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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 21, 2006 -> 10:28 PM) I am saying it is nearly impossible to prove, there are dozens of explainations, and I have a hard time believing Russian sources. And if you believe the article, a Rep was a co-conspirator. That makes even more sense. Actually,the article just says that Teddy and the Rep had worked together on some anti-nuke stuff before, and that teddy would try to get him to go along. It didn't say that this rep knew anything about teddy and the KGB.
  2. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 21, 2006 -> 01:23 PM) Sure, Reagan was a genious, he got Ted to help him play good cop bad cop with the Russians. First off I take these things with a giant bit of scepticism. Notice they also mentioned a Rep. So many explainations. Diplomacy and war mongering at the same time, carefully orchestarted by the State Department. Someone exaggerating things to write a book and get it noticed. Ted being a commie. The entire Democratic Party as Communists sympathisers. BTW, wasn't it Reagan's group that held negotiations with the Iranians to keep the hostages until after the election? I believe there was considerable talk about arms for hostages? I place all these reports in the same light. So, are you saying that Teddy WILLING went along with a good cop/ bad cop thing with Ronnie in order to help defeat the evil empire, or that it is a good thing Teddy was a traitor because it eventually helped us in the end? Plus, apparently news ofthis has been out for a while, at least since 2004. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1240644/posts
  3. 1. Best airport : I liked the one in Springfield, MO. Like Gary, parking real close, it was clean and new, and had a good barwhile I waited. 2. Worst airport: I am gonna say Dallas, since the 4 times I had to fly thru there, my connecting flight was always as far on the other side as you could possibly get, so I had to run a marathon just to reach my flights. 3. Best airline 4. Worst airline: ATA - see 4 & 5 5. Longest air travel excursion: a flight home from Vegas that lasted about forever (on ATA) 6. Funniest/best/worst air travel experiences: coming home from Vegas after New Years. Weget to the airport, and our flight is delayed. After about an hour and a half, they tell us that they are going to give our plane to another flight, because their plane is broke and has been broke for the last 4 hours. A new plane will be assigned to us when it arrives in another 30 minutes. So, you have group a, whos planehas been broke for 4+ hours already pissed. Now, you go and piss off group B even more by stealing their plane to give to group A. You have now just doubled the size of pissed off people, real great customer service. So, afterthey do the switch, it really takes about 2 hours for the new plane to arrive. And when it does, theyneed to clean it, get the new crew, etc., so it will be another hour until it is ready to leave.But thekicker is, the plane that arrived was smaller than the one we had, so 50 people wouldn't be making that flight. They tried to bump my wife, but not me, that didn't fly. My temper was getting the best of me and I let them know it(thankfully this was pre-9/11). We FINALLY get on the plane, and they changed seating around, so my wife was now 6 rows behind me, and they had no refreshments at all (really could have gone for a stiff drink right then) and the attendants were very rude. We finally get to Ohare, and it is snowing, hard enough that planes are having trouble getting into and out of the gates. Our gate has a plane that is stuck, but becausethey are all full, we can't use another one. So, we wait on the tarmac. For 2 hours! About half way thru that, some people decided they had to go to the bathroom, and they were told theyhad to sit back down or they could be arrested. Finally, about 40 people enmass got up and went back to the bathroom andtook turns. After eventually getting to a gate, nothing happened to the 40. We got a $100 travel voucher for our troubles with the delays and switches, which I neverused. Also never used ATA again.On the plus side, with all my anger, my fear of flying was nowhere to be found that trip.
  4. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 21, 2006 -> 04:34 AM) Amazing what one guy could do. If only he had a few more minutes to solve cancer, hunger, and Dole's ED. Any comments on Teddy, instead of Nuke's praise of Ronnie?
  5. http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewNation.asp?Page...T20061020b.html
  6. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Oct 21, 2006 -> 01:54 AM) Dude, what do you do with your time??? This is what he does when the boss leaves the store.
  7. Rays causing Pain or, in your best Tattoo voice, D-rays on daPlane, daPlane!
  8. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 19, 2006 -> 05:02 PM) And of course, actually um, being able to lobby for and vote for legislation that puts a highway exit ramp right by that land and therefore massively increases the value is clearly not nearly as bad as dealing with a local zoning commission over which Reid has zero control. Well, his partner in Partrick Lane LLC was a Jay Brown. The same Jay brown that has reported links to organized crime, and figures in a federal criminal case, which concerns bribing members of the Clark County Zoning Commission, the same commission that changed the zoning for Reid. In fact, the land he 'purchased' from the feds was supposed to be sold at auction, but he apparently had that rulke suspended, and managed a landswap to aquire the land. Seems like Reid could have had quite alot of input here. http://www.nypost.com/seven/10162006/posto...d_morrissey.htm
  9. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 19, 2006 -> 03:56 PM) Frappin Clinton News Network , always giving more coverage to Democrats. Just so you know, the land in question for Hastert was 5.5 miles away and is next to the property that his home sits on. Not quite the same as buying land that was depressed because of zoning, getting zoning changed for THAT land, then selling it for a hugew profit, like Reid.
  10. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 19, 2006 -> 03:46 AM) He has to move right to get out of the primaries, unless the Dems just beat the s*** out of the Repubs, and I'm still not convinced that this is going to happen quite yet. It's all about the turnout, and I think people are going to be surprised at the turnouts. Just like Dems move left to get out of the primaries.
