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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. I wouldn't have aproblem with it as long as the rules that would be put in place are followed hashly. Underage and caught withpot? Busted, big time. Not the 'free pass' that 16 year old smokers get nowadays. Driving while high/ Busted. Show up to work high? You bet your ass you should be fired. I have never smoked pot, and don't care if you do, as long as it doesn't effect my safety, or that of anyone other than yourself. Maybe White Castle should hire a lobbyist to fight for this?
  2. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 29, 2006 -> 10:06 AM) As I've been saying for weeks and just a couple posts ago, US - highly skilled workforce, low unemployment, no desire for manual labor. Mexico - unskilled workforce, high unemployment, strong desire to improve life for themselves and their children Mexicans help themselves by finding work. They use this helping hand to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and create a better life for themselves and their children. With legal status, which comes after a careful screening and time in this country, they do not have to remain a permanent underclass. Wow, and it benefits both countries. Immigration levels are set by US employment needs. After systems are in place, illegals receive a lifetime ban, first time is a quick trip home, second time involves jail, third strike and welcome to a federal prison. Employers are heavily fined for employing undocumented workers or employing workers off the books. The world is now 24/7. Kids aren't mowing the local office complex, they aren't bussing tables at noon, and they aren't picking crops from Florida to Maine. You think the agriculture industry can supports itself on high school kids? Or some high school kids walks up to Allstate Insurance and asks if he can mow the lawn? These aren't part time jobs. Immigrants have been taking these jobs for many decades. Remember Reagan and amnesty? We are just now waking up and seeing what is going on. Nice high school memories, but they aren't accurate of the total job market. I'm for traditional American values, like any good conservative. Not the liberal new fangled, Americans can do these jobs, solution you propose So your solution is millions of high school kids start taking these jobs? I belive mine is better for America. It is not the immigrants that walk up to Allstate and ask to mow the lawn, it is the white lawn care company owner who hires the immigrants who does that. Why can't he hire high schoolers, or drop outs, or people who are on welfare? I weeded bean fields in the summers, I did lawn care one summer (ironically, the hispanics doing the grunt work didn't want me back the next year, said I didn't 'fit in'), I have bussed tables and washed dishes, too. s***ty jobs, but hey, needed the money.One of the things you always bring up is 'are we going to start paying someone $40k a year to bus tables'. Well, no. But with the decrease in social service costs, society can afford an increase in the labor rate at these types of jobs. WHile I can understand a need for some of the labor willing to do the more menial jobs, where does the lower wages paid to them stop being worth it due to the increased social services they consume?
  3. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ May 28, 2006 -> 01:10 PM) Trading Tejada for a package of Uribe, Anderson and minor leaguers would be suicide for Angelos. If he's available, its going to take a huge package to get him, including starting pitching off the major league roster. Would it really? Remember when Billy "I'm a baseball god" Beane traded 2 of the 'Big 3'? He didn't get that much for them, and if anyone was going to try and fleece someone, it would be him. It depends on whether or not Angelos would prefer to save money. One of our starters and 2 top minor leaguers could do it. O's pitching is terrible, anyone we have would be an upgrade. Plus, the 6-10 million a year he would save he can spend on other FA's next year, if he wants. Of course, he may value Tejada even more than that, in which case your scenerio would be correct. But until someone makes an offer, I guess we will not know. I would be fine with Anderson's production if it wasn't that Uribe also sucks. We can hide one poor bat for defense, harder to hide 2.
