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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. EvilMonkey


    QUOTE (Tex @ May 27, 2015 -> 01:43 PM) Do you bundle them together of one spear per one piece of bacon? I've also used a cast iron skillet on the grill for bacon wrapped veggies. After allowing some of the heart healthy bacon grease seep into the veggies I will finish up on the grill to dry it up a little bit. One long piece per spear. wrap it up, top to bottom. If you have a grill pan you can place them right on there when done wrapping then transfer to the grill. if going right on the regular grill grates, just have to be careful as the bacon will come unwrapped at times.
  2. EvilMonkey


    QUOTE (shipps @ May 26, 2015 -> 09:32 AM) The asparagus has to go directly on the grill IMO, no tinfoil. Get a nice char on it. They also make grill pans with smaller openings that help lots with asparagus. Try dunking in lemon juice and garlic powder, then wrapping in bacon. Mmmm, bacon....
  3. QUOTE (Tex @ May 26, 2015 -> 11:04 AM) What events should we use instead? Perhaps the shoot out at Disney World that didn't happen which was a great example of the law working? Name a law that stops criminals? Again, laws against murder with punishments that include capital punishment didn't stop them. So we shouldn't use this a reason to pass laws against murder? You are creating a strawman argument. How many times are you going to change the topic in one post? I pointed out how advocating for X because of Y was stupid. You are taking it off in so many other directions looking for an argument. YOU are creating a strawman. Any of the anti gun restrictions short of confiscation that the antis would have wanted would NOT have prevented the Waco incident, so using the Waco incident as proof that we NEED those laws to stop MORE Waco incidents is just factually wrong. End of story. You are looking for a bigger argument that I was not stipulating or participating in. Have fun talking to yourself.
  4. QUOTE (Tex @ May 23, 2015 -> 07:41 PM) So are you suggesting that because it would not have stopped this, it is a bad law? It's not going going to stop outlaws, no law does. Laws against murder backed with capital punishment didn't stop this. I'm not seeing your point. BTW, many of the people arrested had no criminal history, in fact an AP search revealed that 115 of those arrested had never been arrested in Texas. Almost all of the arrested lived in Texas, so it probably can't be blamed on outside agitators coming to the Lone Star State.. There are a lot of people riding with those gangs that do not commit any crimes. Four of those killed also had no convictions. You've been watching too many movies and reality shows. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/latest-...-biker-31213850 i am suggesting that since it would have not stopped this, to try and USE this as a reason to pass it is the height of stupidity. Biker gangs, who deal in illegal guns, shoot each other. Hey, you know what? I bet stronger background checks would have stopped that! And increased waiting periods as well as clip size restrictions! wrong answer, try again.
  5. QUOTE (Tex @ May 22, 2015 -> 03:40 PM) Do you think a law against murder would have made a difference? How about if Texas executed more people than all other states combined make a difference? Clearly no law or punishment would have made a difference. Unless perhaps, the situation would have been worse with larger magazines, more people armed, etc. Does anyone really think laws are designed to stop people from doing something? Laws are designed to establish the penalties for violating that law. The logic of not having a law simply because it will not stop someone would mean we would reject every law. Tex, most of the laws that various anti groups propose are not just for 'establishing the penalties', they are for making more difficult for the average gun owner to be a gun owner. The logic in Moms Demand Whatever screaming that stronger background checks would have stopped this is absurd. Most, if not all, of those bikers are already prohibited persons in regards to firearm ownership, so they can't legally pwn guns. Making it harder for someone like ME to get a gun won't do a thing to stop someone like biker gangs from getting guns. To claim it would would just be wrong.
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 22, 2015 -> 02:33 PM) There are also some images which highlight the contrast of lots of people calmly sitting around in handcuffs held by police afterwards compared with how people picked up in Baltimore were treated. You didn't notice the nice AR-15's the police had to help them? Funny how superior firepower can make someone quiet down a bit.
  7. Lets see. Biker gangs shoot each other. That's what biker gangs do, hence the lack of surprise. Previously (allegedly) lawful residents of a town start rioting and looting, people are surprised and ask why. Interesting watching all the anti gun groups falling all over themselves trying to find a way to tie this to the NRA. You think background checks, waiting periods and smaller magazine limits would have made a difference? remember, these guys SELL illegal guns. Which they don't get from straw buyers down at Gander Mountain.
  8. QUOTE (BigEdWalsh @ May 15, 2015 -> 01:47 AM) Yep, B. B. King has died. I stepped on his foot once...
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 12, 2015 -> 02:02 PM) The good news is they both have guns so as long as no bystanders are hit this will just take care of itself eventually and as taxpayers we just have to pay for all the police responses. Unless there is overtime involved there are no direct expenses related to this incident to worry yourself over. They are paid regardless of where they are at, the cars are running whether they are driving to this call or the donut shop.
