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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Looks like the lady has been taking lessons from my younger son. He acts like that everytime the older son does something he doesn't like.
  2. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 10, 2007 -> 09:55 PM) Having worked for an airline before, I seriously doubt it "COSTS" $22K an hour to fly that thing. They usually assume the costs incurred whether it moves or not in inflating the total 'operating' dollars. The pilots get paid whether the plane flies or sits in a hanger. Just like the daily costs of the war include the servicemen's salaries, but they would be getting that money whether in Iraq or Idaho. However, due to just the size of that thing, I can see it being a hefty amount to keep that thing fueled.
  3. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Feb 9, 2007 -> 11:24 PM) When I watch her in movies I don't care how dumb she is as long as she can act. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it. Also I don't think she was saying that the USA is as bad as Cuba, just that it's not like in the US you have complete freedom either. Like the stupid government trying to take away my online poker! COMPLETE freedom is anarchy. And yes, she was saying that the USA is as bad as Cuba. Although I agree with you on the online poker stuff.
  4. The goalie should be forced to sit out their next match against the US. And also beaten. And forced to watch The View.
  5. Careful now, I read somewhere that such displays of patriotism are one step on the road to fascism!
  6. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Feb 7, 2007 -> 09:46 AM) Al Franken is a way better candidate than Michael Savage. Al Franken at least was funny once. Aw, c'mon. Savage is freaking hilarious! Although, not on purpose. I am all for strict border security, but listening to him rant about illegal aliens and our porous border is entertainment at its finest.
  7. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 7, 2007 -> 10:36 PM) As soon as the Republicans allow people to do something, something will happen. Blasted obstructionists! In 2002 being an obstructionist was the worst crime ever, if I recall. And the Filibuster was something so evil that as punishment for stopping George W. Bush's court nominees, we needed to get rid of the Filibuster in its entirety. Seriously though, pretty much each major candidate already has put out a plan calling for specific benchmarks and withdrawal dates. And at least a couple of them are trying to get the Senate to bring those forwards. We may well see some of them appear when the Senate brings up the 9/11 commission reform legislation here in a week or two. Regardless of the Filibustering of the Republicans, these proposals will gradually be brought up. OK, this whole mess gets confusing, but I believe that at this time, it was the Dems that wanted to have cloture, which means no more discussion and a vote. By filibustering, the Repubs were actually leaving the door open for further discussions and the Senators to bring them forward. All the filibuster did was stop cloture on the non-binding resolution. As for the removal of the filibuster idea, I also think that was intended to be removed for judicial appointments only or something like that, not removed from the process entirely. There was much debate whether or not the filibuster was intended to stop confirmation votes or not. Without going back and checking the old posts, if you didn't have a problem with the Dem side of the ailse using all the tactics at its disposal, including the filibuster, to block the Republican agenda, then you should just shut up about it now that the same tactics are being used against them. If you did express your concerns about it back then, I will applaud your consistency.
  8. QUOTE(knightni @ Feb 7, 2007 -> 02:04 AM) I hear that his agent harangued so much that the Reds had to make the offer. Don't quit your day job!
  9. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2007 @ Feb 7, 2007 -> 01:03 AM) One of my favorite players. Brian will hit .275, 15 HRs, 70 RBIs. To go along with GG caliber defense in CF. Where there's Brian Anderson's will, there's always a way. I echo this prediction, however he will still strike out way too much. But those numbers and the solid D he plays will more than make up for it. All this is of course depending on Ozzie giving him the opportunity to play on a regular basis.
  10. I liked Thorton's left arm and the Church of Coop!
  11. QUOTE(Soxy @ Feb 6, 2007 -> 09:32 PM) Don't worry, I haven't won anything either. We should start the "Always smile when someone else wins" group. I'm, like, one of 3 girls on this site and every damn year I lose "person to have a drink with" to Flaxx. Come on! I'm a girl! And he would talk about science the whole time (okay, I would too, but I'M A GIRL). At least you have a chance in that category. I was nominated in the Conservative category, with Nuke. Yeah, I'll win that one! But hey, couldn't have lost to a better guy.
  12. I'll go with .262BA, will play alot early and then be used sparingly the rest of the year, playing even better when in a platoon-type roll.
  13. If we just put muzzles on our politicians I bet we could cut CO2 by 15% or more! Add self-important celebrities to that and we can increase the percentage to over 20!!! And for the bonus, stuff a cork in Mike North and you can cut an additional 8%! Cork both ends and you get a 12% savings! Woo hoo!
  14. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 06:40 PM) Any of you guys see the new Federal Budget? any other "old school" conservatives pissed about how out of control this is? For my 2000 post, I would like to say that yes, I am pissed at this budget. There is so much waste and mismanagement in this government that it makes my conservative hairs stand on end! I like Northside's ideas, however it can and should be extended to more agencies. I wish they would quit thinking of ways to spend my money and just let me keep more of it. I have defended Georgie and other repubs from what i often consider to be partisian attacks, but when so-called conservatives spend money faster than my brother-in-law, that is just sad.
  15. .279 avg .340 obp 2 hr 49 rbi 49 sb (22 cs) but will be hurt for 3 weeks in August, and be the Sox most criticized player, even more than Uribe.
  16. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 4, 2007 -> 12:10 PM) I am going to open this up for long enough for some well wishes. Be safe Nuke. You gotta a lotta people here praying for the best BE safe, my conservative friend. Even though not nominated this year, I would have a drink with ya when you return safely.
  17. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 3, 2007 -> 10:02 PM) Best reply i could offer. So Al Frankin is now a penguin?
  18. QUOTE(Chet Lemon @ Feb 3, 2007 -> 01:43 PM) If I were in your position, I would choose the comedian over the empty suit because there are plenty of empty suits in congress, but no comedians. You have obviously never seen Teddy Kenedy speak. he is a living, walking, talking joke himself!
  19. I still get customer files on the 3.5" disks. They just won't go away.
  20. Do the students in your class who don't stand decide to not do so on their own, or were they somehow encouraged to not stand by you? (Not accusing you of anything, just asking)
  21. QUOTE(Balance @ Feb 2, 2007 -> 12:46 PM) I seem to recall reading something about that in Franken's book. (Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them) Was that the incident that was completely made up by Matt Drudge? No. It was a Laura Ingrim producer during the republican convention. Here is the website I took the pic from. http://wizbangblog.com/2004/08/31/rnc-gossip-edition.php
  22. QUOTE(Balance @ Feb 2, 2007 -> 11:48 AM) Well that's understandable. O'Reilly makes me very angry, too! Even so, I don't think that means Franken has anger management problems. He also attacked a Fox news producer, not from O'rielly, during the convention. He had to be restrained by security.
  23. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=2a64964ab9 Link with video of the guys putting the signs up. 911 or not, I can't believe some people are this stupid.
  24. Al has anger issues. It will be fun to watch, though.
  25. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jan 31, 2007 -> 08:17 PM) Seriously? YES! Most excellent show! MC Pee Pants is da bomb!
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