  4. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 27, 2006 -> 08:46 PM) I think it's really funny that tin-foil hat wearers like yourself are sooooooooo convinced you're right when the overwhelming weight of evidence is against you. You simply want to believe our government is evil so you will take what happened and twist it around 50 different ways until it tells the story you want it to. Then you call it "doing your homework". LOL! You make me laugh. It is YOU that is the "rockhead" and it is YOU that has a "closed mind". Life after the service must be really boring for you because you watch entirely too much X-Files for your own good. As for your bit about the Army..........Im currently serving in the Army and have been for almost 8 years now ( including a tour in Iraq ). What you say about the military is totally bogus and makes me wonder if you even served. Soldiers at all levels are taught to think and add their input to make the organization run better. To hear you say that you can't stray from a rule or procedure or there are consequenses is totally ludicrous. Fact of the matter is that nobody, I mean NOBODY fights according to doctrine. Written procedures serve as a guideline and small unit leaders like myself modify it as we see fit to accomplish our given mission. When not in a combat zone there are, of course, rules that need to be followed but they are in place for our own safety, not because "they own us". If you consider showing up on time, looking presentable, and doing the tasks you're assigned as being "owned" then you have some serious self-esteem issues and I wonder how it's possible for you to hold a job. I dont know when, or even if, you ever served in the U.S Army but the Army you are describing sounds a lot like the Soviet Army to me. It is there that soldiers are mindless automotons who blindly shut their faces and follow orders regardless of how silly they might be. I'm not sure WHAT I was expecting, but this seemed almost restrained. Iggy, say 'uncle' and stop now.
  5. Williams popint has been mine for a while now. It used to be that when players appealed, they waited until they got to New York to have a hearing, so the NY teams got the benefit of teams being shorthanded. With all the technology we have today, there is o reason suspensions, and appeals, can't be handled same or next day. If Barrett does appeal, he should be ordered to serve the suspension during the next Cubs/Sox series.
  6. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ May 26, 2006 -> 03:36 PM) Umm, there's no fence, right? In a lot of those places, there's not even a marking where the border is - wouldn't it make sense to alert the government on the other side of an unmarked border that protestors maybe accidentally crossing over with their protection in mind? No, it wouldn't. The Minutemen are on private property, where the borders are well marked, so they know where they can and can't go. It is none of the Mexican governments business where they are at. The only 'protection' they had in mind was their own. Some higher up in immigration are pissed that the minutemen are making them look bad, and are refusing to acknowlegde reports from them, and even tipping off the Mexicans, so they can avoid them altogether. That is just sad.
  7. In my haste, I forgot to congrats Milkman and Kyyle as well. Happy one-year-older!
  8. The problem with a conspiracy of this magnatude would be that waaaaaaaay too many people would have to be in on it for it to remain a secret. If SOMEONE, ANYWHERE had concrete proof that Georgie ordered this, don't you think that they would have been enticed out by now? Soros would probably hand over his fortune to whomever could bring him down. Hell, he would probably get down on his knees, too.
  9. No way that is happening.....90% of family a bunch of southern illinois 'hillbillies'.
  10. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ May 26, 2006 -> 03:54 PM) For her sake I hope your were a C-section. FlaSox, the 13 lbs was just his ego. Yo, my BABY BROTHER, happy birthday, beer on Saturday! Cards too? LMK. EvilMonkey aka your brother
  11. QUOTE(Soxfest @ May 26, 2006 -> 05:59 AM) Sen. Arlen Specter put a last minute amendment in immigration bill minutes before the final vote that says the United States MUST consult the Mexican government before we put any fences, barriers up at border. This is the most insulting thing I have ever seen, to protect U.S. border we need Mexico's blessing to protect ourselves, Senate is lost! :finger I agree with you. however, if it just says 'consult', i doesn't say that we have to listen to them or get their approval. I hope. We were already lost when it turns out that the Border patrol was warning the Mexican government where the Minutemen were patrolling.
  12. There is not enough tin foil in America to make the hat you are wearing.
  13. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 25, 2006 -> 03:04 AM) His government is still probably the least corrupt government Mexico has had in decades. That's sort of like saying Konerko is the fastest regular first baseman the Sox have had in decades.
  14. An update of sort, apparently Nifong released 'everything he has' to the defense, 1300 pages of stuff. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,196631,00.html In it, it contains information that the accuser supposedly "had sexual intercourse with at least three men around the time of the alleged attack. According to those sources, when investigators questioned her after DNA tests on the semen found inside her body did not match any of the Duke players, the accuser gave police the name of her boyfriend and two men who drove her to her dancing engagements."
