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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 02:45 PM) Now you are in a tricky situation. One has to agree that being a homosexual would threaten their job and livelihood. Don't we have laws against discrimination? I'm guessing, there isn't a known Senator in the receiving end of that threat, but maybe a bid to potentially guess right, or to attract attention to his blog. Under any circumstances it is wrong in so many ways. There was ONE Republican senator who voted against alito. Chaffe, I think. Hmmmmm.
  2. http://www.blogactive.com/2006/01/mister-senator.html Couldn't this guy be proscecuted for extortion? Just a thought.
  3. For their study, Nosek, Banaji and social psychologist Erik Thompson culled self-acknowledged views about blacks from nearly 130,000 whites, who volunteered online to participate in a widely used test of racial bias that measures the speed of people's associations between black or white faces and positive or negative words OK, notice the words in bold? That alone thows this study in the great s***hole of wasted time and money. Also, who funded this study? It isn't published yet, so what was the methodology used? And is it worth noting that the guys all donated to Democratic candidates? http://www.fecinfo.com/
  4. QUOTE(G&T @ Jan 28, 2006 -> 07:58 PM) It's much worse when there is no fire but faulty wiring causes false fire alarms during the school year in a res hall. At Marquette, I had 30+ fire alarms during my sophomore year. Some were real, most weren't. All of which come between the hours of 1 and 3 am. It was a record at the time but I believe it has been broken since. I had that happen my senior year. For about 2 weeks straight, the alarm went off every damn night, always after midnight. Got to the point we tried to sleep thru it. Finally got fixed, but man it was rough.
  5. I wish those were high resolution pics so I could print them out. I have a Canon IR3200 that prints out nice color copies, would paste them all over my office!
  6. I know I have seen many of these typers on here, butnot sure if I have seen this one. If it is a dupe, sorry! http://www.tomorrowland.us/sportscar/ Not sureif this works, but I am a vette! I'm a Chevrolet Corvette! You're a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You're all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do. Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.
  7. http://www.zombietime.com/walk_for_life/ Some interesting pictures, and commentary.
  8. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 25, 2006 -> 04:52 PM) If, and only if, they want want a high quality job done by skilled craftsmen. Otherwise, not so important. Did you mean for that to be green, or are you saying that only union craftsmen are skilled? I hope you meant green.
  9. QUOTE(mreye @ Jan 25, 2006 -> 06:55 PM) What kind of courage does it take, for mercy's sake? The majority of the American people (55 percent) think the war in Iraq is a mistake and that we should get out. The majority (65 percent) of the American people want single-payer health care and are willing to pay more taxes to get it. The majority (86 percent) of the American people favor raising the minimum wage. The majority of the American people (60 percent) favor repealing Bush's tax cuts, or at least those that go only to the rich. The majority (66 percent) wants to reduce the deficit not by cutting domestic spending, but by reducing Pentagon spending or raising taxes. The majority (77 percent) thinks we should do "whatever it takes" to protect the environment. The majority (87 percent) thinks big oil companies are gouging consumers and would support a windfall profits tax. That is the center, you fools. WHO ARE YOU AFRAID OF? Damn, I am 1-7. Guess I am very much the minority, according to her stats.
  10. I generally have problems with most 'performance art'. Why is someone walking backwards in a circle for 8 hours considered art? There was a guy whose performance art consisted of keying cars in the parking lot, and he had some 5 paragraph explination on how this was artistic. That's not art, that's just stupid. In the end, though, I think most people in general don't mind art, and to some point don't mind funding it, but when things like the Piss Christ pop up, it just turns most people to the other side.
  11. So if the union guys are too busy to picket, wouldn't they also be too busy to take on new jobs? Should people needing work done be forced to wait until the union guys finished other projects BEFORE they could start their own? :banghead
  12. Religion is only bad when weak-willed people use is to supplant thier own judgement and common sense. if you can't make a decision without consulting the Bible or Koran or whatever, there is somethign wrong with you. Having faith is good, but it can be taken too far. I too hate it when people thank God for whatever they had accomplished. If he truly helped you, that means he really hates the other guy since he made them lose.
  13. That is way too much for 'admin'. But the whole thing is a useless argument until a better way to fund schools can be made. As long as property taxes are the basis, there will always be disparity among schools. Also, can Media Matters be considered an unbiased source themselves? Their own homepage has links for things such as 'Why is CNN hiring conservative misinformer Bill Bennett?' and 'Support our fight against conservative misinformation'. Nah, they wouldn't make up stuff, or cherry pick either, would they?
