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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Gina Gershon from Showgirls and Ellen Barkin. I saw Ellen in some movie with Petra Wilson that had some girl-on-girl action and that did it.
  2. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 4, 2007 -> 06:06 PM) It never ends. In late December, before departing forever, the Republican Congress passed a "postal reform bill" which, among other things, adjusts some of the ways postal workers are taken care of and streamlines the process for postal service price increases. Here's a negative piece on it from the Postal workers union, in case you want to read more about what is actually in the bill. Mr. Bush signed the bill on December 20th. Of course, while he was busily affixing his signature, the White House also issued a signing statement to go along with it. In that signing statement, the White House asserted that, once again seemingly in contravention of the law, in emergency circumstances the White House has the ability to seize and read the mail of anyone it wants without a warrant. The White House also casually failed to define what it means by emergency circumstances, so we could be talking about a letter bomb, or just being at yellow alert. So having a rate increase ceiling means that postal workers take a pay cut? That's sure the way the article makes it seem, when in fact, what it does is force them to have to become more efficient, in their operating systems and hiring practices. I work with the PO every day in running my printshop, and let me tell you, they suck. Just about everyone at the 2 I go to should be fired. Half don't know beans about bulk mailing, which is less than I know! Most are very indifferent or rude and customer service seems like an oxymoron. And the stories I hear from my mother-in-law, who works at the Gary processing center? Oh boy. 20/20 should go do a hidden camera story there if even 10% of what she tells me are true.
  3. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Jan 3, 2007 -> 11:19 PM) I don't recall Ted Washington running a ball back for a TD either. Keith Traylor took it pretty far, but ran out of gas. Was it Ventura's walk off grand slam? Fixed that. I was drunk at that game, too. I am detecting a theme here....It was at a double header, and something that happened in the first game, because I got there late, as the first game ended. My alcohol-addled mind remembers it as something ti wasn't, apparently. Musta killed those brain cells at New years eve.
  4. Hmmm. I know I had alot to drink that night, but SOMETHING happened with the Sox and Texas. I may have to revise that. maybe I was having an out of body experience? or out of mind? I know we had a foul ball bang off the glass, but I swear Ventura did something that game. OK, strike number 5! Except for the skybox part. I have BEEN to Arlington Stadium, but not in a skybox.
  5. QUOTE(NUKE @ Jan 3, 2007 -> 10:38 PM) I wonder if they'll give him the same amount of s*** for doing cocaine as they give Bush over the unfounded rumors he did cocaine. My guess is no. But its always different!!!!!
  6. More for me, but sports related: 1) Was at the Bears game when Walter Payton broke Jim Brown's record, at the Fog Bowl, and at the game where Traylor ran a fumble TD. Man, that was one long, slow run coming right towards the end zone I was sitting in. 2) I played in a 2 on 2 sand volleyball game against karch karai, or however you spell his name, and didn't know it until we were done (losing 15-2). Got an autograph aferwards. Didn't make up for the broken finger from trying to block one of his spikes. 3) Played tennis in college. Took the 4th ranked division 3 player to 5 sets (losing), then lost the next week in straight sets to someone from Joliet Junior College who had only been playing for about a year. 4) Was in a skybox at old Comisky (my one and only skybox trip) when Robin ventura got pummeled by old-man Ryan 5) I managed to bowl 18 strikes in a row without getting a 300 game. Game 2 was spare, then 11, game 3 was 7 then 3 splits. But at least I got a 700 series.
  7. Most people are motivated by money, it is just a matter of how MUCH money does the trick.
  8. When are the Muslims NOT having a holy day, week month or celebration? If there was a half green color, I would use it, because I am partly serious in this question. It seems like every damn thing is a holy month, major celebration, etc.
  9. Ended up having lots of shots that were a mystery. Had a Drinko game from Juddling, and losers of various hands had to drop a chip and take whatver shot it landed in. A few were just water, but the rest were run, malibu rum or vodka. Quite fun when it was someone else drinking them! Somehow managed to wakeup sans hangover today, although my joints ache. Hope everyone had a safe NYE!
  10. OMG, the evil drug companies actually cure something instead of just treating the symptoms?
  11. I credit Boxer for taking a stand against CAIR, something I wish Bush would do. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16384987/site/newsweek/ Of course, CAIR blames the joooos, Islamofascism and even bring up McCarthy. Seems they know all the PC buttons to push, eh?
  12. Interesting choice of words this reporter uses to describe the hanging. He calls it an 'assassination'.
  13. Mostly beer, some Run & Pepsi, we have shots to give out on hands flush or better (poker night!) and the champaign for the toast. Wife will be having Amareto & OJ or Malibu & OJ, Juddling will probably have mostly beer, Mrs Juddling will be beer and Screwdrivers and brothe-in-law will probably be 7 & 7.
