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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 01:17 PM) I think it pretty much depends on the original release you sign, and all the fine print contained therein. If you have read any of the boilerplate language on those you know you pretty much agree to give up control of the use of your likeness in a variety of media uses beyond the original broadcast. This includes use as marketing materials for the broadcaster or its parent company or its affiliates, and it also usually includes general nondescriptive derivative uses that are consistent with the manner in which thir archive material is normally used. There is big money in archival and B-roll newsreel footage leasing. And it is getting bigger and bigger with all the Internet demand for broadcast content and also the increasing ease with which regular folks can get into the documentary business with minimal hardware and software expenditures. Most likely, Michael Moore's lawyers will produce evidence of the lease agreement with NBC and will refer Sgt. Damon to the release he signed with NBC. As far as using newsreel material in a way that the subject deems unflattering or otherwise objectionable, if it was that easy to sue over it then Michael Moore, Jon Stewart, and Stephen Colbert would be in the poor house. They are not. They and the companies they work for are meticulous in the way they secure usage rights to avoid such complications. According to NBC News, Moore didn't get clearance to use that film. http://enterprise.southofboston.com/articl...news/news02.txt
  2. Imagine if this happened at an all-white school. http://www.kabc.com/listingsEntry.asp?ID=437469&PT= An snippit:
  3. He seems to have that "Ooops, I crapped my pants" look this year every time he goes to the mound.
  4. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 04:24 PM) Or maybe its because they think they'll get more viewers and ad dollars with Katie Couric. But will thery really? Do you watch a news program for the host? Do you know of anyone that has switched networks or programs to follow a host? Sure, you have Stern on radio, but I am talking TV news. Or even football for that matter. I hate that networks keep giving Madden a job, and giving him a raise each time they do! He stinks, and I don't know of anyone that would watch a different football game just because he is announcing. Locally, I liked watching Ron Majors on Channel 5, but when he switched to ABC, I didn't follow. I just don't see the appeal.
  5. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 01:36 PM) I always like to see how this could be abused. We know it never stops at this point. What we have is the government tracking how you bought a ticket and when you will be leaving or staying. If this is the slippery slope that we are allowing, where could it lead? The government tracking your road trips as well? Checking in with big brother? IMHO a little bit of paranoia here is a good thing. As a broad overview, the ACLU wants is to have the maximum amount of freedoms and the least amout of government restrictions. With them fighting the government all the way doesn't that keep the government in check? We are smart enough to know they aren't fighting to help perverts look at pornography, they are fighting to let normal citizens look at materials that others may find offensive. It is just to whittle away at those freedoms the government finds loathsome persons to act against. I think we are better served if we look at what is being done, not who it is benefitting in that case. Tex, for non-American citizens coming into this country, I don't care if they stick a GPS dog collar on them. As a country, we have every right to know who is coming here, amd how they paid for thier flight and whether or not there is a return trip is a big red flag if it was paid in cash and there is no return flight scheduled.
  6. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 05:36 AM) As for the data dump re: flights -- how about the FBI, CIA etc. begin doing a little investigative work, get a thing called probable cause and then go from there? Hell, most of the impotent bureaucrats couldn't have been bothered to get actual verifiable, truthful evidence regarding Iraq's weapons programs -- so what the Hell is going to happen if they get all this information of what books we're reading, who's flying where, etc. etc. etc.? The info we were getting on incoming flights was passenger manifest information, not reading habits, membership affiliatons and clothing sizes. The names of the passengers were made available, along with info sucj as how they paid and if there was a return flight. Just how would you have the FBI or CIA gather this info if not from the airlines themselves? Start an investigation into each person coming into the country before they are allowed to fly in? And FYI, as I said "Sure, they can pick some winners, but they sure can pick some losers."