  10. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 11, 2015 -> 02:38 PM) George Zimmerman reportedly was involved in a shooting Monday afternoon in Florida ---> http://nbcchi.com/kRWm817 Though it said he was shot. Saying 'involved in' implies that he had something to do with it other than being a target.
  11. The writer assumes that they will get past 1.93 million even WITH those tickets...
  12. Has anyone been to The Whitehouse European Village & Spa in Jamaica? Wife and I are going there for our 25th anniversary later this year. Looks awesome, and to be honest, as long as there is a beach, booze and sun, we should be fine.
  13. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 7, 2015 -> 12:19 PM) The problem is that there are about 20 good catchers to go around. Rick has been trying. Don't forget he chased after mcCann before he went to NYY. I have no doubt the next two things on his shopping list are 3B and C. I haven't forgot that, just about ready for him to double the price offered to get one.
  14. Can we use the Designated Hitter for our catcher spot instead?
  15. I am ready for Rick to sell half the damn farm to get a catcher that isn't an automatic out. it is becoming that frustrating.
  16. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 4, 2015 -> 11:44 AM) Based on what I read the area where it was grabbed is technically Iranian waters but they generally allow international ships to pass because otherwise no ships would be able to pass into the Persian Gulf whatsoever since the entire straits would be claimed by someone. I thought it was technically international waters that Iran keeps trying to claim as its own.
  17. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 2, 2015 -> 03:14 PM) These are related how? And Enron hasnt recompensated their former employees for billions of dollars in lost retirement monies caused by mismanagement and illegal accounting/stock manipulation. Just pointing that it isn't always about race, just in case. And Enron isn't alone, yo uahve almost every lawmaker in just about every state for the last 30 years that have been mismanaging and appropriating retirement funds.
  18. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 2, 2015 -> 02:09 PM) http://earhustle411.com/tag/allen-bullock/ First charges as an adult. And Al Sharpton is still not in jail for multi-million dollar tax evasion.
  19. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 30, 2015 -> 02:35 PM) look at his rap sheet he was in a car accident! he had spinal surgery a week ago! he did it to himself! You really do have a reading comprehension problem, don't you. It does happen. http://wgntv.com/2015/02/19/man-caught-on-...-blames-police/
  20. QUOTE (LDF @ Apr 30, 2015 -> 10:56 AM) if the van / patrol car has cameras, pull the tape. just to clear this thing up, yeah he may be trying to injured himself, to the point of killing oneself. self preservation of the human factor, will only go so far..... just throwing that out there. There is no reason it couldn't have been both. With the tense relationships between police and some of the communities lately, and this guys previous record, it isn't inconceivable that he thought he could 'rough himself up' and get a big payday. Where it could have veered is if the cops realized that was what he was doing and then tried to give him a little help with the rough ride. Not saying it is likely, but not as far fetched as some will say.
  21. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 28, 2015 -> 10:59 AM) I'm assuming that there aren't union rules authorizing police abuse but instead provide some sort of due process protection for disciplinary action up to and including firing. The rules protecting the officers only matter here if they're preventing police management from making changes that they would otherwise like to make. I'm asking why we're assuming that police management isn't perfectly fine with these "rough rides." Because if they approve or at least turn a blind eye to it because they don't care, then union rules are irrelevant. I noted earlier that it would take some 'want to' from management, but that you need to start somewhere. You instead went with a 'it won't solve it by itself so it won't work' answer.
  22. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 28, 2015 -> 10:25 AM) Stripping officers of their collective bargaining power won't change police culture and police management's views. Read, I never said eliminate the unions. YOU did.
  23. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 28, 2015 -> 10:20 AM) This assumes that police management would label police who 'rough up' people as "bad cops" and would get rid of them if it weren't for the unions. I don't see any evidence for that. OK, so lets just do nothing then, since this won't magically solve the problem instantly.
  24. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 28, 2015 -> 10:19 AM) So your example of police abuse (and accusations against) only apply to "left-leaning" groups? What about Ruby Ridge and Waco? Well, of course, that was all Bill Clinton and Janet Reno's fault, right? Calm down buttercup, I gave one example. Do I have to balance all of them out with an equal offender from the other political side every time? Just take the point that false accusations of abuse do occur. That is the point I was making, and I threw out ONE example, of which I am sure you could find many.
  25. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 28, 2015 -> 10:16 AM) Like all the lovely jobs those white Republicans are doing in Texas, NM, Arizona and California policing the borders? http://news.yahoo.com/arizona-sheriff-resp...DQzXzEEc2VjA3Nj Like this jack---. Remember him? There are Republicans in California???
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