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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Got 5 right. Not sure whattipped me eitherway, since I only got half right.
  2. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 15, 2006 -> 05:40 PM) Well so far we have deals by Blago and Barak on the Rezko list, next up, Luis Gutierrez http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/i...1&cset=true But I thought he was just a Republican problem?
  3. WHile I agree most people tend to overvalue thier own prospects and players, we can do better for BA. I would still rather keep him, I believe there are good things in store for him.
  4. I only got 1 reply when I posted it last month. Not sure people are interested. http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=55116
  5. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 14, 2006 -> 01:20 AM) Exactly my point in saying I don't like either of them. Murtha's one of the classic pork-guys, who brings lots of dollars to his district, and who has casually benefited from a few of those deals. Hoyer's one of the Republican-lite lobbyist friends, who's big in with things like banking, etc. He was really big in helping get the bankruptcy bill/credit card company bailout bill passed a year ago. If murtha is 'casually', then Hastert is 'incidentally'.
  6. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Nov 13, 2006 -> 01:39 PM) Because the mundane, worthless, mind numbing work I do for them will NEVER be worth the amount of money they pay me. Not only that, who are they to say when I should wake up, when I should show up, and where I should do my work? Why can't I roll out of bed at 2 PM, get it done by 10 PM and do it in my underwear, on my bed and with a beard on my face? If the work is done, it's done, right? Who cares how, where or when (when, obviously being on time)? And if your employees are getting the work you need done ON TIME while taking off these sick days without actually being sick, what are you angry about? You want to scrap every inch of work and life out of your employees just so you can get the best bang for your buck? How about you give them a little incentive first? Reward people who don't pull out the bull s*** on you. There is no single reason for any one of your employees to put in the extra mile if you think they're "stealing" from you when they take a sick day off for the "wrong" reasons. They probably hate the work they're doing in the first place, and in the second place, if not for economic reasons, they'd never, EVER show up. Fact is, if you want to cut down on people taking days off they shouldn't then don't give them sick days. How many people are really sick 3 weeks a year anyway? I've been sick to the point of not being able to get out of bed maybe 3 days in the past 5 years. And I see my dad, a business owner, sign the check all the time. His philosophy is do the work whenever you want, just so long as it gets done and it gets done in time. If somebody wants to party and not do work for the day, they don't even have to tell him. His policy seems to work. (Some jobs I feel different about. I.E. teachers. And if I come of like a prick, I don't mean to, it's just my writing style. It's your business, you can do whatever you like. I just feel differently.) Some businesses you may be able to 'get the work done' from 2-10 in your underwear. Some you can't. I own a printshop, with regular retail-like hours, and people need to be HERE during those hours to get the work done. Not home nursing a hangover, or because they feel a little blue. I hired them to do a job, during the hours that I decided the job should encompass. if they don't lilke that, they are free to look for employment elsewhere. THAT'S the bottom line. My people are rewarded with a paycheck, one that is slightly higher than the average for stores of my type. I am flexible with days off. Short notice is fine if someone needs a day off, they can use their flex days, or vacation days if needed. I don't know what your dad's business is, but if it can support that kind of attitude, that is great. Mine, and alot of others, can't. Also, most people wouldn't go to any work if they didn't have to. If you hate your job so much and are so severly uunderpaid, maybe it is time to change. Or better yet, start your own business, be your own boss, take off when you want and pay yourself what you are really worth.
  7. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Nov 13, 2006 -> 05:24 AM) Fire them all and get employees that don't abuse their sick days. You'll be hard pressed to find those kind of people unless you hire the Amish. The fact that we (well, not me, yet) have to work 9-5 five days a week is wrong if you ask me. There ain't nothing wrong with taking a day off to get smashed, to see some sights or go to the Sox game if my life is so mundane that 8 hours of every single day is spent doing something that certainly doesn't "better" anyone's life. Besides, you don't think the people on top aren't doing things that are wrong? Give me a break. Maybe you're a clean guy--and I'm not implying you aren't--but sometimes the man just needs to take it up the you know what. Sign your name at the bottom of the checks and see if you still feel the same way. Take a day off if you want. Why should the company have to pay you for it if you want to get smashed?
  8. I wonder, did Lieberman use a bible? Serious question.
  9. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 13, 2006 -> 04:06 AM) What if someone swore on a McDonald's Value Menu? would anyone have a problem with that? Would they be pledging to uphold the stomach-enlarging ability of trans-fat?
  10. QUOTE(FoxySoxGirl @ Nov 12, 2006 -> 04:36 AM) holy s***...that's a lot of sick days. In answer to your question as to why use sick days- Use them or lose them. Basically I have a certain amount that I have to use in a given year BUT that I don't plan on using. I therefore must use some so they're not a total waste. If you are not sick, then you are stealing from the company. They are given as a benefit, and to use them when you are not sick is wrong. Especially if you do it 'because everyone else does'. My people get 3 'flex' days. Sick, personal, whatever. Thishelps to avoid the phantom illness like you suggest.
