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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 22, 2007 -> 11:39 AM) Just so everyone understands....El Nino ≠ global warming, and odd effects in any specific year, especially during years controlled by other climatic processes, do not prove or disprove anthropogenic climate change. It was SUPPOSED to be in green, but after seeing it, I guess not. However, were it to be 75 degrees out next week in Chicago, you can bet you would hear screams of 'global warming!!!!!!!!' Maybe I can just counter that with 'Uh, no. El Nino.'
  2. Global warming, catch it!
  3. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 22, 2007 -> 08:52 AM) If you believe that the only thing important is their voting record, then I guess you could. I believe their is much, much more to being President. A voting record will not shed any light on their character, citizenship, or mental and physical fitness. Their abilities to forge a concensus, their abilities to lead in good times and bad. Tex, if his voting record shows that he toes the party line, how does that NOT give you insight into his character? I was merely pointing out that people say that he is a refreshing change. Well, other than being sober, what difference is there between him and kennedy? While voting may not shed light on his citizenship, etc, it does shed light on his political leanings and how he would tend to lead on issue based items, such as taxes, defense, etc. That IS important.
  4. After looking at his voting records, i am not sure what anyone sees here that would be refreshing and new other than his skin color. http://www.vote-smart.org/voting_category....can_id=BS030017 Obama's record compare to Teddy's record, you find suprising similarities. Might as well elect ted! http://www.vote-smart.org/voting_category....can_id=S0410103
  5. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 20, 2007 -> 08:52 PM) Do you have any concept of how much detail is in budgeting and tax related resolutions these days? Those need to be that long because the government just does that much. And if they spent their time reading those, they wouldn't have time to come up with half the frivolous crap that they do to justify their existence. Maybe they should work on simpler language in these bills, stuff that wouldn't take an army of lawyers to figure out what the f*** they mean. I also agree with what Northside said about having a truth-in-legislation action so that bills are for what they really are. Both sides add crap which is why some good stuff gets passed over, and some crappy stuff gets voted yes.
  6. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 20, 2007 -> 01:59 PM) Well, unfortunately that's just not going to be practical in the least; i mean seriously, how many 1000 page+ bills does Congress pass each year at this point? From changes to the tax code to budgeting resolutions, I don't even think its possible for people to read every bill. On the other hand, the Patriot Act is a particularly bad case, they basically made it magically appear during the night and had it passed before anyone even had a chance to open the book. HOw many 1000+ page bills do they NEED to pass? I swear that sometimes they propose things just so the public won't realize that they are mostly useless. If they don't want to read it, hire staff to do it and summarize it for you. But you sign it, you one it.
  7. Just a thought, if the money is going to fun alternative energy research, wouldn't that be like shifting the money from your left pocket to your right pocket? Some of the biggest players in alternative energy are the oil companies themselves.
  8. I think it is time to pass a law that requires each and every congressman to read every bill that comes before them , and have to sign a form saying that they did so. Not only would that prevent them from 'suddenly discovering' something in a bill they already passed, it would keep them busy enough so that they wouldn't have time to pass stupid stuff just to try and justify their jobs.
  9. Not sure if it was brought up in here or not, but if I hear that the Saints are 'America's team' one more time, I want to scream! Does anyone outside of NO, other than the damn media and fantasy football owners, really give a flying f*** about the Saints? Americ's team my ass. Give it a rest, media. Quit trying to manufacture a great story. What will they come up with if the Bears kick 'America's Team's" ass?
  10. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Jan 17, 2007 -> 02:06 PM) Uhh, Bonderman's 24. so what???? because he's young guarantees him a good year????? if that were the case, everyone would have those 18 year old phenoms pitching. Granted, the trend is that he's heading into the prime years but it's still not a guarantee.
  11. As far as Detroit goes 1-5 pitching wise...I'd like to see their 5 do it for another year before i say they're better than the Sox starting 5. As we proved this past year, ptiching can disappear for a year. Who's to say that Bonderman, Maroth, Rogers and even Verlander won't go back to being .500 pitchers???? I'm not saying they will or won't but some people seem to assume that they will pitch like they did in '06. If you look at some of their numbers they were career years for them....Bonderman especially.
  12. Name a better AL staff, 1 thru 5. You can find much better #1's, but all 5? Not sure.
  13. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Jan 15, 2007 -> 07:44 PM) I'm certainly not turned on to "butch" lesbians. How about lipstick lesbians?
