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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(Shamrock4Life @ Dec 19, 2006 -> 02:47 AM) i think williams would retire before signing on as a bench player. and having him as a starter makes our offense even slower. You may be underestimating the tremendous egos of alot major league players. The desire to play, and the money, can be strong influences.
  2. "All i want for Christmas is richard Gere's a*****e!
  3. QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 18, 2006 -> 05:51 AM) Reagan after leaving office went and gave a little speech in Japan for US$3,000,000. Carter went and built homes and championed for human rights around the globe. I am forgetting, and it's late, what did Carter earn a Nobel prize for? I guess that broght disrespect to the office. Bush would kill her in a debate, so why would he be afraid? Why would he be chicken? YASNY, worse in your lifetime? Worse than Ford? Nixon? No, Tex, the disrespect for the office came every time he opened his mouth the last 6 or 7 years when he slams the US, Bush, etc for whatever perceived slight he sees. Isn't he an American? How about trying to change things from within if you believe something is wrong? Instead, he sucks up to every anti-American he can find, every crackpot thats available, and continues to take swipes at this great country. Hate Bush all you want, show a little respect for the office. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/1456239.stm The third paragraph says it all. He consistently talks like he is still an insider, privy to the goings on in negotiations and cabinet meetings, when in fact he is no where near the inner working of things to be able to make half the statements he does.
  4. QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 18, 2006 -> 04:21 AM) Interesting, if the former President Bush was challenged to a debate by Cindy Sheehan, would he be chicken for not responding? GMAB people. The lack of respect for Presidents is appalling. I don't think any of you would have been saying this if Reagan turned down a challenge from someone. And say what you will about Carter, but he has lived a very noble life. I believe he has walked the talk for many decades. Could you imagine Reagan building homes for poor people? Traveling the world to monitor elections. I am far prouder of Carter than anyone that followed him. Tex, if former President Bush wrote a book on how wonderful the war in Iraq was, etc, then you may have a point. jimmy should stick to building houses. He sucked at forwegn policy when he was President, and got screwed in any legacy he might have had by Iran, and has been dying to make it up since. certifying elections? He can't get facts straight in his own book, what is his opinion on certifying elections worth? He certifies elections in Mozambique and Ethiopia , where a rush to certify the election results despite widespread accusations of vote rigging had even the EU questioning him. Dershowitz is criticized for supposedly not citing sources, while Carter gets a pass for lifting passages and completly wrong facts? Carter sucked as a President. When he started HFH, he was doing a good thnig. Then somehow he decided to try and become important again, and is in way over his head. As for respect, he needs to show the office a little respect himself.
  5. It seems that alot of people here seem to think that the Sox will either be no better or even worse than last year. Do you have the same thoughts about our central foes? Rodgers had one his best years ever. I thik last year was the first time he has put together a complete year ever. Will he do that again, or revert to his old self? Bonderman has his best year ever in his brief career. Will he go back to being a .500 pitcher? Will Verlander continue his good ptiching, or will the sophomore jinx get him as it has so many before him? Same with Zumaya? And Miner? Robertson was only .500, which was his second best year ever! If these pitchers go back to 'average', detroit only wins 80-85 games next year. Noone knows for sure until the games are played. Every team has players that under performed and over performed. The Sox won 90 games while vastly underperforming. If the pitching was even average last year, 95 wins should have been a real possibility. While I would like some of the free agents out there, not sure if I would have liked them at the prices they are commanding. Hall was a good move. Hopefully, there will be one or two more to come.
  6. http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/12/15/D8M1FLN80.html Um, Jimmy? YOU know nothing about the situationin Palestine! I think you said you wanted to 'stimulate debate on the Israeli-Palastine issues'. If so, then why not debate? Chicken!
  7. Can you say 'conspiracy'? Maybe Nifong should learn to bend over and say 'yes, bubba'. Apparently he conspired witht the lab to HIDE EVIDENCE. http://www.newsobserver.com/1185/story/521773.html
  8. Al managed to squeeze in almost all the season two highlights in the video.
  9. http://www.ohgizmo.com/2006/12/13/usb-hump...og-flash-drive/ No explination needed, just click the link.
  10. QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 14, 2006 -> 02:41 PM) How would requiring selecting someone with different views honor the voter's intent? I don't see anyone here mentioning anything about Federal. My point is honor the intent of the voters and select someone similar in views. So far no one has tackled this from the voter's perspective. Where was the intent of the voters when Jeffords switched parties a few years back and changed the makeup of the Senate? Or how about when Republican Senator Paul Coverdale died of a stroke in 2000 and the Democratic governor appointed a Democrat in his place? Sure, it was Zell Miller, but at the time noone knew he was more R than D. Johnson narrowly defeted Thune this last time, so there was a lot of voter intent for the other guy as well.