  11. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Nov 13, 2006 -> 02:35 AM) But but but...he's a *gasp* Muslim and prays to a different invisible man than me! This faux outrage in this thread is almost as comical as Daniel Pipes' "invisible radar" in his head that tells him who the people are that want to create an Islamic state in the US. I know a guy who was in the Nation when he was younger as well. He's a really nice guy and we get along great. But I'm sure that he's just waiting for me to get my guard down before indoctrinating me or taking my white devil ass out, right EM? Come down of your f*cking high horse before you hurt yourself. Where do you see outrage? I said this just doesn't seem right to me, and it doesn't. I didn't say that this makes a mockery of the Constitution, or anything to even suggest moderate 'outrage'. THIS JUST DOESN"T SEEM RIGHT TO ME. Can you read that, or is YOUR faux outrage getting in the way?
  12. Keith Ellison, Minnesota congressman-elect, who has ties with the Nation of Islam and CAIR, is reported to ask to take his oath of office with a Koran. Would that imply that he is pledging to uphold Islamic law instead of the Constitution? This just doesn't seem right to me.
  13. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 12, 2006 -> 12:29 AM) Senator Menendez of NJ is facing a new round of subpoenas in a possible corruption case. Supposedly the prosecutor running this case is actually one of the Bush pioneers, but presumably he wouldn't be a federal prosecutor potentially going after a Senator if he didn't believe there was something there. I wonder why this didn't come out before he was elected?
  14. Boy....Rumsfeld and K-Fed both kicked to the curb within 24 hours of each other.....who would have thunk it?????
  15. At least it seems as if the teammates weren't taking it out on the son for his dad being a jerk. With the craziness of alot of sport parents, this guy is lucky one of them hasn't met him in the parking lot one night. Unreal.
  16. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 01:18 PM) We are a much more mobile society, the laws should reflect that. I agree. Then change the laws.
  17. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 7, 2006 -> 05:35 PM) Worth-your-time article in Salon actually looking at the people who are being disenfranchised by Arizona's voter-ID law. Tens, possibly hundreds of thousands...native americans, virtually all students (do you get a new drivers license every time you switch dorm rooms? If not, the address is incorrect and it can't be used) Balta, unless you change your voter registration to your college address, you still live at home. If you can't get home to vote, thats what absentee ballots are for. If you do change your registration to your college address, then it is your responsibility to keep the info current. If voting is so precious, why can't people exercise at least a little diligence in maintaining their records? And if those dozen voters had to reason to be voting in the first place, then the results are that much closer to being correct. Sure enough, on Sept. 12 an elderly Navajo woman from rural Chilchinbeto was barred by a poll worker from casting any ballot -- even a provisional one -- in the September primary. Agnes Laughter, who speaks only Navajo, lacked the proper I.D. "From just this one example, it is obvious that the ID requirement creates an undue burden on our citizens who are attempting to participate in the democratic process," one Navajo official, Speaker Lawrence Morgan, told the Gallup (New Mexico) Independent Don't they get tv on the reservation? Are these people so f@cking stupid that they don't have a clue? If she can't speak english, she probably can't rwad it either. How did she get to the polls? Someone drive her? Does that person have a clue? A nice sample letter to the editor about this story. Well, lets see, You need the ID to be correct when pulled over for a traffic stop, or an arrest. Most places the address on your ID better match the one on your checks if you write one. And if you are subletting 'off the books', then you are breaking the law. What a fine, solid upstanding citizen you are. Will there be mistakes made there? Oh, I am sure of it. Just as there are mistakes with the new voter machines, or any other new method they try for a while. This story offered zero proof that there could be "Tens, possibly hundreds of thousands..." turned away. If that many people in that state are that stupid to not follow the law.........
  18. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Nov 7, 2006 -> 05:36 PM) The great thing about Matthews is that each side believes he's for the other. That's a good commentator. Oh, and nice apostrophe. With the keyboard I have at home, I am lucky if there are spaces between the words!