  11. i realize its a show and all but to say the hatch is nothing but a hole in the ground yet the three in the hatch get blown outward to various parts of the island without any major injuries was pretty laughable. and this is from a HUGE fan. Locke's flashback was interesting as it showed him getting burned again by someone he trusted.
  12. The biggest, and most important difference here is that the solders are IN JAIL, and will be TRIED FOR THEIR CRIMES. While are you hell-bent on equating terrorists with anything resembling normal society? Our solders do this despicable act, the rest of us are horrified and embarrassed. Muslims do this same crap, they either cheer or just turn the other cheek and ignore that it even happened.
  13. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 07:18 PM) My fear was pretty mild until I was flying back from Brazil this summer. We hit a rough patch of air flying over the Venezuelan coast. Personally, I blame Chavez. Someone must have inadvertantly hit a button that reset the call lights for the flight attendants because as the turbulence woke me up, I saw the attendant call lights turn on and off synchronized three times in a row. I freaked out a bit. My first flight had me sitting by a window, behind the wing, with a good view of the engine. I kept staring at it, swearing that I saw it vibrating and coming loose. Then, as the plane landed, I saw the 'brakes' flip back from the engine covering to slow the plane down. I almost screamed, thinking the engines were falling apart during landing. But like someone on here mentioned, I just stared down the flight attendents, who seemed oblivious to what I THOUGHT was going on, so I was able to hold it together. Headphones, a good book, and a few shots, you'll be fine.
  14. I also hate flying. With every little noise part of my brain is screaming that the engine is falling off. Drugs, and a tight grip on the arm rest is about all I can do most of the time. Occasionally, at least while mid-flight, a good book distracts me from the fact that I am on a plane. But takeoffs and landing I am a mess inside. One time i had to take one of those commuter planes to missouri. I swear it was like riding a rollercoaster. My bouys loved it, I thought I was gonna pass out. Good luck! 2 hours is about all I think I can take.
  15. The Patriot Project will defend all men and women, regardless of party or affiliation,
  16. QUOTE(juddling @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 04:17 AM) ...well, if he decides to run...they can always get Tommy Lee Jones to chase him down The drugs must be affecting your humor.
  17. They won't rein in Hezzbola, but they'll fire on Israeli airplanes? Tell me how this makes sense. C'mon, you know you want to. This whole world is just so f*cked in the head it makes me sick. Maybe it is a ploy to calm the 'Muslim street' brewing in their own cesspool of a country. http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/775387.html
  18. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 12:56 AM) He was that Congressman who had the affair with the page back in 1983 and got reelected after being censured.... He died last week. He's legally married in Massachussets. Congressmen receive a pension and after death, their spouse is entitled to death benefits equalling 50% of the pension. Congressman Studds' spouse was denied this pension. Because Congressman Studds' spouse is another man. And whose fault is this? Bill Clinton's. http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachus...ecause_hes_gay/ Equal people deserve equal rights. Democrats or Republicans. I don't think congressmen deserve any pension on our dime, whichever way their dicks swing. Let them fend for themselves in ss like the rest of us suckers, or spend their own money on an IRA.
  19. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 17, 2006 -> 01:22 PM) Instant death penalty, what a great way to combat crime. Added bonus, the Chinese media got the story right. I saw that a few days ago. How can anyone say with a straight face that they fought back with the Army! They must have that Shaggy song as their theme song. 'Wasn't me"
  20. None of these would work unless they shortened the regular season. Otherwise we will be playing World Series games on Turkey-day while wearing parkas.
  21. QUOTE(SouthsideNorthsideFan @ Oct 15, 2006 -> 02:54 PM) Pinella wasn't talking about finding wallets. It was a metaphor - regarding their big money players & Scutaro. Lyons was insinuating that Spanish speaking folks are likely thieves. BIG difference. And learn to spell like a Sox fan if you're going to put that out there so boldly. Lou's metaphor sucked, Steve's attempt at humor was lame, Fox overreacted. Lyons wasn't insinuating that spanish speaking folks are thieves, merely that Lou was (or could be, which was the lame attempt at humor). And my spelling has nothing to do with Steve's lack of humor.
  22. Oh come on. Pinella is talking about finding wallets and Steve says that, and gets fired for it? This world has gotten too damn sensative, PC or whatever bulls*** you want to call that. It's not like he called him a wetback or something. If it was Lou that got upset, I am suprised that the crazy sob could rememberwhat was said the next day. I swear he sounds either drunk or senile (or both?)every time I hear him.
  23. Looks like the timing was off, but the filing has finally happened. http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/10/13/D8KNVB6O0.html
  24. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 12, 2006 -> 03:17 PM) Another good one here... it turns out whoever is putting up stories for the democratic party can't tell the different between an American soldier and a Canadian one. http://www.captainsquartersblog.com/mt/archives/008234.php I saw that one a few days ago. They had also posted the picture befoire it was Photoshopped, and they had removed the insignia from the beret and some shoulder pips. They had to know it wasn't a US soldier. Quite funny.
  25. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 12, 2006 -> 02:12 PM) So how do people feel about this? To me this is pretty similar to giving the government the ability to spy on people all of the time. http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/92811,C...bside12.article Don't like it. Also don't like traiifc cameras. Glad I am not in Chicago very much.
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