  14. http://www.quizilla.com/users/Toxxicduck/quizzes/ Who are you like on Family Guy? You are Brian Griffin! You are laid back, and have set dreams. You like cracking jokes that no one else thinks funny. You hate being bossed around, and love martinis. Well maybe. Quote: Peter, those are cherios. Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
  15. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Dec 30, 2006 -> 05:42 PM) How come you left out the contrasting view, in the very next paragraph of your same article, that said he was afraid? because it's always different.
  16. I WANTED to see Sinatra before he died, and even tried to get tickets when I was in vegas many moons ago and he was there. But since it was last minute, it was waaaaay over my budget. Wayne Newton was the other one I wanted to see, and i did a few years back. i caught one of his Christmas shows in Branson. 3 hours long, and worth it. Now? Noone, really.
  17. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Dec 28, 2006 -> 06:23 PM) 4. Before I dated my wife, I dated her best friend. I met both of them at basketball sectionals my senior year of HS. I also dated my wife's best friend before dating, and marrying her. I met both of them on the swimming team my Sophomore year in HS.
  18. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 28, 2006 -> 08:10 PM) Doesn't make it right from either side, but blaming only 1 side (which is how I read that remark) for something done by both should elicit quite a few screams. Oh ye, Master of the Google search, dare to look up how many times Georgie and/or republicans in general have been referred to as Hitler or Hitleresque in the last few years. I will bet that it far outnumbers however many times Santorum chooses to make an ass out of himself. However, as like Northside said, i will give them credit for at least publicly extending an olive branch. not only blaming one side, but I will say that one side has a distinct tendency to use that phrase, and it is not the Republicans.
  19. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 28, 2006 -> 03:23 PM) I honestly don't know what the normal expectations for something like that is. Did every Senator and House Rep attend Reagan's funeral? I really don't know. I don't know if every Senator did, but whoever was in a leadership position sure did. It is just a simple matter of doing the right thing. Reid is in charge now, and needs to be at certain things, such as a state funeral for an ex-President. The group could have gone on without him, and that would probably have been ok, but as it is, it just doesn't seem right. And no, I am not saying it will be Bush's fault, this is all Reid. Maybe he isn't used to responsibility having been the minority for so long?
  20. Not to interject politics into this, but why is Reid, Durbin and 3 others still going on a junket to South America when an ex-President has died? Isn't it incumbent upon those in power in our government to attend such things as a funeral of an ex-President? And it isn't like they were out of the country when it happened, according to Reid it would have been 'too difficult to cancel'. Bull. And if some South American President or Dictator got mad at a cancelled meeting due to a funeral, oh well.
  21. 1) Every sport I have played at High School or College level, except for bowling, I have been hit in the, um, groin area. This includes tennis, baseball, voleyball and swimming. I am glad the bowling one never happened! 2) I used to suffer from OCD to a moderate level. Now I just have an obsession with not shaking hands, and being on time. If you tell me the party starts at 6, I HAVE to be there at 6 or I start getting the shakes. 3) I have about 20,000 baseball cards in my basement, including 32, 2001 Topps Gold Frank Thomas cards. 4) My first car was a powder blue, 1976 Ford Grand Torino Station Wagon (in 1983). They got better, though, my next car was a 1976 Jeep CJ5. 5) I turned down a full ride at North Dakota State U and a 75% scholorship at Ball State to go to North Central College. Not sure why, but I did.
  22. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Dec 27, 2006 -> 11:09 PM) I think the good news is that the Democrats see themselves intent on restoring at least some of the civility in the halls of Congress that seem to have been lost in recent years. By simply shutting their mouths they can increase the civility. It is amazing how much a few less Hitler comparrisons will do to increase civility.
  23. I am sick of hearing 'injury concern' regarding any of the players here. Unless they hurt their back every f*cking year, or have arm surgery for fun every off season, everyone is an injury risk. Zumaya hurt himself playing a video game! Is he now an injury risk? Because Dye was hurt before, does that make him an injury risk? Every ball player has been hurt once to some degree. Now Griffey Jr, THERE is a player you can say that about! Everyone else???
  24. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Dec 26, 2006 -> 05:48 AM) I was an idiot the other day and took the wrong route to a bar. I ended up in one of those BS safety check road blocks and got hit with a $75 fine for not having a front plate installed. (I have an insert.) I was getting ready to pay the ticket online today when I noticed the Cop wrote my court date as 02/01/06 My lawyer dad doesn't think it's strong enough to pass, but I'm going to ask my cop buddy about this. I've heard of people beating tickets because their name or SSN was wrong, and recall reading something about dates being incorrect. Any good stories or advice? I got a $75 ticket reduced to $25 once because the cop had written so many tickets, the judge didn't hink he could hear them all. So, he told eveyone up fron if you plead guilty, $25 and off you go. He was taking 2 people per minute, until one guy got up and said he wanted to plead innocent. The judge was pissed and made him wait until eveyone else was done. Good luck with the date, though. Sometimes judges get pissed at the cops, so you may get lucky. Other times, they will get pissed at you.
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