  7. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jun 3, 2006 -> 02:34 PM) Some of the "kidf***ers, murderers and thugs" that the ACLU represents and works with: Rush Limbaugh Anyone under the age of 18 in Ohio (who are not necessarily guaranteed attorney access if tried as a juvenile) Handicapped people who can't gain access to offices in government buildings ACORN (A low and moderate income advocacy group) HIV patients having their medical records revealed without consent The Tabernacle Baptist Church of Eastpoint, GA Olivia Turton of Frenchtown, NJ (A second grader who wanted to sing a religious themed song at a public school talent show.) Seriously - who needs em? Since you listed some of themany causes the ACLU have taken up, just thought I would let you know of a few others. Oh, and just my opinion, but I think the whole defense of Rush by them was just a political ploy, and not from some sense of serving the greater good. The ACLU also represents and works with: Groups trying to keep military recruiters out of schools. http://www.aclu-sc.org/mrops/ People looking to cause a disturbance at a (political) book signing (Republican, of course) http://www.phillyburbs.com/pb-dyn/news/103...006-664206.html Applauds the fact that we cannot now get info on foreign passengers coming to the US (so much for security there) http://www.aclu.org/safefree/general/25709prs20060530.html Alligns themselves with CAIR to defend guys with ties to Al Qaeda http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/086280.php Wants taxes to pay for trips to terrorist states http://www.bradenton.com/mld/bradenton/new...al/14701337.htm And refuses to allow dissent in its own ranks, eshewing the transparancy it wants in government for a very closed system of yes-men. http://www.nytimes.com/auth/login?URI=/200...RROR=SHOW_ERROR and despite their notorious anti religion in schools stance, has no problem endorsing Islam in schools. http://www.investors.com/editorial/IBDArti...&issue=20060519 Sure, they can pick some winners, but they sure can pick some losers.
  8. Listening to all the different radio announcers on my XM, I would have to say that the radio team in Cleveland is the absolute worst I have ever heard. When it comes to homerisms, they make Hawk look like a Cubs fan.
  9. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 12:39 PM) We can't protect every target. Who would have thought that the Federal Building in Oklahoma was a target? Are we erecting defense shields? Big cities already have plenty of police protection. New York has FBI out their butts, etc. It's the smaller communities that don't have the resources that really need the help. Possibly the results aren't as stupid as it sounds, althought the reasoning is dumb. You know, I think hell might be freezing over or something. Tex, I agree with what you just wrote! While the reasoning he gave for lowering NY's was pretty bad, he should have just said "Hey NY, quit hogging all the dough, other places need a bit also!"
  10. How about having all the primaries on the same day? This way Iowa and a few East Coast states don't decide who we have left to vote for. Or divide the states into 3 or 4 groups. One year, group A votes first, next year, group B, etc. Almost anything would be better.
  11. EvilMonkey


    My Fenway experience echos Ribbie's and Steff's. Very unorganized, crappy park (if you thought leg room was tight at the Cell, or at Wrigley, just wait!), and very rude fans, as I had my Sox cap on. They were playing the D-rays, and they still would not shut up. Made the whole game experience quite unenjoyable. I can't remember where we stayed, but the hotel seemed nice enough, no mice noticed. And whoever said to not drive was correct. The roads suck, and the drivers are worse.
  12. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 03:27 PM) One other note...something like 60% of the profits from that film were supposed to be donated to a charity of Disney's choosing. The other 40% was slated to go to the Weinsteins/Miramax. Presumably Moore did all right and got a slice of the Miramax cut, but he didn't rake in the full $100 million Gross. Moore did quite well. http://www.slate.com/id/2117923/ Whole story here, where gross gate of over $200 million turned into only a $78 million profit. With that kind of creative accounting maybe Enron should have hired a few Hollywood accountants.
  13. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 02:27 AM) Similar to Lord of the Flies, Anal Attraction, Forrest Hump . . . of all the sins of the world, I can't get too worked up over this. I can't believe our society can't have two works with Fahrenheit in the title. Tex, that link had nothing to do with the title. It had to do with Moore taking pieces from the others guys work and basiclly putting them in his piece without asking, or paying. As for the name, it is well known that Bradbury didn't like it, but since it can be considered a parody, it is fair game.
  14. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 04:06 PM) I didn't take time to question this when I read it earlier, but specifically WHAT music did he steal for the film? He very much wanted to use the Who's Won't Get Fooled Again as the closing music after the GWB "Fool me once. . . " clip, but Townsend refused to give him the rights to us it so he used Neil's Rockin in the Free World there instead. I doubt Moore used that song in a way Neil disliked, or he wouldn't have let him direct the new video for the song that came out a couple years back. My sincere question, Evil – what music did Moore steal for the film, and according to who? Thanks This is what I was talking about, and while it isn't really 'music', the title of it is what stayed in my head. He still used it without permission, and didn't pay for it. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/07/27/...l?from=storyrhs
  15. I need a vacation. I kept waiting for the line where 'the families are suing". The world has me so jaded right now. Although the Cerak family does seem to have an attorney for a spokesman, who was unavailable for comment.
