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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ May 3, 2006 -> 04:14 AM) You mean you don't get any Asian channels??? Maybe give the bunny ears a try. That must suck. I have no idea what they're saying, but their samurai soap operas look kinda cool, and their game shows are crazy. You have that NOW, but you didn't have it then. At worst, you had a local chinese newspaper or something.
  2. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ May 3, 2006 -> 04:05 AM) Not all Latinos are illegal immigrants. Not all Hispanic children are children of illegal immigrants. Everyone born in the United States is a citizen. I'm eager to see that from a credible, reliable source. Can you read? Did I say anywhere in my post that they were? I said if half if the 25% that missed school were illegal, the cost would be over $1.5 billion. 535,500 of the students are hispanic. 25% of those missed school that day, meaning about 134,000. If half of those, 67,000, are illegal, that is a hell of alot of money that could be used to educate Americans.
  3. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 3, 2006 -> 03:37 AM) Greek Town, China Town, Little Italy I'm not so certain immigrants in the past were much different. But they WERE different. The Greeks didn't demand drivers tests and governmebt services in Greek. Itialian immigrants urged, in some cases demanded, thier kids be Americans, learn English and to take advantage of why they were there. You didn;t have a Chinese version of Telemundo. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your cultural heritage, but if you want to be part of the American dream, and be an American citizen, how about fitting in a little bit?
  4. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 2, 2006 -> 06:25 PM) And someone please total up the damages that illegals have caused. How about damage to our educational system? In LA, the enrollment is 714,000 students, of which 72% are Latino. The school budget is $13.4 billion, which is about $17,000 per student. According to AP, 25% of the students didn't show up for school MOnday. If the full 25% were illegals, that would be damages to the tune of over $3 billion dollars that taxpayers are spending to educate illegal aliens. If half of that 25% is illegal, it's still over $1.5 billion. With their low p[aying jobs picking fruit, I doubt they are paying $17,000 per year in taxes to cover that expense. And then there are the hospitals going broke treating citizens of Mexico here illegally. The damages economically could vastly outweigh any benefit they provide.
  5. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 2, 2006 -> 01:26 PM) No matter your position on immigration and immigrants, our country could do well by embracing once again, the spirit of the immigrant. The burning desire to improve our lot, which will make America better for all of us. I believe we advance further and faster by raising the bottom not moving the top higher. Tex, I believe this to be true, ONLY if the immigrants coming to our country truely want to be a prt of this country. There are too many hyphens around nowadays and not enough 'American'. Immigrants in the past were happy and thankful to be here, and usually did thier best to become an American, not to be a Mexican living in America.
  6. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 1, 2006 -> 01:42 PM) Anything to help those unemployment numbers. I haven't seen anyone making the argument illegals are accountants, Doctors, lawyers, etc. It usually is manual labor jobs, so I will accept that on face value. tex, I have a customer that is in the construction industry, can't get too muych more specific, that has about 70% of its labor force hispanic. According to my office contact, about half of those are probably illegal. She says they present papers and id, but some of them she can tell are fake (she has been doing this for a while). The lowest paid laborer in this company makes over $16/hour, with benefits. They do not all pick fruit. Sometimes in your arguements you seem to assume an all or nothing pose. Not all illegals pick fruit, nor do they all have $16/hour jobs. By the way, the company is basically shut down today since they don't have enough workers coming in to staff any of their job sites. Way to f*** the white workers! And the black workers! And anyone other than the hispanic workers!
  7. EvilMonkey

    Weird Quirks

    I have things that border on O/C. When I exit the car, I have to be looking at my car keys before I s*** the door. Like Tex, I do the thing with the eggs. And while I have a few Macs, I don't stick my tounge out while tying my shoes. I do, however, hum when I am cooking and don't realize it until someone says something to me, can't eat food if it has been sitting out for longer than 30 minutes and am constantly moving my watch around on my wrist.
  8. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 27, 2006 -> 02:21 PM) I have to agree with Evil on this one. The key being permission. I would also hope that most employers count this as a vacation day, personal day, sick day, etc. But give them the time off, where possible, and following accepted company rules. Thanks Tex, that is exactlly what I meant. if you get permission from your company, more power to ya. If you just decide to go out for a bit, and screw the rest of the office/warehouse with your absense, I hope you get just as f***ed in the employment area.
  9. And if workers take off to 'protest' without getting permission from their employers first, I hope they all get fired, fined, reprimanded, suspended, whatever.
