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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 30, 2007 -> 07:15 PM) Out of curiousity, when everyone referrs to the Repubs holding up the minimum wage to try to get corrisponding tax breaks for affected small businesses, how come no one has asked the dems why they are trying to pass an unfunded mandate onto small businesses? Because capitalism is eeeevillll!
  2. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Jan 30, 2007 -> 01:47 PM) The Republicans allow closure on the Minimum Wage issue, the filibuster was broken 87-10 today. I wonder if this is why.... This story says the same thing, but in a different way... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070130/ap_on_...gress_pay_raise
  3. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 30, 2007 -> 07:48 AM) Half the world — nearly three billion people — live on less than two dollars a day. The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the poorest 48 nations (i.e. a quarter of the world’s countries) is less than the wealth of the world’s three richest people combined. Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names. Less than one per cent of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school by the year 2000 and yet it didn’t happen. 1 billion children live in poverty (1 in 2 children in the world). 640 million live without adequate shelter, 400 million have no access to safe water, 270 million have no access to health services. 10.6 million died in 2003 before they reached the age of 5 (or roughly 29,000 children per day). Sounds like the world needs a s***load of condoms.
  4. Maybe see if there are any independent trucking associations around that will let you access or email their members lists (or maybe a message board? Not sure how tech savy most truckers are). if you can find someone running empty from east coast back home, maybe you can work out a deal for cost+.
  5. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 12:23 PM) Elizabeth Edwards's blog Regardless of whatever energy saving ideas he uses, he will still use more energy that several homes in the area due to size alone. And just think of all the poor critters that were displaced from their natural habitat all to give the Edwards' a 12th room! Oh the horrors! Spending 150 MILLION on a house for 1 family is overkill when you try to preach to the have-nots about how the haves get everything. Hypocracy, thy name is John Edwards. FYI, I love this line... For $150 million they had better done AT LEAST that. I guess $150 million doesn't go as far as it used to.
  6. QUOTE(Soxy @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 08:14 AM) wtf is this doing in this thread? And, I would be really curious to see who the top 5 posters in this thread are. Really curious. I believe the Freudian term is: reaction formation. . . Click on Texsox's link and you will understand.
  7. QUOTE(Damen @ Jan 28, 2007 -> 08:35 PM) Again, let's try and inject some thought into this. Denny Hastert is a US Congressman, who also happened to be the Speaker of the House. This guy from South Dakota is a State Senator. Can you guess why a scandal involving the Speaker of the House would be a national story, while a state senator from a sparsely populated flyover state would not? In addition, all of your "what-if" statements are pointless, as they don't apply to the issue at hand. Republicans have a comfortable majority in the SD senate, so if he resigns, that will not change any of the party dynamics. There was little reason to include the party in this situation becuase that had nothing to do with the situation. on edit: Actually, upon rereading the story, I'm really kind of shocked that this is what you guys are using as some sort of evidence of liberal bias. The writer explained the story, explained why it was a large local issue, and in the process of that, revealed the party identification once appropriate. I really have a hard time believing you guys are serious that this would have been handled any differently if the party labels were switched. More importantly, that seems to be the only reason the story was posted here in the first place, which is pretty weak. It was an AP story from a staff writer in SD, where it happened. Local politician with a local story, the affiliation is always mentioned. I don't expect it to be mentioned prominently if it made national wires, but locally, it is news. Pick up the Trib or Sun-Times. If it mentions a state senator, it also mentions the party, right away. Not at the last paragraph of the story. Sloppiness, agenda, bias, whatever it is, it is wrong.
  8. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Jan 28, 2007 -> 06:44 PM) haha, you rely of Colbert too much as your main news source. Honestly, I am just too lazy to Google and find examples. If you think my observations of the media are incorrect, so be it. I know Denny Hastert received major press in Virginia as I heard from an ex-Illinois buddy of mine who now resides out there after the bogus land-highway stuff came up who heard it on the news. You all need to stop thinking on such large levels here . There can be bias in the media without it being a 'conspiracy'. Liberal news writers tend to slant thier writing. They don't have some manual to go by when preparing these stories, that is just how they are. And yes, conservatives would be the same way in slanting their views in stories they write. Yes, this was a local story about a state level politician. That means it should have received MORE attention as to the political party. ESPECIALLY in light of what crime it was and the Foley incident preceeding it. Like it or not, that IS important today. What if his party only had a 1 person lead in controlling the house? Or if he is forced to resign, they lose a veto-proof majority? What if he chairs an important committee? I DID NOT say there was a left wing conspiracy to hide the party affiliation of the guy involved, but there had to ba a reason that it wasn't mentioned sooner than the last paragraph. We have gone over this before. When writing about politicians, the R or D almost always comes after the first mention of their name. When it doesn't, it stands out as either agenda based or supreme sloppiness. Either way, someone should be in trouble for the bad writing, and this guy should get everything coming to him.