  15. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ May 25, 2006 -> 12:09 AM) Actually, this Congressman has not been indicted for anything yet - but when an investigation is launched, other Congressmen from the Dem side have stepped down from committees where there may seem to be a conflict of interest in the interest of preserving the ethics of the institution. You can't tell me that you actually believe that. You are not stupid. You may be a liberal, but you are not that stupid. NONE of the politicians do what they do to 'preserve the ethics of the institution', They ALL do what they do with their own best interests in mind, the interests of their party next, and maybe then, some nagging little ethics concern. Those that would put ethics first, from both parties, could probably be counted on one hand, and wouldn't even be in that type of situation for it to matter. Those 10 words have got to be the most insane things I have ever read on this site. Ever.
  16. Considering that they are forced to do that if they intend to pursue their 'culture of corruption' campaign, not such a big suprise.
  17. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ May 24, 2006 -> 06:05 PM) I don't think they can be required (in public schools), due to Constitutional considerations, but I think an elective course on comparitive religious texts would be enlightening. Guess again. http://www.investors.com/editorial/IBDArti...&issue=20060519
  18. QUOTE(Cknolls @ May 24, 2006 -> 06:57 PM) FNC O'REILLY 2,105,000 FNC HANNITY/COLMES 1,666,000 FNC GRETA 1,494,000 FNC HUME 1,341,000 FNC SHEP SMITH 1,215,000 CNN KING 885,000 CNN DOBBS 702,000 CNN BLITZER 592,000 CNN COOPER 590,000 CNN ZAHN 527,000 CNNHN GRACE 487,000 MSNBC HARDBALL 471,000 MSNBC OLBERMANN 406,000 Maybe Olbermann should nominate himself as worst person of the world daily. O'Reilly doesn't seem to be bothered by it. And hardball's non-stop erection with the Libby case is proving a ratings coup. YEah, it is kinda pathetic that Olberman's Worst person is always a conservative or a Republican. It is never , say, terrorists, child molestors or maybe that guy who ran over the family at the zoo a few days back. You know, real bad people. His ratings are a joke, even with MoveOn.org trying to throw their weight his way. He sucked on ESPN, he really sucks now.
  19. The real problem is that people nowadays tend to get 'offended' or 'outraged' just for the sake of doing so. I went to a colege that was heavily affiliated with the methodist church. I am not Methodist. I was not offended when a Methodist preacher said a prayer at my graduation ceremony. I considered it a form of well-wishing, and decided I could use all the help I could get. The people offended at this prayer at the graduation ceremony: would you be offended if while at the same event, you sneezed and a teacher turned and said "God bless you"? I mean, coming from a teacher, in a school, OMG, state sponsorship of religion! Ginger, you say that republicans don't want democracy, they want a theocracy. I will grant you that there are probably some that do, maybe the same amount of Democrats that want communism or Socialism in some form or another. The majority just are tired of people trying to change what they have been doing and what isn't really hurting anyone. That Muslim woman that complained was not hurt by the fact that there was a prayer said. She was 'offended', just as all the others were 'offended' at her for thinking her so-called rights were more important than the rest of the class. She does not have a right to be free from offense. Ideally, I think religious groups should just draw a line somewhere, and stick to it. Give in to prayer in school, and but draw a line somewhere and just stick to it. However, I believe the thinking is along the same lines as the NRA and the Pro-Choice movements. They feel if they give in anywhere, the 'opposition' will never stop, they will just keep pecking away until they win completely. Santo=dorf, you don't want your tax dollars supporting public schools that allow prayers of any kind or faith. Does that include Muslim prayer, which many schools are trying to figure out just how to incorporate into the school day? And by not allowing prayer of any kind, aren' they violating the same 1st ammendment rights of people who want to pray during school? If a kid wants to pray during study hall, why stop him? Schools allowing prayer isn't the problem, it is when they sponsor it that I can see a problem. If the Valedictiorian always gets to speak at graduation, and the one year that person decides to give a prayer, well that wasn't school supported speech.
