offensive thing humanly possible, whether it's a joke or not, it is 100% deliberate. And every time she does something like this, the mainstream folks condemn her for a day, then give here 2x as much time on TV, give her another cover on Time Magazine. And then the Republicans invite her repeatedly to conferences just like this one, they show up knowing full well what kind of person she is, and then they come out and praise her. The repubs show up to CPAC because it is thrown by a major block of voters. The Dems have thier groups they go to as well that they may not really want to go to. And I don't really think Kerry's joke was 'botched'. I think it became 'botched' when he realized that he just flushed whatever was left of his political life down the toilet, and he was trying damage control. But to quote another soxtalk poster,"It's always different..." You should have gone into PR/damage control. You are good at deflecting the discussion, changing the point and all that other stuff a good PR person needs to do.
  9. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 4, 2007 -> 04:21 PM) You're calling Coulter's remark a "botched" joke? Seriously? Well, SHE called it a joke, sorta like Kerry called his comment a joke. Gonna believe one and not the other? Seriously?
  10. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 4, 2007 -> 03:54 PM) Link. Glad we cleared that up. So, botched jokes about military intelligence = ok Botched jokes about a candidate being gay = bad Got it. And before you get yourself all worked up, I think both are bad, just trying to figure out how you can excuse one, but not the other.
  11. Hypocrit, thy name is Goracle! It seems that the company The Goracle uses to buy his carbon offsets, is owner by The Goracle! So he is shifting money from one pocket to another, probably getting some sort of tax writeoff for 'saving energy', while making money by providing carbon offsets. So, when the Goracle stands in front of you and asks you to be green, he is really making a sales pitch! "Save energy, save the planet! Oh, and while your at it, boost my stock value!" http://tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/articl...EWS01/702270382 Oh, and just an FYI, here is a link to it's current holdings. http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/137...00053-index.htm Interesting mix: Biosciences, Insurance, General Electric, an eco-friendly plasics company, a consulting company, a company that makes equipment used in stem cell research (TECHNE CORP ), a vet company and Whole Foods.
  12. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Mar 4, 2007 -> 11:50 AM) So will Ann Coulter. Well, she's a media-whore to the worst extreme. What did you expect?
  13. QUOTE(Jim Spencer @ Mar 4, 2007 -> 10:08 AM) And then you have Ann Coulter calling John Edwards a f** And then youhave the three leading GOP candidates distancing themselves from her right afterwards. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/04/us/polit...nyt&emc=rss And meanwhile, top Democratic politicians and such will still come on Bill's show, such as Biden, Edwards, Schumar and so on. Any distancing there?
  14. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 3, 2007 -> 10:32 PM) Rush must be back on the illegal drugs NO, his comments seemed pretty level-headed. Now if he said The Goracle looked hot, then I think drugs would be in play.
  15. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 10:33 PM) It's a shame with what's happened here, and it's becoming a common thing. A player moves on from the White Sox and he gets trashed, unless he's one of Ozzie boys e.g Freddy Garcia. To say that you could have made the playoffs, and didn't because of 1 player, is a cop - out, simple as that. Baseball is a team sport, you don't rely on 1 guy to put you over the top, and Ozzie better than anyone after what out pitching staff did in the 2005 playoffs, should realize that. I hope B-Mac has a great career and proves him wrong. I think it is more like a player moves on, open his mouth about the move, then gets 'trashed' when Oz takes bait and replies. Mags, Thomas, Mac all didn't like being traded/not signed and said so well before OZ ripped into them. That being said, I DO wish he would just shut up about it because it gets old, whoever started it.
  16. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 04:32 PM) ... but I will not insult people for setting big goals and trying to reach them. I will, if they fail to do so, but act like they are better than me because their 'intentions' were pure. Must be some of that anger I have still around.
  17. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 03:28 PM) So fumes from cars and trucks aren't poisoning the atmosphere? I guess I'll leave the car running in the garage and close all the doors. Where did you get that idea from? You really do have a comprehension problem. How about this: humans are not the only f***ing problem here. We are A problem, but not the single solitary problem. Clear enough for ya?
  18. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 03:17 PM) An overwhelming majority of scientists would disagree with that statement. Humans are A cause, not THE cause. Very different things.