  19. He basically called every white, Republican male in TN a racist. http://newsbusters.org/node/8847
  20. Maybe a roundhouse kick to the head will set those terrorists straight! http://www.mnf-iraq.com/index.php?option=c...&Itemid=109 Chuck Norris on special mission in Iraq Monday, 06 November 2006 By Lance Cpl. Ben Eberle 1st Marine Logistics Group Action stars Chuck Norris and Marshall Teague visit service members in Camp Taqaddum, Iraq, and take part in promoting Cpl. Lazaro A. Castillo, an intelligence specialist with Headquarters Company, 1st Marine Logistics Group (Forward). The actors pinned a new rank on two other Marines after Gen. Robert Magnus, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, presented all three with their promotion certificates. Castillo, 19, is from Lamesa, Texas. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Ben Eberle.CAMP TAQADDUM — Any military promotion is an honorable (and memorable) experience, but how many service members can say they’ve been promoted by a four-star general? It’s a relatively short list. How about a four-star general, an actor who brawled with Patrick Swayze and a career martial artist/cultural icon with a propensity for roundhouse kicks? Even the grandkids might have trouble believing that one. Corporals John W. Wright and Lazaro A. Castillo, intelligence specialists with Headquarters Company, 1st Marine Logistics Group (Forward), and Cpl. Romel M. Estremadura, a member of the 1st MLG Personal Security Detachment, earned these bragging rights and their present rank during a special promotion ceremony here Nov. 2. Gen. Robert Magnus, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, along with action stars Marshall Teague and Chuck Norris, joined a military formation of 20 service members to promote the three Marines. Magnus administered their oaths of enlistment and handed out the Marines’ promotion certificates before speaking to the crowd. “Most of the Marines standing before us joined in the middle of a lethal war,” said Magnus, referring to the entire formation. “You should all be proud. “What you’re doing is giving (the Iraqis) a chance, an opportunity. Most of you are rotating home, but the Iraqis are not going anywhere, they are home. You are helping them take back their own country, and they appreciate it.” Magnus alluded to a conversation he had with Maj. Gen. Tariq Abdul Wahab Jasim, commander of the 1st Iraqi Army Division. “General Tariq said you are all humanitarians, an interesting choice of words... but what he meant is that you are giving all of yourselves on behalf of his people,” Magnus explained. “I’ve never been prouder in 37 years than I am right now standing among the likes of you,” he added. Magnus received his commission in 1969, seven years after Norris, 66, completed his fourth year in the Air Force. Norris was a military police officer and took his first martial arts class while deployed to South Korea. For one of the recently promoted Marines, pinning on his new rank at the hands of a childhood hero seemed a fitting honor. “I grew up watching ‘Walker, Texas Ranger’ with my dad – we still watch reruns,” said Wright, a 21-year-old from Malakoff, Texas. He started laughing. “I guess it’s a Texas thing.”
  21. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 7, 2006 -> 12:25 AM) http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/nation/...al-oreilly.html If the allegations of rapes and illegal abortions aretrue, they shouldbe hailed as whistleblowers, exposing the rampant corruptionin the abortion industry! If therewas a half-green, I would put it in that. But seriously, if there is wrongdoing exposed here, how is that different from someone exposing national secrets to a newspaperand being thought of as a hero?
  22. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 7, 2006 -> 02:50 AM) the interesting follow-up on the robocall fiasco that I saw coming out of NH yesterday, is that most or all of the people being called were on the federal do-not-call-me list. That means that each of the calls is subject to a possible $1,000 fine, meaning that as of yesterday might the NRCC may have racked up as much as $10 million worth of unauthorized calls. Multiply that by the 6 or 8 places where this is happening the most and it could break the NRCC bank -- IF it were ever pursued and successfully prosecuted. I think that political solicitations are exempt from that list.
  23. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 6, 2006 -> 02:43 PM) The media only reports stories that fit with their devious bias, they hold secret meetings to decide which stories to run with and how to report it to make Republicans look bad. Republican's on the other hand are perfect, so the media has to make stuff up. I am so tired of any bad news for Republicans being portrayed as media bias. It is the most amazing political strategy of all time. Good news is the media finally getting it right and bad news is media bias. Tex, I had said that it would have been reported either way. YOU said
  24. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 6, 2006 -> 04:27 AM) If you don't think pressuring leaders of Iraq to issue a verdict before Tuesday didn't happen, you're incredibly naive. And just where did I say that? I said they REPORTED it because it was news, and that eitherway the verdict went, it would be reported. Youknow, if Saddam wouldn't have been so 'defiant' during his trial, this verdict would have been handed down months ago. Thanks, Saddam! Oh, and thank you, too, Ramsey Clark. I am sure you coached your client well. Too bad youl ost, and got thrown out of court! http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/world/i...ddam-clark.html
  25. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 5, 2006 -> 08:24 PM) ok, ok, you win. The United States military hates George W. Bush's policies. Europeans hate George W. Bush's policies. Islamists hate George W. Bush's policies. Republicans hate George W. Bush's policies. Christians hate George W. Bush's policies. Atheists hate George W. Bush's policies. And it goes without saying Democrats hate George W. Bush's policies. So, the entire world hates the man's policies. Get on with impeachment already of both Cheney and W. so Nancy can order drapes in the White House. And there's no green in this post. I'm serious. Hold on the impeachement, because after the elections, youwill have enough crybaby lawsuits to keep you busy for quite a while. When Lemontloses by about 5000 votes, cries of a stolen election will only be moments away, followed by a avalanch of lawyers. Same for when Ford loses.
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