  14. I just heard on the news that Obama is this close to formally announcing his intentions to run for President. if he runs, as an Illinois resident, someone whom he is supposed to represent, I want him to either resign so he can concentrate on his candidacy, or reimburse the goverment for all the days he misses due to campaigning. He was just elected to represent this state, not elected so he would have a platform to run for a higher office. And no, I don't want that just for Obama, all elected officials should have to do somethign like that if they are running while still in an elected office. If he misses any votes, he is negligent in his duties as a Senator, and not representing the people of Illinois.
  15. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Jan 15, 2007 -> 04:48 PM) A sweetheart deal in a bill that she didn't author and whose "exclusion" was placed in by the delegate of the affected area which has been overturned. If this was business in usual, that exclusion would still be there. Isn't she in charge? If it happened on her watch, she should get the s*** for it, just as surely as she would take the acolades were it to be a good thing. You are full of more than tuna if you think that were the parties reversed, the reaction would be the same.
  16. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Jan 13, 2007 -> 01:25 PM) Four straight games with over 10 points. His upside is anywhere from 9 to 13 points per game, I'd say. That will work. Could you imagine him next to a scoring PF? New Orleans brought in a couple of nice-looking players (projects) in Cedric Simmons and Hilton Armstrong, but they'll need to find a true scoring PF, and that ain't David West. With his rebounding, he should be shooting 6 to 10 free hrows per game. Even an average shooter would get 6 points from that alone. His career average is just over 6 ppg. HIs best season with the Bulls he averaged 9 ppg. He has either wasted his talent, stole money from the Bulls or is just downright not worth the money. 14 ppg should be a minimum from him. He's making $10m a year for 6 points and 11 rebounds. Boozer has the same amount of rebounds, but 22 ppg. for about $2m more. Dwight howard has doubled Tyson's ppgs and is only in his 3rd year. I thought Tyson had major upside when he was with the Bulls, and just kept waiting for him to 'get it'. If he is getting better now, I guess it took the Bulls telling him he sucks to wake him up. Funny how some of these guys can only wake up when they feel that they have been dissed.
  17. Trading for Ron Santo. What were the sox THINKING!
  18. Just imagine being the father of either of these boys. I hear these stories and my first thought is "I will kill that bastard". Especialy in the case where the one has been gone for a looong time, that dad must be foaming at the mouth in anger at this animal for whatever he has done to his son. For that fathers sake, I hope they keep the dirtbag safely locked away, so the dad doesn't lose his cool and do something stupid. If he just bides his time, the loser's fellow inmates will do the dirty work for him once he gets to prison, as long as they don't put him in solitary.
  19. If Chandler would have shown half the effort with the Bulls that he is showing this year, things may have been different for him. But rebounding champ or not, at 7-foot, you should be able to score as well. Dunks are not that hard when you tower like that.
  20. QUOTE(gosox41 @ Jan 13, 2007 -> 09:58 AM) OK, someone explain this to me. While I don't think Stewart is a top prospect, he is the best the Sox have if AJ and/or Hall go down. Why did we trade him for a 22 year old Single A pitcher with not very good overall numbers. Please tell me it's not because he throws hard. Also, I'm just wondering when KW was a player, did he have a hard time hitting the fastball? Maybe he figures if he couldn't hit it, no one else can either. Bob How many weak-ass hitting backup defensive catchers do you want? The non-hitting ones are all over the minors.
  21. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 12, 2007 -> 03:20 PM) Not what I meant either. Honestly, I am just annoyed with the fact that some people's fears rule their views so fully that they cannot accept any positive from one party, or any negative from the other. That mentality bothers me. I am sure I did not state this very well. Hey, how about that positive thing in raising the minimum wage for all! Oops! I guess they left some people out. Seems a major business in Pelosi's distric gets an exemption from the minimum wage bill. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
  22. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 12, 2007 -> 07:57 AM) Only chickens take strong stands, especially when it involves the Middle East. Men of courage and conviction would have just tried to appease both sides and not blame anyone. Gee, now I get it. No, they would have at least tried to get the facts right, though.
  23. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 27, 2006 -> 04:48 PM) Who? Dr Johnny Fever, WKRP in Cincinati. He and Venus Flytrap were doing an on-air drinking test for the police testing thier reaction times. He was super-slow when sober and fast as lightning when sloshed. The tester was getting pissed at him because they were supposed to be showing how alcohol slowed your responses, and his was getting better.
  24. QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 11, 2007 -> 10:57 PM) I'm not even going to get into a pissing contest with you about all the "evidence" that "suggests" I'm wrong. For every bad story there's countering good ones. Steph, I like ya, but you have to be on the same drugs as Bonds to believe that line. I can't remember seeing ANY good stories about Bonds. I bet it's higher than 30-1 bad vs good.
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