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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. What? Not $6 million???!?! Ithought that was the going rate these days?
  2. QUOTE(iWiN4PreP @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 12:14 AM) Thats so far what im leaning to, something small like that then dinner/dressup + card. =). and lol @ juddling, nice. =] Don't let Bill fool ya. He did that once, but if he did that now, his wife would kill him!
  3. After reviewing the platforms several times, I am suprised at the many places I agree in part or whole with the lot of you. Especially Rex. However, in the areas I disagree, there is a wide gap. And I disagree with the whole group of you on rebuilding NO. Not going to get into thathere, justI don't think the government should be doing it. At the moment I am torm between Tex and Northside.If I can come up with something to differentiate between you two for me, I'llbe sure to let you know. If only our real elections were this 'clean', eh?
  4. Until he plays, he is just a prospect. When he hits .300, then gloat, or whatever.
  5. Yeah,just forget the advice from this republican who has been happily married for 16+ years. I have no idea whatit takes to keep a woman happy.
  6. Find out what her favorite color is and buy her a bunch of little things in that color. If it is purple, maybe some purple flowers, grape candy, a purple tshirt, teddy bear, etc. Kinda cheesy, but it could work.
  7. With starting pitchers signing for the GDP of a third world nation, we had better get a boatload of players for any of our starters in return
  8. ", dozens -- if not hundreds -- of voters have reported problems at the polls." There is a pretty big difference between 36 and 200. or could it be that the writer wants to make it appear to be worse than it is by including the 'if not hundreds' part? Plus, beacuse she won one country, she should have won the other 3? "Her experts claim that because Jennings won in Sarasota by a 52 percent-to-47 percent margin -- the only county she carried -- she would have picked up the bulk of any votes that were lost." Earlier it said the district spread over 4 counties, with the supposed problem in one. So we have 36 vs 200, and 1 county vs 4. Looks like alot of 'ifs'.
  9. EvilMonkey

    Fugitive Tips

    Well...as George Costanza once said "The only thing better than conjugal visit sex is fugitive sex!!!!"
  10. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Nov 22, 2006 -> 03:20 AM) So out of the 200 or so people on my flight to Jakarta, not one of them was following the religion as tightly as a few american muslims. Now being that I was the outsider looking in here, wouldnt they act like themselves on this plane going home. Maybe again these were just moderate muslims who dont follow it as strictly as their american bretheren. But then again logic points out that out of the 200, I am sure there was probably someone that was more strict. Well I decided to call a co-worker who is Indonesian, and a muslim. I asked him how he coped going back for a wedding a few weeks ago, with not being able to pray. He said that he said his prayers just like usual. He said that they are supposed to stand before Allah as part of the prayers, however that on flights due to flight restrictions it is okay to sit and say their prayers and that is what he used to say. This is what his Imam had taught him back in Indonesia. It's always different, SS2K, it's always different.....
  11. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 04:59 PM) Yeah, last week. Kind of ruins his scenes in Harold and Kumar if you ask me. (In your best John Lovitz voice) It's Ak-ting!
  12. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 04:31 PM) For most cases, this is fundamentally incorrect. The Drug companies have virtually no interest in actually finding a cure for most diseases; it's the least profitable way to treat a sick patient. By far a more profitable action is to treat the symptom, or to find a way to treat the patient's symptoms and keep them alive without curing them, because then the patient is dependent on the drug company for the long-term. There is a reason that a huge slice of the products we're seeing produced by drug companies in the past few years treat things like Acid Reflux disease, erectile dysfunction, and so on; it's much, much, much more profitable to create a drug that a patient has to take several hundred times than it is to create a new cure for something that a patient takes to become fully healthy. Drug company research has a fundamentally different goal than that of research done by the government. Drug company research is done with its priority as: what would be the most profitable, government research is done as: what is the most useful, most high potential research. A drug company will not turn away money of course if a cure is developed, but developing cures is not their business. The PR value alone in finding a cure for cancer or AIDS would be almost immeasurable.
  13. Well, what if the lab DID f*ck up and test the wrong sample, and is now trying to cover its butt? A French lab, coming up with the results that take a victory away from an American. Hmmmm. Where's my tinfoil hat when I need it? But seriously, it sounds a bit like a coverup on the part of the lab. Especially since they refer to Landis as 'the American', nor Mr. Landis, or Floyd Landis, etc.
  14. I like the line "We could take another righty if they can't help us win. We aren't forced to have another lefty." Unfortunatly, Ozzie doesn't always think that way when selecting which pitcher to bring in.
  15. I have a question for all of you running that posted your platforms. To a person, you all put down that you support stem cell research. Support it how? By allowing private research, or by using taxpayer dollars to fund it?
  16. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 07:25 AM) Of course, as you seem so fond of saying, I'm sure it's different this time. It's always different. I think you have me confused with Kap on that line. It doesn't matter when he nominates them,. If congress is open for business, then business should be done, not hold off on everything until the new guys get there. Otherwise, shut it down until the new people arrive. He is the pres, he gets to nominate, they get to vote.
  17. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 05:51 AM) Yet on the other hand, when Bush renominates guys like Bolten, Tomlinson, and half a dozen judges, all of whom the Senate has already rejected, right after the election, and I try to point out to you that basically the day the Senate was called for the Dems Bush was already flipping the Dems the middle finger, suddenly you jump onto bashing Kerry and Clinton and others for being almost as ungodly wrong as Bush was about the war. I fail to see how Bush nominating the people he wants to fill open positions is 'flipping off the Dems'. Should he nominate someone that Rangle wants instead? No, he nominates who HE wants.Then the Senate gets to do their job. And if they block people simply because they 'don't like him', or that they are too mean, well, that will just come back to bite them come next election time. That's called putting them on record, and if theyhave nothing to be ashamed of, then vote no. If Bush's picks are truely out there,then it will come back to haunt theGOP instead.
  18. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 20, 2006 -> 05:38 AM) This guy just Rules. No, that guy is just a sore loser with waaaaay too much time on his hands.
  19. EvilMonkey