  16. Good for Damon. All that fat bastard (moore) did was complain that people were profitting off the war, when he himself profitted off it more than anyone. He stole clips, stole music, didn't get clearances and didn't get permissions to use what he did, he should pay.
  17. QUOTE(knightni @ May 30, 2006 -> 07:52 AM) Conspiracy Whacko Iggy D's 9/11 thread inspired this quote by Evil Monkey Thanks, Knightni! I think I got a nomination my first month on this board, and been dry ever since. Woo hoo!
  18. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 30, 2006 -> 12:37 PM) It would seem pretty easy for every reporter to have a bio available on the internet with all his activities, his voting records, any clubs and societies he has joined, etc. Then we can dismiss those whose opinions we don't agree with and just listen to those people who are like us. Why should I listen to some anti-gun nut or someone who believes in the death penalty when they write stories about those subjects? Having a belief is one thing. Being an active participant in trying to change a law or policy to one side or the other is different. Gun owners don't always agree with the NRA, just as non-gun owners don't always agree with the Brady group. But put the director of the NRA reporting on gun control laws, of course it will be slanted towards his views, just as this guys are slanted against. it is not all or nothing, Tex.
  19. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 30, 2006 -> 01:21 PM) No parent wants their child to grow up to pick oranges, mow lawns, or process chickens. Why tell Americans that after 12 years of a US education, you should be picking fruit? Have you abandoned the American education system? Are you telling parents to abondon the thought of a better life for their kids? Should we hear a parent say I know I am an accountant son, but you will just have to pick fruit? Is that what America will become? What about the American dream of a better life for our children? Why replace a willing workforce with one that has to be enticed? TEx, you seem to be forgetting the sizeable American population that didn't finish high school and has no marketable skills other than hard labor. At least according to Newsweek, dropouts are an epedemic, growing each year. No matter how much the parents of those kids wants their children to be doctors or accountants, it isn't gonna happen. Why should they not at least be happy that their kids are working, and not being a burden on society? America will be a better place when the people who have no skills stop being too 'proud' or 'spoiled' to pick fruit, wash dishes or process chickens.
  20. QUOTE(IggyD @ May 30, 2006 -> 03:14 AM) Bush III? Or has the dynasty run its course? Will there be a third President Bush? Not next term, Jeb Bush says. Those are the questions some Republicans are asking themselves as political talk bubbles up yet again about President Bush's brother Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida and his interest in the White House. The chief driver of the mini-buzz is the current occupant of the White House, who has said twice this month that his younger brother would make "a great president." Full story here So do you also have a problem with 'dynasties' like Clinton v2.0? Or is it just with Bushies?
  21. If I claim media bias, I will probably get the usual "oh, they are not biased", or "it goes both ways". So, not quite sure what this would be called. A while ago, ABC has hired Jake Tapper to report on all 'gun issues'. What ABC fails to mention in his bio is that he is a former employee of Handgun Control, Inc., or what is today known as the Brady Campaign. They mention a whole bunch of things he has done, but you think that the one past employment would make it in the bio? Nothing like having a slanted 'journalist' report on an issue that he is extensivly on record of being one sided on. This would be like hiring the Pope to report on abortion rights stories, or Ron Santo to do White Sox post game. Tapper's bio http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/story?id=127673
  22. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ May 29, 2006 -> 05:33 PM) Is there currently a law that punishes people by showing up to work drunk (as long as you're of legal drinking age?) I'm not supporting that people whould go to work high or drunk, but that an internal affair that should be handled by employer, not the government. You are right, that is usually handled by the employer. But in granting it 'legal status', it also need to have an illegal status, such as the 'while impared' laws. That gives employers the ability to let someone go who is impared and have leverage on their side should the employee decide to fight it for some reason.
  23. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 28, 2006 -> 05:33 PM) The country needs money to run the government, income tax is the best method. Take the tin foil off your head. Sorry to intrude, but when the rarity that I agree with Tex happens, I must share. Income tax is the best method to run the country. if you want to argue about the AMOUNT of tax, or what other items/actions are taxed, that's fine, but the general idea of taxation is a neccesity. Gotta pay for the troops, police, roads, fire department etc. somehow. Take the hat off, iggy.
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