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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(Reddy @ Oct 5, 2006 -> 05:33 AM) just for that i might do the same for jesus, bet that would piss some people off Sure, but I bet they don't cut your head off for it.
  2. QUOTE(Reddy @ Oct 5, 2006 -> 05:37 AM) a) its a small chunk of muslims that would go to the extremes you talk about B) its against their religion to depict muhammed... so... shouldnt they get upset? well i guess not... its against christians religion to commit adultry... or to covet... or... ya know, lots of things that christians do. c) the article is right in pointing out that the problem is CULTURE, not RELIGION When the small percentage numbers a billion, you talk about it.
  3. Not that it makes it better, but according to one of the IM's, he was 17, almost 18, not 16. 17 is the age of consent in DC. He is still scum. http://abcnews.go.com/images/WNT/foley_excerpts4.pdf
  4. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 4, 2006 -> 05:38 PM) bump Foley was identified as a Dem on Fox, the AP. What say you? Error or conspiracy? It didn't take long, did it? :-) Probably an error. When a Dem is in trouble, they usually omit the (D) entirely.
  5. QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Oct 4, 2006 -> 12:39 AM) instead of assuming what the video says after reading the postings of those who didn't watch it... just watch it yourself. what's wrong with you? Maybe he felt like channelling Bob Woodward.
  6. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Oct 4, 2006 -> 04:14 AM) I dont see the big problem with letting people run as many times as they want. If the person is the best for the job, why should we be denied them just because they only get 8 years? Incumbents should be docked pay for any time they spend campaigning to be rehired. During the last 18 months before an election, not much gets done unless it is to buy votes. That's called incumbent protection. Just look at how many things Blaog is promising and signing before his election with Judy. He is buying votes, as all incumbents do to some extent.
  7. http://www.dashboardmohammed.com/store.html Would look perfect next to a Buddy Christ on the dash!
  8. QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Oct 3, 2006 -> 04:45 PM) I'm probably in the minority on this, but from what I've been reading I'm not sure how much blame I'd give the Repub leadership here. It all depends on the how much they knew. So a year ago they got notice 'hey this guy has been making inappropriate comments to a male page.' What's their duty? I'm sure someone called him or met with him and said 'hey stop that.' If he didn't stop is it really their problem? I guess I just don't think an entire party is responsible for the personal acts of it's members. Again, it all depends on how much they knew and how many times they told him to stop. From what I'm reading there's no evidence that the Repubs new this was an ongoing problem or that they knew of how 'nasty' it was getting. I do think it's ridiculous that people are calling for Hastert to resign and that the Dems are jumping all over 'Republicans' as a whole because of this. Most Republicans I know don't like to chat with 16 year old boys about their masturbation techniques. Unless we've been drinking lots alcohol... While Hastert may want to consider resigning his leadership post, because quite frankly, he sucks, general calls for resignations are standard practice from the left leaning politicians.
  9. I can't remember where, or I would link it, but I read that one of the persons that did this to the guy was a relative of Katie's that just happened to be doing time at the same prison.
  10. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 3, 2006 -> 12:23 PM) The Top 7 Things That Tick Bill Clinton Off 7> What's eating Bill Clinton? I don't know, but the Republicans already have Kenneth Starr looking into it. 6> McDonald's refuses to bring back the McRib sandwich. 5> Rosie got the job he wanted on "The View." 4> Chubby teen girls who don't know who he is. 3> Failing to get the lead role in "Supersize Me." 2> He was rejected for "Dancing with the Stars." and the Number 1 Thing That Ticks Bill Clinton Off... 1> Monica recently gave up "smoking." [ Copyright 2006 by Chris White ] [ http://www.topfive.com ] Mmmmmmmmmmmm. McRib.
  11. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 3, 2006 -> 12:12 PM) There are bad people in both parties. It sickens me when the good people feel like they are shamed by someone like this. You know Tex, I think that this statement fits alot of the posters here at Soxtalk in the Filibuster. I know I have found myself on occasion wanting to defend something a dumbass conservative did just because somehow I think it makes me look bad by comparison. This guy is a creep, and just because he shared some of my political values doesn't make me a bad guy. I may be an Evil Monkey, but I am not a bad guy. All of us here should stop taking personal offense when someone from a party that we belong to or identify with does something bad. Probably not gonna happen, but I try. In cases like this, I just try to bring the rhetoric down to something reasonable. I can see a few on here ready to lynch the whole Republican partyfor this, and being so close to elections, there are some people just soiling themselves over the possible political ramifications. This is a sad situation for all involved, but is more an inditement of Congress and the political climate as a whole than any one party. I hate politics.
  12. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 2, 2006 -> 08:39 PM) CREW also got their hands on those emails at roughly the same time. CREW forwarded them to the FBI, thinking "this just can't be right" or something like that. Yeah, I am sure that is whatthey were thinking. Probably more like "Hot dog! It must be Christmas! " Not exactally a non-partisan group as it claims, is it? The executive director regularly is on Air America as well as worked for both Shumer and Biden, the deputy director worked for MEdia Matters, Soros is a major contributor, and a look at their history shows that the only Democrat it has criticized was Jefferson, and then only after it was obvious that he was a crook. I wonder how long they sat on this before they turned the info in?
