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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 6, 2006 -> 12:59 AM) They've reported everywhere the verdict, making the President look good. The only reason they would report that is because they have a conservative bias. I believe that it was reported because it was news. Its relevance to GWB had no bearing on the reporting of it. If he was aquitted, do you think they would be silent?
  2. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Nov 4, 2006 -> 07:57 PM) Even the military media is liberal! More like USA Today is against the military, since all 4 of these are published by theGannettGroup and thewriters all work for USAToday. They are publications about the military, not by the military.
  3. Why can't gay couples enjoy the same rights as straight couples thru a civil union? That law change would be alot easier to make, and would let the straight people keep 'marriage' to themselves. If the ultimate objective is to get the same legal rights, what difference does a name make?
  4. EvilMonkey

    Samsung = OCP

    http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/tech-ga...un-sentry-robot Once they start deploying these in Detroit, all is lost! Call in Robocop!
  5. WhileTex and Balta may have problems with absentee voting in their areas, apparently New Mexico has a problem with fraudulent voter registration,possibly as high as 20% of the entire registered voting population. http://www.abqjournal.com/cgi-bin/print_it...4nm10-28-06.htm Oh, and Missouri has a problem with voterregistration, too. http://news.yahoo.com/s/kmbc/20061102/lo_kmbc/10214492
  6. I think I voted straight ticket when I first became able to vote, but since then I DO look at each candidate. Judges especially, when I can get info.
  7. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 2, 2006 -> 10:20 PM) Speaking of candidates who won't apologize, Sen. George Allen of Virginia won't even say what his handlers did was wrong when they tackled a "heckler" at a campaign event in front of TV cameras. http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/11/02/vir...e.ap/index.html Senator Allen IS up for reelection. Oh come on, Rex. How about posting the rest of the story so the drive-bys don't get the wrong idea? The guy is lucky he didn't get shot! Running after a Senator, pushing past security and/or 'people' while wearing a backpack, he is supremely stupid. And I am sure you are aware that he isn't just an ordinary heckler, but has his own blog (suprise!) and posts on Koz, and posted BEFORE the incident that he was gonna 'Michael Moore Allen' and see what will happen. I guess those facts aren't relevent that that, eh? HE should be apologizing to Allen for his attempted assault. As for the 'takedown', it looked a bit to me like he just turned himself into dead weight, like when a child decides he doesn't want to go where mom and dad are taking him and just drops to the ground. You know, for dramatic effect, since he planned this whole thing. I am glad Webb distanced himself from that wacko, since he was surely acting on his own. Here are some additional photos of the 'heckler' pushing past people tryinf to force his way to Allen. Again, he is lucky he wasn't tasered or shot. http://fredericksburg.com/News/Web/2006/10...2_html?qstart=1
  8. http://www.heritage.org/Research/NationalS...ty/cda06-09.cfm A study on the makup of military recruits from 2002-2005. Some relevent lines...
  9. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 2, 2006 -> 05:11 AM) Equating Kerry's remarks with Mark Foley's actions? Please, this is just silly. It's six days left until an election. And the GOP is losing on nearly every issue. So instead of defending their record, they attack.... a junior Senator... who isn't running for anything. I never equated Foleys actions with Kerrys words. I equated the reaction by both parties to something someone on the othert side did. Foley screwed up, and the Dems jumped on it for political gain, trying to paint the party in general as bad guys. Kerry insults the troops, despite his intentions, and makes it worse when trying to appear defiant, so the Republicans jump on it. You cry foul, and I just point out that both sides do it, such as with Foley, Limbaugh's words and Allen's possible use of words. And John Kerry has been in office since 1985. How does that make him a junior senator?
  10. QUOTE(S720 @ Nov 2, 2006 -> 04:32 AM) And I know you know damn well that there is no way the Republican Machine will let this slide by. I know you know damn well that they will unconscionably take advantage of this misspoken and not only smear Kerry's reputation but to group all of the Democrats in as well. Yeah, the Democrats would never do something like that. (Mark Foley) That would just be totally beneath them. (George Allen) Stick to the higher moral ground, as they say. (Limbaugh) The Democrats practically invented 'PC', so they should not be the least bit suprised when it comes back and bites them in the butt once in a while. When the Washington Post tries to dig up people to say GeorgeAllen MIGHT have said the N word 30 years ago and gives the Macaca story front page treatment for 3 weeks straightwhile trying to paint all Republicans withthe same brush, why shouldn't the Republicans try to get some traction from this. HE DID SAY IT. And BEFORE he issued his eventual apology, many liberal pundits weredefending him for saying it, not claiming he 'mispoke'. As for Cindy, if you want, we can discuss that in a differentpost so asnot got get too far away from the topic here. I have a feeling that yours and my opinions will be pretty far apart on her. And last, but not least, the same thing applies to the people youlisted. Their service record has no bearing on the validity of their views regarding war. Serving does not automatically make your view superior, or even better informed, nor does it give you a free pass from criticism.
  11. QUOTE(S720 @ Nov 2, 2006 -> 03:50 AM) Evilmonkey, have you ever served in the army? I attempted to join the Air Force, but my eyesight is pretty bad, so they said no. But that does not matter one hillof beans. My service or lack thereof has nobearing on whether or not my opinion on waris valid. If service/experience was required, then you should just STFU every time you utter a baseball related opinion. Unless, of course, you played professionally. Take that weak ass argument and go home. 1) Kerry f*ckedup and probably misspoke. 2) Kerry further compounded it with arogance by not apologizing right away and explaining his mistake. 3) For someone who likes to poke fun at Bush's smarts, he sure displays a lack of the same.
  12. QUOTE(S720 @ Nov 2, 2006 -> 03:41 AM) Tell Bush to apologize to the more than 2,800 soldiers who have died for the senseless war. Tell Bush to apologize to the wives and the children of those soldiers who never again will experience the warmth of a father and a husband presence. Wonder who is the "real" evilmonkey - the chimp? Oh please. You sound like you are reading from Cindy Shehan's book verbatim.
  13. QUOTE(S720 @ Nov 2, 2006 -> 02:35 AM) Bush owes troops an apology, not Kerry Olbermann: Bush ‘appearing to be stupid’ about Kerry’s joke Olbermann owes the human race an apology for being such a poor representation of what a man is supposed to be.
  14. I guess the media isn't as interested in this as the Foley story. CNN reporters actually expresstheir desire that they 'hope the story goes away soon'. http://newsbusters.org/node/8745 http://newsbusters.org/node/8746
  15. Murtha responds to Kerry! (I stole this from Ace of Spades)
  16. How did Claire ever make the cheer team being as clumsy as she is?
  17. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 06:17 PM) Link. That's like saying 'I'm sorry if you were offended, but not sorry that I said it.' No apology there. And since Kerry is still a possible candidate in 08, anything he says warrents a little attention. And when he digs himself deeper, it gets even funnier. I believe that he did intend to make a joke about Bush, but you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube once you squeezed it out. At least not easily.
  18. And I am sick and f*cking tired of people using the argument that if you haven't worn the uniform, then you can't criticize or have an opinion about the war/military. f*** you, John Kerry. The fact that you 'served' doesn't give you immunity from still being a class A prick.
  19. Since Kerry thinks all the soldiers in Iraq are dumb, and Charlie Rangel assures us that almost all the soldiers stuck in Iraq are black and hispanic, does that mean Kerry thinks that blacks and hispancis are dumb?
  20. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 08:13 PM) Come on, seriously, how in the world can you actually be enough of a fan to go to a show by someone like Streisand and not expect to hear their political views? Does anyone actually go to a Toby Keith show and not expect a lil' bit o' politics? If I go to a Pearl Jam show, I'm expecting some amount of anti-Bush stuff. Well, since shehas beensinging since the Stone Age, she has some long time fans thatreally wantto hear her sing. Why, I have no idea, but theydo. Up until Bush becamePresident, did you ever hear her opening her yap about politics? probably not, since shewould saysomething stupid like "[Republican control of the House has resulted in] Poison in the water, salmonella in the food, carbon dioxide in the air and toxic waste in the ground." Again, her anti-Bush tirades, while well know, have not been reported on as happening during her shows until recently. Tickets for the shows have been sold out for months, well before the news of them came out, so no backing out now. I try to ignore the politics of performers, as long as they don't put it in my face. Hate GWB? Fine, just shut up and entertaine me. And cracking badjokes about Bush isn't gonna cut it. Sing, act, catch the ball, whatever it is, do what I paid money to see/hear you do. When you make the other stuff front and center, it changes things. Now with Pearl Jam, that has been going on for a while, and has been reported before, so yeah, you should expect it. Sidenote: sorry about the lack of spacing sometimes. My keyboard at home seems to be dying, or at least the space bar.
  21. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/arti...c=NEWS&ct=5
  22. I wonder which politician has such a high opinion of the military? John Kerry http://www.kfi640.com/pages/JohnZiegler.ht...;article=457655 click on the audio link for John's praise of our military's intelligence.
  23. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 01:52 PM) http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/15889727.htm While I love a good demonstration, this falls flat with me for a couple reasons A. Don't throw stuff at people B. Don't ruin other people's enjoyment of the show who paid $$$$. C. You know what you are getting, and it just isn't Evergreen. Stay outside and picket, yell, sing chants, etc. It's a great venue and stage to get out your message. Tex, not saying you said these, but I remember lots of people on here raving when conservatives get hit with pies, or have hecklers try to talk them down from a speech or something. babs should just stay out of politics, at least in her shows. She is supposed to be an entertainer, and by taking political positions, she is potentially alienating half her audience, like the Dixie Chicks did. Shut up and sing like the trained monkey you are, and spout your politcs after the show. That being said, they should be charged, just like the pie throwers should have been, etc.
  24. EvilMonkey