  9. As far as government programs go, this one seems pretty low key. A nice clearinghouse for that kind of information. Not sure how many people are aware it exists, though. I have never heard of the U.S. Financial Literacy and Education Commission. Also, not to open up a side discussion here, but I am not sure I like the idea of a spanish link on it. English only would have been just fine.
  10. QUOTE(shoota @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 05:07 PM) Yeah, duration of the contract is important for KW to consider. The contract KW offered to Buehrle last season was short-term and at a low yearly amount. So until KW offers any type of contract more than $10.33 per year, he hasn't made an honest attempt to resign Buehrle. If that offer was made during last year, it most certainly was NOT a low offer. The salaries rose to crazy levels during the off season. $10+ million per year was pretty damn good. At that time.
  11. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 06:53 PM) I for one hope that the South Dakota voters take fully into account this politician's behavior and the behavior of anyone in his party who helped cover for him the next time their politicians face the voters. There, happy? I would be happier if that had never happened to begin with, but I guess that is a good start.
  12. QUOTE(Soxy @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 06:31 PM) Because that's what's really important here. That he's a democrat. . . And I hope he gets punished the full extent of the law. No, it isn't the most important part of the story. But to deny that it IS important is simply putting your head in the sand. Cerainly important enough to be mentioned before the last paragraph of the story. I also hope he gets the full punishment allowed.
  13. When he said: I wonder how he balances that with all the impending free agents all 3 have in the next few years. Twins lose any 2 of those 4 and they are toast.
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlyle_Group It is a broad spectrum of political affiliations to be sure, but since you all seem to know the ones associated with a R, some associated with the D are: - George Soros - billionaire and very liberal political backer - William Kennard, Chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) under President Bill Clinton, Carlyle's Managing Director in the Telecommunications & Media Group from 2001 to the present. - Arthur Levitt, Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under President Bill Clinton, Carlyle Senior Advisor from 2001 to the present - Mack McLarty, White House Chief of Staff under President Bill Clinton, President of Kissinger McLarty Associates, Carlyle Senior Advisor from 2003 to the present - Arthur Levitt - former Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (A clinton asppointee) And this little tidbit sure to go unnoticed by many, Former President George H.W. Bush retired from Carlyle in October 2003. George W. Bush served on the Board of Directors of early Carlyle acquisition Caterair. Bush left the board in 1992 to run for Governor of Texas.
  15. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 12:21 PM) Well we all heard about it. I know a lot more people that parrot what they have heard from Rush, but not too many people parrot the evening newscast. The GOP has insulated themselves from criticism by always shouting media bias when they screw up and it gets reported. They also try and gain traction on any story by screaming media bias when it is a Dem. The end result is they will not have to be accountable. And that is bad for this country. WE all heard it because we either care about politics to a certain degree and/or hate the other side so we search out news bad for them. Ask your neighbor if they heard about it? Or the grocery checkout clerk? Odds are that they have not. Just curious, how has the GOP not been held accountable for anything they have done? EVERYTHING they have done has been blased about in the MSM for all to see. ONce an accusation is out there, right or wrong, it is hard to close the barn door after the donkeys have all left. Mayn of the Hliburton contracts were awarded thru the appropriate bidding process. Some of the no bid types went to them because they were the only company that could provide what was called for in the contract. And Balta, if I remember correctly, there are many prominent people on the Democratic side also in on the Carlyle group, so just because a few elephants make some cash on them, doesn't mean it is a segregated house. Donkeys play along too. But I'll be happy to go along with your last paragraph about removing the influence of money and lobbyists. I could supprt higher wages along with increased penalties and enforcement of violations.
