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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 25, 2006 -> 04:01 AM) Um, that post was made at 5 O'clock, 9 drinks over 2 hours followed by some driving while on your cell phone is pretty damn bad. Assuming that he is driving, and not a passenger.
  2. QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 04:44 PM) Nice straw man, Chip. I didn't say "I AM THE BIGGEST SOX FAN" and you know it. If you need to keep this going by being disingenuous like that, then why should we waste each other's time? Did you just recently learn what 'straw man' means? You have used it at least 2 or three times so far. just checking.
  3. QUOTE(Ventura 23 @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 04:11 PM) JUST STOP BUYING THE SUN-TIMES!!!!!!!! I'm sick of Marriotti and I refuse to give that paper another dime while he remains employed there. How about if I just rip out all the Moronoti columns and send them back to the Sun Times with a note asking for a refund for this trash that I don't read? Or wipe my ass with it and send it back, letting them know what I think Moronoti's article is worth? I like the Sun Times way beter than the trib, but it is getting difficult these days to not just drop them altogether.
  4. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 05:42 PM) ... he wants to be considered a real leader on teh global stage and not, you know, get mocked as much. Wow. If he doesn't want to get mocked as much, he should put his ego in a closet somewhere and keep it there for a while. Not every story has to be about him, pictures on every corner of him, and all sorts of other wacky stuff he does. Maybe feed your people once in a while instead of building more missles. Didn't he (allegedly) kidnap some South Korean movie director or something to start a film industry in NK?
  5. QUOTE(Brian @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 07:17 PM) That is my main gripe with it. It should reflect inflation, without a doubt. Especially with gas prices. People have to drive to work and if the are still making $6/hr or whatever MW is, how are they expected to support themselves. You are not supposed to support yourself with most minimum wage jobs. They are supposed to be entry level jobs, where people migrate up in the job market to higher paying jobs. If you aspire to do nothing but flip burgers for the rest of your life, you will not make much money. Minimum wage jobs at fast food places typically go to teenagers, who live at home and have minimal expenses. Please note I said typically, since you, or someone else, are sure to start posting situations where the opposite is true. If your job skills level is such that minimum wage jobs are all you will ever get, you need to keep that in mind when you make your choices in life, such as whether or not to get married, have kids, buy that plasma tv, smoke 2 packs a day, etc.
  6. MAY?!?! They have concluded that sleep deprivation and Yani are tourture and war crime, but are not sure about beheadings? Man, what's a terrorist gotta do to get his props?
  7. What I don't get is why they had to convene a grand jury to indite her. I thought the idea behind a grand jury was to make sure the prosecutor had enough evidence to go forward and avoid 'political prosecutions' for non-events. How can the jury say there isn't enough evidence to go forward? I wonder what their racial makeup was?
  8. I stepped on BB King while exiting the wax museumin Hollywood. I thought his body guard was gonna kill me, but he intervened before the guy could do anything. My wife and I walked 3 or 4 blocks with him chatting. He was a very nice guy. I offered to buy him and his body guard a drink, but he just laughed and said no thanks.
  9. If you have alot of experience in Pagemaker, Quark, while similar will feel ALOT different, for a bit. I use both, but use Quark if I have a choice. Since my experience is about 90/10 Quark, Pagemaker to me feels clunky. Besides, aren't they phasing out Pagemaker for InDesign? That is truely a bastard child of Quark & Pagemaker. Just don't ask questions about Illustrator. 15 years and I still can't do that program.
  10. I saw this monday night when i was flipping channels (I don't like hannity, so i really don't watch), but there was a guy from New Jersey (assemblyman Michael Panter) who wantes to have Couter's book banned. Sounded kinda funny coming from a liberal. Guess he can't stand all that free speech and all. I'm sure on eof the rightward blogs or websites will have a link about it, but I don't.
  11. QUOTE(Soxy @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 03:06 AM) Lesson plans cannot always be fully anticipated. Some (seemingly easy concepts) can take students an So, don't act like teaching isn't a real full-time job. I didn't intend to. I just wanted to point out that he wasn't doing all that, every day. There will be days of 4-5 hour prep, and there will be days he can pick his nose. We all work hard for our money. And as he pointed out, not all teachers are in 'rich' districs. Likewise, not all are in 'poor' districts. Teachers in moderate to well-off districts can make out pretty damn well, especially in the benefits area, which more and more of the working population do not have.
  12. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 04:13 PM) And I don't know how equal doing company work at home is to "coming home, grading 95+ 3 page papers, putting those scores in the gradebook, looking over the text for the next lesson, preparing overheads/media (if needed), preparing the lesson plan to appease the state standards, preparing all the supplements you'll need for class discussion/presentation and deciding what their new homework should be". It can easily take 7+ hours to get all that done (excluding 20-30 minutes for food) You do this every day? Your students must hate you , having to turn in a 3-page paper every day. And don't you prepare the basics of your lesson plan earlier than the day before you need it? And what are the actual hours you are working at the school? My older kids classes run from 7:45 until 2:15pm. That's 6.5 hours. That includes 'lunch', and 'study hall'. I work almost twice that every day. I guess it is your turn for the small violin to play.