    Bye Bye Taurus

    QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Oct 30, 2006 -> 02:53 PM) 95 Tbird that I put 150,000 miles Montero Sport. Once I hit 60,000 135, 000 out of a base model 1992 Cavelier 120,000 out of a 1993 Sunbird 99,000 from my 1988 Daytona 60,000 on the PT Cruiser To achieve that many miles, you're either are 97 years old.... or drive a 16-wheeler with the wrong rig Sold insurance for 4 years, then drove from Chicago Heights to Bloomingdale 6 days a week for 16 years. Just to work is about 25k per year, 110 miles roound trip. The Tbird had 40,000 on it when I got it, but the rest were mine. Plus yearly trips to Carbondale to visit relatives, wife driving some of the vehicles (half the cavileir ones were hers), and the Montero, Dakota and PT Cruiser ones are delivery vehicles for my company. I drive alot. Although now that I am in Plainfield, it is only about 35 miles each way, compared to 54, so I guess I get a little break.
  25. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 30, 2006 -> 03:28 PM) Please in the transcript for this commerical point out where the ballot initiative was mentioned. Transcript from the commercial: Please in the transcript for this commercial point out where he talked about anything else concerning Claire except for stem cell research. He may not have mentioned the initive by name, but surely you are not stupid enough to think that wasn't what he was talking about. Or are you?
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