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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. I've got Juddling slaving away for me until 3 today. Meanwhile, I think I will be leaving in about 30 more minutes.
  2. I would love to see someone like Guillen, whom Pedro has plunked several times, turn to the catcher in his first at bat and say something like "You go tell Pedro right now that if I get hit at all, I turn around and hit you up side your knees with this bat. No charging the mound, i take it out on you, before the rest of the team can come out and get between us." You think the catcher would be calling all outside stuff for him to throw the rest of the game? Hitting batters is almost a part of the game. When batters wear armor and hang their elbows over the plate, I would be aiming for that every time. but some pitchers get so arrogant, like Pedro, that is is over the top. I would almost give even money that Padro gets plunked himself in the next game with the nats, fines and suspensions be damned.
  3. Does this mean that there was DNA evidence from someone other than a member of the lacrosse team? If so, that is where the DA should be looking, not at trying to win an election by going after rich white boys.
  4. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 4, 2006 -> 03:44 PM) If I was on a job in Tiawan, I wouldn't be pledging allegiance to their flag. If you were going to school in Tiawan, they wouldn't provide special 'Tiawanese as a second language' classes for you.
  5. Maybe she just punched the cop because she was angry at getting caught being a crook! http://www.wsbtv.com/news/8442213/detail.html
  6. How do they get home loans without that? My previos house was in a once-in-a-hundred-years flood plane, and I had to get flood insurance before they would give me a loan. Youwould think the mortgage companies would demand it before shelling out the big bucks. Well, we should tell them all to follow their houses off the cliff into the ocean, or into the crevase, because we shouldn't be bailing them out either.
  7. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Apr 1, 2006 -> 05:29 AM) I also don't buy that mcdonalds would suddenly pay 15 bucks an hour if there were no immigrants... The McDonalds in Bloomingdale is paying over $8 an hour, and you still can't find a white, or black person behind the counter, except for a manager or two.
  8. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 30, 2006 -> 06:22 PM) Not many Americans willing to do that work. Maybe a reason that line is sometimes true is because the Americans who could DO that work are getting money from the government for NOT doing that work. Much better to collect welfare, unemployment, food stamps, whatever, than to work those jobs. If the illegal problem were to be severly curtailed, yes, some prices would go up. But so would the money they would have to pay laborers. Start cutting some aid for able-bodied folk who CAn work, and they may just do that. if a family of 8 illegals can make a living doing that work, while still sending money to Mexico, why can't a poor white or black family do it? maybe because that would mean giving up the cable tv and the cell phones. (sigh) I'm all for busting the ass of any employer that knowingly hires illegals. I am for building a huge ass wall and defending that wall on both our southern and northern borders. Without borders, we cease to be a nation. I am for a guest worker program of some sort, but have no specifics in mind. I am for denying birthright citizenship, and for making English the official language of the government, so that all transaction have to be done in english. And, i also believe that I am ready for the baseball season to begin already!
  9. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 31, 2006 -> 09:59 PM) Except, I would counter by saying that there are examples of places where throwing those sorts of campaigns together actually have worked while they're funded...Uganda for example was able to use international aid dollars and loan dollars (on the order of a few hundred million dollars total) to distribute condoms and launch education programs, which worked together to massively cut the number of cases of Aids in that country. Those were some damn expensive condoms! Not to run off on a tangent, but a few hundred million for education & condoms seems like a HUGE overkill, especially for a country the size of Uganda. Case of condoms per male? Class sizes of 5? Wow.
  10. Why should we have to support them at all? How about some of thier rich arab neighbors ponying up some cash for business opportunities. Maybe if the Palastinians made something other than terrorists and car bombs, they might actually have an economy, people might actually have jobs, and just may not want to go and blow themselves up anymore. Instead, they sit there feeling sorry for themselves, playing the victim role perfectly, instead of doing something constructive to help themselves. Here's an idea, grow food! Or quit having kids you can't support! Or move! Quit depending on the world to save your ass. Nice to see Canada having some balls. Way to go, neighbor to the north!
  11. One word to describe her. b****. It is bad enough that the reps don't have to follow the rules like everyone else and go thru the detectors, but her attitude speaks volumes about the arrogance of our elected members of government (of all parties). If a cop asks you to stop, stop. If you ignore them, of course they are going to stop you, even if it includes grabbing you by the arm. They should have just tasered the b**** and shut her up for a few minutes.
  12. I think we should have a guest worker program that lets us import guest worker reporters. If Mexican journalists were flooding into the United States and taking jobs as reporters and editors at half the pay being earned by American reporters and editors, maybe people in the media would understand why the argument about "taking jobs that Americans don't want" doesn't always apply. THEN, maybe we can start on politicians. All the graft, at half the price! Woo hoo!