  10. QUOTE(Balance @ Apr 24, 2006 -> 09:52 PM) Until then, there's no incentive for us to truly change. On a personal note, not sure what else I can change. I have a 4-cylinder car which gets decent milage, but can't afford $20,000+ for a hybrid. I also can't afford to move closer to my work. If I take my $200,000 home here in Plainfield and plop it in Bloomingdale, I can expect to be paying almost $400,000. I can't carpool, there is no mass transit to get me to work, unless I want to take the train downtown, and then out to Hanover Park or Roselle, and even then I would still need a cab to get from the train station to work. Nothing like a 3.5 hour commute each way. I have a bike to ride around town, if needed, and don't just jump in the car to take a drive. I realize that you may have been referring to all the soccer moms driving Excursions to go the the Jewel, but for every one of those, there are people like me stuck in the middle. How many people that work in Elk Grove Village do you think actually live within a few mile of Elk Grove Village? The average factory or warehouse worker out there can't affort the quarter million dollar homes, they have to commute from Addison, some of the inner suburbs or even the city itself. I too would like to see more work done on alternative fuel methods, and not just ethanol and stuff. All $8 a gallon will do for me is make me more pissed at the world than I am now.
  11. Back in the days of the Commodoor 64 computer, I must have had about 300 games,of which maybe 12 were 'purchased'. If I had to purchase any of the others, I would not have had that game, so by me having them, they didn't 'lose' money. Of the ones I did purchase, all but one I had an illegal copy first, and after deciding I liked it, I bought it. I refuse to spend $16+ for a CD anymore. I go onto iTunes and buy the few new songs I want. And the more the RIAA f***s with people, the less I want to buy CD's. These guys are worse than the BSA.
  12. Apparently it couldn't save this poor little kid. http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article.../604240347/1005
  13. What's next? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england...don/4926114.stm For the bold part, just what other considerations were made? Were the toilets positioned so that Catholics don't crap while facing the Vatican? Or were they made silent so as not to bother the Scientologists? What the hell is next?
  14. There is a place called Samba which is one of those Brazillian steakhouses with all you can eat meat. And it is good stuff, too, not Denny's-type meat. About $40 a person, but worth it. I can't remember which one it is in, I want to say Ceasars, but can't remember. And I was just there last month! Man, I drank alot.
  15. If you want origomi, you pay for origomi. Hand jobs cost more. (Get your mind out of the gutter, I mean when hand work is required over machines, such as folding origomi)
  16. I remember reading last year that a major marathon in Minnesota had the rules read that anyone can enter the marathon, but that the prise money had to be awarded to the top American citizen who finished. The organizers said things along the lines of they were tired of the hige prise money they donated being sent out of the state, and country. I know that for one year the race went on like that, but not sure what ever happened since then.
  17. About damn time! My SBA loan interest rate is tied to Prime, and every time it goes up, so does my loan payment. I am paying almost $1500 more this month than I did a year ago.
  18. http://abclocal.go.com/wtvd/story?section=local&id=4091290 Just some comments about the phots that were taken during the party. Take it for what it is worth.
  19. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 17, 2006 -> 05:30 PM) they're saying 10-12 years MINIMUM. Yikes That's ok...at least his legacy is in tact Have fun at Club Joliet Georgie boy..... (Before anyone jumps...i know he won't go to Joliet.)
  20. QUOTE(EvilJester99 @ Apr 15, 2006 -> 06:40 PM) Its the continued "pussification" of America... Yes, just like Tiger Woods having to say he is sorry to spaz around the world. While the books may or may not have been good reading, filing charges against a person for recommending them is almost as pussified as you can get.
  21. QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Apr 15, 2006 -> 05:06 PM) That's scary that someone can feel "threatened" by a book - um, how about do not read it if it turns you off? What are the titles that he suggested? Sorry, thought I put the link in there. http://www.alliancedefensefund.org/news/story.aspx?cid=3724
  22. Don't laws specifying special protections for homosexuals do just that? Don't laws banning 'hate speech' do that? Why can't someone hate gay people, and say so? Yeah, they probably have other issues, but something in that line there sounds very odd to me. If I didn't have so damn much cold medicine in me, I might be able to put it into words. But to make something clear, I don't give a rats ass if gay people want to marry. Welcome to hell! Marraige hell, that is.
  23. IN a nutshell, a librarian, after seeing the book list for a freshman reading program loaded with books that he thought had a liberal bent, he suggested 4 books that had a conservative bent. He is then charged with sexual harrassment because three seriously inadaquate professors complained that the books made them feel 'unsafe'. GET A LIFE!
  24. http://news.yahoo.com/s/usnw/20060413/pl_u...y25_2006104_xml ONly the French would find a comet that they say will hit Earth, and blame Bush.
  25. I have these big cardboard tubes from my HP2500CP paper rolls that I take out back and hit the trees with. They are a llittle hefty, so you can get a good swing, and it usually takes a few huts before they breakdown. That, plus being outside for a few minutes usually helps.
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