  14. Not to totally demean our proud, union autoworkers, but since when is it worth $28/hour plus health benefits to push a button, or put in a car seat? I worked briefly at the Ford stamping plant in Ford Heights, and there is not much brain power needed. Yes, the high pay earned by our middle class is what helped to fuel our country's great growth, but when people in China and Korea do the same thing for $2, it is time to at least rethink the current strategy. Should they be making $21,000 per year? No. But should they be pushing $100+k? Maybe not.
  15. QUOTE(soxhawks @ Jan 23, 2006 -> 12:11 AM) no one is at fault, THEY WERE JUST ARGUING, if it was two normal fans i don't think axlerod would be suing. just because a player ran into the stands doesn't give him any grounds to sue on. Correct me if i'm wrong here but i didn't see davis punch axlerod or anything, so he can get his publicity but he will not see a dime. He also said he got calls immediately afterwards from people wanting to know how he could hit a woman and do those mean things. Since he didn't do those things, that is a pretty bad thing to be following you around, especially since this got national coverage. All it takes is one crazed Knicks fan to find out where this guy lives and that's it. He can say whatever he wants, she always had the option to take her and her kid away from the situation. She could have also summoned security. I have done it at Sox games before, it works. By taking matters into her own hands, she cost her hubby major dollars, and brought all her past actions into the light of todays media. When this is done, I think she will end up looking like the b**** from hell.
  16. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 21, 2006 -> 03:53 PM) There's no problem with thinking for yourself, but to seriously consider leaving the Senate for a cabinet position that would only increase the Republican majority in the Senate because CT's governor is a Republican. When you have to worry about a Democrat increasing the Republican majority in the Senate, he's no longer just "thinking for himself," he's selling out the party. So I guess Jeffords was a sellout also, eh?
  17. If I heard the news right, it wasn't that the earnings were 'bad', just that 'Wall Street Analysts' expected more. So, because they were bad guessers, they panic and sell? I also love it when the news says 'profits drop 40%', without making it clear that they STILL MADE PROFITS.
  18. EvilMonkey

    Ouch... !

    Ow! Brought back painfull memories from 1983 and 1987!
  19. And how is this different from GWB's statements and actions? You mess with us, we will f*** you up!
  20. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 18, 2006 -> 10:36 PM) I see this whole thing as one of those "values" things and how we see the world. I see a corporation that is the largest private employer in the country. They use predatory pricing tactics that (intentionally or not) have devastating effects on small town local businesses. They offer low prices by having low labor costs. This includes health care costs. As a result, a lot of the people that work for Wal-Mart have a difficult time affording the cost of Wal-Mart's health insurance plan - if they even qualify for health care coverage to begin with. Those that do often can't afford the treatment even with the coverage. Many of these workers then have to rely on the state to cover the medical bills. Why should every taxpayer have to help shoulder the healthcare cost of the Wal-Mart worker when the average Costco or Target employee doesn't leave a burden like the average Wal-Mart worker does? Our government does a lot of favors for businesses and corporations - why when they ask for help in return, it's suddenly an affront to our values? Last I heard, Target was not union either, and while they don't have the scandals that Walmart does, they also don't pay a 'living wage'. And to take your question one step further, why should Walmart help to shoulder the burden of healthcare? Seriously, how many companies do in todays world? I don't offer it for my employees, I couldn't afford to do it. The one plan I did offer was a catastrophic plan for my salesguy, and even that one cost me almost $200 per month.
  21. It seems Teddyboy is in an exclusive men-only club himself. http://news.bostonherald.com/localPolitics...rticleid=121646 Hmmm. Not a member, but pays about $100. I guess he just forgot.
  22. If Walmart would just close up shop in Maryland altogether and leave the state, I think that would stop this witchhunt. Lets see MD deal with all the unemployment they will have to cover once the thousands of people are unemployed. PLus healthcare. And Maryland is such a small state that most people could get to a store in a neighboring state if they really needed to.
  23. I notice he cited Pat as his example of a Republican that has hijacked the party. How much farter from the truth can thatbe, when every Republican in the states has been running from him for some time now, disavowed him at every misstep of his, and wants nothing to do with him? He can believe it all he wants, but it is wrong. Does he think that this applies only to Republicans? If so, he is f***ing nuts.
  24. QUOTE(DePloderer @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 09:03 PM) What the F@@K! What is this about the English and bad teeth? I'll say it just once, we do not have any worse teeth in England than any other country, we have a great national health service over here and my teeth are checked every 6 months. My American wife has had here VERY crooked teeth straightened FREE OF CHARGE ( while pregnant ), her parents couldn't afford to have it done when she was a kid in Virginia. Please enough of the steriotiping.........and yes I suppose you did touch a nerve here. Nice to see that 'ole Bristish sense of humor still running strong, eh?
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