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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 11, 2007 -> 07:34 AM) No more EvilMonkey? I'm still evil, on the inside. This is just a ruse to further my evil-monkey ways unseen by the liberal masses! Or I just got tired of EvilMonkey. Take your pick! Still the same conservative leaning Sox fan I always was!
  2. QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jan 11, 2007 -> 12:03 PM) New housing is RIDICULOUSLY expensive everywhere (probably a combination of product cost going up and UNIONS). My wife and I want to move back to her hometown in Iowa (near Iowa City) in a few years. New housing is WAY expensive even for our there. I can get a 60+ year old home in good condition for $110. New homes are a minimum of TWICE that. Or, smaller new homes are as expensive as larger older homes. Let me give you this example... 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, 1304 sq ft, built 1900: Cost: $124,900 (or, $95.78 per sq ft 2 Bed, 1 Bath, 884 Sq. Ft., built 2005. Cost: $112,900 (or, $127.71 per sq ft.) These two buildings are LITERALLY one block apart. Why would I buy the new one when I can get the old one with more square feet, a deck, AND a nice back yard? Better hope the electrical has been upgraded sometime in the last decade or two, or you will not be a happy camper when your computer, etc start popping curcuit breakers every day. The same for the plumbing. I hated that the most at the 60 year old house I recently left. Every plumbing problem became an issue with just the age of the pipes working against you, and leaks in expensive, hard to get places.
  3. QUOTE(Soxy @ Jan 11, 2007 -> 10:16 AM) Mac from Mac and PC, I think he was also in Dodgeball. I just find him totally tantalizing for some reason. . . Once you go Mac, you never go back!
  4. Teri Hatcher. Even when younger, wasn't too sure, but now, FRANKENSTEIN!!!!!
  5. QUOTE(Soxy @ Jan 11, 2007 -> 10:27 AM) Um, anyone that knows that wherever there are gay people there will be people bashing them? OK, gay bashing in a city known for its friendliness towards gays, and by a guy who happens to be the son of a prominent Pacific Heights family. who still hasn't been arrested yet, despite witnesses and a weeks time. Or was it Ivy-League school bashing? Or did they just hate people with matching blazers?
  6. I have a house 4 doors down from me for sale in the Joliet/Plainfield area for just a little over $200,000. Has 2 car garage, 3 bedrooms, basement, good size yard, etc. and is only about 8 years old, so shouldn't need any DIY. Train station is about 10 minutes away. Several cops live in the neighborhood as well, so pretty safe. I went thru the same crap before moving out here. I wanted something closer to my work in the Carol Stream area, but the same house I have now was $100,000+ more up there! IN fact, I found a house 4 blocks from my store, that was basically the same thing I have now, only about 4 or 5 years older, and it was selling for $425,000!!!! I bought mine for less than $200,000 2 years ago! Schools,safety and affordability were the priority, and finding all 3 was tough. I think I managed to get all 3, although I also managed to get 'traffic', as the Plainfield area is like driving thru Schaumburg sometimes. Good luck.
  7. Interesting comparrison between what kenny is doing and what Cashman is doing. Nice article.
  8. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 10, 2007 -> 08:38 PM) Damn Mrs. Pelosi, she really should have stopped this fight. I hold her personally responsible. Way to assume, and completely avoid the article with a snide remark. Gay bashing in San Fransisco, who would have thought that possible?
  9. http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c...BAGPQNG2MM1.DTL I hope the families of the victims keep up the pressure and really screw the jerkoffs that started the fight. "I'm 20 deep, my boys are coming". Ooooh, what a gansta you are. We'll see who has their backs when their b****-asses are in jail. Maybe it will be Bubba!
  10. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 10, 2007 -> 08:26 PM) I bet you also hope you don't have to go 8 years without a single raise, which is what has also happened with the minimum wage. And just because someone isn't working in the highest tech of job, or is a teenager slaving away over a vat of grease, is that a reason why they don't deserve to make $10,000 a year working full time? If you worked at one job, for 8 years, at minimum wage, and didn't get a raise, you are an idiot.