    I wonder if theIRS is keeping track of those who sold one for big $$$ to see if they claim the profit as income? Spend $600, make $3000, sounds like capital gains, baby!
  20. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 14, 2006 -> 08:44 PM) Some gentle condescension from Michael Moore. The sentiment is kinda sweet actually. It seems a poster at DU claims that Moore ripped her off instead of trying to be original. http://www.democraticunderground.com/discu...mesg_id=2716486
  21. If his staff is not aware of his anti-Wal-Mart stance, they should just quit now. SS2K is correct, 2 issues here: Hypocracy in shopping at Wal-mart and trying to jump the line by using his 'position'. I am afraid that the second one in particular is quite popular with alot of people in positions of 'power', regardless of political affiliation.
  22. http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories....6445&EDATE= This is the same Edwards that appears regularly at Wal-Mart bashing rallys, such as this: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/06217/711365-85.stm Hahahahahahaha!!!!! Will the unions ever forgive him?
  23. Despite our many discussions on here, your platform interests me. I am really interested in your answer to Tex's question above, and have a rather odd one myself. Organ donation. Right now, it is illegal to sell your organs. All transplant patients are placed on a list, and assessed risk values and such, and usually first come, first serve. The doctors make money off this every step of the way, but the insurance companies lose, and the the actual donors get nothing. With the serious shortage of donated organs, many people die while on the waiting lists. I have a proposal, that will take some work to get the insurance companies to go along, but may increase the available organs. You start by creating regional districts across the country to serve the transplant lists. Not too practical to ferry a heart from California to Florida. Second, you have insurance companies pay the deceased's estate a fixed amount for various organs that they donate. These are paid by the transplant recipient's insurance. It is optional to donate, not manditory. The amounts are also not too large, to prevent someone from killing a spouse for some quick cash. Say, $2000 for a heart, $1000 for a kidney, etc. Enough organs can cover the cost of a good funeral, and help a family in thier time of need. It also would increase the flow of available organs into the system. Insurance companies may balk at first, but $1000 for a new kidney is cheaper than dialysis for a year. The placement on the donor lists remains the same, so having moeny doesn't (or shouldn't!) put you to the front of the list, like it currently is. Doctors balk at the prospect of donors making money for their organs, but have no problems making money transplanting them. Would you favor, or be open to the idea, of some sort of program to increase the availability of organs that compensated the donors in a small way? I realize that there are more details needed in my plan, but it is a start.
  24. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 16, 2006 -> 07:55 PM) I believe that on-line forums are an excellent vehicle for keeping in touch with my constituents. I would continue to explore these threads as I have consistently and continuously for the past several years. That wasn't a personal attack, that was the evilmisquoter As long as it wasn't the evilAttorney General! I'll try not to jail too many people.
  25. Seems Reid has his own 'Hastert' deal. Toobad the media couldn't report this BEFORE the election. http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na...-home-headlines
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