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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 21, 2006 -> 05:30 PM) There are plenty opportunities to pray -- like in church or in one's home or on the streets. A prayer at a school prefers one religion over another. Not all the students in any given school are Christian and therefore the prayer (especially the Lord's Prayer) may be antithetical to their belief structure as per their religious choice. If they want the Lord's Prayer then let's get some eightfold path Buddhist prayers out there and start praying towards Mecca, et al. [/b] You seem pretty hung up on those eightfold path Buddhist Monks. Anyway, in Seattle they are trying to figure out how to get prayer into the school. ONly is isn't abny kind of Christian prayer, it is Muslim prayer. How do they merit such special inclusion that others do not? http://www.washingtonea.org/my/local/seaho.../Unity16_13.pdf The relevant article in their newsletter reads like this" Committee will propose guidelines for issue of prayer The SPS Department of Race and Equity is looking for SEA members to participate in a "Prayer in Schools Committee," the charge of which is to look at how to address this issue District wide and to provide information about our Muslim students that will help teachers and building leaders make decisions that support the needs of our diverse students and families. The next meeting is scheduled for May 30th, 3:00 - 4:30. Contact Dr. Hollins at [email protected] I guess Muslim prayer OK, the Lord's Prayer, bad.
  2. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 21, 2006 -> 04:30 PM) I really don't get how everybody wants to take God out of the church and put it everyf***ingwhere. Doesn't that do a disservice to the actual religion when you have teachers etc. who are not 'experts' in religion being forced to deal with it. There is a separation of church and state for a reason. If they want to pray the Lord's prayer, then let's get some eightfold Buddhist prayers going or my personal favorite, prayers to the Church of Spongebob Squarepants. http://www.bushflash.com/bs1.html http://www.bushflash.com/bs2.html http://www.bushflash.com/bs3.html The three part episode of Penn and Teller's 'Bulls***' totally owning creationism and 'intelligent design'. The best part was seeing how truly 'Christian' these students were. "Gabe McNeil said during a rehearsal on Thursday, other students booed the student suspected of filing the challenge when he walked across the stage. "They've been giving him crap," McNeil said." So, they're all for the f***ing grandstanding but not actually standing up for the principles that their religion actually believes. What a bunch of f***ing hack morons. And to combat the last sentence, America was not founded in any sense by the Christian religion (or so Washington wrote in the unanimously passed Treaty of Tripoli) The Founders were Deists, not Christians. Somehow if this situation was reversed, and the people wanting the prayers were the ones being ridiculed, and it was an anti-prayer group that stood up and disrupted the proceedings, I believe that you would be applauding thier actions. A prayer being said at the graduation in no way endorses one religion over another and in no way establishes a state-sponsored religion. So one person is offended. It wouldn't be the last time that pussy gets offended by something, I am sure. Did the school get up and say 'pray or no diploma'? Um, no. The first amendment of the constitution states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;…. By denying these students thier RIGHT to free exercise of thier religion, you are violating THEIR first ammendment rights as well.
  3. Since AJ got thrown out for getting sucker punched, I think we should learn from this next time we are facing a top-flight pitcher than is going well. Lets charge the mound and get them thrown out for doing nothing. I understand the Anderson thing, but throwing out AJ? He didn't even hit back, Pods knocked him out of the way to get at Barrett himself!
  4. Looks like the Air Force, too! http://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/14/us/14fue...serland&emc=rss
  5. http://www.defensetech.org/archives/001422.html
  6. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ May 19, 2006 -> 01:32 PM) Sorry, I have a hard time thinking anyone who's 12 is really doing something "in cold blood." At my previous town of residence, I saw a 12 year old kid walk up to another 12 year old kid and say "I don't like you, honkey" and then proceed to start hitting the kid even though myself and 2 other adults were within earshot. The other 2 adults were black, just like the kid who did the beating, and although they, along with myself, stopped this cold blooded attack, they competely ignored the racial comments made just before the attack. When we talked to the police, they didn't mention that little tidbit, but I did. That part, however, is a different topic. I believe that this 12 year old in cold blood, went up and started beating this other 12 year old. He knew what he was doing, and he didn't seem sorry for it, even when the police took him away with his momma crying at the top of her lungs.
  7. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ May 14, 2006 -> 09:26 PM) Of course, it might also help if we had the balls to stand up and admit what part we had in their misfortunes, because we are not free of culpubility here. But I'm afraid that is highly unlikely to happen. At this point, I'd settle for us getting our cannons focused on the right targets. And what parts of those misfortunes would be ours?