  20. My Frank Thomas baseball card collection has taken a nose dive value-wise since his injuries have turned him to s***, but that will not make me boo him. If I was able to be there, I would cheer at the beginning, especially if they have some sort of tribute thing, but after that, he is on the other team. No cheers from me, but no boos either. I appreciate what he has done for the Sox, he had been one of my favorite players, and is one of the cornerstones of my card collection, but that's it. Thanks Frank, its been great, I hope we kick your ass all three games.
  21. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 21, 2006 -> 10:46 PM) Well that convinces me to give the GOP a clean slate for all their crimes! Please, there are corrupt politicians and they all need one good swift kick in the ass from somebody that isn't in their little club. (i.e. Ned Lamont taking it to Joe Lieberman in CT) And Lemont isn't in a club? He is only in it because he is taking the lead from the moonbat anti-war club and the rest of the Democratic party. If they could, the party would run from Lieberman as fast as they can, but instead they will secretly just stay in the background, hoping for a Lemont win, and maybe even helping a little, under the table. Wasn't Howard Dean's brother running his campaign or something? I know he was involved somehow. I know he is in charge of the PAC that Howard vreated during his so-called Presidential bid. Lemont is just as much 'in the club' as anyone.
  22. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 21, 2006 -> 10:50 PM) If it makes anybody feel better, he'll likely be paroled when the jail runs out of room because we've got so many non-violent possession drug offenders locked up in mandatory minimum sentences clogging the jails. Sure, change the topic. Typical. This is about a dumbass given a second chance, and screwing it up. Not potheads and some politicians misguided attempt at prosecuting the 'war on drugs'. Different topic altogether, and one which you and I may actually agree on, at least a little bit.
  23. WHile I dislike this group, they have a legal memorandum put out as to what is permitted, prayer-wise, at graduation ceremonies. http://lc.org/Resources/memogradprayer.pdf LCR, they reference your case in detail. I did find one bit of info quite interesting, but it opens up a whole bunch of other discussions. According to the Supremes, "The restrictions on prayer during graduation at a public secondary school do not apply at the post-secondary level. Courts have reasoned that students in post-secondary schools are less impressionable, more mature and can better understand that prayer offered by a student or an outside clergy does not neccessarily represent the school, thus removing some of the restrictions secondary schools maintain." So, by their logic, high schoolers are NOT smart enough to make the conclusion that a student thanking god or reciting a prayer doesn't neccessarily represent the school. However, these same high schoolers ARE smart enogh to know whether or not they want an abortion and smart enough to tell that a school teaching that homosexuality is good isn't really endorsing homosexuality. I know my boys have 'selective hearing', I guess high schoolers are just 'selectively dumb'.
  24. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 21, 2006 -> 09:13 PM) Screw the asshole, he deserves it. What a Christian sentiment If you knew your IL law regarding school prayer (which it seems that you and Evil don't), the law provides for a period of silent reflection. That way they can pray to Jesus, Allah, the sun, Xenu or any other thing they feel like praying to as long as it is personal, silent and individual. These kids just wanted to fall all over themselves whining about how much they love Jesus, yet they didn't really follow that whole "love thy neighbor" thing. They're the worst kind of religious hacks. The Supreme Court has said that school led prayer is ILLEGAL (see court case I cited earlier in this thread). This is clear judicial precedent, that a prayer advocated in school and led during a school function is de facto promotion of religion. The kid was merely standing up for his rights. But it is good to see the "well the majority wants it so it has to stand". The majority of Afghanistan wanted the Taliban. Does that mean they should have it? The majority wanted women to wear burqas, get stoned etc. so therefore it must stand because thats what the majority wants. And hey, we should re-segregate the schools cuz that's what the majority wanted at that time too. First, I am aware that Illinois allows for a moment of silence. However, that too is being attacked by the ACLU, thanks to an athiest who is 'offended' at the moment of silence. When I find that link, I will post it. Second, just an FYI, it seems the unidentified student isn't so unidentified. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article....RTICLE_ID=50297 And I bet most people thought at first this was another attack on religion by an athiest.
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