  11. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 10, 2007 -> 06:32 PM) Because then it is damn, they have had three rate hikes in five years, what the hell do they want? I noticed that no one there knows what they are paying per kilowatt of electricity. You will learn that when deregulation comes your way. Then you will be sweating over which company to go with, how long to lock in your rates, etc. Checking the ComEd web site, y'all can kiss my ass complaining about your pricing. Y'all are at about .08 to .09. In Texas, with choice, and without a regulated rate, the standard is about .15 with discounts from there to about .12. So even with the rate hike, y'all are still getting a bargain. And, it's all electric here. No natural gas. Heaters, clothes dryers, all run on electric. It would be great if they could help you out by dropping that rate a few cents, but I guess it is pretty important to fund that Mummy exhibition or the symphony. Hope you like ancient history and Bach!
  12. I wonder if she ever wore the Munster getup home from the set? Hmmmm.
  13. Just wait, soon trans fat will be banned from the cafeteria! Then maybe foi gras! Who knows where it will end! But notice how they just had to point out a prominent R that always has a cig in hand. As a non-smoker, I applaud this move. As someone who wants less government intrusion into just about everything, I am somewhat conflicted, but since it IS a government building, I will handle my conflictions.
  14. Hello Admins! Could we start 2007 with a name change? If so, could you please change my name to Alpha Dog Thanks! Frank aka EvilMonkey (for now?)
  15. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 9, 2007 -> 02:03 PM) The US/state/local governments make that same decesion everyday with your tax money. Should we get them out of the arts business as well? By the time they collect taxes, they are way more ineffecient with your money than any business ever would be. YES!
  16. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 9, 2007 -> 01:34 PM) Why would there interests be at stake? Because right or wrong, Musims defend other Muslims, whatebver the cause. A muslim in Indonesia has nothing in common with a muslim in Iraq, except being Muslim, but they can sure get offended fast when a fellow muslim is somehow wronged halfway across the globe.
  17. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 8, 2007 -> 11:04 PM) playing devil's advocate here, because you own your business as a sole proprietor, would it be fair then for your customers to say just lower my damn printing bill? After all it's the extra profit you make on their bill that allows you to make those donations. And, forgive me if I am wrong, but don't they answer to an elected public utilities board who sets the rates they charge? It would seem that if they donated a greater percentage than most other companies, that board would step in. My customers can, and do, go somewhere else if they don't like the price. As for asking me to lower my bill, they do it all the f*cking time, since printing seems to be one of those areas where everyone thinks you can 'negotiate'. I don't really have that much of an option here with ComEd. They shouldn't be donating anything, that's the problem. If it was open season on electricity, and competition was everywhere like with long distance calling or something, they could fund all the damn mummys in Egypt for all I care. If I didn't like the rates they charged me, I could leave. Right now, i can't. As for the Utility board, they are the ones that keep telling us that ComEd doesn't need the rate hike, but yet they are getting it anyway because they supposedly need it? Who is right? If I need money for infrastructure improvements, I am not gonna go out and fund the CSO for a year. The ComEd checkbook should be closed until competition is open.
  18. They are 2 of the most condescending bastards on the air today. I also think the producers and screeners purposly find some of the idiot callers they have just to hear they go off on people.
  19. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 8, 2007 -> 10:43 PM) Fair enough. Another point. Shouldn't those companies that have a monopoly be among the greatest proponents of the community good and set the best example of corporate behavior? In other words shouldn't they be the examples for other companies to follow? By virtue of them being a monopoly, they act like an extreme liberal in taking the money I pay them to fund things that THEY think are worthwhile. If I wanted to fund the arts, I would fund the arts, not send my money to Com Ed to distribute to worthy causes for me. I donate enough to charity, just lower my damn electric bill.
  20. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
  21. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 7, 2007 -> 09:03 PM) So, a question...why do you put a Navy Admiral in charge of an entire theater of operation where you're fighting 2 ground wars? Because if Iran becaomes involved to a larger extent and tries to dispupt oil shipping in the gulf and such, it will fall to the Navy, and to a lesser extent the Air Force, to keep the tankers moving.
  22. I scored a 32, which puts me between Jack Kemp and Bob Dole. http://franz.org/quiz.htm
  23. OK, if we are talking off the wall here, the woman in the overstock.com commercials. When she's laying on the bed talking about the 'big o', I'm thinking 'yeah, I got your big O right here, baby!'
  24. Maybe they can start by getting this guy to resign from congress, instead of just removing him from a committee. http://www.citizensforethics.org/press/pre...p.php?view=4452
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