  8. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ May 15, 2006 -> 04:17 AM) Maybe I've missed some things but from what I've heard this Fitzgerald guy is as classy as they come. Supposedly he has a reputation for convictions, and for not giving up until he gets one. If he were to spend this amount of time and money on a case, and NOT get ANYONE, there goes his reputation. Doesn't matter if they were 100% innocent, and he found that out, it would just kill the 'aura' he has baout him in these matters. I am not saying he made anything up, but he very well could be stretching things a bit. And as someone else brought up, grand juries can indite for anything. or not. Didn't it take him 3 juries before he got an inditement? Guess he didn't like the results of the first two.
  9. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ May 14, 2006 -> 09:19 PM) Yeah, because perjury isn't important anymore. It's not like we recently impeached a president on perjury charges or anything.... Sad becuase when you testify in fron of a grand jury several times, your stories are bound to be slightly different, truthful or not. All it take sis one time getting tired of answering the same damn question over and over for you to give an answer that is slightly different, though cold be the same in essense. Oops! You just changed your stiry! You must be lying to us! How many times did he testify? And this is all they found? I stand by what I said, a waste of time on a political whichhunt that yielded almost nothing. This was just payback for Ken Starr.
  10. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 14, 2006 -> 04:57 PM) Ok. The NUKE_CLEVELAND immigration reform plan. -Guest worker program. That fills the need for migrant labor picking fruit or whatever it is they're needed for and if they want to become full citizens then let them stand in line like everybody else. -Border fence all along the Mexican frontier save for places where it isn't practical like over mountains. Those regions can be covered by UAV's and if anyone makes it all the way across they would be snatched up by heli-borne teams of BP agents. Have the fence guarded by Border Patrol and National Guard troops until the BP can be fully staffed and funded. -Take away all social services from illegal aliens save for emergency medical care. We can recoup funds spent on that by cutting off foregin aid to Mexico and re-directing that money to paying back the states who are forced to deal with these people. -Its also time to seriously crack down on business who hire illegals. Give business a 6 month grace period to purge their rolls of undocumented workers and replace them with new hires from the guest worker program. After that........ICE comes in and starts randomly checking records to ensure things are on the up and up. If caught in violation levy massive fines. Fines that would eliminate the incentive to exploit migrant labor. The only way to change bad business behavior is to hit them in the pocketbook. Additionally, ensure that these people are being paid at least the federal minimum wage. -Make English the official language of this country. When my ancestors came to this country they had a choice. They could either work hard and assimilate or they would fall by the wayside. It should be no different for immigrants today. I don't see any reason why this country, or any other for that matter, should bend into 5 different contorted positions to accomodate these people. Before you go on about too much stick and not enough carrot, remember that illegal aliens are just that. Illegal. They are criminals from the moment they set foot on U.S. soil and the Mexican government and U.S businesses are complicit in all of it. Im in favor of immigration but it has to be done in a controlled and orderly fashion. This business of people running across the border in the dead of the night has got to stop. Bravo!
  11. All that time andmoney and all he can find is perjury? What a collosal waste of time.
  12. Here is a AP story on the second round of testing http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12762368/ I wonder why they don't mention the last guy? Could he be a non-white non-Lacrosse player?
  13. QUOTE(Goldmember @ May 13, 2006 -> 04:00 AM) looks cool...*rimshot* That's a good one. Don't quit your day job!
  14. With as much time as some of you guys spend on here (and me too, on occasion), you should get one too! This will keep the koolaid cold for both sides! http://www.coolitsystems.com/index.php?opt...id=84&Itemid=30
  15. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 12, 2006 -> 02:59 AM) So, to all the folks who said that the D.A. had no case, that he was just doing it to get elected, that she was making the whole thing up, or whatever else people said to try to bash the people bringing the charges? Forensic evidence matching a Duke Lacross player. Including DNA. Yeah. Remember how some of us (me) were saying that we should reserve judgement until all of the evidence was back and released? Yeah. I saw the words 'might', ' possibly linking ', 'impossible to match the tissue DNA with the alleged attacker with 100 percent certainty', 'did not match the other 45 students'and 'no identifiable DNA was found because the hair lacked a root'. It also doesn't say if the supposed match was from one of the players she named, or someone else. And because a pubic hair from a 'white male' was found doesn not mean if was from ANy of the people there. If I recall, she was a working girl, and quite possibly could have been at a party before theirs. There is an awful lot of ifs and maybes, and precious little dna, especially since she insists that she 'clawed at three attackers as they raped and sodomized her'. A little early to start trying to serve crow.