  19. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 11:08 AM) So wait a second, they're counting appearances at sites like Kos and MyDD, which allow just about anyone to sign up, create an account, and start posting comments and diaries, and comparing them to a bunch of Conservative sites that don't allow comments? If you count comments, there's probably more postings in 1 day @ Kos than there is at all of the non-commenting conservative sites combined since the beginning of their existence. It's no wonder that there's an 18-1 ratio when there's 50 times as much content. If anything, this simply shows how unwilling the conservative blogosphere is to allow people to comment on their posts, which is something that's been noted in the lefty blogosphere for quite some time. Instahack, Malkin, powerline, etc. I've been to 9 of the ones on the conservative side, and those allow comments just like the others. I know that Instapundit doesn't, but I believe Malkin does, or did until she kept getting death threats. I don't suppose Koz gets many death threats, does he? I know malkin is called every ethnic slur imaginable by her haters, I wonder hom naby people make fun of Koz? I've been to 5 of the Lib sites, and I see more vitriol on Koz than on any 5 conservative sites I have been to. DemUnderground is the worst. And before you get your panties in a bunch, I do not take this 'study' seriously. Just thought it was kinda interesting. The site even says that it isn't the best study, and has flaws. I guess they just put up that words that appeared in trackbacks also go counted. Just found it humorous that the persuasion that wants to bring civilit back into politics resorts to profanity more that most. And tex, I'll agree that the religious wing of the conservative movement is easily offended by adult language. And that f^&%#ing pisses me off.
  20. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 10:39 AM) I keep trying to discuss the environment, y'all prefer to debate Goracle's usage. So I keep asking, are conservatives 100% happy with the environment? Do we need to make any changes to our consumption? Are the steps that are outlined in the movie harmful to the environment? Should we reject the steps that the movie outlines because our environment will be harmed? And who is/are the conservative leaders on environmental issues? Of course the environment isn't as important as restoring Conservatives to power. So let it go Kap. The rest of us did when we realized that Al Gore was the single most threatening environmental challenge facing conservatives. Not water quality, not air quality, but Al Gore. What a wonderful world conservatives live in. Well, as someone pointed out, that can be a problem when 2 threads are merged into one. I'll address both points. On the environment, yes I believe it is important that we have some controls on pollutants, oversight on polluters, etc. I would like heavy fines for companies that knowingly dump waste into lakers or rivers when they are supposed to be doing it a different way. I am for cutting our dependence on oil, if only for the fact that I would like to make the arab bastards suffer when their sand-gold doesn't command as much green as it once used to. I recycle when i can, donate used items in my house to charity when appropriate instead of throwing them away, and recently traded in my huge v8 auto for a more economical 4 cylinder one. I use the energy saving bulbs where I can, although i found that in the living room where the light is turned on and off alot, they blow out just as fast. And I also practice most of these things in my business, although switching the lights around is gonna have to wait for a bit. As for your 100% satisfied bit, thats a crock, because noone is going to be completely satisfied. And being less than 100% satisfied doesn't mean you have to start a global movement to change things. Institute reasonable changes, that won't kill businesses, and damn the lobbyists. Institute changes that cripple businesses, and you can forget it. You think we lose manufacturing jobs now, just wait until you put in even more restrictive regulations. We will be China's b**** in less than a decade, assuming we aren't already. On Gore, you keep asking why we are worried about the messenger when the message is what we should be hearing. I liken this to certain conservative politicians who talk about 'family values', then go and get divorced. Liberals have a field day with calls of hypocracy, completely ignoring the message that a 2 parent family is better(most of the time) than a 1 parent family. Newt Gingrich is a schrewd politician, but once he left his wife, all the left could do is scream 'hypocrit!'. Not speaking for anyone else here, but I feel that buying carbon credits to offset your polution is cheating. He pollutes more than me. Much more than me. he just uses his money to make it alright in his eyes, and the eyes of his defenders. Well, it's not alright with me. I think his message is ok, but I will not be lectured to by him.
  21. So Tex, are you saying that the liberal audience is more vulgar?
  22. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 08:14 AM) First asked about 50 posts ago. Leading conservative environmentalists? Which is better, follow Goracles example or his message? Are conservatives 100% happy with the environment? Air and water clean enough? How is Goracles message harming the environment? So far it seems the GOP's position on the environment is everything is ok, keep using oil, coil, etc. and discrediting anyone who preaches conservation, alternate fuels, and especially talks about climate changes. I'm wondering what energy gobbling devices that the Goracle installed to boost his energy consumption. Maybe you shoudl add: Is the Goracle practicing a do as I say, not as I do approach to conservationism by buying his way to neutrality which is not an option for most of the population? Is there ever a reason that he should take a private jet to a function when a commerical airliner would do? Does he need a limo because his body is fat, his ego is fat, or both?
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