  11. NC Congressman asks DOJ to investigate Nifong http://www.newsobserver.com/102/story/520846.html Not only was there DNA evidence that she had sex prior with her 'boyfriend', but there were traces from other males as well, none of them the Lacrosse players. http://www.newsobserver.com/100/story/521017.html
  12. QUOTE(Soxy @ Dec 13, 2006 -> 04:29 PM) You do know that Iran isn't an Arab country, right? Doesn't matter. They still don't care about the Palastinians, just use them as an excuse for their behavior and atitudes.
  13. The Arabs don't really give a s*** about the Palastinians, they just use that as an excuse to be terrorist and give some sort of justification for their Israeli hate. If they cared so much, they would have let them emigrate years ago instead of having them live like they do. None of the other Arab countries want them, but Israel should be forced to take them? yeah, right.
  14. I say we take some death row inmates, microchip them, let them loose in iraq, and when the terrorists capture them, we can find out where they are and send a missle to say hi.
  15. QUOTE(Melissa1334 @ Dec 12, 2006 -> 12:54 AM) yes, i was perfectly aware of the trade, after all, freddy was my favorite player on the sox. but i said we havent spent money, that was a salary dump/thinking of the future trade. >i wouldnt mind seeing the sox get hall as a backup, but im sure some1 else might offer him more years and might like him as a starter >btw, i hope we can get a catcher that can actually hit a bit when he bats and isnt an automatic out. Would you have actually been happy had the Sox offered $28 million for Batista? or $40 million for Lilly? I am not so sure I would be.
  16. Like PA said, if you belong to a credit union, they usually have some decent deals and can get you taken care of fast.
  17. I did telemarketing many many years ago, so i TRY to be nice. But when the same place calls me every other week, and despite my attempts to get off their list, I start to get rude. Plus, I have a simple last name. JUDD, you know, like the country singers or the actress? When someone pronounces it JUDE, I go nuts. Its a simple f*cking name. Do you live in a cave and not listen to any music or watch any movies? OTHERWISE, I try to be nice, really I do. Just ask Juddling, he hears me on the phone with them daily.
  18. QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 11, 2006 -> 10:13 PM) I like your version better. Of course we both know that Rush would attack that and show a pretty map that shows most of the country agrees with Bush and call this media bias. Sure, but Rush is an opinion show with some news, not a news show. You expect it from Rush. You expect it from that ESPN reject Obermann or whatever his name is, you expect it from Air America and Hannity, you don't, or at least shouldn't, expect it from an average CNN reporter.
  19. QUOTE(Damen @ Dec 11, 2006 -> 09:39 PM) For four years, Bush has been telling us Iraq has been getting better while things have gotten steadily worse. How do you propose a reporter describe the obvious disconnect between what President Bush is telling the American people about Iraq, and what is actually happening in Iraq, without being biased? "While many feel the situation in Iraq is an unwinnable one, the President still stands firm in his belief that the United States will prevail. However, his view may be in the minority when compared to the rest of the country." There was a different way to say it without trying to slam the President. We get it, you don't like Bush, think he is dumb, think he is the devil, Hitler, whatever.
  20. QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 11, 2006 -> 06:44 PM) I think many people confuse stories about when "their" candidate does something wrong as biased. As soon as their candidate screws up, it's biased coverage. It is also impossible to balance every story, every issue. During something like the Monica Lewinsky affair, there just wasn't enough positive news to ever balance the coverage that Clinton was getting. Tex, it is biased when the reporter interjects opinion into it. When Clinton scolded the nation with his 'i didn't screw monica' rant, did Brit Hume report that 'Clinton is talking crazy-talk there', or 'I don't know what Kool-aid he's drinking, but maybe he should share'? No, they didn't. She was interjecting her opinion when Bush said that he thought we could still win. He not only drank the Kool-aide but made it' inplies that SHE thinks not only is he nuts, but it is his own doing. And while that OPINION may be true, it does not belong in the news, from a REPORTER. And yes, there are many instinces where the lines are blurred, but when you sign off 'reporting from the white house', that sounds pretty clear what it was supposed to be.
  21. QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 11, 2006 -> 10:19 AM) In all fairness, Bill O'Reilly use the Kool-Aid analogy quite regularly. Yeah, but O'reilly isn't 'news'. This was a CNN REPORTER broadcasting live, not a talk show host, or someone like O'Reilly, or Larry King.
  22. http://newsbusters.org/node/9539 Its lines like these by REPORTERS that make one question the agendas in news. Yes, I know, I post things like this before. Sometimes I agree it is just laziness on the reporters part, but this? Come on, her bias is showing about as loud as that pink thing she is wearing.
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