  16. IS anyone worried that the phone company has these records to turn over in the first place? If you are all so worried about the eeeevil government spying on you, what's to prevent the eeevil corporations from accessing the same info that they already had, BEFORE the government asked for it? They sell our info to telemarkets for a profit, whats to prevent them from using the info for more nefarious reasons?
  17. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 9, 2006 -> 01:45 PM) So the security isn't from terrorists, it's to keep out minimum wage earners from coming to the US. If they could come here legally, wouldn't that eliminate the need for a fence? They CAN come here legally, they just choose not to go that route and wait in line.
  18. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 9, 2006 -> 12:16 AM) There are hundreds of thousands of border crossing daily, how would you control that? American workers and tourists are heading back and forth to Mexico. Mexican nationals are shopping, going to school, (Paying out of district tuition), etc. A wall is nice, but shall we destroy our tourism in the process? Is it worth destroying American communities in the process of stopping illegals? And how do we secure the sea shore? Ever hear of a gate?
  19. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 8, 2006 -> 09:29 PM) Of the overall small percentage of Americans that are out of work, how many will take a job at $6 an hour when they were making $25 as a middle manager? A realistic immigration policy, with guest workers, will do far more than a fence, wall, moat, etc. will. We have survived for hundreds of years without a fence. Thats assuming that all the unemployed americans were $25 per hour middle managers. I went from $36,000 a year office manager job (with benefits) to $8 per hour Rent-a-Center peon in the early 90's after 6 months of enemployment, because I needed to work. Not everyone would do it, but some would. A realistic immigration policy, with guest workers, AND some kind of wall (physical or electronic, or a combination) would be the best solution. Stop the flow now, and work on assimilating the ones here.
  20. QUOTE(LoFiStew @ May 7, 2006 -> 12:02 AM) Some may say that Ozzie needs to establish roles for the bullpen, but I think it's difficult to establish roles for these guys when all of them have struggled to get guys out consistently. Establishing roles is easier to do when you know you may be out there for more than one batter. The lefty-righty matchups he sometimes pulls 'by the book' come back to bite us. Since Jenks is the closer, his 'role' should have been to come in for the 9th inning. If he was tired, he should have left Thorton in there. I know it is a long season, and Oz will make moves that make even the diehard fan go 'huh?' But I have never liked the way he handles the relief pitchers.
  21. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 7, 2006 -> 04:12 AM) Here is a picture of my bodyguard Brendan. Dont let his size fool you, he knows Drunken Irish Kung Fu. Oh yeah? Well I have Mario & Luigi to watch my back!
  22. http://www.ip-tools.net/natophon.php Found this, just as I saw the royals go ahead in the 9th. India [space] Hotel Alpha Tango Echo [space] India Tango [space] Whiskey Hotel Echo November [space] Sierra Oscar X-ray [space] Papa India Tango Charlie Hotel Echo Romeo Sierra [space] Whiskey Alpha Lima Kilo [space] Papa Echo Oscar Papa Lima Echo . :banghead
  23. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 5, 2006 -> 11:58 AM) If a business wishes to gain market share by speaking Spanish, Italian, Polish, or whatever, isn't that free enterprises and competition? With all the Mexican tourists down here, a store would die in a week if they didn't speak Spanish. Most of the government accomodations have come as a result of our government offering better and better service to anyone in this country. It attracts tourism for one, knowing you can have a nice vacation in America and get through our regulations. So if our government can be *more* efficient by offering a form in another language, instead of having a clerk explain something for the 20th time, or having everyone walking in have a person to assist them, isn't that better? Why can't we offer the finest in customer service from the greatest country on the planet? I have no problem with businesses deciding that bilinguilism is a good thing for them. That is market-driven, especially in border areas. But why, when I go to a cash station machine, does it ask me if I want this in spanish or english? That shouldn't even be a question. if you are here long enough to have a bank account to withdraw cash from, you should have learned enough english to conduct a withdrawall. When I go to get a drivers license, spanish should not be an option. The road signs are english (for now!), and again, you should know enough english to get by in these places. Kids should know english BEFORE they get into the public education system.
  24. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 3, 2006 -> 04:20 AM) Can you actually offer up any evidence that more than 0.000001% of those who walked out were actually illegal and not just joining the rally to offer support? Just look at the dollars per person. $17,000 per pupil. There has to be at leastone kid there who is illegal, and I would bet bottom dollar his parent(s) don't make enough to pay $17,000 in taxes to cover just that. Then you get the free lunch, some districts have free breakfast, school fees waived, etc, it adds up.
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