  16. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 11:47 AM) Don't worry I'm certain Rush, Hannity, O'Really, Colson, Fox News, Dobson, Ingram, and the Wall Street Slime will be all over it. Of course the coverage is far more important to GOPerheads than what actually happens. If GOP wrong doing can be excused as media bias and Dem non stories can be blown up by rallying the troops against media bias, all is right in the world. You miss the point, Tex. The general masses might only watch a small amout of news in any given day, and it usually comes from the big 3, not Fox, etc. Or they read the major newspapers. If the story isn't mentioned there, how do they know about it? What she is doing appears to be similar to what Hastert did here, but how many average joes in Kansas know what she did? Did they hear about it on the ABC news? Nope. But they sure heard Hastert's name mentioned on national broadcast. Reporting DOES have a say in public perceptions of people, parties and our government as a whole. Both sides can br crooked as hell, but if the general public only hears about one side being bad, it tends to skewer public opinion in a rather slanted way.
  17. I wonder how this will look when John Edwards starts talking about the haves and the havenots, and how he is trying to look out for the working man? http://www.carolinajournal.com/ I am sure the environmentalists will eb thrilled as well, with all the forest being chopped down to make room for his massive new house, and all the energy it will take to heat that monstrosity. But hey, he's just looking out for the little guy.
  18. http://www.breitbart.com/news/2007/01/25/D8MSIME80.html But guess what party he belongs to? You have to read down to paragraph 16 before AP mentions that he is a D. Guess party affiliation isn't that important to AP.
  19. HOw about Beta? Since it is a male dog, you will be the 'Alpha Male' of the house, so your new dog will be second to you. I have 2 dogs and wanted Beta and Gamma, but wife overruled me on those.
  20. QUOTE(Chet Lemon @ Jan 26, 2007 -> 07:35 PM) Sessions's amendment passed 94-0 It was a watered down version that only applied to government contractors, but still a step in the right direction.
  21. Memo to Teddy: Kick out all the illegals and the wages will rise without passing a law. We all know he just wants the workers to get an increase so he can tax it. http://www.washtimes.com/national/20070126-122635-7699r.htm
  22. Sarah Spain story (She's from Chicago and she's a huge Bears fan) nice pic but to give her a ticket AND pay to have her come along???? ummm....no thanks. I could take a buddy, have no delusions of getting sex and have a much better time. I will give props to a very nice pic of a Chicago girl.
  23. QUOTE(Soxy @ Jan 25, 2007 -> 12:34 PM) I am in such a bad mood. I'm worrying that it might be permanent, I've been extra pissy since the middle of last semester. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr There are several jokes hiding in there, but that 'Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr' at the end kinda scares me.
  24. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Jan 22, 2007 -> 09:51 PM) Ozzie Award (best in-game analyst) KW Award (best arm chair GM) Hawk Award (biggest Sox homer) Half-empty Award (most pessimistic Sox fan) Half-full Award (most optimistic Sox fan) Padilla/Merkin/Rogers/Cowley Award (best Soxtalk writer) others could be thought of too, cuz those were just off the top of my head. I like those. Good ideas. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Jan 22, 2007 -> 08:04 PM) ....and those 2 aren't really even a contest of anything with the hundreds of registered posters IMO. It's always the same people. Conservatives=NUKE, YASNY, kapomet, Alpha Dog Liberal=Balta, Flasoxjim, Soxy, LCR, Texsox, Rex Kickass. I was nominated last year? Cool!
  25. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 22, 2007 -> 02:14 PM) The "undeclared" 2008 presidential candidates have suddenly begun declaring, and it is our patriotic duty as Comedy-Americans to mock them mercilessly. First up: Illinois Senator Barack Obama. The Top 18 Barack Obama Campaign Slogans 18> Barack to the future! 17> Please ignore the Middle-Easterny name. 16> Because the whole "slow-witted Texan with a safe-sounding name" thing didn't work out so well. 15> Face it, America: It's me or the Ice Woman. 14> Once you go Barack, you never go back. 13> Barack: Cultural Learnings of Books and the Enlightenment for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of America 12> Hey, what's the problem? You elected Marion Berry *twice*! 11> Not Hillary Clinton for president. 10> Your last chance for a black president before the country's overrun by Mexicans. 9> Straight Outta Cul-De-Sac 8> He beats Hillary hands down in the bathing suit competition! 7> After our last president, we need one Hussein. 6> Obama: Just pretend he's Irish. 5> Restoring English as the official language of State of the Union addresses. 4> C'mon, you KNOW you want to see Trent Lott piss his pants! 3> America: Movin' on up! 2> It's time for a different B.O. in the White House. and Topfive.com's Number 1 Barack Obama Campaign Slogan... 1> As American as imam's apple pie! [ Copyright 2007 by Chris White/TopFive.com ] I like number 6
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