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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. I love my G5. And my G4. And 2 of my 3 G3's. However, the Classic is just a paperweight now.
  2. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Feb 19, 2006 -> 07:36 PM) If the US just goes after Kofi, it ignores the glaring beam in their own eye -- that they were just as f***ing corrupt. This line from you is the biggest piece of s*** to have ever come out of your keyboard here. BULLs***! Bush and the Senate did not pocket money on oil for food deals. Some people in the US may have, but the US did not. Bush didn't just accept a half mil bribe for doing nothing. Get over the 'however' and 'but's. There are different levels of wrongness here, as you so quickly pointed out in other threads. The levels of guilt here are not even on the same planet. This is not a Bush thing, or a Republican thing, or a conservative thing. The UN has for years been a corrupt, inneffective body that has been giving a stage for pissant dictators to bash the US (and Isreal) for way too long, and been doing it on our dime. Kofi belongs in jail. He certainly belongs out of the UN. period. NO BUTS, NO HOWEVERS!
  3. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Feb 19, 2006 -> 04:45 PM) Except that the US knew a lot about it (especially the links to Turkey etc.) and did nothing about it...of course, until it became politically expedient to do something. http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/02/02/iraq.oil.smuggle/ http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4554507.stm I'm not saying that Kofi isn't a bastard -- but it is difficult for the US to play the "justifiably outraged" person on the international stage when it knew about the damn thing the whole time. Can't you just accept the fact that Kofi is a bastard and should be gone? It doesn't f***ing mater who knew what, HE IS A CORRUPT BASTARD! Kofi should be booted out now. I don't care if the whole damn world knew about it and just now decided to do something about it. So because America knew about some of it, that makes Kofi not-so-bad? Does that mean he should maybe be censured only? Your arguements usually make logical sense, but everytime some corrupt bastard shows up that conservative rail against, it's always "well, we knew about it", or "Republicans did it too", or something else to try and mitigate it to seem less serious than it is. Kofi is a s*** and kofi should be gone.
  4. Sitcoms for Mohammed! http://forums.fark.com/cgi/fark/comments.pl?IDLink=1898359 I dig Chico and the Iman! Muhammad (((:~{> Muhammad playing Little Orphan Annie (((8~{> Muhammad as a pirate (((P~{> Muhammad on a bad turban day ))):~{> Muhammad with sand in his eye (((;~{> Muhammad wearing sunglasses (((B~{> Muhammad giving the raspberry. (((:~{P> Giving Muhammad the raspberry. ;-P
  5. Kofi must be feelin' the heat and is trying to stockpile some cash away for the day he is done. http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Publ...06/781gawip.asp
  6. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Feb 14, 2006 -> 12:34 AM) Read what I said. It's wrong. You said 'wrong' and 'really wrong', implying a difference between the two. He read what you wrote correctly.
  7. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 13, 2006 -> 12:02 AM) The first photo of Bush and Abramoff in the same room has been published. This photo does not come from any of the holiday parties which the White House was claiming were the only times Bush ever came into contact with Abramoff. Hence, it comes from a meeting they claimed never happened. C'mon, I was that close to Clinton back in 1996. I was in DC for a friend's wedding, and his father was a big contributor, so the wedding party got the unofficial White House tour. While none of us got to meet him, I and the rest of theparty were at least that close while my buddy's dad went over to say hi. You think he remembers me? (If so, that would be scary!)
  8. Balta, are you saying that domestic spying is ok, as long as there is no law against it? So that would mean that slavery was ok, until there was a law against it? The point I was trying to make is asshat Carter did the very thing he criticized Bush for doing, only worse! Both Carter's and Clinton's administrations defended this very act,but now that it is Georgie-boy doing it, well, it must be the work of the devil!
  9. If someone beat me to this, sorry, http://www.mohammeddance.com/
  10. http://www.washtimes.com/national/20060210-110722-2189r.htm Bush should just grab him some day and b****-slap him back to the peanut farm.
  11. Courtesy of The Captain's Quarters blog.
  12. In the SunTimes earlier this week, there was a little blurb in the Business section about WalMart and Target. It seems that both had plans for a distribution wharehouse in the area, both were going to get tax breaks, and as part of that, they had to submit a formal plan for the payrolls of their respective facilities. It turns out that the average pay for the people in the Walmart place was going to be just under $30,000, while the average pay for the Target place was UNDER $20,000. I wonder which place would be worse for workers, and the state?
  13. While we were, um, doing it on the living room floor of a friend's apartment, someone opened the front door. Reflexivly, I jumped up. However, while I was 'busy', it seems the stereo cabinet door had come open, so when I got up, I hit it with my back, shattering the door into many pieces, including the 3 that lodged in my back. Made for interesting emergency room stories. Although it happened 20 years ago, I stillhave the scars, and still get asked by my friend when I am getting him a new stereo cabinet door.
  14. You CAN threaten to blow up the plane with a bomb if the people don't do as you say, so yes, you CAN hijack a plane with a bomb. Probably not the smartest way to do it, since you would be dead, but so would they.
  15. QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 02:55 PM) To be honest.. it is. There are instincts that people just have. You're not a parent, but would you do this..? Hell... even Courtney Love makes Francis sit in the back seat with her seatbelt on.... And they are reporting she might be pregnant again. Frightening. well...SOMEONE has to make sure the herion in the backseat doesn't tip over!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. EvilMonkey


    QUOTE(Kalapse @ Feb 6, 2006 -> 05:06 AM) Did you know Al Gore himself appeared on Futurama twice? No, that was just his head.
  17. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 6, 2006 -> 05:02 AM) How do you like my new avatar? Most excellent. I guess your head will roll next?
  18. I guess it wasn't THAT clear or he woldn't have been pulled aside and questioned to begin with. If they have to err, they need to do it on the side of caution. They didn't take him in the back and waterboard him, they questioned him because they thought there may be a threat. Then they apologized. I disagree that his 'rights were infringed upon'. What right did they infirnge? I agree that they should have beenable to clear him faster, especially since he supposedly has security clearance already, but come on.
  19. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Feb 5, 2006 -> 08:45 PM) That's a photoshop creation. Here's the original sign, with link: RUETERS Yeah, I knew that, which is why I didn't say anythign other than to post it. But like Nuke said, not much difference between the two.
  20. EvilMonkey


    I sentence you to death. By Snu-Snu!
  21. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 4, 2006 -> 09:18 PM) And you did add such a disclaimer, and the point was clear that you were not denigrating the entire faith. NUKE made no such distinction with his "So much for the religion of peace" bit in the title, which is the point being driven home by the bulk of opposing posts. When you have entire governments acting like spoiled little brats that need their asses spanked over a CARTOON, it is sometimes hard not to use a wide brush. He could have used a spray gun! mmmmmmbeer, you hit it on the head. The f***heads rioting are stuck on stupid, hijacking whatever good will mainstream Muslims may have ever had. When Pat speaks his idiocy, others here denounce him as the jerkoff he is and distance themselves as fast as they can. Mainstream Musilms try to do that when you get death threats inssued over a drawing, they find themselves blown up.
  22. Who woulda thunk it about Marty and the Doc! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfODSPIYwpQ
  23. Seriously, who, over the age of 18, doesn't already have SOME form of ID? You have to have it for almost anything you do, so why is it so hard to produce SOMETHING to prove who you are?
  24. I have no problem whatsoever with them writing a letter to the paper voicing thier displeasure with the cartoon. It's not like they demanded someone's resignation over it, or took over a Wapo office in protest. This has nothing to do with 'intruding on the press by the military',
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