  13. You can incorporate an an 'S' corp and then any income only gets taxed once. For startup, that may not be a bad thing, since any losses come off of personal income. After a few years, if growth is good, you can swith to a regular inc or some other type. The insurance quotes sound ok, considering what I pay. Will they have any employees? You will also have to have worker's comp, which being around construction could be high. check out the insurance companies, sometimes they also 'specialize'. Sentry Insurance targets printers (ME!), and has very detailed policies that cover me for a heck of alot of things that people not familiar with the industry may not know of. Some construction companies also may require them to be bonded. Kap is right, the state does the liscense thing. If they have a good lawyer, they should be able to answer the pros & cons of LLC vs S corp, vs whatever, and take care of the state paperwork. It's a big step.
  14. I know in Dallas where it is dry, to get into a bar, you have to 'join' the club. Sure, anyone can sponsor you, but you still have to join. So doesn't that make the bars a private place, instead of a public place? Sure, once they go outside they would be in public, but if I paid a 'membership' to drink inside, then it wouldn't exactly be public anymore.
  15. http://today.reuters.com/news/newsarticle....S-PORN-WINE.xml
  16. I put this here because Laura Bush is on the page, just in case. http://www.ironhymen.com/ "I used to suffer terribly from dirty dreams about boys. Thankfully, now my Iron Hymen Libido-Be-Gone™ thong panties keep my dreams clean – and my yucky cooter bone-dry!"
  17. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060321/od_nm/...DRpBHNlYwM3NTc-
  18. Maybe she could have bought her own chair, brought one from home, cut a bigger hole in the cushion to eliminate the noise from the air escaping when she sat down, stole a chair from another classroom, etc. How about doing something other than b****.
  19. On Lou Dobbs tonight on CNN, he referred to Feingold as a 'moderate'. Must be some powerfull stuff they are smokin' in the newsroom there.
  20. Who said the pain was unnecessary anyway? I hope they experience hell-on-earth before they leave.
  21. QUOTE(Soxpranos @ Mar 14, 2006 -> 01:43 AM) Chicago has just as many people from Poland than Poland itself... and most are illegal. They are just here to work... just a example. Do you have ANYTHING to actually back that up? I don't see Poles running across the border, and even with the crappy airport security, I don't see them sneaking by the security checkpoints.
  22. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 13, 2006 -> 03:14 PM) Can one of you ra-rah folks on this issue please tell me what is so evil about letting these refugees back to their homes? Well, first, most of their homes are not there now. Second, half the people in question were born somewhere other that Israel, so technically, they don't have a 'home' to return to either. http://www.un.org/unrwa/refugees/whois.html This definition, however, is unique to the Palastinians. Croation Serb refugees were given citizenship in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Children born of these parents were given the new citizenship of their parents, so there is no growing refugee population. The UN's own regugee difinition page makes no mention of descendents being considered refugees, and in other cases doesn't consider them as such. http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/o_c_ref.htm But in the Palastinian case, does. Maybe because if everyone who was originally misplaced is dead, or moved on, there would be no refugee problem for them to beat Israel with? PLus, these people lost their homes in a war. Why SHOULD they have a 'right of return'? Should the Mexicans have a 'right of return' to Texas? I know they are trying to anyway, but should we just hand over El Paso and Dallas?
  23. I applaud Canada for taking a stand and demanding that the resolutions be more even-handed. A big part of the refugee problem is the definition of 'refugees' over there. Many of the so-called refugees never lived in the disputed territories. The Palastinian refugee population is the only one that is expanding with time, instead of integrating themselves with another population, or just dying from old age (which over there is probably 40!)
  24. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 11:25 PM) 4. I do think there is some truth to the argument that the reason there is so much Bush flaming in here is that this administration has done so many things so poorly. Even the people on this board on the conservative side acknowledge this. But there are other contributing factors that are perhaps less well-reasoned, or just circumstantial. Some people are lazy, and want an easy target. Others just like to find something in politics to be angry about. But there is also the fact that we have SO much access to SO much information, that GWB has become by far the most naked President in history. So, yeah, we see a lot of negatives. I think we need to keep that media penetration and information availability in mind when analyzing our perspectives on this administration. This part is so true. I can only imagin what it will be like for the next President, and the one after that, whichever party they are from.
  25. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 05:14 AM) So what I'm gathering from this full quote is that Carter was asked to be a part of the group to develop a reorganization of the UNHCR. Asked by who? If by the UN, then certainly he should be there, but unless he was asked by the US, he should not be promising things for the US. This is, of course, what Carter is implying, by saying he thought they had a compromise. BUt you know as well as I do that people often hear what they want to hear, and just maybe he WAS told the US position, and it included the security council members on board, and Carter just decided to negotiate that away. We don't know what he was told.
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