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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14533384/site/newsweek/ Since both these guys knew who the real leaker was from the start (Armitage), and yet they spent a ton of money investigating Rove, and kept the fires of 'Fitzmas' going on for what seemed like forever, shouldn't Rove get to take both them out back and beat them senseless? Here you have a 'man' in Armitage who knows he is the guilty one. " Ford says Armitage admitted to him that he had "slipped up" and told Novak more than he should have. " Yet, he kept silent, and let someone who was not guilty of HIS crime spend time being investigated for something he didn't do. Then you have Fitsgereld himself, who investigated Armitage, but didn't do anything to him? If he lied about his role in the affair to Fits, why is he not now under purgery charges? If he didn't lie, why did Fitzgerald keep going when he had his man in Armitage? If you were charged with a robbery, and all the while it was your neighbor, and he had admitted it tom someone, but yet you still remained a subject of police investigation for months, you would be pretty pissed, yes? If some day they come out of a meeting and Armitage has a black eye, I don't think the reportes need to ask why. Oh, and while they are at it, Bush should just clear out the whole State Department from top to bottom. Powell, Armitage and Taft, the only three officials at the State Department who knew the story, never breathed a word of it publicly and Armitage's role remained secret. Fire all 3, and then keep going. Man, I hate politics. Ok, you can begin the litiny of "Rove is the devil and belongs in jail anyways" or "But he confirmed it, which makes him just as guilty" or "Well, if not guilty of that, he is guilty of something" or "Rove made him do it" comments now. lets see how low into the partisan muck you will alll go.
  2. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 27, 2006 -> 05:34 PM) I'd call this writer retarded but doing that would greatly insult the mentally handicapped. Doctors never lied to get us involved in a war with cancer. Doctors and the medical establishment were not idealogues who decided on their policy years in advance, evidence be damned. If the justification for a short-sighted Middle East policy is now being changed to 'cancer' as a means of getting people to support it, it's absolutely hilarious. The majority of people have now seen that bombing the world to pieces is not going to bring the world to peace. I actually thought the National Review wouldn't bring brainless trash. Too bad I was wrong. Having a llittle problem detecting humor today?
  3. Glad you found Chicago to be a nice place. Like Rex, I may be going to London in November this year. My Corporate office subsidizes a trip to England every year, since the Pindar Group over there is our biggest shareholder. All it will cost me is airfare, and they set us up for a week with rooms, meals and tours. I couldn't go last year, but this year I am hoping.......
  4. http://www.nationalreview.com/rice/rice200604180719.asp
  5. Has your mind been taken over by Iggy? Thge shear number of people that would have to be involved in this 'cover-up' would make this an impossibility. A very big payday from the screaming liberal left would ensure that if someone had actual knowledge or proof of this, that it would come out. Soros would have a nice fat check waiting for the first person to sing.
  6. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 06:23 AM) So true, Johan has already been f***ed out of 1 Cy Young by the Twins' offense, it'd be a damn shame if he got screwed again this year as well. If Santana wins the Cy, that will just add 3 more inched to his strike zone from the umps. He already has a zone to rival that of Pedro or Maddux in their prime.
  7. EvilMonkey


    Artery-clogging double with cheese from Wendy's today. They are a customer of miine, so I feel obliged to eat there once in a while. I'll pay for it later, but damn, it was good.
  8. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 24, 2006 -> 11:57 AM) Should a reporter receive more attention than anyone else? No, they shouldn't. But these two had received less than most because they worked for Fox.
  9. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 01:15 PM) His points are all correct - if embarrassing. Do you think he is trying to defend that fact? If he is, then I agree, that makes him pretty slimy. But I think maybe he was just reporting the fact, and not so much saying it was right. If that is the case, then be angry with the Beirut bureau reporters for ignoring the kidnapping - not this writer. DU? Yes, I feel he is trying to defend the fact they he, and other reporters by default, are not reporting on it by basically saying 'we don't like you, so we aren't going to act like this is a big deal'. If the two were from CNN, they would be all over it. I'm not saying they should be buddies, but there is some small level of decency that this guy has missed. If my anger is misplaced, then I will surely redirect it at whomever it rightly belongs to. Oh, and DU is http://www.democraticunderground.com/
  10. http://poynter.org/forum/view_post.asp?id=11749 This sounds like "you don't like us, so we won't care about you. " These are PEOPLE that were kidnapped, and just because they worked for FoxNews, there is no 'reservoir of good will'? What about basic human fu*king compassion? Bob Laurence, may you someday be kidnapped and be a non-story as well, you pissant waste of human flesh. Your inability to set aside your contempt and/or jealousy of a competitor speaks volumes about your soul. At DU, posters openly hope for their beheadding. You would seem right at home with the bottomfeeders there.
  11. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 02:27 AM) According to my friend with his MA at Julliard, it's a big difference. I would bet that if you had them listen to some one play a piece on a $52,000 violen, and then the same person play the same piece on one half the price, they couldn't tell the difference. I can tell you that 99% of the people listening to the music couldn't. However, its 'ease of play, or the way it feels to the musician may be the important factor, even if most people can't tell a difference in sound.