  13. http://jakechristie.blogspot.com/2006/06/i...-were-real.html
  14. Seems Democrats like pork, too! http://www.sungazette.net/articles/2006/06...ews/nws936e.txt
  15. There are those few players out there that always seem to have the Sox number, and always seem to be at bat in the late innings with men on. I would walk Hafner almost every damn at bat. Up until this year, Sweeney was one of those guys. Torrii Hunter was one too, until he screwed up his ankle.
  16. This is a pic taken from the YearlyKos convention in Vegas. It seems they had a contest to see who could make the best tin foil hat. Iggy, were you there?
  17. QUOTE(minors @ Jun 11, 2006 -> 04:56 PM) From what I read on the ACLU site they say Holton is crazy because he wants to die (gave up on his appeals) so that means he is crazy. To me it means that he realizes what he did was heinous and deserves to die for his actions. Nothing is his past suggests he is crazy and he has never brought it up this was a case where a guy was pissed at his ex so he decided to mutilate his kids. If that is true, I guess we wouldhave a xase where the ACLU butted in, when they were not asked to do so. I thought they only took up the cases they were asked to?
  18. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 11, 2006 -> 12:43 AM) Mary Matalin, former counsel to Vice President Cheney and assistant to President Bush, and current Treasurer of the campaign of Repub. Presidential Hopeful George Allen (and wife of James Carville btw) refusing to condemn Coulter and arguing that the outrage is misplaced. While I think Coulter is a b****, I think Matlin's point was spot on. You yourself are condemning her for not condemning Coulter. And as ss2k pointed out, she also doesn't hold an elected office.
  19. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 04:04 PM) O'Reilly hosts coulter, defends her. Other Republicans' rise to Coulter's defense. (You can usually just skip down to the bottom of those articles, they put the full text in the lower parts.) And by 'Republicans', you are not referring to anyone currently in office, right? Hannity, someone from Fox News, etc is what you are saying, right? Painting with a broad brush again, I see. Or maybe you were assuming that since Republicans didn't rush out to condemn her, that it implies support of her words? That surely can't be the case, can it? Otherwise, Democrats would never get anything done, having to spend all their time condemning what others do who happen to have Democrat as their political affiliaton. ”Does this mean that you agree with (insert leftist name) when he/she attacked Republicans with the following statement (insert radical lib over the top statement here)? Your silence means that you agree.
  20. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 11:11 PM) Are you sayin' Jesus Christ can't hit a curve ball? No, Cerrano did.
  21. QUOTE(IggyD @ Jun 8, 2006 -> 05:38 PM) Stated policy of our forces have target innocent people......its called acceptable collateral damage. Stated policy of our nation to attack a sovereign nation without cause “Preemptive for any reason” (per Official 911 Report there was no connection to 911).......... Stated policy to indiscriminately bomb civilian buildings.............. That was all done in the early days of the so-called Liberation of Iraq by taking out electric, water and other needs for the civilian population to survive. Protocol 1 Additional to the Geneva Conventions, 1977 PART IV: CIVILIAN POPULATION Section 1: General Protection Against Effects of Hostilities Chapter I: Basic Rule and Field of Application Article 48: Basic Rule In order to ensure respect for and protection of the civilian population and civilian objects, the Parties to the conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants and between civilian objects and military objectives and accordingly shall direct their operations only against military objectives. When it becomes our Standard Operating Procedure to kidnap people and mutilate them on television for all to see........Are you saying if it is not shown on television it is ok? Collateral damage is NOT targetting of civilians. To assume it is, you must have your hat on too tight. To assume you can have a war without any civilian casulties is ridiculous. And not to be able to distinguish between intentional targeting of civilians and collateral damage is even more ridiculous. Also, we didn't 'indiscriminately' bomb civilian building, we picked the targets with great care, such as electric, etc. and with a great rate of success. Public works are acceptable targets. So are bridges, major roads, rail systems and tunnels. Its called war.
  22. http://www.prweb.com/releases/2006/6/prweb394047.htm So does this mean that they are endorsing illegal immigration? Just wondering.
  23. QUOTE(Soxy @ Jun 6, 2006 -> 03:15 AM) ***You Are 28% Evil*** A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well. In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil. I KNEW IT!
  24. I know, I know, there is one of these things for everything. But being EVILMONKEY, this seemed apropriate to post. b]You Are 84% Evil[/b] You're the most evil person you know. The devil is even a little scared of you! How Evil Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/howevilareyouquiz/ http://www.blogthings.com/howevilareyouquiz/ I guess the 16% not evil is because I wasn't always evil.
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