  13. This has happened before,with a Democrat, and he didn't get jail time either. In fact, he was re-elected 5 more times after the deed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerry_Studds KInda ironic that Crane apologized for his deeds, and lost his election, while Studds did not, and was reelected again and again. Don't misread this, I think he should get jail time, especially considering his position in trying to stop this sort of thing, just wanted to share this with you all that strange things happen in politics.
  14. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Sep 30, 2006 -> 04:53 AM) Actually, because its post primary, there can be no replacement on the ballot. Foley's name remains - but if Foley wins, the party can choose who fills the spot IIRC. More bad news, it appears the house leadership knew of this as early as this spring and did nothing about it. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...6092901574.html That is misleading from you. Hasters said they were doing something about it, you just don't know what it was, or if it worked. It also said that they didn't know the extent of it (the emails), so saying they knew of this implies that they knew it all. Granted, they should have assumed the worst from the start, but you are making assumptions yourself in your accusation that they knew and did nothing. That being said, if the guy is guilty, they need to make an example out of him.
  15. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 29, 2006 -> 05:08 PM) Absolutely. I just wanted to make sure someone noted the other side of this... as usual, it was me. You forgot to mention that it is gonna get airtime on 60 minutes.
  16. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 27, 2006 -> 10:02 PM) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15020846/?GT1=8506 You think its bad when the government tries to wiretap terrorists without a warrant? Where is the outcry when local governments try to tell you what you can and can't serve in a restaurant? This is something that is going to affect people's daily lives more than anything the feds are trying to do and not a peep. I believe that one of the Chicago aldermen was trying to do this as well. Not sure which one, but it sounds like something Natarus would do.
  17. EvilMonkey

    Light cigarettes

    QUOTE(AbeFroman @ Sep 26, 2006 -> 09:09 PM) I think the tobacco companies definitely tried to market "light" cigarettes as cleaner/healthier cigarettes. If that contributed in any way to the millions of deaths and illnesses caused by smoking, I hope the tobacco companies pay out their asses. Rule #1 of marketing: It works. Tobacco Companies are liable for causing millions of people to become addicted to a product that definitely causes about 12 types of deadly cancer. In addition, Big Tobacco has drained our healthcare system, taxes, our insurance industry, and ruined the lives of practically everyone smoking has touched. Tobacco companies deserve to have a nation of drooling plaintiff's attorneys coming after them like attack dogs If there was one person in 1000 who smoked the light brands and thought they were healthy, they need alot more than a lawyer. They need a brain. That word attached to them just gave the smokers who couldn't quit a crutch to their habit. Kinda like eating 'diet' candy, but eating the whole bag. Still bad for you, you knew it before hand, go away. QUOTE(Soxy @ Sep 26, 2006 -> 08:28 PM) Link Intro: A judge in America has given the go ahead to a class-action lawsuit accusing the tobacco industry of misleading smokers into buying light cigarettes as a less harmful alternative to regular ones. Judge Jack Weinstein of US District Court in Brooklyn, New York, said that there was enough evidence for the plaintiffs to push their case as a class-action, potentially enabling tens of millions of smokers to join the lawsuit, which it is estimated could cost tobacco firms between $100 billion and $200 billion in damages. What do you all think about this? And what percentage of that would actually get to anyone 'harmed' by the cigarettes? If it ends up like the Jiffy Lube cases, they might get a coupon for a free pack instead of cash, or $20% off their next cancer screening, while the lawyers pocket all the dough.
  18. In my opinion the purple heart buys him a little leeway, but not much. Jail time needs to be served, then cut loose.
  19. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 25, 2006 -> 02:24 AM) If Clinton had started yelling Bin Laden, Bin Laden, Rush and his ditto heads would have been screaming tail wagging the dog, he wants us to forget about Monica. How about the entire GOP fixating on a blow job instead of pushing for Bin Laden? While they were blowing millions on Ken Star, maybe they could have also worked towards anti terrorism? There are briefings for all the key leaders for both parties. Our political climate contributed to this for certain, but no one could forsee this event. Of course the GOP faithful will blame Bush if an as yet to be identified terrorist blows something up anytime in the next 3 years? Tex, since it didn't happen, you can't really sayfor sure.However, in his one attempt, the Republican LEADERSHIP praised his efforts.Sure, there are always some on each side that differ, but the bulk praised his efforts. http://partners.nytimes.com/library/world/...8attack-us.html And yes, there were his detractors, but who is this guy anyway? Was Bill afraid of the opinion of Dan Coats?
  20. http://diy.despair.com/motivator.php Post any good ones here for all to see how your demented minds work!
  21. QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Sep 23, 2006 -> 10:35 PM) great point. I wonder if GWB will follow the path of Ford, Reagan and his father and become a "consultant" or try and help out society like Clinton and Carter. Seriously, would you want to be any where near Ford if he had a hammer in his hand? Or worse yet, a power saw?!?!
  22. Don't worry, it is just a Rove plot to help influence the elections. He is really alive and in witness relocation somewhere in Kansas.
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