  12. I'll rave for today. The bitter taste of the Sox defeat was overshadowed by the tender steak my wife and kids took me out for on my birthday. A fine meal indeed.
  13. http://www.judicialwatch.org/printer_5862.shtml So it seems that she is presiding over cases where a group she belongs to is one of the litigants. This seems ready-made for alot of appeals. Culture of corruption: its not just for Republicans.
  14. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 08:37 PM) The problem is most of their insurance policies only cover the instrument if the musician is carrying it. More at link He said replacement costs for an instrument in excess of 30,000 pounds ($57,000) were "not uncommon." Noy having the musical ability to play a violin, is it really necessary to spend $57,000 on a quality instrument? I know there is a difference between say a $100 violin and a $1000 violin, but where does the added money stop adding value? I used to play tennis, and could tell the difference between a $50 K-mart special and a good $250 racquet, but there is a point where the added money just doesn't provide that big of a difference. Or is it just for 'status', like a rappers bling?
  15. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 08:08 PM) haha, so much for traditional family values republicans like to preach about. And just what in that little blurb leads you to jump to wild conclusions about Republicans and family values? It says nothing about the political affiliations of his relatives, and if you are referring to the divorces of the other guys, where does family values say you stay married no matter what? Just what is your definition of family values, stay married no matter what, or just f*ck it, get married, screw around, do whatever floats your boat? Your cute little attempt at sarcastic humor makes very large assumptions about half the voting country, and is just plain not funny.
  16. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 04:57 PM) I have seen all sort of denouncing announcements. OK, that was a really weird combination of words. But its true. Anyway, I disagree. I think if we make it about religion, the whole world (us included) will see a lot more death and destruction. History shows us this pretty clearly. But it is already about religion, whether we want it to be or not. Ask most Muslims 'what they are', like German, American, etc., they may answer you with whatever country their citizenship is. But if that country has a beef with a Muslim, just about ANY Muslim, then they feel compelled to defend that person, simply because they happen to share the same religion. I have no desire to ever speak out and defend the many wacko right-wing christian zealots that are out there, simply because they are white and may share my religion. Yes, you have heard 'denouncing announcement', and you are right, that sounds funny even typing it. But really, are they denouncing all that much? I feel that a majority of the Muslim population is a cross between bystanders watching a mugging, unwilling to 'get involved', and a group of frat boys willing to defend their frat brothers to the end, simply because they all belonged to the same frat. They need to be more proactivly involved. Some start to do that, but once the threats roll in, they cower in fear (not saying I wouldn't, not being in that situation, I wouldn't know) and go back to remaining silent. What they don't actively stop, they silently support.
  17. EvilMonkey


    Want ribs. or pork chops. or a juicy steak sandwhich. I had a can of soup, no crackers, and some Fritos.
  18. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 05:58 PM) \ So yeah, Hillary's remark was definately racial, it's just a matter of where do you drop it on your personal scale of offensiveness. So, there are degrees of racism? Hmmm.
  19. I might still have some beer left by the time you reach 21. Enjoy!
  20. Did I miss the Mulder comment? I was a bit drunk when I first read it, but I don't remember seeing him mentioned.
  21. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 20, 2006 -> 04:31 PM) LOL.. Had you told me earlier I definitely would have helped.. Happy 40th old man After cleaning up this morning, I think a few people that I didn't see brought beer, because I started with 4 cases of MGD, and one case of lite, and I endded with 4 cases of MGD left. I had over half of one myself, and I had maybe 30 people here throughout the day. Or maybe I have a magic cooler that multiplies beer! Oh boy, would I be so in trouble if that were true! Next time, I will let you know ahead of time.
  22. * Deaths: 845 total -- 743 civilians, 34 soldiers and 68 Hezbollah. Israel says it killed about 530 guerrillas. The Higher Relief Council put the overall death toll at 1,181 and said one-third were children and the majority were civilians. * Wounded: 4,051. * Number of buildings destroyed: More than 15,000 homes -- houses or individual apartments within buildings. About 900 commercial structures, including farms and factories. ... * Damage to transportation system: 400 miles of roads; 80 bridges; the international airport. * Overall damage: At least $3.5 billion to infrastructure; $9.4 billion overall, including clean up of a major oil spill from an Israeli strike on a storage facility at a Beirut power plant. * Access to water and electricity was severely interrupted. About $180 million in damage to the electricity grid; $70 million to the water treatment and delivery system. * Having terrorists as your friends, neighbors and allies, priceless.
  23. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 20, 2006 -> 05:57 AM) I'll drink to birthdays. Hooray birthday parties! /slams a beer I have about 30 more here if you can get here before I fall asleep! Where's Steph, she's in Plainfield, can't be too far away. Doh!
  24. OK, I am getting older, the gray hair gives it away, and tonight I had my birthday party. I still have almost 2 cases of beer left, and it is only 12:30! I know I am not 21 any more, but at least on special occasions, my mind like to trick me into thinking I am and having a little extra fun. By 11, everyone was gone except Juddling, and even he wasn't drinking then, just me. I have drinking wusses for friends! I mean, I only turn 40 once, not like a woman and their perrenial 29th birthday. One more beer, then bed time, I guess.
  25. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/movi...syndication=rss Contest is over, but can anyone here come up with a better one?
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